20th August 2016, 05:20 PM
just got exposed to the entire nation. Politicus (
Home ( Politics ( Clinton’s $100 Million Voter Registration SECRET Just Got EXPOSED to The Entire...
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Clinton’s $100 Million Voter Registration SECRET Just Got EXPOSED to The Entire Nation!
By A. T. ( -
August 20, 20160 (
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( Registration+SECRET+Just+Got+EXPOSED+to+The+Entire +Nation%21&
Hillary cannot seem to hide her secret agenda when it comes to the American citizens and justice. She has been receiving a lot of blame regarding her hacked documents which released for the public from the DNC’s servers. The man who did this, is a hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0.” He also asserts the public that he was the one who provided WikiLeaks with the information.
VIA Proud Cons (
The release of the documents by the hacker include so much information that it’s difficult to sift through, but a new revelation has just been discovered concerning a $100 million voter registration operation.
Here is the report of this secret…
From Free Beacon (
A Swiss billionaire and seven-figure Clinton Foundation donor is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit voter registration and turnout operation and appears to have shared information about the project with the Democratic Party, a leaked document reveals.
Hansjörg Wyss is accelerating a $100 million registration and get-out-the-vote plan in order to more quickly impact elections and the U.S. policy landscape, according to a document detailing the proposed work by his charitable group, the Wyss Foundation.
The document ( details the scope of Democratic efforts to boost grassroots organizing, and sheds light on how some of the left’s deepest pockets are facilitating those efforts through nonprofit vehicles generally restricted to charitable activity.[…]
According to the memo, the Wyss Foundation initially planned to spend $100 million over the next five years on voter registration, outreach, organizing, and legal and policy advocacy on voting laws. But that won’t be enough, the group said.
The document, titled “Wyss Foundation Democracy Strategy Discussion Memo,” was saved in a Microsoft Word file suggesting it was created in March 2015.
“We believe these efforts will alter the electorate, but they will not do it in time to fully achieve the Wyss policy agenda within the next ten years,” the memo stated.
To speed the effort, “we are proposing … to accelerate a portion of that (approximately $75 million) into an immediate five year window, and spend it on a registration and engagement surge.”
The bulk of that increased spending, or $50 million, would go toward the registration surge. “Given the high cost, this would have to be done in partnership with other funders,” the memo notes.
Another $25 million would go toward “integrated engagement and organizing” and “non-voter research and outreach.”
“If we don’t invest heavily in the Democracy strategies now, there is a risk that our ability to drive our issue agenda will be severely curtailed,” the memo warned. “These investments lay the groundwork for robust, transformative issue campaigns.”
Now, here is the secret part where the legality of the financing comes into play…
The Wyss Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, meaning it cannot finance explicitly political projects. But the group sees opportunities to shift the electorate in ways that advance its policy agenda under a nonpartisan banner.
The foundation did not respond to questions about its funding plan and why its strategy memo ended up in the hands of the Democratic National Committee. It was one of a number of internal documents released by a hacker who claims to have breached the DNC computer network.
Wyss, a Swiss citizen, has donated ( to numerous federal and state political campaigns despite legal bans on political contributions by foreign nationals. While the law provides exceptions for lawful permanent residents, Wyss revealed in 2014 that he does not have a U.S. green card.
Clinton and their donors cannot do a good job of hiding the secret of just how corrupted they are, and keep on putting the masks that they are working within the laws.
What do you think about this? Share this on Facebook or Twitter along with your comments. Politicus (
Home ( Politics ( Clinton’s $100 Million Voter Registration SECRET Just Got EXPOSED to The Entire...
Politics (
Clinton’s $100 Million Voter Registration SECRET Just Got EXPOSED to The Entire Nation!
By A. T. ( -
August 20, 20160 (
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( Registration+SECRET+Just+Got+EXPOSED+to+The+Entire +Nation%21&
Hillary cannot seem to hide her secret agenda when it comes to the American citizens and justice. She has been receiving a lot of blame regarding her hacked documents which released for the public from the DNC’s servers. The man who did this, is a hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0.” He also asserts the public that he was the one who provided WikiLeaks with the information.
VIA Proud Cons (
The release of the documents by the hacker include so much information that it’s difficult to sift through, but a new revelation has just been discovered concerning a $100 million voter registration operation.
Here is the report of this secret…
From Free Beacon (
A Swiss billionaire and seven-figure Clinton Foundation donor is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit voter registration and turnout operation and appears to have shared information about the project with the Democratic Party, a leaked document reveals.
Hansjörg Wyss is accelerating a $100 million registration and get-out-the-vote plan in order to more quickly impact elections and the U.S. policy landscape, according to a document detailing the proposed work by his charitable group, the Wyss Foundation.
The document ( details the scope of Democratic efforts to boost grassroots organizing, and sheds light on how some of the left’s deepest pockets are facilitating those efforts through nonprofit vehicles generally restricted to charitable activity.[…]
According to the memo, the Wyss Foundation initially planned to spend $100 million over the next five years on voter registration, outreach, organizing, and legal and policy advocacy on voting laws. But that won’t be enough, the group said.
The document, titled “Wyss Foundation Democracy Strategy Discussion Memo,” was saved in a Microsoft Word file suggesting it was created in March 2015.
“We believe these efforts will alter the electorate, but they will not do it in time to fully achieve the Wyss policy agenda within the next ten years,” the memo stated.
To speed the effort, “we are proposing … to accelerate a portion of that (approximately $75 million) into an immediate five year window, and spend it on a registration and engagement surge.”
The bulk of that increased spending, or $50 million, would go toward the registration surge. “Given the high cost, this would have to be done in partnership with other funders,” the memo notes.
Another $25 million would go toward “integrated engagement and organizing” and “non-voter research and outreach.”
“If we don’t invest heavily in the Democracy strategies now, there is a risk that our ability to drive our issue agenda will be severely curtailed,” the memo warned. “These investments lay the groundwork for robust, transformative issue campaigns.”
Now, here is the secret part where the legality of the financing comes into play…
The Wyss Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, meaning it cannot finance explicitly political projects. But the group sees opportunities to shift the electorate in ways that advance its policy agenda under a nonpartisan banner.
The foundation did not respond to questions about its funding plan and why its strategy memo ended up in the hands of the Democratic National Committee. It was one of a number of internal documents released by a hacker who claims to have breached the DNC computer network.
Wyss, a Swiss citizen, has donated ( to numerous federal and state political campaigns despite legal bans on political contributions by foreign nationals. While the law provides exceptions for lawful permanent residents, Wyss revealed in 2014 that he does not have a U.S. green card.
Clinton and their donors cannot do a good job of hiding the secret of just how corrupted they are, and keep on putting the masks that they are working within the laws.
What do you think about this? Share this on Facebook or Twitter along with your comments.