View Full Version : Fox News Explains the Alt-Right

24th August 2016, 03:51 PM
They just said Kek on Fox News.

Fox just said Alt-Right people refer to Conservative Republicans as "Keks".


Silly MSM.
Cucks are the enemies destroying our nations.
Kek is our God and Pepe is his prophet.


24th August 2016, 03:55 PM

24th August 2016, 04:29 PM

That was unbelievably fair.

And, indeed, Hillary Rotten Clinton is supported by millions of low-IQ Niggers who barely graduated from high school - if that. On the other hand, people like me, while not classifying myself as "alt-right" (I'm a fellow traveler) have a genius IQ (literally) and attended grad school in a technical field. Yeah, we're all "ignorant" and "uneducated."

It's especially galling to the Bolshevists when I tell them my undergraduate major was Anthropology, and my primary career Social Work. "How can you be such a 'racist bigot'?!" Because the facts led me there. LOL

24th August 2016, 04:35 PM
New video from Fox:


24th August 2016, 04:47 PM


24th August 2016, 04:56 PM


24th August 2016, 05:16 PM
Never paid much attention, guess I am alt right. Can't wait to see hillarys attacks... Please link them here.

24th August 2016, 05:57 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXvE8xOb9w8Great video. The message about the MSM racial double standard and our overpriced near worthless college system will resonate with lot of folk, especially working people with millenial kids.

24th August 2016, 06:09 PM
The media invented the term and the 'alt-right' first will be identified and 'legitimized by all the MSM. Once the stage has been set, the alt-right movement (that they created) will be played as the new ISIS to the sheeple...enemy of the state and the people. (Does all this shit sound familiar? I remember reading in HS history books about foreign countries which were run like this)

24th August 2016, 09:33 PM
Never paid much attention, guess I am alt right. Can't wait to see hillarys attacks... Please link them here.

it's just a rehashing of a past label for white people being pissed off at nyc.dc criminals. same term was used when the kids were burned to death in waco and okc during clinton/reno regime

24th August 2016, 09:50 PM
so there's a good chance nyc.dc is again rolling out the false flag on the alt-right

the exploding media attention/demonization is strong evidence. just like they do to the muzzies and lone wolf raysis of today...and the waco/okc/militias of clinton bill era

andrew jackson defeated this play by warning the people what the nyc.dc criminals were going to do before they did it (attacks for him working on killing the bank). the neo alt-right might consider aj's tactics....so when the ff goes down they can say 'we told you so'....those evil mfckers did it. let's get 'em

24th August 2016, 10:15 PM
Like Cheka says above^

Clinton address Thursday will hammer Trump for connections to racist 'alt-right' movement

Hillary Clinton returns to the stump tomorrow as she plans to connect Donald Trump with a racist and anti-immigrant strain of the right-wing
Clinton is able to connect the dots because of Trump's hiring of Breitbart's Stephen Bannon

The Southern Poverty Law Center has suggested that Breitbart has helped mainstream the 'alt-right' movement


24th August 2016, 10:36 PM
And enter the Trump anti plan attack...


24th August 2016, 10:56 PM
The media invented the term and the 'alt-right' first will be identified and 'legitimized by all the MSM. Once the stage has been set, the alt-right movement (that they created) will be played as the new ISIS to the sheeple...enemy of the state and the people. (Does all this shit sound familiar? I remember reading in HS history books about foreign countries which were run like this)

Richard Spencer named it the Alt-Right.

Why do you think our movement doesn't have agency to do things?

Like were all ran by some shadowy Loominaughty or something. Oh please. I push the Alt-Right since I know for a fact it's a true organic movement that the powers to be still don't understand or know how to defeat. The people who rule over as are increasingly weak and stupid. They believe their own lies now and are so far gone. They want to come after us with Nigger Tranny police officers with toy water guns. They've dumbed down their people and message, and they are increasingly getting weaker and weaker to the point where an organized group can totally mindfuck them and take over.

We're trying to mainstream our sub-culture, and the Establishment is falling for our trap. They are losing controls of narratives. Yeah, they may try a False Flag, but I think we are organized enough to expose that at this point and rebrand it on them.

The entire movement has grown like wildfire lately since we've successfully used the Establishment/Media's hatred for Donald Trump as a way to mainstream our message. If we are successful, we will completely hijack their Republican party.

What amazes me is where there's a real movement to stop these assholes, older generations reject it since they just expect to be defeated and for Jesus to magically appear and save them. They actually want to be defeated and destroyed since they can feel smug and "I told you so".

