View Full Version : US providing air support for ISIS. 62 Syrian miliary bombed

17th September 2016, 01:28 PM
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US-led coalition aircraft strike Syrian army positions, kill 62 soldiers – military

Published time: 17 Sep, 2016 17:40Edited time: 17 Sep, 2016 19:35
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FILE PHOTO © Toby Melville / Reuters

US-led coalition jets have bombed Syrian government forces’ positions near the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor, killing 62 troops and "paving the way" for Islamic State militants, the Syrian Army General Command told the state television.

According to Syria’s official SANA news agency, the bombing took place on al-Tharda Mountain in the region of Deir ez-Zor and caused casualties and destruction on the ground.

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US & US-controlled forces haven't fulfilled any Syria ceasefire deal obligations - Russian Army
Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and over 100 injured in the airstrike by the US-led coalition, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said, citing information received from the Syrian General Command.

“We are aware of the reports and checking with Centcom and CJTF (Combined Joint Task Force),” the Pentagon told RT.

US Central command told RT that that it was “aware of the reports and will provide further information when available.”

According to a news release (http://www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/947752/counter-isil-strikes-continue-in-syria-iraq) of the US Department of Defense, the coalition’s aviation performed combat missions in Dier ez-Zor on Saturday.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday that the aircraft which carried out the bombings had entered Syrian airspace from the territory of Iraq.

Four strikes against Syrian positions was performed by two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft, it added.

“If the airstrike was caused by the wrong coordinates of targets than it’s a direct consequence of the stubborn unwillingness of the American side to coordinate with Russia in its actions against terrorist groups in Syria,” Konashenkov stressed.

The Defense Ministry also confirmed a report by SANA that an Islamic State offensive began right after Syrian Army positions were hit from the air.

"Immediately after the airstrike by coalition planes, Islamic State militants launched their offensive. Fierce fighting with the terrorists is currently underway in the area of the airport where for a long a time humanitarian aid for civilians was parachuted,” Konashenkov said.

The Syrian General Command has called the bombing a “serious and blatant aggression” against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support IS militants.

Earlier on Saturday, Russia accused the US of being reluctant to take measures to force rebels under its control to fall in line with the terms of the Syrian ceasefire.

Numerous Russian appeals to the American side remain unanswered, which “raises doubts over the US’s ability to influence opposition groups under their control and their willingness to further ensure the implementation of the Geneva agreements,” senior Russian General Staff official, Viktor Poznikhir, said.

Poznikhir also said that the truce is being used by the militants to regroup, resupply and prepare an offensive against government troops.

Last week, Moscow and Washington agreed to influence the Syrian government and the so-called moderate rebel forces respectively in order to establish a ceasefire in the country.

Since then, Russia has repeatedly complained that the US is failing to keep its part of the bargain. The US, on its part, has blamed Russia for not pressuring Damascus enough to facilitate humanitarian access to Syria.

17th September 2016, 01:57 PM
Russia isn't happy.

Russia convenes urgent UN Security Council meeting after US coalition strikes on Syrian army

Published time: 17 Sep, 2016 20:35Edited time: 17 Sep, 2016 20:56
Get short URL (http://on.rt.com/7pja)

Moscow has called an urgent UN Security Council meeting after US-led coalition airstrikes hit Syrian forces, killing 62 soldiers and wounding 100 more, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.

The Foreign Ministry has also demanded full and detailed explanation from Washington over the incident in Dier ez-Zor, in which 62 Syrian troops were killed and over 100 injured.

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US-led coalition aircraft strike Syrian army positions, kill 62 soldiers – military
Moscow stressed that it is concerned by the US airstrike targeting the Syrian army units which had been destroying Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants.

The ministry added that the Russian side had never been notified of US plans to carry out bombings in the Dier ez-Zor area.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that US air strikes against Syrian government forces jeopardize the Syrian ceasefire deal reached between Moscow and Washington on September 9.

Earlier on Saturday Russia’s Defense Ministry said that four strikes against Syrian positions had been delivered by US-led coalition aircraft – two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft.

The Syrian military called the bombing a “serious and blatant aggression” against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support IS militants.

US Central Command later issued a statement, saying that the US-led “coalition would not intentionally strike a known Syrian military unit.” It promised to look into the incident.

17th September 2016, 02:02 PM
Earlier on Saturday Russia’s Defense Ministry said that four strikes against Syrian positions had been delivered by US-led coalition aircraft – two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft.

The Syrian military called the bombing a “serious and blatant aggression” against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support IS militants.

US Central Command later issued a statement, saying that the US-led “coalition would not intentionally strike a known Syrian military unit.” It promised to look into the incident.

Bombing a sovereign nation's army on their own soil demands more than an "Oops" response.

