View Full Version : Are The Police Racist?

27th August 2016, 05:48 PM
Are The Police Racist?


27th August 2016, 06:03 PM

They are anti-criminal, and the trouble is, "criminal" and "Nigger' have a much higher correlation than for other races.

27th August 2016, 06:47 PM

They are anti-criminal, and the trouble is, "criminal" and "Nigger' have a much higher correlation than for other races.

same thing is going on in the publix skoolz

40% of nigs have been expelled....while only 5% of whites have

dat raysis

27th August 2016, 08:18 PM
same thing is going on in the publix skoolz

40% of nigs have been expelled....while only 5% of whites have

dat raysis

And likewise for failing basic skills tests and not graduating. Something "must be wrong" with the system itself, not the "students," says the leftist.

27th August 2016, 09:32 PM
And likewise for failing basic skills tests and not graduating. Something "must be wrong" with the system itself, not the "students," says the leftist.

for mixed skoolz it's gov decreed that they will 'close the gap'. how? add focus to nigs, lessen focus on whites. black scores up, white down..

this is what they are trying to do