Younger generations have nothing to lose since we have no future under this system. We are to be the future tax payers to support this system, and we are increasingly checking out to fight it. We will fight tooth and nail to stop this Evil, that your generations have sat idly by and watched.

24th August 2016, 11:29 PM
I push the Alt-Right since I know for a fact it's a true organic movement that the powers to be still don't understand or know how to defeat.

The organic nature of the "alt-right" will change correlated to its rise. It will become synthetic like the "Tea Party" movement did. The other article you posted pointed out how the faggot Jew* Milo is becoming the most notable/notorious face of your "movement." More of (((them))) will materialize to influence then co-opt it.

* http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/203888/donald-trumps-little-boy

What was actually most notable about Yiannopoulos’ loathsome reply was his avowal of Jewish identity, something he only mentions when the undeniable anti-Semitism of his followers becomes an issue. Though he has recently taken to claiming, when it suits him, matrilineal Jewish heritage, Yiannopoulos identifies religiously as Catholic, and he used to write a column for a Catholic newspaper in Britain. Nor did his alleged Jewishness stop him from sporting an Iron Cross medallion around his neck as a younger man.

Yiannopoulos pulls a similar trick when it comes to race. He himself cannot be a racist, nor can any movement with which he’s involved be accused of racism, because, as he put it to the New York Times, he has a “very anti-white bedroom policy.” Usually Yiannopoulos expresses his sexual predilections in more prurient fashion, with repeated mention of his desire for “black dick.”

If this is the future of the world, I'll turn the fucking key on the missiles myself.

25th August 2016, 03:36 AM
Richard Spencer named it the Alt-Right.

Why do you think our movement doesn't have agency to do things?

Like were all ran by some shadowy Loominaughty or something. Oh please. I push the Alt-Right since I know for a fact it's a true organic movement that the powers to be still don't understand or know how to defeat. The people who rule over as are increasingly weak and stupid. They believe their own lies now and are so far gone. They want to come after us with Nigger Tranny police officers with toy water guns. They've dumbed down their people and message, and they are increasingly getting weaker and weaker to the point where an organized group can totally mindfuck them and take over.

We're trying to mainstream our sub-culture, and the Establishment is falling for our trap. They are losing controls of narratives. Yeah, they may try a False Flag, but I think we are organized enough to expose that at this point and rebrand it on them.

The entire movement has grown like wildfire lately since we've successfully used the Establishment/Media's hatred for Donald Trump as a way to mainstream our message. If we are successful, we will completely hijack their Republican party.

What amazes me is where there's a real movement to stop these assholes, older generations reject it since they just expect to be defeated and for Jesus to magically appear and save them. They actually want to be defeated and destroyed since they can feel smug and "I told you so".

Younger generations have nothing to lose since we have no future under this system. We are to be the future tax payers to support this system, and we are increasingly checking out to fight it. We will fight tooth and nail to stop this Evil, that your generations have sat idly by and watched.

Perhaps I didn't articulate myself correctly (actually I didn't so allow me to retort). The MSM will bastardize any movement that goes against their handlers (the political establishment). They did not invent the alt right (as I mistakenly stated earlier). They will present it to their sheep, attempt to 'explain' what it stands for, then make it public enemy number one to the sheeple. My apologies for the earlier post and you were quire correct for calling me out on it.

25th August 2016, 03:42 AM
Perhaps I didn't articulate myself correctly (actually I didn't so allow me to retort). The MSM will bastardize any movement that goes against their handlers (the political establishment). They did not invent the alt right (as I mistakenly stated earlier). They will present it to their sheep, attempt to 'explain' what it stands for, then make it public enemy number one to the sheeple. My apologies for the earlier post and you were quire correct for calling me out on it.

I don't think they can very effectively. The Alt-Right spans virtually every country with White people. We're talking everyone from Australia to Belgium, to even White allies from Japan. You have a lot of young men at home on their computers all day with nothing else to do. Young White males feel hopeless and feel there's no future for them. Colleges and corporations only want non-Whites, and every movie and media program demonizes them as demons. No matter how hard they try they will always be blamed and hated for their color of their skin.

The way the media works today too it's hard to control narratives from top down increasingly.

What I'm getting at is they will do the things they normally do to subvert and destroy us, but not only will it not work, but it will increase our numbers. Hillary Clinton had to hire a bunch of people to attack us with an organization called Correct the Record (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?91761-Correct-the-Record), and many people within her own organization switched to our side after being exposed to our content and started leaking information to us.


It's time to come clean.

I don't know what you did to me, /pol/. But god damn. Being here as unironicly changed me. For better or worse, I'm not sure. I still like Bernie over everyone else, but I'm voting Trump.

