View Full Version : Max Igan vs Ken O'Keefe tussle :(

29th August 2016, 06:37 PM
Published 8/19,

but just now came to my attention via this latest Graham Hart show, where he picks up the subject in the 2nd/final hour; begins about 3/4 through the 2 hour show.

premature for me to pick a side, if any. I've been familiar with K O'K for... maybe a decade? But don't think I'd heard of M Igan prior to 1-2 years ago. Both have appeared to be solid fellow travelers, through the respective times I've "known them." :(??

30th August 2016, 03:58 AM
I think I listened to him once or twice. I find the face tats a bit weird.

Interesting that the bulk of his silver was coming from Duane. That should tell you something right there. As for property ownership I think it is pretty difficult if you don't belong. So I will go the extra mile given that he is ex SpecOps, apparently, most likely he is still working in that field and Dominica is a side show.

Ok so you can own land buy you have to buy a license. It does not say if it is an annual license or not.


1st September 2016, 11:20 AM
I knew when Max began with his "This will be my first and final word on this issue" claim at the opening of his Betrayal... (http://thecrowhouse.com/kenokeefe.html) article, that that was an improbable & short sighted thing to say... more emotion driven, than pragmatic.

Max Igan Says That Ken O'Keefe's World Citizen Initiative Is A Pyramid Scheme! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vQYjb-wVEk)

21 hours ago

From the above it's clear that Max is very emotional/angry/hurt by the situation as he views it. He goes on a couple of tirades & near the end he seems to be breaking into tears during a tirade. It's also clear that Max is making a big "statement" about how he responds to (his perception of) being "blackmailed/threatened." His piqued emotional state doesn't help his cred, esp when Ken hasn't been heard from yet.

Looks like Ken O' will be on Richie's show Monday, presumably firing back. So far I'm not aware of his responding to this thing anywhere yet; his YT channel is
and last clip there is 4 weeks old.

1st September 2016, 03:59 PM
If he has spoken about it more than once then he might be a silly boy and shortsighted, not for saying he would only speak once but for failing to recognize he will get entangled in a shitfight

He should say his piece, one time, which I felt he did with his written statement. Then he should shut up and walk away. Not turn around and not say anything more.

Now he is saying extra things and while I don't know anything about this world citizen crap - citizen should be a red light for everybody, how does it become a pyramid scheme? Are people being paid commission for recruiting? If not it is not.

Anyway I'm sure it will be a clickfest advertising bonanza for everyone who can get either of these two on their channels.

1st September 2016, 04:16 PM
He addressed the "final word" bit at the end of the Richie Allen show above... saying basically now he really really doesn't want to address it further or do any more shows on it; but that's just doubling down on his short sighted foolishness of course. Ken will respond surely saying some disparaging things about Max and... nuff said.

2nd September 2016, 09:04 AM
At first I thought this article was going to be lopsided in favor of Max, which it mostly is; but the last paragraph throws a bone to Ken & hopes for a vindicating response.

There's a link to Ken's initial response at his FB, https://m.facebook.com/KOKTJP/posts/1231379630245853
plus reader comments @ both FB & renegade.

Also links to video of Ken and his 20-something looking Asian gf-- not sure "the point" on that other than maybe she's young, immature/pouty selfie-cam preoccupied, & not white? It's hosted at this
^ channel titled "Ken O'Keefe" but it has only that one video, & video has a title suggesting it indicts Ken but unclear if it's being facetious ???

3rd September 2016, 08:28 AM
At Richie's FB he posted an email from Ken expressing disappointment over Richie's handling of the Igan hour, and requesting 2 hours in his Monday show in part to be an infomercial for World Citizen. Richie says in a later FB that they agreed to 90 mins.


5th September 2016, 01:38 PM
I think I'm hearing the live R.Allen/O'KEEFE interview streaming on renegade now.. very angry & adversarial, Ken being abusive to richie & everyone else, not vindicating himself well at all :(
^ it's Graham Hart's show again, same as OP here which first informed me of this flap. Graham's now doing a post mortem with guest Dennis Wise, so i caught about the last 20 mins of Allen/O'Keefe live. Archive of this G.Hart show will be at ren page above soon.
Eta: full show http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/graham-hart-show-okeefe-scandal-wise-9-5-16/

Ken's told listeners to check out this 55 min 4/15/16 Igan show "...monkey mind"-- not sure why, haven't listened https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yggCnwdKWRU
eta: ^ jump to 10 min mark; Max speaks in very vague terms about what we can now guess is the brewing conflict with Ken... though Max names no one, only suggests he'll probably have something bad to announce in the coming week pending some further communication with the other party. So that was ~4.5 months ago, meaning max's "breaking the (O'Keefe) news" was delayed through last week when it went viral.

R.Allen's show Archive will be at https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCScsqqZi411nqVod1Uay0KQ/videos

Nothing new at ken's https://m.youtube.com/user/1worldcitizen/videos but can keep an eye on it.

