View Full Version : OZexit in the card???

15th September 2016, 12:27 PM
very courageous

Australian MP denies climate change, calls for OzExit from ‘insidious unelected swill’ of UN
15 September 2016 GMT


In his first speech before the Australian parliament, senator Malcolm Roberts, known for his outspoken views on climate change, drew upon the recent experience of Brexit and called for Australia to leave the United Nations.

15th September 2016, 04:29 PM
Unfortunately he will get a lot of stick. The One nation party is the Nationalist party here. Anti immigration. When the party first started in the 1980's their leader came under intense attack. They were a very viable 3rd party and gained a lot of traction to the point where the established Red and Blue teams joined efforts to attack them. Eventually they found some dirt and she was jailed. Campaign fund misuse or something. I think the real reason she lost was lack of funds to mount a defense. IIRC correctly all money was frozen leaving her without the wherewithal to defend herself.

.Of course everything she said came true. It is good to see them making a come back. It's taken many years. I think they learned a lot from past experiences while retaining their commitment to speaking to the truth of a matter.