I'm sure as all of you guys know, Correct The Record is spamming the board like nogs do for no-strings gibs. Here's more confirmation. I was one of the guys in charge of organizing this shitshow, so I can offer some hard numbers. Believe me at your own peril.

About 95% of the #mentallyhill shilling? CTR. The other 5% is assorted shitposting. I kid you not. There are SJWs, jews, and pissy Bernouts on here 24/7 trying to earn dem pennies. Funny thing? Most of them only like Hillary ironically, or not at all. It's the easy money they're after. And yes, they are paid extra for replies that distract from topics CTR doesn't like. DO NOT REPLY TO SHILLS.

The fucky polls? If what I heard from the CTR Clinton foundation contact was right, then most of the news polls are cooked if the result doesn't favor Hillary. Lodsa money is trading hands because that's all CTR / Clinton Foun can do. Throw money at problems. There's no strats, no thinking things through, no trying new things, it's just LOL BRIBE THEM.

Why is CTR trying so hard? Because places like /pol/ scare them. Most normies on facebook and twatter will take what is said to them at face value, but /pol/ throws logic and dedication to beliefs back at shilling. Shilling has always worked before, but now it's not. It's frightening to them. That fright turned to true horror when /pol/ started to leak into other places like facebook. That's why CTR got such a huge budget raise. To fight here and on other boards / websites all at once. The onboarding for more shills is still ongoing, so It's only going to get worse.

Stay strong and keep dispensing red pills, /pol/. $hillary has no real support and can't win if you keep pushing back.

Tl;dr : CTR is real and is here. Sorry for helping them.

Watch what Styx recently posted explaining what's going on. You'll understand where we are at after watching this.


25th August 2016, 05:23 AM
I don't think they can very effectively. The Alt-Right spans virtually every country with White people. We're talking everyone from Australia to Belgium, to even White allies from Japan. You have a lot of young men at home on their computers all day with nothing else to do. Young White males feel hopeless and feel there's no future for them. Colleges and corporations only want non-Whites, and every movie and media program demonizes them as demons. No matter how hard they try they will always be blamed and hated for their color of their skin.

The way the media works today too it's hard to control narratives from top down increasingly.

What I'm getting at is they will do the things they normally do to subvert and destroy us, but not only will it not work, but it will increase our numbers. Hillary Clinton had to hire a bunch of people to attack us with an organization called Correct the Record (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?91761-Correct-the-Record), and many people within her own organization switched to our side after being exposed to our content and started leaking information to us.

Watch what Styx recently posted explaining what's going on. You'll understand where we are at after watching this.


Consequences will never be the same!!!


25th August 2016, 07:24 AM
The organic nature of the "alt-right" will change correlated to its rise. It will become synthetic like the "Tea Party" movement did. The other article you posted pointed out how the faggot Jew* Milo is becoming the most notable/notorious face of your "movement." More of (((them))) will materialize to influence then co-opt it.

* http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/203888/donald-trumps-little-boy

What was actually most notable about Yiannopoulos’ loathsome reply was his avowal of Jewish identity, something he only mentions when the undeniable anti-Semitism of his followers becomes an issue. Though he has recently taken to claiming, when it suits him, matrilineal Jewish heritage, Yiannopoulos identifies religiously as Catholic, and he used to write a column for a Catholic newspaper in Britain. Nor did his alleged Jewishness stop him from sporting an Iron Cross medallion around his neck as a younger man.

Yiannopoulos pulls a similar trick when it comes to race. He himself cannot be a racist, nor can any movement with which he’s involved be accused of racism, because, as he put it to the New York Times, he has a “very anti-white bedroom policy.” Usually Yiannopoulos expresses his sexual predilections in more prurient fashion, with repeated mention of his desire for “black dick.”

If this is the future of the world, I'll turn the fucking key on the missiles myself.

Unless Shami can point to a real breathing young Hitler on the rise from his generation what CT posted above is Reality.

No such thing as a leaderless party, movement, or army.

Who is your leader Shami?

25th August 2016, 07:46 AM
What amazes me is where there's a real movement to stop these assholes, older generations reject it since they just expect to be defeated and for Jesus to magically appear and save them. They actually want to be defeated and destroyed since they can feel smug and "I told you so".

Younger generations have nothing to lose since we have no future under this system. We are to be the future tax payers to support this system, and we are increasingly checking out to fight it. We will fight tooth and nail to stop this Evil, that your generations have sat idly by and watched.


Ok Shami. Our Twin Falls High School Varsity team will attack when you give the order.