Here's mp3 version of last week's Allen/Igan interview, 1 hr: http://thecrowhouse.com/dl/MaxIgan_RichieAllenShow_083116.mp3

Eta: Whole Allen/O'Keefe show, 1h 25m:


27th September 2016, 09:00 AM
Some updates a couple weeks old now

28 mins Max Igan on Zen Gardner and Ken O'Keefe - Offering Some Clarity
Video Message - 09/07/16

20 mins Kevin Barrett speaks with Ken O'Keefe 9/16/2016

28th September 2016, 12:29 AM
At the risk of being lazy, can you, or someone, summarize in one or two sentences what the complaint is, what evidence supports the charge, and, what Ken's response is, without personal jabs - just the bare facts.

The bit that I picked up was that Ken ran some kind of a "world citizen" outfit where folks donated money and then he spent it for his own personal pleasure, such as a "young thang" an all. If anyone knows how much money went in, and how much was spent and on what, then that should settle it one way or the other. If Ken won't say a) how much money did he raise, and b) itemize how every last cent was spent, then, Ken comes off sounding guilty. All the personal jabbing makes him sound like he is trying to avert attention away from the essential question about the money (a and b above). Charities are supposed to be above board and not a vehicle for enriching oneself.

28th September 2016, 10:02 AM
I listened to this one and dont think Igan doesnt have a solid case

when I get a chance, will listen to what the other side has to say.

money twists all human rapports and should be terminated.

I knew when Max began with his "This will be my first and final word on this issue" claim at the opening of his Betrayal... (http://thecrowhouse.com/kenokeefe.html) article, that that was an improbable & short sighted thing to say... more emotion driven, than pragmatic.

Max Igan Says That Ken O'Keefe's World Citizen Initiative Is A Pyramid Scheme! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vQYjb-wVEk)

21 hours ago

From the above it's clear that Max is very emotional/angry/hurt by the situation as he views it. He goes on a couple of tirades & near the end he seems to be breaking into tears during a tirade. It's also clear that Max is making a big "statement" about how he responds to (his perception of) being "blackmailed/threatened." His piqued emotional state doesn't help his cred, esp when Ken hasn't been heard from yet.

Looks like Ken O' will be on Richie's show Monday, presumably firing back. So far I'm not aware of his responding to this thing anywhere yet; his YT channel is
and last clip there is 4 weeks old.

28th September 2016, 06:08 PM
Jerry, those 2 items in my reply 9 are decent to bring you up to speed. You described Igan's POV well enough. Ball's in Ken's court to disclose wtf.

1st July 2017, 07:40 AM
I commented in another thread how O'Keefe looks like he's aged a decade+ in the past year. Appears to have lost weight, and the perpetual scruffy beard isn't an asset.

He pub'd this 18 min jobee at his channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/1worldcitizen/videos) June 28th; wide ranging but he also goes into the $-impropriety accusations. Also PO'ed that US is requiring a US passport of him to enter the US very soon; when he already carries a valid Irish pp.

It appears he's trying to emerge from whatever emotional/health crisis he may or may not have been in these past ~9 months since the Igan/World Citizen blowup... couple recent PressTV appearances, and 2 recent YouTube channel vids after a 9 month absence from both venues.:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bmRiveOge_8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCcBdzyoUJdmJ2HkiK5pqUg0ORefA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmRiveOge_8) 17:49
Ken O'Keefe on the "Jewish Supremacist Talmudic Satanic Pedo Bankser Cult" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmRiveOge_8)

2 days ago

Here's a 'weird' music vid featuring his little filipina gf who's ~1/3 his age, who he also 'defends' above; some nudity (boobies! :o), 6m 35s:



1st July 2017, 02:46 PM
I tried to watch the gf video and I really have no patience anymore for artists that are deranged or stuck in their S&M delusions or try to make look "deranged" cool and fun

I never got any particular vibe from O'Keefe, too neutral to follow up. Icke phrases it all much better than he does

20th July 2017, 06:18 PM
53 mins, I barely started watching. Says his health is good, he's lost 20-30 pounds of needless fat. Off the bat weird in the first few mins that he attacks Jeanice Barcelo, who you can search & find that her forte is disseminating the evils of western child birth methods, as well as some porn industry evils; and she's definitely joo-wise. I'll have to separately look up what that O'Keefe/Barcelo spat is about. Her site is http://birthofanewearth.com/?cat=2 and I gather so far that she's been attacking Ken's (filipina?) GF, as demon possessed or something.

edit: still listening; noticed someone at Mamis Shit where I found this vid, commented:

Wow, things are heating up. Here is the blog by this hag, Jeanice Barcelo, that he's referring to. It's an interesting read and she makes some valid arguments.



Published on Jul 20, 2017

This is a direct response to Jeanice (Jew Nice) Barcelo's outrageous and dangerous lies about my girlfriend of 17 months, Sophia. Her accusations constitute hypocrisy of the highest order based on manic and depraved conclusions that have resulted in a real and present danger to an innocent target in Sophia and an increased danger to myself.