17th September 2016, 02:05 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/461964160838803457/8z9FImcv_bigger.png The Associated Press Verified account ‏@AP (https://twitter.com/AP)

Syria's military says U.S.-led coalition struck its base in Deir el-Zour, allowing Islamic State group to advance.

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10:57 AM - 17 Sep 2016


17th September 2016, 02:09 PM

A week after making a deal with Putin the ceasefire was holding.
Then Obama decides to stab Russia in the back and directly help his ISIS offspring. This is beyond disgusting.
Been following this war for years. There is NO DOUBT this was intentional. Hillary wants to bomb Damascus day 1.
We need new leaders folks. Otherwise ww3.


Obama gave ISIS major Air support!!!!!!!! Now Pentagon claims it was a "mistake". They fucking carpet bombed the syrian army!!!!!!!!


So the US violated its own ceasefire agreement to accidentally destroy a coalition convoy. Way to go guys...


Might be around 100 dead. This was the worst location they might have done that.

17th September 2016, 02:11 PM
Bombing a sovereign nation's army on their own soil and in violation of a ceasefire demands more than an "Oops" response.

See above

17th September 2016, 02:19 PM

As relevant as ever.

17th September 2016, 03:04 PM

A week after making a deal with Putin the ceasefire was holding.
Then Obama decides to stab Russia in the back and directly help his ISIS offspring. This is beyond disgusting.
Been following this war for years. There is NO DOUBT this was intentional. Hillary wants to bomb Damascus day 1.
We need new leaders folks. Otherwise ww3.


Obama gave ISIS major Air support!!!!!!!! Now Pentagon claims it was a "mistake". They fucking carpet bombed the syrian army!!!!!!!!


So the US violated its own ceasefire agreement to accidentally destroy a coalition convoy. Way to go guys...


Might be around 100 dead. This was the worst location they might have done that.Washington is dancing around stacks of powder kegs, holding a lit sprinkler. Scary times my friends.

17th September 2016, 03:44 PM
The objective is clear: provoke Russia into a (defensive) response, and then the Washington Criminals will claim the Russians are the "aggressors." Presto! War!

The nuclear clock is approaching Midnight, and if Her Majesty is not coronated, the Head Nigger in Charge's last act will be pushing the clock to Midnight. We've never been as close to the use of nuclear weapons since August 9, 1945, as right now.

17th September 2016, 07:08 PM

17th September 2016, 07:52 PM
Crimethink says:

"We've never been as close to the use of nuclear weapons since August 9, 1945, as right now."

I can't imagine a scenario where either the US or Russia crosses over that line and decides to be first to use nukes.

If you got that worked out, please go through it in enough detail for a simpleton like me to follow. Whoever decided to be first would have to know that his nation would not survive. Wouldn't that be national suicide?

What I would see is a protracted, and very EXPENSIVE, conventional war that would drain both sides to exhaustion, but, still, stop short of using nukes.

Please describe your envisioned scenario in as much detail as you have got figured out.

17th September 2016, 08:14 PM
Samson Option (http://Samson Option)

17th September 2016, 08:34 PM
Crimethink says:

"We've never been as close to the use of nuclear weapons since August 9, 1945, as right now."

I can't imagine a scenario where either the US or Russia crosses over that line and decides to be first to use nukes.

If you got that worked out, please go through it in enough detail for a simpleton like me to follow. Whoever decided to be first would have to know that his nation would not survive. Wouldn't that be national suicide?

What I would see is a protracted, and very EXPENSIVE, conventional war that would drain both sides to exhaustion, but, still, stop short of using nukes.

Please describe your envisioned scenario in as much detail as you have got figured out.


One possible scenario: biological or chemical weapons release, accidental or deliberate. US nuclear weapons policy has long allowed a nuclear response when US forces are affected by that (Obama's 2010 NPR didn't actually change this). ISIS could use it, and blame the Syrians or even the Russians. "Someone" could also hit the USAF base at Incirlik, just over the Turkish border, as a false flag...."Syrian Scud" or some crap like that.

The Washington Criminals may very well not be itching to "push the button," but whenever you get two nuclear powers in conflict, a Black Swan can materialize. I trust the Russians to show more restraint. We have both unbridled arrogance and unbridled incompetence running the show in Washington right now. But the Russians sure wouldn't hesitate to defend themselves if necessary.

The fact US and Russian strategic forces are far less powerful than during the "Cold War" actually makes the danger of use of (tactical) nuclear weapons higher in a Black Swan event.

Ask yourself: what do the rulers of America have to lose? This country is a shell of what it was, and never will be again. "National suicide"? That's been public policy for 40+ years.

18th September 2016, 04:36 AM
My bet is that Israeli sources provided the bombing co-ordinates, and told the US this was an ISIS stronghold. The US would never admit to it if this is the case...