Chobani Factory in Twin Falls employs mostly Muslims fresh off the UN plane

25th August 2016, 07:56 AM
Unless Shami can point to a real breathing young Hitler on the rise from his generation what CT posted above is Reality.

No such thing as a leaderless party, movement, or army.

Who is your leader Shami?

The media is trying to portray Milo as our leader, even though he's not even Alt-Right, he just allies himself to the movement to promote himself and Jew over the movement.

There's a lot of people who are allies to the Alt-Right, but aren't really part of the movement, mainly since they are anti-racists. A lot of these people are outliers, so the core people is less-so. Most people who don't understand the Alt-Right usually point to the outliers and the allies, but never mention the real movers and shakers.

Movements don't have single leaders; who is the Tea Party's leader? There are multiple candidates. Obviously Alt-Right success would probably look like some current rightist leaders taking on the mantle once it gets successful enough. We're still an new movement so we're trying to grow our numbers first mainly. I mean most people are too terrified to even show their faces, myself included. This can and will change as our numbers continue to grow and there is social support established. Increasingly you see more and more people come out of the closet though. People are more willingly to say racist terminology and question narratives out in public. This isn't something that will change overnight, so I know you'll probably say that we can't do anything since we won't show our faces (many off us.) I view that as something that will change over time as people get more confidence as the community grows and the situation grows increasingly dire. We are moving to an area where people have nothing to lose, since it's already becoming a crime to have White skin.

I made a list of people who I believe are leaders of the movement here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?90358-Alt-Right%99-in-a-Nutshell-Cringefest&p=841654&viewfull=1#post841654).

The Alt-Right is mostly a coalition of ethno-nationalistic White people who reject egalitarianism and are right-wing, so it's a bigger tent than you'd think.

Organization speaking I believe The Right Stuff (http://therightstuff.biz/) are some of the real influential brains behind the movement. They came up with the ((())) meme, as well as got people to start saying "cuck". SeventhSon, (https://twitter.com/SeventhSonTRS) Michael Enoch, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akbPelg6Gf4) and Morrakiu (https://www.youtube.com/user/Morrakiu), would be the ones I look up to mainly. If you asked other people they might name others.

Anyways look how other people ask your question too. I gave you my response/opinion:

25th August 2016, 07:58 AM
Chobani Factory in Twin Falls employs mostly Muslims fresh off the UN plane

One of the major reason the media even covers that is because of my work and a few others in town. I fed news outlets the stories constantly with socks, and now we have Breitbart reporter doing coverage almost on a daily basis from town.

I'm only one person, I can only do so much.

We're doing everything legally right now as long as we can.

Jewboo, I'm doing the best I can do. I don't know if you've given up so much that you want to see everything destroyed as a "told you so" thing when you die or what, but I'm doing my best here. I've achieved more than 99.9% of people in my town and region. I've been careful enough to misdirect attention onto other people too so I can still be a ghost.

25th August 2016, 07:59 AM
Unless Shami can point to a real breathing young Hitler on the rise from his generation what CT posted above is Reality.

No such thing as a leaderless party, movement, or army.

Who is your leader Shami?

Donald Trump is their "leader":


“The best way to control the 'opposition' is to lead it ourselves.”

― Vladimir Lenin

25th August 2016, 08:09 AM
Donald Trump is their "leader":

No he's not.

We use him, he doesn't use us.

25th August 2016, 08:14 AM

That is how things work in Hollywood movies. There's some hero that emerges and solves everyone's problems.

That's not how the world works unless you have a ton of money.

How it works is individuals have to do their part to make changes in their communities whether that's local, or on the national level online. If enough people do this paradigms change and new leaders emerge to fill the reins. Hitler rose to power since people were ready for it. We have to make people ready for the kinds of leaders we want to lead us. This is incrementalist stuff

I haven't heard of a better solution from you and crimethink. I'm actually doing things in my town, and online. All you do is say "you're fucked". That's pretty nihilistic, even though I remember being criticized for that. I can understand crimethink's view since he thinks Jesus is coming back to kill off all of the degenerates and make everything White again or something. I don't get your angle, unless it's just the "fuck everything" mentality the George Soro's of the world have.

As much as I hate it, I'm incapable of being a nihilist. I'm just the person who wants to fix things and make them right.

25th August 2016, 08:20 AM
The media is trying to portray Milo as our leader, even though he's not even Alt-Right, he just allies himself to the movement to promote himself and Jew over the movement.

And there's your problem.

You're far from stupid, so your hope must be clouding your judgment.

