View Full Version : The morality of European survival

21st August 2016, 10:59 PM
The morality of European survival

2nd October 2016, 06:24 AM

Suicide Squad begging to be killed by Muslims...lol.

30th October 2016, 06:57 PM

This is probably why Europeans have no natural social self-defense system against the kebab invaders.

31st October 2016, 02:10 AM
This is probably why Europeans have no natural social self-defense system against the kebab invaders.

Or not.

Christianity was the moral foundation of all of Europe for centuries - over a millennia in most places - during the fight against the Mooslims. Christian Kings Charles Martel and Jan III Sobieski saved Europe under the Cross. The Popes and Christians at large knew the reality of, and dealt with Jews, in the name of Christ.

Obviously, real Christianity itself is not the problem. The same verses you try to pervert were known and embraced then, too.

The problem is those who undermine(d) and pervert(ed) Christianity, sapping our moral strength to know God's will for our kind. That includes those within our race. That includes those whose personal vendetta against God and the Bible cloud their judgement.

31st October 2016, 02:25 AM

This is probably why Europeans have no natural social self-defense system against the kebab invaders.

Yes probably, but as was pointed out by Crimethink, this has nothing to do with true Christianity, the countries in north Europe that are accepting most Muslim refugees are best characterized as post-Christian societies. Completely hijacked by JWO ethics also known as Cultural Marxism.

31st October 2016, 03:37 AM
Yes probably, but as was pointed out by Crimethink, this has nothing to do with true Christianity, the countries in north Europe that are accepting most Muslim refugees are best characterized as post-Christian societies. Completely hijacked by JWO ethics also known as Cultural Marxism.

The remaining "Lutherans" in Scandinavia and Germany are "embarrassed," even "outraged" by Dr. Martin Luther's "On the Jews and their Lies."

Dr. Luther's prescriptions:

to burn down Jewish synagogues and schools and warn people against them;
to refuse to let Jews own houses among Christians;
for Jewish religious writings to be taken away;
for rabbis to be forbidden to preach;
to offer no protection to Jews on highways;
for usury to be prohibited and for all silver and gold to be removed, put aside for safekeeping and given back to Jews who truly convert; and
to give young, strong Jews flail, axe, spade, spindle, and let them earn their bread in the sweat of their noses.

31st October 2016, 01:48 PM
Pastor Mark Downey has a sermon that covers the idea of loving your enemies and what it means.

This is a quote from the last paragraph below that I'll bold and it explains who the enemies are we're to love.

The context of Mt. 5:44 is to love your personal enemies within the White race, not the eternal enemies of God.

There must be a reason why the last two verses of the Old Testament was a prophecy of Christian Identity and the tremendous impact it's going to have on the destiny of America. Elijah, as with all the other major and minor prophets, admonished and warned only one race of people exclusively. He would have been in complete accord with Isaiah conveying the Word of God to Israel, “Hearken unto Me, you that follow after righteousness, you that seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were cut, and to the quarry from which you were dug [learn from history where you came from]. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bore you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him” Isaiah 51:1-2. God is saying to us: if you want to do the right thing, discover your roots; look at this guy Abraham and hear what I said to him. Then in verse 3, He tells us why we have to look back: “And now I will comfort thee, O Sion: and I have comforted all her desert places; and I will make her desert places as a garden[Eden, KJV], and her western places [desert, KJV] as the garden of the Lord; they shall find in her gladness and exultation, thanksgiving and the voice of praise” LXX. Likewise, Ezekiel was persuaded by God to tell Israel about the abominations of their fathers and what they did wrong in the sight of the Lord (Ezek. 20:2-4).

Our race undoubtedly surpasses all other peoples of the world when it comes to planning for the future. Christian America is great because the fathers consider what is good for their posterity. To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity does not include amnesty for illegal aliens, financing the wealth of antichrist jews or forced integration at the end of a bayonet. Racism is an innate survival mechanism that has been pacified into dormancy. Karl Marx understood it perfectly when he said, “Take away the heritage of a people, and they are easily persuaded.” Today's school children probably know more about Marilyn Monroe than James Monroe. We must turn our children to the history of our race. If they're not learning it in the public schools, then they must learn it in the home. That is the prophecy that Christian Identity must and will fulfill, even it costs us our lives.

Daniel was in the Babylonian captivity, but he was not without divine motivation to be right with the Lord, so he confessed his sins and that of his fathers who had turned away from God generations ago. “In thee, O Lord, is our righteousness, and to us belongs confusion of faced [shame], and to our kings, and to our princes, and to our fathers, foreasmuch we have sinned” Daniel 9:8, LXX. He didn't blame the Babylonians; he didn't play the game of scapegoats; he said, “we have sinned,” which exclusively pertained to Israel. What a tragedy today of White Nationalists or good intentioned conservatives who think: if we just go back to the good old days and do just like our fathers did, we'll beat this New World Order. But, they don't have the spirit of Elijah. What is called “the greatest generation” was during the Great Depression (which cleverly has been reinvented under the aegis of austerity programs and corporate welfare) and then went on to fight World War II. From a Christian Identity perspective of history, when we turned over the control of our money system in 1913 to the Federal Reserve, which has always been jews in charge, our fathers gave them the power to manipulate not only the economy of America, but eventually weaponized the dollar to control a global economy. The crash of 1929 was an effect of the sins of our fathers and led to a fratricidal war against those who were fighting the same jews that impoverished America. Our fathers, the greatest buffoons of the 20th century, were working and dying for an antichrist enemy who killed Jesus Christ and continues to kill Christians to this day.

