View Full Version : Join Hillary in Greensboro TODAY (9-15-16)

15th September 2016, 09:58 AM
Will anyone be able to attend?
Confirm it's the REAL Hillary or just one of the doubles Drudge posted today?


Old Student Recreational Center at UNCG
1510 Walker Ave Greensboro, North Carolina 27412

Hillary will deliver remarks in Greensboro and discuss her vision for an America that is stronger together.
Doors Open: 1:45 PM
Program Starts: 3:45 PM

15th September 2016, 11:05 AM
Too far for me.

15th September 2016, 11:10 AM



15th September 2016, 12:35 PM

This rally should get a lot of views from people waiting to see if she has a coughing fit, or collapses on stage.


15th September 2016, 12:48 PM
I lasted 3 minutes then was overcome with nausea

15th September 2016, 01:04 PM
i listened to a good chunk of it. same old crap -- focusing on the free shit army and they kidz

of note, she attacked trump's maternity leave for working women. we need to focus on ALL women instead. code for 'fuck dem white bitchez, mo stuff fo my peeplz'

15th September 2016, 01:08 PM
So when does hilary speak for her 10 minutes?

Ahh! Starts @ 26.00

And she speaks for 22 minutes.

15th September 2016, 03:24 PM


15th September 2016, 04:34 PM

And the crowd goes crazy LMAO.

15th September 2016, 04:37 PM


As much as I dislike her, I think that is pretty plucked up...

15th September 2016, 04:54 PM
As much as I dislike her, I think that is pretty plucked up...


We're dealing with pure evil with her.

15th September 2016, 05:15 PM

We're dealing with pure evil with her.

Leonidas: there's no reason we can't be civil... ...is there? http://i.makeagif.com/media/6-25-2014/YRs9xi.gif None, sire.http://66.media.tumblr.com/8b2b4a970b5879f975bc3c53f5c24868/tumblr_o91bx7fLFK1ssnq64o1_400.gif

15th September 2016, 05:33 PM
Leonidas: there's no reason we can't be civil... ...is there? http://i.makeagif.com/media/6-25-2014/YRs9xi.gif None, sire.http://66.media.tumblr.com/8b2b4a970b5879f975bc3c53f5c24868/tumblr_o91bx7fLFK1ssnq64o1_400.gif

This "woman" intends to destroy us and our country. We are in a state of war with her, not civil debate.

midnight rambler
15th September 2016, 05:33 PM

We're dealing with pure evil with her.

The very purest of pure evil.


15th September 2016, 06:04 PM
She is in another speakfest for hispanics. On FB all there is are negative replies and sad smilies... Trumps earlier today was all positive.

15th September 2016, 06:25 PM
stronger together

People are waking up to the fact that you always end up with the opposite of what they are saying.

As to the FU, I'm sure plenty of Candidates have had that said to their faces during their speeches. I don't see that it's any different for any of them. I'm sure the media sees an exception though. Because of equality and so on.

15th September 2016, 08:00 PM

Another ACTRESS in a STUDIO. How incredibly inept.
They did a sloppy job but what would you expect in just a few days?

15th September 2016, 09:30 PM
StreetOfGold, your supposition (that this is NOT the real Hillary) is echoed by Jeff Rense, Jim Mars, and Jim Fetzer, on tonight's Rense internet radio program.

Rense has put up a bunch of photos (stills) where various facial features differ too much to be merely photographic mishaps (nose, neck, moles, forehead slop, etc.).

I am stumped. The lady that emerged from Chelsea's building Sunday during the day was obviously (to me) NOT Hillary, but, this one today fooled me, at least at first. After listening to Rense tonight, and looking at the photos he has put up (for side-by-side comparison), then I am back wondering, maybe even doubting again.

One thing that DID disturb me today when I watched "her" performance on stage in Raleigh, was, how much better energy she displayed - I would have expected Hillary to be very slow and still recovering from Sunday's total collapse. But, my eyes could see a perky lady exuding an energetic spark - ready to take on Trump in a head-on debate. Now, after hearing Rense-et-al and their specific points, I am back to being suspicious that the democrats have found a near-perfect double. If this really is a double, I have to shut my mouth and shake my head because this is just too damn close for a country boy like me.

15th September 2016, 10:22 PM
I don't know. I haven't seen the break down of this but it looked like the real one to me. I also wondered about the spriteliness(?).