Faggot Jew Milo is the face of your "movement," because (((they))) have made him as such. More like him will materialize.

You don't control the mass media, which remains the dominant force in the Psychodrome. 4chan? LOL

The Jewsmedia will set the agenda, for you. It will provide you "leaders." Her Majesty's speech tonight is actually a brilliant move, since the Jewsmedia will be shaping what the "alt-right" is in the wake of it, starting late tonight. You don't get to define it. (((They))) do. Just as (((they))) did with the Tea Party.

We're still an new movement so we're trying to grow our numbers first mainly. I mean most people are too terrified to even show their faces, myself included. This can and will change as our numbers continue to grow and there is social support established. Increasingly you see more and more people come out of the closet though. People are more willingly to say racist terminology and question narratives out in public. This isn't something that will change overnight, so I know you'll probably say that we can't do anything since we won't show our faces (many off us.) I view that as something that will change over time as people get more confidence as the community grows and the situation grows increasingly dire. We are moving to an area where people have nothing to lose, since it's already becoming a crime to have White skin.

(((They))) will do the same to you as they did with National Socialism. You've adopted (((their))) memes in the alt-right:


The alt-right will be reshaped and redefined to fit (((their))) needs. You're actually playing right into it, as well, by focusing on the negative instead of the positive. Hate > Love. The Jewsmedia has painted National Socialism as a movement of "hate," instead of the movement of love - of family, of Germany, of the Aryan race - it was.

The alt-right will increasingly attract half-civilized types that "think" savaging the Negress Leslie Jones is "combat." How many of these Xbox-controller addicts have children? 10%? Less? Without the future generation, what exactly is it you're fighting for?

25th August 2016, 08:23 AM
No he's not.

We use him, he doesn't use us.

The Jewsmedia and Her Majesty are way ahead of you. She will present him as your leader tonight, and the Jewsmedia will do the rest.

Tomorrow is a new day for the alt-right...and not a good one.

25th August 2016, 08:25 AM
I haven't heard of a better solution from you and crimethink. I'm actually doing things in my town, and online.

How many White children do you have? If none now, when?

If not the future generation, what is it you're fighting for?

25th August 2016, 08:27 AM
The Jewsmedia and Her Majesty are way ahead of you. She will present him as your leader tonight, and the Jewsmedia will do the rest.

Tomorrow is a new day for the alt-right...and not a good one.

That's hard to say. I think you still think the mainstream media controls the narrative. It's actually the online communities, and they can see through that.


Most people on the Alt-Right are fully aware they are trying to push Milo as the leader.

If you care so much, why don't you help us discredit Milo and help red-pill all the new people who will come in with this Clinton speech?


25th August 2016, 08:28 AM
Jewboo, I'm doing the best I can do. I don't know if you've given up so much that you want to see everything destroyed as a "told you so" thing when you die or what, but I'm doing my best here. I've achieved more than 99.9% of people in my town and region. I've been careful enough to misdirect attention onto other people too so I can still be a ghost.


Where's Shami guys?


midnight rambler
25th August 2016, 08:29 AM
You both make good points however Shami is doing a whole lot more than you in actively shaping/managing perception, and perception mgmt is where the rubber meets the road, CT.

25th August 2016, 08:30 AM
How many White children do you have? If none now, when?

If not the future generation, what is it you're fighting for?

None, and I don't know. I'm married to my work and activism. How many kids did Hitler have? You sure seem to like him.

Nikola Tesla had no children, but look at what he did. People who have women and children in their lives rarely achieve much since all their energy and time is dedicated to them.

I'm fighting for the right of my people to exist so we can reach the stars and have a better future. If this doesn't occur civilization will collapse, and all the nuclear power plants will probably melt down and kill everyone.

Also I believe there will be a trans-humanist future, so I may not ever need to die, and/or have designer babies with a surrogate mother in the future when I'm finally settled.

midnight rambler
25th August 2016, 08:31 AM

Where's Shami guys?


CLEARLY you have ZERO experience on the frontline book.

25th August 2016, 08:31 AM

Where's Shami guys?


Where's Soros guys?

25th August 2016, 08:32 AM
Most people on the Alt-Right are fully aware they are trying to push Milo as the leader.

If you care so much, why don't you help us discredit Milo and help red-pill all the new people who will come in with this Clinton speech?

You were promoting Milo HERE (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?89947-Milo-s-Dangerous-Faggot-Tour&p=835770&viewfull=1#post835770) and I argued against it. Apology accepted.