To support Sophia directly visit her Soundcloud page at https://soundcloud.com/dugong

I am asking all good people of God to support Sophia and myself and let this video serve as proof positive that she and others are guilty of criminal slander and libel. It is not Sophia, but Jeanice Barcelo and others she is aligned with that have committed criminally provable slander/libel and the only reason this is not being prosecuted is that I do not have the money for such expensive litigation that even when successful offers ZERO prospect of recuperating any of the expenses, much less being financially compensated for the time, effort and destructive energy directed at either of us.

Make no mistake all of these attacks are being conducted so as to derail the World Citizen mission... and they will not be successful.

20th July 2017, 11:39 PM
Here's a 'weird' music vid featuring his little filipina gf who's ~1/3 his age, who he also 'defends' above; some nudity (boobies! :o), 6m 35s:



and people are questioning why he's lost 20-30lbs in 17 months? lol

girl's got too much energy for a guy his age, he'll probably turn to dust within a year.

26th February 2019, 10:47 PM
saw this @ zionist report 3 channel; where to begin?

13 mins:


27th February 2019, 08:54 AM
For a 7 day overstayed visa?

28th February 2019, 02:32 PM
For a 7 day overstayed visa?

I have never listened to K.O.K. before. Does he always beg for money?

31st March 2019, 10:09 PM
Latest KOK pub'd 2 days ago, 10m,

Published on Mar 29, 2019
Statement from Ken O'Keefe (KOK)There was an attempt on my life in Thailand that literally resulted in my clinical death, heart stopped, breathing stopped, I was dead. *A Hawaiian man gave me CPR, bless him, and God decided that was not my time. *I sustained a serious head injury and brain trauma, the effects of which included ringing in the ears, severe headaches, loss of balance,*dizziness, nausea, blackouts and a total loss of appetite that lead to me not eating for 40 days. *In was in that context*that to a second attempt on my life in which Thai "authorities" carried out an unlawful false arrest by Guantanamo style, no explanation for the arrest, no charges, no trial, no legal representation, no contact with anyone to inform them of my status. I was completely incognito and imprisoned for 3 months, 94 days to be exact. *After*40 or so days I was informed of my arrest and transfer to prison, not immigration, was for a seven-day visa overstay that was due to my head injury making long haul flight dangerous. *This was a second attempt on my life but I survived that as well. *While I was in prison the Thai "authorities" then stole my Macbook Pro, two iPads (one my deceased mother's) and an iPhone, along with many other items, many of which are irreplaceable. *I lost significant income, in the thousands, due to being incognito and unable to work. *Thus this campaign. * I want to be clear, the amount I am requesting does not cover even half of my losses, I simply must replace the tools I utilise to continue my work... my/our work/mission to create a better world. * Let me simply say I expect nothing and am eternally grateful for all the support I have received... including having my ticket out of Thailand paid by loving people, thank you so, so much. * Ken O'Keefe

Dont know if hes on the bottle needle pipe or what but obv some addiction hes hiding, as he shakes the tin cup for spare coin yet again, trying to monetize any residual cred he had from 3+y ago.

24 subs at that TY channel, up for >1y now.


23rd July 2019, 11:40 PM
Latest KOK pub'd 2 days ago, 10m,

Dont know if hes on the bottle needle pipe or what but obv some addiction hes hiding, as he shakes the tin cup for spare coin yet again, trying to monetize any residual cred he had from 3+y ago.

24 subs at that TY channel, up for >1y now.


just thought to check in on KOK again, last from July 9, 6m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-IlNa_XN0A


check comments; most are re what a con, and/or addict he obv is.

Definitely a shell of his robust former self; would fit in well on skid row nowdaze. The alc/narcs have robbed his soul. :( I imagine he saw his 50th bday on 7/21, was anyone partying with him though?

18th December 2019, 06:52 PM
:rolleyes: heavy thumbs down on this latest BS

15m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14GE5_Mh514&feature=emb_title


I saw the above @ Mami's where he's yielded 9 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6700067108120030041) near all negative:

Send shekels to bum Ken O'Keefe . Dec. 17, 2019 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/12/send-shekels-to-bum-ken-okeefe-dec-17.html)

checked his channel; only one other vid posted since last July's already posted above.

KOK69 - Ken O'Keefe Press TV October 11, 2019


22nd December 2019, 11:17 PM
Richie Allen lets er rip on Ken O'Keefe,


Richie: "Serial Fraudster Ken O'Keefe Is Back & Yes, He Wants More Of Yo... (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/12/richie-serial-fraudster-ken-okeefe-is.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1812&v=dzRaRcBC7Jw&feature=emb _title

13th January 2020, 09:51 AM
The David Duke Show 2020.01.13 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-david-duke-show-20200113.html)

Today: Dr Duke and Ken O'Keefe FFS (Send money to both of them)

64k CF Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/a27f4af40/gfds49rp-379wf62y-rgj47d5i-9x8y2f2r)

13th January 2020, 04:12 PM
The David Duke Show 2020.01.13 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-david-duke-show-20200113.html)

Today: Dr Duke and Ken O'Keefe FFS (Send money to both of them)

64k CF Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/a27f4af40/gfds49rp-379wf62y-rgj47d5i-9x8y2f2r)

That has got to be a tough listen.