View Full Version : Arkansas Hit By Massive Mumps Outbreak, Only Amongst Vaccinated

13th September 2016, 07:56 PM
Back to school, feels like back to Mumps season.

It appears that with the return to school and in light of mandatory vaccination laws, increased pressure by physicians to get vaccines, and of course vaccine shedding, Big Pharma is seemingly bringing back Mumps to our nation’s children.

“In the last 15 years the highest number (in Arkansas) we’ve had was 14,” said Dr. Dirk Haselow.

Luckily, for those children that have not been vaccinated, the same false sense of security doesn’t seem to apply. Avoiding germs and proper hygiene appear to be the best way to avoid Mumps, not relying on a controversial and highly ineffective MMR vaccine.

As of Monday, the Arkansas Department of Health was following 98 cases. 67 of those had been confirmed through tests.

The Arkansas Dept. of Health says (https://www.facebook.com/4029news/posts/10154543948737206) they have seen no cases of the Mumps in people who aren’t immunized.

After a Mumps case was detected at a school in Fayetteville, the school was cleaned and flu shots were offered.

The district also said their records show none of the students in the sick child’s class have exemptions for the mumps vaccine.

The witch hunt is clearly on to try and pin this on an unvaccinated child, rather than face the failed efficacy of the Merck MMR vaccine.

As a precaution, Health Department is also requiring students who are not vaccinated to remain out of school until they have either had the vaccine or for a period up to 26 days.


13th September 2016, 08:08 PM
Obviously, it's because of all the loons who refuse to give their kids safe and effective poison injections, uh, required vaccinations.

Twisted Titan
14th September 2016, 05:00 AM
after a Mumps case was detected at a school in Fayetteville, the school was cleaned and flu shots were offered.

Out the frying pan into the fire.

14th September 2016, 05:01 AM
They should have bulldozed the school like Shady Hook

14th September 2016, 01:01 PM
Unbelievable, when I was a kid getting the mumps, measles and chicken pox was normal childhood diseases and it didn't phase us in the least. What a bunch of scared spineless pussies people are anymore.

14th September 2016, 02:10 PM
How come a flu vaccine will prevent kids who have been vaccinated against Mumps from getting Mumps? The logic of the proposal is errhh disturbing...

14th September 2016, 03:14 PM
How come a flu vaccine will prevent kids who have been vaccinated against Mumps from getting Mumps? The logic of the proposal is errhh disturbing...

Government logic at work.

14th September 2016, 03:45 PM
Unbelievable, when I was a kid getting the mumps, measles and chicken pox was normal childhood diseases and it didn't phase us in the least. What a bunch of scared spineless pussies people are anymore.

Today's kids are sicker than ever, many with chronic, even life-threatening conditions. This despite decades of "first-class, 'highly-advanced' 'health care'," including endless injections.

14th September 2016, 03:46 PM
How come a flu vaccine will prevent kids who have been vaccinated against Mumps from getting Mumps? The logic of the proposal is errhh disturbing...

The injection is merely to get the micro-RFID chip into the victims. The Boobs have been conditioned to accept without thinking the "advice" of "the experts."

14th September 2016, 03:59 PM
Today's kids are sicker than ever, many with chronic, even life-threatening conditions. This despite decades of "first-class, 'highly-advanced' 'health care'," including endless injections.

Better give them even more injections eh?

15th September 2016, 01:35 AM
The injection is merely to get the micro-RFID chip into the victims. The Boobs have been conditioned to accept without thinking the "advice" of "the experts."

Yes the boobs where conditioned to this decades ago. Now they are conditioned to consider anyone who does any research that contradict "the experts" "advice" as evil demons, deserving the outmost punishment, for "endangering" their brain damaged offsprings life and health. This is scary.

The school nurse told my then 11-year old son 2 years ago, that "he was in trouble" because he hadn't been vaccinated. My wife called her up and told her, that if she has any problem with the decisions we have made for our children, she should discuss it with us. She never did. I really felt like I should have gone to her and given her a lecture on what I thought about her and her tactics, but I realized there would be a very real possibility that she would involve child protection services, and possibly in extension take our children away from us. So I abstained, better choose your battles wisely...

15th September 2016, 07:42 AM
Yes the boobs where conditioned to this decades ago. Now they are conditioned to consider anyone who does any research that contradict "the experts" "advice" as evil demons, deserving the outmost punishment, for "endangering" their brain damaged offsprings life and health. This is scary.

Scary and by design . . .

Prior to about 1964 the most important thing learned in schools was how to think. It was during the 60's (((they))) aggressivley began dumbing down the masses to the point now the most important thing learned in .gov schools is "Johnny, be a good little soldier", don't question anything, just follow orders.

15th September 2016, 07:56 AM
Scary and by design . . .

Prior to about 1964 the most important thing learned in schools was how to think. It was during the 60's (((they))) aggressivley began dumbing down the masses to the point now the most important thing learned in .gov schools is "Johnny, be a good little soldier", don't question anything, just follow orders.

Combine the "schooling" with telavivision programming, injections of the neurotoxins mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and whatever else sick shit they put in the vaccine cocktails, and you create an army of drones from the ones that survive somewhat physically from the onslaught. +90% of the population has very little remaining of any critical thinking skills.