25th August 2016, 08:42 AM
The alt-right will increasingly attract half-civilized types that "think" savaging the Negress Leslie Jones is "combat." How many of these Xbox-controller addicts have children? 10%? Less? Without the future generation, what exactly is it you're fighting for?

First off most of us a PC Master Race. Normies play Xbox.

That's not a specific problem with the Alt-Right, but a problem with society in general. It happens to all races who settle down in Western civilization after a generation also. Unmarried rates among men from 24-34 are at 70%.

It's becoming more normalized for people to be raised by single mothers than a two person family. That's just how things are for us and our enemies.

Heterosexual marriages with children and body building are things being pushed from top down from many of the thought leaders of the Alt-Right. The problem you are describing exists, but we are actually not as bad on it than other groups. Most of the Liberal nu-males aren't haven't kids at all, and they play Xbox.

25th August 2016, 08:46 AM
You were promoting Milo HERE (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?89947-Milo-s-Dangerous-Faggot-Tour&p=835770&viewfull=1#post835770) and I argued against it. Apology accepted.


I never said he was the leader. I didn't think he was as much of a threat as he is now, so I'll admit you were right there. I do think we have used him to bring in more people though, which is why I liked him for a while, but now see him as more of a liability than an asset. I viewed him as more of an asset before. You really can never trust a Jew under any circumstance.

The thing he did on college campuses brought a lot of new people to the Alt-Right, and I saw it. I was able to red-pill some Normies just using Milo's stuff. Milo is just Alex Jones without the filter and more poopdick. A lot of people on this forum used to listen to the Filter Man too before realizing he was a Jewish shill.

You'll never red-pill people by jumping straight to Hitler anyways. We still need people who are more middle of the road, like Sargon of Akkad or Stefan Molyneux types, who are allies to the Alt-Right. They're a lot more palatable to the average people.

25th August 2016, 08:53 AM
I think you still think the mainstream media controls the narrative.

They do!

83% of American households have cable or satellite TV.

0.83% have visited 4chan.

If you care so much, why don't you help us discredit Milo and help red-pill all the new people who will come in with this Clinton speech?


If I controlled a major television network, I'd be happy to deflate the bag of hot air that is Jew faggot Milo. But I don't have one.

You just don't seem to understand the Psychodrome and the concept of controlled "opposition."

25th August 2016, 08:57 AM
You both make good points however Shami is doing a whole lot more than you in actively shaping/managing perception, and perception mgmt is where the rubber meets the road, CT.

I don't care about the Psychodrome. You can't "win" against Talmudvision networks and the Jewspapers without massive piles of cash. As I noted elsewhere, I follow the "back to the land" concept of Jost Turner, an avowed National Socialist who understood National Socialism is not about "hate" but love - of family and race. I left the cities at substantial cost to my career, and got my family out of the firing lines.

It's all coming down, and getting through it - if this isn't the Second Coming - is all that matters. Trying to "take over" (((their))) system is a failed enterprise from the start, even if one could do it.

25th August 2016, 09:01 AM
None, and I don't know. I'm married to my work and activism. How many kids did Hitler have? You sure seem to like him.

Nikola Tesla had no children, but look at what he did. People who have women and children in their lives rarely achieve much since all their energy and time is dedicated to them.

I'm fighting for the right of my people to exist so we can reach the stars and have a better future. If this doesn't occur civilization will collapse, and all the nuclear power plants will probably melt down and kill everyone.

Also I believe there will be a trans-humanist future, so I may not ever need to die, and/or have designer babies with a surrogate mother in the future when I'm finally settled.

You live in a fantasy world. Literally.

What are you fighting for? If anything of substance? The right of our people to exist? They won't exist without kids. And the vast majority of your generation don't have kids or well-raised kids.

As I've explained to you before, "transhumanism" is something (((they))) want. It's straight from the Kabbalah.


25th August 2016, 09:01 AM
I don't care about the Psychodrome. You can't "win" against Talmudvision networks and the Jewspapers without massive piles of cash. As I noted elsewhere, I follow the "back to the land" concept of Jost Turner, an avowed National Socialist who understood National Socialism is not about "hate" but love - of family and race. I left the cities at substantial cost to my career, and got my family out of the firing lines.

It's all coming down, and getting through it - if this isn't the Second Coming - is all that matters. Trying to "take over" (((their))) system is a failed enterprise from the start, even if one could do it.

The media is becoming increasingly irrelevant. We are trying to dominate the Internet. That's why you can't go to any comment section an not see Alt-Right comments always with the most thumbs up everywhere you look.

