View Full Version : We Have to Talk About the Boy in the Ambulance...

26th August 2016, 10:09 AM
melissa and aaron are at it again

We Have to Talk About the Boy in the Ambulance...



26th August 2016, 11:39 AM
First I heard of this...

26th August 2016, 11:47 AM

‘Western Propaganda is Paid for in Syrian Blood’ – Dr Bouthaina Shaaban Talks to Vanessa BeeleyAUGUST 20, 2016 BY VANESSA BEELEY (http://21stcenturywire.com/author/21vbeeley/) 8 COMMENTS (http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/08/20/western-propaganda-is-paid-for-in-syrian-blood-dr-bouthaina-shaaban-talks-to-vanessa-beeley/#disqus_thread)
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Vanessa-Beeley.png (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Vanessa-Beeley.png)Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire (http://www.21stcenturywire.com/)
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell.
The media furore surrounding the now viral image of wounded Syrian child, Omran Daqneesh (http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/17/world/syria-little-boy-airstrike-victim/), in terrorist-held eastern Aleppo, Syria is still raging, while the push back against the tide of western-sponsored anti-Syrian State propaganda reveals itself to be strengthening with each new spike in pro-terrorist hyperbole designed to provoke a knee-jerk foreign policy response that is either advocating a “No Fly Zone”, or some form of escalation foreign military intervention inside of Syria.
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-1024x838.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1.jpg)
Today I had the honour to meet with Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, political and media advisor to Syrian President Bashar al Assad. We discussed many issues including this most recent heart wrenching image that is appearing across all main stream media channels. As we opened the discussion, Dr Shaaban said immediately:
“We are paying for this propaganda with our blood.”
Dr Shaaban went on to describe how the “corporate media is distorting reality in Syria“, while also explaining why she was reluctant at the beginning of the NATO member and allies war on Syria, to speak to western mainstream media:
“They came here with accusatory questions, they didn’t come here to know what is going on. They came here to ask me why are you working with a man who is ‘killing his own people.’ What an ugly start for an interview. I said there is no point, they come here to gain credibility but only to re-confirm their own story rather than to find out what is really going on. I didn’t want to be used to ‘re-confirm’ their own story or to give them credibility.”
Dr Shaaban believes that there is a need to ensure voices like hers that resonate with passion for her country and its people, which should be heard across a far wider range of media platforms to counter what might be described as a vast Zionist and Gulf State (GCC) funded media network that is driving the propaganda train though the US and Europe. Dr Shaaban mentioned a weekly column that she is writing in Arabic and suggested that perhaps she should translate it for English media.
What follows is the transcript of Dr Shaaban’s statements on various subjects:
Why is our country being destroyed?
“I wrote that really we are going through a third world war, without naming it a third world war but this time it’s a global war between two projects and two ways of thinking – between western concepts that they want to promote: their own way of life, their own ideology, their own way of thinking even at the expense of other lives and the innocence of our countries while the old civilisations like the Chinese, the Indian, the Arab civilisation are struggling to keep their identity and to pass this identity to their children and grand-children
Personally I no longer believe that the way the system is working in the west has any ‘democracy’ for us, or has any ‘human rights’ for us, or that there is any ‘free press’ for us in their official media system. If you know how we feel now you would be really surprised.
I have two daughters and a son. One daughter is doing a PhD in architecture in London and the other is doing a PhD in the US in international relations and politics. The one in London has a three year old girl, the one in the States has a four year old boy. They have been here for a month, every time they go to the Old City, they come back crying. They say, is it possible that our children cannot live the way we lived, cannot know the Syria we knew, cannot enjoy the Syria we enjoyed? Why?
Why are we being prevented from passing on our experience, our culture, our livelihood to our children? Why are our families being destroyed? Why is our country being destroyed? This is a daily struggle for our children. My children take their children and show them everything because they are afraid that tomorrow this will not be here anymore.
This is a terrible thing to happen to any country, to any people on earth. We have the right to live the way we think, to live our own culture. You might find Paris exciting, I find Damascus the most beautiful place on earth. This is us, this is who we are. I was asked many times to leave as an Ambassador but I cannot leave Damascus, can you believe it? I do not want to live one year out of Damascus, I can never get enough of this city.
So, leave us alone – that is really our message and unfortunately the calculus of politics in the west has no consideration whatsoever for the way people feel or for their aspirations.”
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0198.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0198.jpg)
Western Exceptionalism
“The problem with the western system is that they think they are superior and they think that they want to “civilize” us and they want us to come up to their “standards”, and I hate when I hear Obama or any US official talking about American exceptionalism. What do they mean American exceptionalism?
God created us as people. We belong to the same humanity, we belong to the same world. In the Quran God spoke about the differences between us and we should understand that we should celebrate and cherish these differences. This idea of supremacy is basically rooted in racism because it believes in the supremacy of one sect, colour or nationality over another.
I feel it is bad for the west too because racism is now producing bad results for western countries especially as there are so many different religions living everywhere in the world. The only salvation for all of us is to say there is one world, one humanity and to apply this rule to everybody. We must truly believe in that not only talk about it in the media and then practice racism in the law. There is a huge area for dialogue but we need people who believe in similar values.”
“We are fighting a war on the ground but it is also a clash of values.“
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0199.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0199.jpg)
Reshaping our world and the problems we face.
“The Gulf States are a huge problem. With the petro dollar they are feeding the arms industry in the US, UK and France and prolonging this conflict. It is going to be a long process, we are living through a transitional stage in world history. It is going to be a long process in order to reshape our world. That is why we all have the obligation to be active so our new world is based on better values, better ethics, better ways of dealing with each other.
To achieve this new world, co-operation between east and west is crucial.
Where are the leaders in the US, or even in Europe, who are visionary and who are thinking about their countries for the next fifty years and who are doing the right thing for the people from an historical perspective? So perhaps we are living through a crisis of leadership.”

