View Full Version : Soros Attempted to Influence Census Methodology for Racial Reasons

mick silver
25th August 2016, 08:48 PM
Soros Attempted to Influence Census Methodology for Racial ReasonsAndrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 24, 2016
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/soros.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/soros.png)
Here’s that Jew again!
Breitbart (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/22/leaked-doc-soros-open-society-seeks-reshape-census-electoral-districts/):

According to a hacked document, George Soros’s Open Society Foundation is funding key progressive groups with the stated goal of attempting to “influence appropriations for the (U.S.) Census Bureau” while pushing to change the methods in which racial categories are counted for the coming 2020 Census.
The 2020 Census is critical in determining the gain or loss of districts and the reapportionment of the numbers of House seats allotted to each state, otherwise known as redistricting. The Census could determine whether Democrats have a better chance at gaining control of the House next decade.
Soros’s group clearly understands the centrality of the 2020 Census and is apparently seeking to influence the outcome.
The information is revealed in a hacked December 2015 document titled, “Voting Rights Portfolio Review: Outcomes Summary” from the Open Society’s U.S. Programs branch.
The memo relates the review was initiated at the request of Open Society Foundations President Chris Stone to “examine the voting rights field and our related grantmaking.”
A section titled, “First grants to be made” identified four progressive groups to be funded to help influence the methodology of the 2020 Census: The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), the Leadership Conference, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) and Demos.

The Soros-funded Demos has long pushed for what it calls “fair redistricting” and an end to “prison gerrymandering” in the 2020 Census; in other words, counting incarcerated people in the census. At issue is whether to count incarcerated people as “residents” of prison locations.
A 2014 study examining voter trends of prisoners in three states found that in each state – New York, New Mexico and North Carolina – the majority of convicts voted for Democrats.
Even prior to the 2015 Open Society Foundation memo, the AAJC was attempting to influence the 2020 Census, joining with other groups to propose a set of 10 guidelines, titled “Redistricting Principles for a More Perfect Union,” to influence the census.
While much domestic news coverage is focused on this year’s presidential election, the 2020 Census could impact the future composition of the House of Representatives.
The Wall Street Journal previously focused on the 2020 Census, specifically, as the newspaper related it, on the issue of “which states will gain and lose House seats after the 2020 census.”

7th January 2017, 07:12 PM
The Bizarre Media Blackout of Hacked Soros Documents From August 2016



(http://www.investors.com/category/politics/editorials/)The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros Documents

http://www.investors.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/EDIT5-soros-081816-newscom.jpgThe mainstream press has completely ignored the leak of thousands of eye-opening documents that expose Soros' far-flung efforts to push his leftist views in the U.S. and abroad. (Jiri Rezac/Polaris/Newscom)


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Scandal: Leaked documents released a few days ago provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagreed with him, dictate foreign policy, and try to sway a Supreme Court ruling, among other things. Pretty compelling stuff, right?

Not if it involves leftist billionaire George Soros. In this case, the mainstream press couldn't care less.

On Saturday, a group called DC Leaks posted more than 2,500 documents going back to 2008 that it pilfered from Soros' Open Society Foundations' servers. Since then, the mainstream media have shown zero interest in this gold mine of information.

We couldn't find a single story on the New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, CBS News or other major news sites that even noted the existence of these leaked documents, let alone reported on what's in them.

Indeed, the only news organization that appears to be diligently sifting through all the documents is the conservative Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/), which as a result has filed a series of eye-opening reports.

So what could possibly explain the mainstream media's disinterest?

Is the problem that the material is too boring or inconsequential? Hardly.

As we noted in this space on Monday (http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/george-soros-the-hillary-democrats-billionaire-puppetmaster/), the leaked documents show how Soros' far-flung international organizations attempted to manipulate Europe's 2014 elections. The "List of European Elections 2014 Projects" details over 90 Soros efforts he had under way that year.

The documents reveal that Soros has poured nearly $4 million into anti-Israel groups, with a goal of "challenging Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies."

Here at home, they show that Soros proposed paying the Center for American Politics $200,000 to conduct a smear campaign against conservative activists.

More recently, an October 2015 document (http://soros.dcleaks.com/download/?f=/oct%202015%20usp%20board%20book.pdf&t=us) came to light showing that Soros' Open Society U.S. Programs had donated $650,000 to "invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement." Since then, several BLM protests have turned violent.

That same document details how this group successfully used its "extensive networks" to pressure the Obama administration into increasing the number of refugees it would take to 100,000, despite concerns that Islamic terrorists could use the refugee program to infiltrate the U.S.
A separate memo details how Soros tried to use his clout to sway Supreme Court justices into approving President Obama's unilateral effort to rewrite immigration law. "Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v Texas," the memo, dug up by the Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/17/leaked-board-documents-soros-organization-tried-to-buy-supreme-court-ruling-on-illegal-immigration/), states.

Anyone with this much power and influence demands close media scrutiny. Particularly when he has extremely close ties to the would-be next president of the United States.

This year alone, Soros has given $7 million to the Clinton-supporting Priorities USA super-PAC, and a total of $25 million to support Democrats and their causes, according to Politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/george-soros-democratic-convention-226267).

And when Soros speaks, Clinton listens. A separate email released by WikiLeaks shows Soros giving what read like step-by-step instructions to then-Secretary of State Clinton on how to deal with unrest in Albania in early 2011, including a list of people who should be considered as candidates to become an official mediator sent to that country. Days later, the EU dispatched one of the people on Soros' list.

Thomas Lifson, writing in the American Thinker blog (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/08/stunning_revelation_wikileaks_hack_shows_that_soro s_called_the_shots_on_us_policy_toward_albania.htm l), said "Soros got the U.S. and other accomplices to intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign state…. How is this not huge news?"

How, indeed.

If Soros were a rock-ribbed conservative who supported Republican candidates and causes, you can bet that a swarm of reporters would right now be lustily tearing into these documents determined to expose any and every shred of evidence of influence peddling and misdeeds.

But because Soros is a hard-core leftist, he apparently gets a pass. Shameful.


George Soros -- The Hillary Democrats' Billionaire Puppetmaster? (http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/george-soros-the-hillary-democrats-billionaire-puppetmaster/)
Soros' $6 Million For Hillary Speak Volumes (http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/soros-6-million-for-hillary-speaks-volumes/)
The Soros Fallacies On Europe (http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/the-soros-fallacies-on-europe/)

11th January 2017, 01:03 PM
I wonder if Trump would go after Soros when installed?

11th January 2017, 02:29 PM
I wonder if Trump would go after Soros when installed?

I don't think he will, his people might though...

12th January 2017, 12:55 AM
I don't think he will, his people might though...