The media now is a thing where people want to interact. Increasingly people just read the headline when they click on an article, then go straight to the comment sections without reading the articles. People have a sense of community and a desire to display their ego when they comments since everyone's (thinks they are) an expert. Left-wing/Jewish rags are dying left and right.

When these news sites shut down comments, people stop going to those articles since people want the comments and to interact increasingly.

Styx explains it better:


25th August 2016, 09:04 AM
You live in a fantasy world. Literally.

What are you fighting for? If anything of substance? The right of our people to exist? They won't exist without kids. And the vast majority of your generation don't have kids or well-raised kids.

As I've explained to you before, "transhumanism" is something (((they))) want. It's straight from the Kabbalah.

We live in a fantasy virtual world as long as computers and technology keeps going. That's how things work in the world today.

I gave you my answer. That's what I believe. You come from a religious Christian perspective, and I come from an atheistic one, so we'll never have a full meeting of another on an issue like this.

25th August 2016, 09:08 AM
They do!

83% of American households have cable or satellite TV.

0.83% have visited 4chan.

Most people don't trust mainstream media. Only 6% according to this (https://www.rt.com/usa/340124-americans-trust-media-plummets/). Even dumbed down Liberals don't, but they'll go on YouTube and watch The Young Turks and think they are rebels.

Regardless, the Electronic Jew is having less and less influence as the Internet media and individual reporters/vloggers start reporting.

Things are changing, slowly, but they are changing.

midnight rambler
25th August 2016, 09:10 AM
I don't care about the Psychodrome. You can't "win" against Talmudvision networks and the Jewspapers without massive piles of cash. As I noted elsewhere, I follow the "back to the land" concept of Jost Turner, an avowed National Socialist who understood National Socialism is not about "hate" but love - of family and race. I left the cities at substantial cost to my career, and got my family out of the firing lines.

It's all coming down, and getting through it - if this isn't the Second Coming - is all that matters. Trying to "take over" (((their))) system is a failed enterprise from the start, even if one could do it.

I'm thinking you have tunnel vision, quite possibly a result of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The field is far larger than your thinking and extends FAR beyond this psychodrome thing you refer to.

25th August 2016, 09:12 AM
The media is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

83% of US households still have cable or satellite Talmudvision. EIGHT-THREE PERCENT. That's down from 87% five years ago. Only 4% loss.

Americans continue to pay for sewage to be brought into the home. Obviously, very "irrelevant" to them.

We are trying to dominate the Internet.

A fool's task.

I was naive in my youth about such things.

That's why you can't go to any comment section an not see Alt-Right comments always with the most thumbs up everywhere you look.

You're assuming thousands of the same alt-right activists translate into tens of millions of real-life alt-right supporters.

Left-wing/Jewish rags are dying left and right.

When these news sites shut down comments, people stop going to those articles since people want the comments and to interact increasingly.

I'll believe in the virility of the alt-right once the Federal regime bans "verbal violence" on the Internet.

25th August 2016, 09:15 AM
We live in a fantasy virtual world as long as computers and technology keeps going. That's how things work in the world today.

I gave you my answer. That's what I believe. You come from a religious Christian perspective, and I come from an atheistic one, so we'll never have a full meeting of another on an issue like this.

I don't live in a fantasy world. I pulled the plug on Talmudvision 13 years ago. I don't play video games and, especially, don't engage in "virtual reality." I'm still grounded by recognizing what is out "there" is real. I still rule the machine, not vice-versa.

It troubles me, it pains me, that you fail to see your "atheist perspective" is Applied Judaism without an admitted god.

25th August 2016, 09:18 AM
I'm thinking you have tunnel vision, quite possibly a result of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The field is far larger than your thinking and extends FAR beyond this psychodrome thing you refer to.

Oh noes, he learned a new term from Jewish psychology!

Here's another Jewish psychological concept:


As for the "psychodrome thing," it's the media-created mass "culture" and spectrum of "thought" that the Jewsmedia have made just for you, Goyim. It's the field of "goodthink" of 1984 brought up to date.

midnight rambler
25th August 2016, 09:19 AM
I still rule the machine, not vice-versa.

So long as you maintain that state issued phantasm, NO you don't.

25th August 2016, 09:27 AM
I didn't think he was as much of a threat as he is now, so I'll admit you were right there.

Good. What CT said in another thread about us geezers remembering our own naive youth is relevant here. We have the benefit of seeing this shit before (again) over many years...

:) we were young once too

25th August 2016, 09:32 AM
So Jewboo, and crimethink. Since what I'm doing isn't right thing to do, what is the right thing I should be doing?