The Destruction of the Middle East is to protect Israel. NATO is trying to impose an Islamist extremist state onto Syria’s secular state.

“I think there are two explanations for that. First the west should be embarrassed to be supporting countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar against Syria, Iraq or Sudan. We were the secular republics who produced books, scientists, intellectuals etc. I think there is a reason for that. The reason for what the west is doing, in my opinion as an Arab woman, could be summed up by the Arab-Israeli conflict. I feel that the western support for Israel against the Palestinian people and the destruction of a whole people and their identity by Israel shows that what the west cares about is for Israel to be the powerful state in the region for the next fifty or a hundred years. In order for Israel to be the prevailing force in the Middle East it is necessary to destroy Arabic culture.
Unfortunately, now I can see a union of evil between the Gulf States and Israel and western systems. I use the word systems to divorce this evil from the western people.
I respond as an Arab woman, who grew up knowing that my country was part of Bilad al-Sham, Greater Syria. I do not say this in an aggressive tone, but in a loving tone because Syria was Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and I can’t understand why as a Syrian woman, I cannot visit Al Aqsa. Its very close geographically, yet its impossible for me to get there because Israel has been planted in the Middle East.
Israel is a major focus for western countries and all these wars against Arab countries and what they call the ‘Arab Spring’ is to destroy Arab armies and to prevent any Arab country being able to resist Israel in the future. They do not want us to be able to liberate our Golan Heights, or Palestine, or to simply assure the rights of the Arab people.
By the way, there are at least 50 UN resolutions that give the Palestinians at least half of Palestine and the world is doing nothing about that – on the contrary the US used 37 vetoes in order to prevent the Palestinians getting their rights. Western hypocrisy is amazing.
That is where the supremacy in the west is turned against Arabs because it is the Zionist media that tells the west that the Arabs are ‘backwards’ or primitive. People are persuaded by this propaganda and they treat us as the Zionists wish us to be treated. This is racism against Arabs and emanates from the Zionists.
Hillary Clinton has spoken about working with the Muslim Brotherhood. It is extensively documented that the Muslim Brotherhood has had connections to the CIA since they were created. Even if we read nothing but we apply the western proverb, “who is the beneficiary” – you will find Israel is the beneficiary from all this destruction.
You can see that the army and our intellectuals are the major targets for Israel. They dont want any intellectuals or any army left in our country. They destroyed the Iraqi army. There is a war of attrition against the Syrian army, against the Libyan army, the Sudanese, the Lebanese.
Unfortunately some who call themselves Arab in the Gulf use the petro-dollar in order to serve this project against our culture and our civilization because as a Syrian woman I feel the Gulf has no culture, no history. This is Bilad al-Sham continually inhabited for ten thousand years. The Gulf is forty years old and therefore they have no right to speak in the name of the Arabs
We are the Arabs, we are history, we are civilization.
What they are doing is against our civilization, against our history and against our future but I feel this is a very dangerous project that reminds me of how the American Indians were treated. They have destroyed Palmyra, they have destroyed our history and our culture.
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/khaled-asaad-isis-palmira003-1000x600.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/khaled-asaad-isis-palmira003-1000x600.jpg)
Khaled al Assad. Photo:Screenshot
