View Full Version : Privatization Plan for Brazil Commencing

16th September 2016, 07:39 AM
economic hitmen all over the place
16 September 2016 GMT
Brazil starts privatization plan to revive economy


‘The new government in Brazil has announced a multibillion dollar privatization plan in an attempt to pull the country’s economy out of the worst recession in eight decades.

It plans to auction off operating licenses for oil and gas, electricity and infrastructure projects.

Four airports in the cities of Porto Alegre, Salvador, Florianopolis and Fortaleza are expected to be sold by March, along with two port terminals.

The government aims to raise $24 billion from the concessions program, and will also offer contracts to private firms for a wide range of projects from building new roads to running mines.’

16th September 2016, 10:31 AM
And thats how the globalists do it. Bankrupt/disrupt a country to the point that the debt is unmanageable, then wham, takeover. Nothing new, happening all over the world. Best series on television......

16th September 2016, 10:49 AM
what a world....where brazil, rich in phyz assets, is subordinated to nyc's paper 'money' tribe

has venezuela succumbed too? if not, won't be long..

16th September 2016, 11:19 AM
economic hitmen all over the place...

...The government aims to raise $24 billion from the concessions program, and will also offer contracts to private firms for a wide range of projects from building new roads to running mines.


Brazil Farmers to Get More Credit

Brazil’s government vowed on Tuesday to free up as much as 21 billion reais ($5.8 billion) in additional credit for farmers and cattle ranchers, in an effort to help pull Latin America’s largest economy out of a two-year recession.

In a statement, the (((National Monetary Council))), Brazil’s top economic policymaking body, allowed farmers to use proceeds from the sale of securities backed by agricultural receivables for purposes beyond short-term operating activities, while raising the threshold on agricultural credit from state development bank BNDES, Reuters reported.

http://www.kpdacancunlegend.com/forums/images/smilies/smiley%20mustache.png Thank you Senior Soros

16th April 2017, 09:47 PM
nyc HOLIDAY bonus pools matter. 30+ billion/yr doesnt grow on trees


Mar 22, 2017 @ 12:06 PM 1,180

Central Bank Now Basically Governing Brazil

The two biggest policy shifts under the Temer have been changes to rules allow for full foreign participation in certain Brazil offshore oil and gas fields; and the late 2016 amendment to cap spending.

Later today, Brazil's budget officials will meet to discuss stripping a reported R$45 billion ($14.5 billion) to R$65 billion ($21.03 billion) from the 2017 budget in order to meet its deficit target of around R$139 billion ($45 billion). That's an unlikely target to hit this year because the economy is forecast to grow between 0.5% and 0.7%, down from previous central bank survey forecasts of 1%. A slower economy means less tax revenue to fund things like schools, hospitals and...retirement accounts of public servants.

....R$1.54 to the dollar in the summer of 2008. The Brazilian real is now trading at R$3.09