View Full Version : This attack ad backfired

13th September 2016, 06:41 PM
This is a big reason people are voting for trump! They wasted their money :p


13th September 2016, 06:55 PM
I can't believe they put Romney in there.

These people are clueless.

13th September 2016, 07:04 PM
I saw this ad lastnight. I literally laughed my ass off when I saw it. I said that looks more like a glowing endorsement rather than a reason not to vote for him.

13th September 2016, 07:57 PM
I saw this ad lastnight. I literally laughed my ass off when I saw it. I said that looks more like a glowing endorsement rather than a reason not to vote for him.

The even better part is, when Trump wins, they will all be on their way out, or gone for good!

Toss in a Cruz, Kashits, Ryan and a McConnell for good measure

13th September 2016, 08:03 PM
The even better part is, when Trump wins, they will all be on their way out, or gone for good!

Toss in a Cruz, Kashits, Ryan and a McConnell for good measure

How much you want to bet Hillary (if she's still alive) Bill \ Obummer move out of the country and seek asylum in some 3rd world shit hole to escape their crimes if Trump wins.

13th September 2016, 08:07 PM
How much you want to bet Hillary (if she's still alive) Bill \ Obummer move out of the country and seek asylum in some 3rd world shit hole to escape their crimes if Trump wins.

It wouldn't surprise me to see the Clinton's leave the country. Their speech giving days will be over after this.

14th September 2016, 06:05 AM
It wouldn't surprise me to see the Clinton's leave the country. Their speech giving days will be over after this.

Bill can barely speak, and Hillary can barely breath. They are probably contemplating spending a considerable part of the future in a cryogenic vault in Switzerland. Zzzz


Probably Bill didn't contemplate this, he's done contemplating anything I think...

14th September 2016, 06:49 AM
Bill didn't contemplate this, he's done contemplating anything I think...

Slick was on the morning news yesterday. Said he could be sent to Puerto Rico and solve the debt crisis. He could be sent to the coal country and make it profitable. There is no end to the skills he can bring to the table if only Hillary gets to take office and he becomes first lady.