View Full Version : Good little establishment bitch

16th September 2016, 03:20 PM
Just doing his job for the elite to take down Trump. I look forward to Trump drumming his ass out of congress after he wins. Worthless little bitch!

House Speaker Paul Ryan urges Donald Trump to release his tax returns ‘even if he’s under an audit’ by the IRS
Thursday, September 15, 2016, 5:50 PM

The House Speaker is speaking up.

Paul Ryan said Thursday that Donald Trump should release his tax returns and pointed to his own decision to do it four years ago when he was the GOP vice presidential nominee.

“I released mine. I think we should release ours. I'll leave it to him when to do it,” the Wisconsin Republican said during his weekly press briefing.

"I know he's under an audit, and he's got an opinion about when to release those,” Ryan added. "I'll defer to Donald Trump as to when he thinks the appropriate time to release his returns.”

Trump has faced growing criticism over his decision to not release any information about his taxes and personal finances. The GOP nominee has said he will not release his returns because he is being audited by the IRS.

Legally, however, there is nothing preventing the mogul from releasing his returns now, even if there is an audit ongoing, leading many experts to believe that the GOP nominee’s returns could reveal damning information about his business dealings — including conflicts of interest or associations with foreign or criminal entities.

Tax experts told the Daily News in May that Trump could be hiding multiple bombshells in his yet-to-be-disclosed returns, such as that he could be paying no taxes at all due to savvy manipulations of current real estate tax laws, or that they could show him to be worth far less than the $10 billion he claims he is.

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Ryan added he will leave the decision up to Trump after saying, "I know he's under an audit, and he's got an opinion about when to release those."


16th September 2016, 04:25 PM
Ryan is such a weasil: political assassination attempt with a spud gun. How pathetic.

16th September 2016, 04:35 PM
Has Paul RINO called for the total release of Illary's medical records?

16th September 2016, 04:39 PM
Ryan is such a weasil: political assassination attempt with a spud gun. How pathetic.

The only people that want to see his tax returns, are the people that are not voting for him no matter what.

Trump has the most complicated tax returns of anyone that has ever run for president, as a private citizen too. There is no way the liberals won't find something to attack trump on. Ryan knows this.

I always knew a guy that would take a job of driving a big wiener around the streets, had to be a dickhead.


16th September 2016, 04:57 PM
Chances are Trump has a "tax return" card waiting to be played... and makes them fools again.

Trump Just Played Mainstream Media Like Fools Posted on September 16, 2016 (http://dcwhispers.com/trump-just-played-mainstream-media-like-fools/) by DCWhispers (http://dcwhispers.com/author/adminum/)

Team Trump indicated Donald Trump would have something to say regarding the 24-hour media generated flatulence regarding Trump’s history as a “Birther”/someone who questioned where Barack Obama was born. (A question that actually originated from the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign.)
Then, Trump stood on the stage (at his own brand-new Washington D.C. hotel) for over 30 minutes as one decorated veteran after another explained why they were supporting Donald Trump for President, after which Trump devoted about thirty seconds stating his belief Barack Obama was born in America:
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it.”
End of story. Media figures stood stunned and angry that they had just spent over thirty minutes covering what amounted to a pro-Trump campaign commercial – free of charge.

“We got played, again, by the Trump campaign.” — John King just now on CNN.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) September 16, 2016 (https://twitter.com/mviser/status/776806832279093248)

Trump's campaign hyped up change on birther issue. And now that TV networks carrying it live, we've had 20 mins of veterans endorsing Trump
— Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) September 16, 2016 (https://twitter.com/JDiamond1/status/776804105905901568)

And he took no questions on this in the room, despite reporters standing on chairs and shouting. https://t.co/EDfQl8eTHl
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) September 16, 2016 (https://twitter.com/alivitali/status/776809422177832960)

16th September 2016, 05:07 PM

And we forced them to come here!


17th September 2016, 08:24 AM
"The Pepe is strong with Trump."