18th September 2016, 04:58 AM
From Russia today, US ambassador blames Russia and Syria for the situation:

Timing & other aspects of US strike on Syrian army suggest intentional provocation – Churkin

The US’ sudden attempt to “help” the Syrian army fighting ISIS in the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor, which resulted in a strike that killed and injured dozens of soldiers, does not look like an honest mistake, Russia’s UN envoy told journalists at the UNSC meeting.

“It is highly suspicious that the United States chose to conduct this particular air strike at this time,” Russia’s ambassador Vitaly Churkin said.

Churkin questioned why the US suddenly chose to “help” the Syrian army defend Deir ez-Zor after all these years, recalling how American forces just observed terrorists’ movements and did “nothing when ISIS advanced on Palmyra.”

“It was quite significant and not accidental that it happened just two days before the Russian-American arrangements were supposed to come into full force,” Churkin added.

Read more
© Carlo Allegri‘US is defending ISIS’: Russia convenes UNSC meeting after US coalition strike on Syrian army
Churkin also questioned why the US decided to classify and not share with the public or even members of the Security Council the text of the US-Russia deal reached in Geneva, before reading out two passages from the document.

The preamble of the document signed by both nations on September 9 read that the US and Russia are prepared to undertake “joint efforts” to stabilize the situation in Syria with special emphasis on the Aleppo region,and would separate moderate opposition forces from those of Al-Nusra. The second passage, presented by Churkin, read that the purpose of the Joint Implementation Group (JIG) is to “enable expanded coordination” between the US and Russia to work together to defeat Jabhat Al-Nusra and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and support the political transition process.

“The beginning of work of the Joint Implementation Group was supposed to be September 19. So if the US wanted to conduct an effective strike on Al-Nusra or ISIS, in Deir ez-Zor or anywhere else, they could wait two more days and coordinate with our military and be sure that they are striking the right people.”

“Instead they chose to conduct this reckless operation,” Churkin said.

He also noted that the US has been voicing its concern over the humanitarian situation in Syria, claiming that because of it, “there are no conditions to start implementing the arrangements of the Joint Implementation Group.” But the Syrian government cleared all obstacles for the humanitarian aid it be delivered, leaving the US with “no serious ground” to halt or postpone the start date of the JIG’s work.

“So it may well be, one has to conclude, that the airstrike has been conducted in order to derail the operation of the Joint Implementation Group and actually prevent it from being set in motion,” Churkin said. “It may well be that the United States is trying to hide the fact that they are actually not in control of the situation, that they allowed the situation to get out of control.”

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© Senior Airman Michael Battles‘Unbelievable’ that US strike on Syrian army was mistake – fmr MI5 agent
Vitaly Churkin spoke to journalists after briefly leaving the closed-door UN Security Council meeting, which was convened by Moscow to give Washington a chance to offer an explanation for the actions of its military.

However, instead of discussing the issue, US ambassador Samantha Power immediately left the room to address the press and accuse Russia of hypocrisy.

The US envoy to the UN spent some 30 seconds expressing “regret” over the unfortunate coalition airstrike that resulted in the loss of the lives of Syrian soldiers, and insisting that even if the ongoing investigation proves the US military is indeed to blame, it had never been their “intention” to strike Syrian military.

After that, Power spent the next 15 minutes slamming Moscow’s “uniquely hypocritical and cynical” attempt to make Washington explain itself at an urgent UNSC meeting.

“Why are we having this meeting tonight? It is a diversion from what is happening on the ground. If you don't like what is happening on the ground then you distract. It is a magician's trick… we encourage the Russian Federation to have emergency meetings with the Assad regime and deliver them to this deal,” said Samantha Power.

"What Russia is alleging tonight is that somehow the United States is undermining the fighting against ISIL. The Russian spokesperson even said that the United States might be complicit in this attack … this is not a game," she added, before going into details of how Assad government is to blame for the dire situation in Syria.

18th September 2016, 09:32 AM
Bombing a sovereign nation's army on their own soil demands more than an "Oops" response.

Neither foreign element U.S. or Russian gives more than a hoot about the "Syrian Army" just so long as its available for suicide missions.

Assad himself could probably care less, the zionist stooge that he is.

11th October 2016, 05:54 PM
The objective is clear: provoke Russia into a (defensive) response, and then the Washington Criminals will claim the Russians are the "aggressors." Presto! War!

The nuclear clock is approaching Midnight, and if Her Majesty is not coronated, the Head Nigger in Charge's last act will be pushing the clock to Midnight. We've never been as close to the use of nuclear weapons since August 9, 1945, as right now.

Russia tensions with US 'more dangerous' than during the Cold War


Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walker Steinmeir says during the Cold War superpowers had 'red lines and respected them'