View Full Version : More liberal stupidity

7th trump
16th September 2016, 07:56 AM

Clueless pussy liberals is all I have to say.

I think the liberal female retard needs a night alone with a room full of male Syrian immigrants.

16th September 2016, 08:58 AM
Liberal Student Attacking Another Student for Wearing "Unsafe" Hat

And what made it unsafe? The fact that liberals will attack you if you wear it! The moral of the story: don't do anything that will make liberals mad, because if they attack you for it, it's your fault for making them mad. :rolleyes:

16th September 2016, 10:32 AM
We have an entire generation of 21-35 year olds, the problem of the liberal-Marxist PC indoctrination, who are hopelessly fucked up in the head. I have no patience for these coddled thin-skinned self-righteous little useless eaters. Time for a major population culling me thinks. If someone approached me about my hat I'd walk away. If they followed me and persisted..well then...they just made a major major tactical blunder. I'm 60 years old, worked my ass off since I'm 16, and mentally alert and physically in better shape than most 20 year olds and I have no patience left for these fuckers - they will get a vigorous reaction to their self-important rude behaviour.

"Unsafe hat? Really? You threatening me? I never had a problem with this hat until you showed up. You're threatening me? You looking for a fight asshole? Then move along scumbag, or you'll be limping away. BTW, I think your is mouth is unsafe - keep it shut!"

16th September 2016, 10:43 AM
Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children.

Malcolm X

16th September 2016, 04:08 PM
And what made it unsafe? The fact that liberals will attack you if you wear it! The moral of the story: don't do anything that will make liberals mad, because if they attack you for it, it's your fault for making them mad. :rolleyes:What it amounts to is an entire generation of drones with self-centered child-like minds, lacking any serious intellectual capacity for critical thinking, massively misinformed and indoctrinated, that are are furtively controlled by the TPTB via their totalitarian-utopian zeitgeist.

16th September 2016, 04:13 PM
What it amounts to is an entire generation of drones with self-centered child-like minds, lacking any serious intellectual capacity for critical thinking, massively misinformed and indoctrinated, that are are furtively controlled by the TPTB via their totalitarian-utopian zeitgeist.