Khaled al-Assad is the only archaeologist in the world who was writing about who was here in the past, in Palmyra. He was proving that the Zionists were never here. They killed him, they burned his library, they burned his books so we have nothing left of his work. From an observers’ perspective, they are focusing on history, material history, cultural history, identity, army. Any power that keeps you as an entire state, or any statesman that represents strength or unity will be demonized and destroyed.
Even Ramadan al Bouti (http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/2013/03/22/-Sheikh-al-Bouti-the-Syrian-Sunni-cleric-who-stood-by-Assad.html) a Sunni scholar who was speaking sense was murdered because they want to destroy anybody who speaks the truth or who is influential and can gather people around him.
What is the significance of President Assad? He is credible, people believe in him, Arab people believe in him. They do not want anybody like that to have influence. I feel there is a huge plan against all of us.
They operate by buying people, Arab people, people in powerful positions who serve the Zionist project against our culture and identity because they can be bought by money.
I am talking to you from experience, I was subjected to a huge amount of pressure by many countries to be bought by money and all the temptations you can think of were offered to me but I am somebody who cannot be bought by money. I am somebody who believes in my country and in my people. Even if I die, I can die for a cause. If I can’t live for it I can die for it.
Most of the defections that happened in Syria were driven by money. None of them has a cause or an ideology or any credibility with our people.
As you said quite rightly, the western people do not see any of this, they only see the shadow. Those people bought by money, they are the shadow state (http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/06/25/syria-white-helmets-natos-shadow-state-project-blueprint/).
Nobody wants to know who we really are.”
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0197.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IMG_0197.jpg)
The reason nobody knows the real Syria and the real Syrians, is because the western media has routinely lied and deceived us from the very beginning of the war against Syria – led by the US, NATO members and funded by the Gulf states, supported and encouraged by Israel who, as Dr Shaaban states, stands to benefit most from the perpetual chaos being maintained inside their strongest enemy in the region.
http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Weaponization-of-Children.jpg (http://21stcenturywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Weaponization-of-Children.jpg)
The image of Omran (http://mouqawamahmusic.net/manbij-liberation-to-omran-daqneesh-the-orange-seat-boy-zionist-media-war-on-syria-never-stops/) is another example of the NATO members and their media counterparts who see children as tools (an example of geopolitical child abuse) to achieve their own “regime change” agenda in Syria. It is another example of the wanton exploitation of the misery NATO members are imposing upon a sovereign nation via the crippling economic sanctions and an invasion of Syria by a foreign proxy army of criminals, mass murderers and suicide bombers they have consistently persuaded us to be legitimate “opposition forces.”
Children are being weaponized to achieve military escalation, the lethal no-fly-zone, and to enablefurther (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/aleppo-boy-in-ambulance-photo-omran-daqneesh-syria-latest-rescue-worker-who-saved-massacres-a7199901.html)crowd funding for terrorism under the guise of the NATO first responders, the Syria White Helmets who are nothing more than terrorists masquerading as humanitarians.
Nobody is listening to the real Syria but they are prepared to nominate Al Qaeda for the Nobel Peace Prize.
To know the White Helmets better and to understand their role inside Syria please read 21st Century Wire’s article: Who Are Syria’s White Helmets. (http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/06/21/who-are-the-syria-white-helmets/)
Please get to know the “real Syria” before its too late.
READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files (http://www.21stcenturywire.com/tag/syria)