If this person is a double they are a very good double.

Or maybe this one is the real deal and the others are the doubles?

15th September 2016, 10:39 PM
OMG, I think this one is a double too. It was obvious that the one on 9/11 in front of Chelsea's was NOT Hillary (way too thin), but this one almost got by me. I played the video above, and once the woman moved her head to the side, it definitely looked like someone else to me b/c of the nose. I didn't get to listen to Rense tonight, but I looked at the photos he posted and the woman on the plane definitely looks like a double to me. Here are his photos http://www.rense.com/general96/doublefnl.htm

Also, I listened to a bit of Rense w/Fetzer from a couple of nights ago (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJXSd-RPDSU), and they seem to think that she's possibly dead already and that the DNC will have to get another candidate. I'm actually starting to get a really sick thought that, given the number of doubles they have ready to go, they will just put a fake Hillary into the Presidency. I think that the $$$$ power behind the scenes want her in there and are planning to steal the election and put her in there, even if the really Hillary is dead and they have to put a fake one in. I'm sure they probably have some sort of voice morphing technology that can all the doubles to sound like her (after all, don't they have that autotune that can fix the voices of bad singers?)

This is what Fetzer has posted on this: http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2016/09/will-real-hillary-clinton-please-stand.html#comment-form Not sure what to make of this info from the comment section:

DrMichelle ND (https://www.blogger.com/profile/04515631037767947569)September 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2016/09/will-real-hillary-clinton-please-stand.html?showComment=1473987688627#c628194068215 251325)
Jim, this was given to me by an inside anon who is pretty deep. http://pastebin.com/raw/sih4HpjD

Also, I listened to a tiny bit of the supposed call from Hillary to Anderson Cooper after her collapse, and it just didn't sound like her to me (close, but something just seemed off). And it wasn't just me--a number of people over at Conservative Treehouse also felt the voice was off.

midnight rambler
16th September 2016, 05:50 AM
DrMichelle ND (https://www.blogger.com/profile/04515631037767947569)September 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2016/09/will-real-hillary-clinton-please-stand.html?showComment=1473987688627#c628194068215 251325)
Jim, this was given to me by an inside anon who is pretty deep. http://pastebin.com/raw/sih4HpjD

Hey mamboni, what do you make of the medical info in the above link?

16th September 2016, 06:14 AM
They claim this was a LIVE event yet it can be seen there are clear SKIPS so, we can safely conclude that this whole "event" is scripted from top to bottom.
Several others have pointed out many, many anomalies, like the cell phones NOT matching what they are supposedly seeing.
Hillary waves to the GREEN SCREEN behind her at the end and her total lack of any kind of a remnant of having any kind of health issue is just not possible, not the condition she was in.
NO cough? Not even once? She appears TOO healthy!!
Not a snowball chance in hell!

They may be able to skate by with this fraud since this one can be scripted in a studio but the TRUMP debate will be MUCH harder as Trump himself will have to be involved in the fraud IF they actually try and go ahead with this LIVE

All someone needs to do is play the dentist and say "OPEN WIDE" (let's see that tongue)

18th September 2016, 01:38 PM
Proof of body double and greenscreen in Greesboro



19th September 2016, 10:14 AM
Hey mamboni, what do you make of the medical info in the above link?I dont' know. If this information is legit, then HRC is critically ill, in intubated ICU patient with life-threatening sepsis. No way she could be out campaigning. Supposedly there's a live event today in Phillie.

I will study this further and report back later.

19th September 2016, 10:27 AM
I dont' know. If this information is legit, then HRC is critically ill, in intubated ICU patient with life-threatening sepsis. No way she could be out campaigning. Supposedly there's a live event today in Phillie.

I will study this further and report back later.

Hell, we still don't know who Obama is and we think we'll find out all about Killary Rotten? Nope, it will all be kept well hidden, no matter how many need to be suicided to keep the secrets of the Clinton's secret

19th September 2016, 11:50 AM


19th September 2016, 11:54 AM
how they say...chutzpah?

heard a killary clip of speech today -- she was claiming trump causes terrists

talk about pot/kettle black

19th September 2016, 12:44 PM
Yeah, getting thick out there. On FB I have 100 or so friends and I saw 1 that supports hilary. Those be some odds huh?