View Full Version : Ford confirms small car production moving from US to Mexico

15th September 2016, 04:55 AM
Ford Motor Co. says it’s moving all of its U.S. small car production to Mexico.

Ford CEO (((Mark Fields))) confirmed the long-expected move Wednesday during an event for investors and Wall Street analysts.


15th September 2016, 06:25 AM
They're getting out while the gettin is good.

15th September 2016, 07:53 AM
Import tariffs should be 90% of government expenses support (no income tax). We should have been doing this for 40 years. Trump has the right idea on this. If a company wants to take US technology to another country for manufacturing and then sell back into the US market, they need to face a reasonable competition. It will vary with industry.

I suspect it is too late to make the difference since we will be at war before factories and refineries can be brought back home. We have allowed the devils to wipe out our infrastructure and steal our knowledge.

15th September 2016, 08:08 AM
Import tariffs should be 90% of government expenses support (no income tax). We should have been doing this for 40 years. Trump has the right idea on this. If a company wants to take US technology to another country for manufacturing and then sell back into the US market, they need to face a reasonable competition. It will vary with industry.

I suspect it is too late to make the difference since we will be at war before factories and refineries can be brought back home. We have allowed the devils to wipe out our infrastructure and steal our knowledge.

I agree, these vultures are stealing the wealth of the nation created in the nation for a bonus and an increase in dividends. They will only stop if it will cost them more than they earn from their shenanigans!

15th September 2016, 08:31 AM
I can see my "illegals" Ameridans going to Mexico to get a job with them...........kekekekekekeke


15th September 2016, 08:41 AM
I haven't bough a new Ford or Chevy since the 90's. I am strictly Toyota. I know it is Japanese parts but assembled in America. Also, believe it or not, Toyota Engines have a "Timing Chain" even the 4 bangers. Forget that $30 dollar Timing Belt that takes $500 labor to change... (Honda Civic)

15th September 2016, 10:33 AM
tariff that shit before being allowed in US. and that includes foreign labor too - you want to hire a mexican? fine, $10/hr tariff. nyc.dc is arbritraging us at every opportunity....while their jobs, the most expensive and the easiest to outsource, are protected