26th August 2016, 11:54 AM

Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen breaks down the media coverage of the recent viral image of the 'dusty boy' from eastern Aleppo.
Intro music by Tanjaret Daghet: @tanjaretdaghet (https://soundcloud.com/tanjaretdaghet)
The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST atalternatecurrentradio.com (https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Falternatecurrentradio.com) and thesundaywire.com (https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fthesundaywire.com).

26th August 2016, 12:55 PM

This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from London on the banks of the Thames. This week host Patrick Henningsen resumes the helm, covering some of the top US and international news stories this week. In the first hour we're joined by special guest LIVE from Syria, 21WIRE special contributor, Vanessa Beeley, to discuss the latest developments there and her recent incredible interview with Syria's Foreign Minister, as well as new revelations of a NATO-backed shadow state in Syria. In the second hour, we'll connect with another LIVE Middle East guest, a Syrian independent producer and filmmaker, Ghoufran Derawan, to talk about her own tragic story and to breakdown the truth about the Syrian Conflict. Finally, in the final segment over overdrive, we'll try to connect with and special guest from Syrian TV to discuss the Battle for Aleppo.

Vanessa Beeley from 39 to 81 minute mark explains who the real terrorists are.

Direct Download of Our Most Recent Show (https://www.spreaker.com/user/acrnetwork/sunday-wire-ep-149-part-ii-another-road-)

midnight rambler
26th August 2016, 01:55 PM
I'm guessing it didn't occur to the narrator on the video that the gurney was out of the ambulance at the ready for someone not ambulatory. Usually the very first thing an ambulance crew does upon arrival at the scene is to unload the gurney so as to be at the ready. Most ambulances, at least those configured for N. America, are capable of carrying two non-ambulatory patients, one on the gurney and one prone on the bench on the curbside. The one pictured below has squad captain's chairs rather than a bench. Note also that gurney is out and all you see is the gurney support.

Nothing at all unusual about having a brightly colored ambulance interior, so what if it's orange?? Big deal -


26th August 2016, 06:09 PM
The video in the OP answers your question.
Orange is 33. it is also a death or fear colour. This is why orange is used so much. Why it is used for Guantanamo. Used for the fake beheading videos. Used in many of the other "terror" events. It's a code that tells people in the know that the event is staged.

only the child was covered in dust. No one else. The men around the child are actors seen in other productions.

26th August 2016, 06:33 PM
Her and hilary are so perdy, makes me want a cyanide pill

midnight rambler
26th August 2016, 07:42 PM
The video in the OP answers your question.
Orange is 33. it is also a death or fear colour. This is why orange is used so much. Why it is used for Guantanamo. Used for the fake beheading videos. Used in many of the other "terror" events. It's a code that tells people in the know that the event is staged.

only the child was covered in dust. No one else. The men around the child are actors seen in other productions.

I'm not saying that the video wasn't staged, I'm saying that focusing on a color is grasping at straws and just plain stupid. You have to bear in mind that followers of Allah, god of the goatfuckers are inbred low IQ morons so it's doubtful it was an intentional choice as suggested, and even if it were it just fits their goatfuckers' religion.

BTW, life jackets have ALWAYS been bright orange as have many other rescue/survival items such as survival suits, lifeboats, hunters' vests, etc. Who's asinine enough to regard those items death or fear items??

26th August 2016, 10:44 PM
You have to bear in mind that followers of Allah, god of the goatfuckers are inbred low IQ morons so it's doubtful it was an intentional choice as suggested, and even if it were it just fits their goatfuckers' religion.

the men in that video have been in other videos appearing as ISIS. videos staged by SITE. That was the point of the OP video.

in numerology orange symbolises 33. Curiously all the examples you gave relate to situation of death or fear. But its clear you don't accept that ISIS is funded, trained, armed, organized, promoted by western agents despite the overwhelming evidence.