There are some poltroons in Christian Identity who say, 'one can love their own race without hating others.' Really? Is that the spirit of the last admonition of the Old Testament? Did Elijah not hate the Baal priests? There's a time to love our enemies, but the verse has been neutralized by antichrists to suggest that we love them too. The context of Mt. 5:44 is to love your personal enemies within the White race, not the eternal enemies of God. Our fathers sinned by loving the wrong people. They could have been right with Lord had they hated what God hated. “For as it is written [Malachi 1:2-3], Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” Romans 9:11. Hate is a family value that will turn the heart of the children to their fathers. God will love you for despising, for being in opposition to unrighteousness.


25th November 2016, 09:55 PM

Oh. All the churches today are not "real" Christians. Must be lonely being the only "real" Christian these days.


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html)

26th November 2016, 02:30 AM

Oh. All the churches today are not "real" Christians. Must be lonely being the only "real" Christian these days.


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html)

Surely you'll see that there is a difference between the church a thousand years ago and today. The "Christianity" is in almost every sense diametrically opposite to each other between crusader church and cuck church. Perhaps the turning point came in the middle about 500 years ago with Martin Luther, who was manipulated by Jews to divide the Church between North and South, and hence he wrote his book on the Jews and their lies. The definite death knell came with the defeat of Hitler in WWII. This opened the flood gates and we are becoming Absurdcuckistan.

I think "Christianity" is probably beyond salvation at this point.

26th November 2016, 05:53 AM
I think "Christianity" is probably beyond salvation at this point.

Addition by subtraction. More people down through the centuries have been killed 'in the name of God' than for any other reason. I'd say that speaks volumes about how religion as a whole enriches our lives!

26th November 2016, 06:05 AM

Oh. All the churches today are not "real" Christians. Must be lonely being the only "real" Christian these days.


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/23/trumps-battle-against-illegal-immigrant-sanctuary-may-end-at-church-steps.html)

The true protectors of Western Civilization and "Christianity" are Spergs like myself. Most Christians are too eager to out-cuck another.

To beat the Jew you need to out-Jew the Jew... and masturbate to anime.

https://s22.postimg.org/t8673fbsx/1460312786578.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/78zsg7uyl/)

https://s22.postimg.org/sjxckhd35/1471526374731.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/7a9q9mwsd/)

https://s22.postimg.org/k2xu9k8e9/1471533112905.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3rxqd8vwd/)

26th November 2016, 07:09 AM
Addition by subtraction. More people down through the centuries have been killed 'in the name of God' than for any other reason. I'd say that speaks volumes about how religion as a whole enriches our lives!

Division by Zionism. Underblow and finance both sides of a conflict consistently and voila centuries down the line you are the de facto ruler of the world, while being behind the murder of 100's of millions. These psychopaths are not religious either. Sure they use religion as a tool to manipulate the masses, but religion isn't the cause, it's the tool. A bit like a gun...

26th November 2016, 07:31 AM
Division by Zionism. Underblow and finance both sides of a conflict consistently and voila centuries down the line you are the de facto ruler of the world, while being behind the murder of 100's of millions. These psychopaths are not religious either. Sure they use religion as a tool to manipulate the masses, but religion isn't the cause, it's the tool. A bit like a gun...
Everyone who claims to be religious uses religion to attempt to sway others and justify their actions in some fashion....everyone!!!

26th November 2016, 09:43 AM
Everyone who claims to be religious uses religion to attempt to sway others and justify their actions in some fashion....everyone!!!

Is that somehow a reply to my post? How is it relevant to what I wrote? Do you agree or disagree to the zionist manipulation of the religious?

24th February 2017, 09:58 AM
...the countries in north Europe that are accepting most Muslim refugees are best characterized as post-Christian societies.


24th February 2017, 11:23 AM
Just an opinion, not a reply or any criticism intended to your post. Of course I agree that zionists are manipulating not only religion, but everything else that they can
Is that somehow a reply to my post? How is it relevant to what I wrote? Do you agree or disagree to the zionist manipulation of the religious?

24th February 2017, 12:31 PM
Zionist manipulation is only needed so far as a reminder, zionism (eutopia thru religion) itself or in any form is the smoke blown and pipe taken.

Melania reminds u of the illusion thru Our Father prayers.

To further the notion one religion state of Israel's bond regarded as unbreakable.

Joshua is Zionisms enabler.

26th November 2017, 09:17 PM
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/6c6c5b4dbb74cb4ffab777bc6f3235ac951dd4721934df4963 0b3f6f10846acf.jpg