25th August 2016, 09:32 AM
:) we were young once too

They kids can't comprehend that.

midnight rambler
25th August 2016, 09:34 AM
Oh noes, he learned a new term from Jewish psychology!

Here's another Jewish psychological concept:


As for the "psychodrome thing," it's the media-created mass "culture" and spectrum of "thought" that the Jewsmedia have made just for you, Goyim. It's the field of "goodthink" of 1984 brought up to date.

The biggest part of the perception field I refer to is what we have when we WITNESS ONE ON ONE. Apparently goldi gets it and you don't.

25th August 2016, 09:34 AM
So Jewboo, and crimethink. Since what I'm doing isn't right thing to do, what is the right thing I should be doing?

You are doing fine. Continue being you.

25th August 2016, 09:36 AM
You are doing fine. Continue being you.
I love my life. I gave myself purpose and a mission. I get to cook nice food and do my hobby (meshing/rigging/weight painting/texturing) for a living.

I think I'm doing a lot better than most people. A LOT better.

25th August 2016, 09:42 AM
I love my life. I gave myself purpose and a mission. I get to cook nice food and do my hobby (meshing/rigging/weight painting/texturing) for a living. I think I'm doing a lot better than most people. A LOT better.


You broadened my horizons.


25th August 2016, 09:46 AM
So Jewboo, and crimethink. Since what I'm doing isn't right thing to do, what is the right thing I should be doing?

Find a good woman and have kids. You're already in the right place geographically.

25th August 2016, 09:52 AM
The biggest part of the perception field I refer to is what we have when we WITNESS ONE ON ONE. Apparently goldi gets it and you don't.

The permissible spectrum of "thought" of the Psychodrome does not allow for reality-based concepts. They are literally "unthinkable." I "get" that and Goldissima, stuck in the New Age Sewage, does not. Considering a lot of the Gnostic-type stuff you say, you may not, either. New Age Sewage (including neo-Gnosticism) is part of that permissible spectrum of "thought" since it is Judeo-Freemasonic (and Satanic) in origin.

25th August 2016, 09:54 AM
I love my life. I gave myself purpose and a mission. I get to cook nice food and do my hobby (meshing/rigging/weight painting/texturing) for a living.

I think I'm doing a lot better than most people. A LOT better.

Yes, you are. You are somewhat enlightened and you are productive. But, like I said, it troubles me, it pains me even, that you don't see the evil that is enticing you. You can be so much more.

25th August 2016, 10:38 AM
Find a good woman and have kids. You're already in the right place geographically.

Yeah Shami, find a good church, and look for a good woman there. Most people don't realize this, but there are still lots of good looking, honest and old fashioned women out there, if you look. If you care about future generations, try to pop out some kids.

25th August 2016, 10:45 AM
Yeah Shami, find a good church, and look for a good woman there. Most people don't realize this, but there are still lots of good looking, honest and old fashioned women out there, if you look. If you care about future generations, try to pop out some kids.I must dissent in part: stay away from women. They are all latent psychopaths.They are emotional and material vampires. When you're lonely, employ the rental model, not the ownership model vis-a-vis women.

25th August 2016, 10:48 AM
I must dissent in part: stay away from women. They are all latent psychopaths.They are emotional and material vampires. When you're lonely, employ the rental model, not the ownership model vis-a-vis women.

I'd rather move this discussion into another thread since it's getting off subject.

25th August 2016, 11:31 AM

Media is a mirror. All media is a mirror image of reality. The Internet is merely a more interactive mirror.
In that context, we're all just creatures on the internet interacting with what we believe to be real.

25th August 2016, 01:21 PM
I must dissent in part: stay away from women. They are all latent psychopaths.They are emotional and material vampires. When you're lonely, employ the rental model, not the ownership model vis-a-vis women.

Perhaps your discernment and motivations are at issue, not women in general. What you want rather than what you ought.

My wife is not a "latent psychopath." Neither are any of the women in my life.

This mentality is among the problems that are destroying us.

26th August 2016, 08:32 AM
When you're lonely, employ the rental model, not the ownership model vis-a-vis women.

Sage advice from the good doctor.

26th August 2016, 08:56 AM
I'd rather move this discussion into another thread since it's getting off subject.

Mamboni has his reasons.

Elle, you treacherous dog


26th August 2016, 12:07 PM
Sage advice from the good doctor.

"Advice" that is contrary to the millennia-old culture of the Aryan race. Women as pieces of meat to be purchased is a Talmudic concept, not an Aryan concept.

The Celts & Germanics married one good woman...for life. This was before Christianity, so let no idiot claim that the Bible "caused this."