View Full Version : manhattan ied explosion

17th September 2016, 08:22 PM
wonder how many billions this will cost us.....hope not as bad as that tropical storm sandy....that one got us for 30 billion


17th September 2016, 10:43 PM
yes pressure cookers. no terry wrist organizations have been linked at this time.

17th September 2016, 10:58 PM
Hillary is drunk or doped up or something. Totally unfit to make decisions right now.


"I've been briefed about the bombings . . . Mr. Trump shouldn't call them bombs"

18th September 2016, 02:11 AM


18th September 2016, 03:16 AM
https://img.ifcdn.com/images/a44dc8d79c64f03e6c7999e92f0df50b8501000eb5d6ead2d0 b796bc3432a2a5_1.jpg

18th September 2016, 04:15 AM
Hillary is drunk or doped up or something. Totally unfit to make decisions right now.


"I've been briefed about the bombings . . . Mr. Trump shouldn't call them bombs"


18th September 2016, 04:24 AM
She is visibly falling apart in front of all those "Stronger Together" campaign slogan signs. The irony!

Btw, I don't think she was drunk, only really really tired...

midnight rambler
18th September 2016, 07:03 AM
Bombings are caused by EXPLOSIONS, not necessarily bombs!

midnight rambler
18th September 2016, 07:05 AM
I pray that Killery continues to show this side of herself. It is her true self.



18th September 2016, 07:34 AM
she looks more worn/burned out than anything else in this vid...

however, good to know that everybod can make a bomb... improvised. ROFLOL


‘Intentional act’: At least 29 injured in improvised explosive device blast in Manhattan
18 September 2016 GMT
‘New York authorities have confirmed that an improvised explosive device stuffed inside a dumpster was the likely cause of a blast in Manhattan which resulted in multiple casualties. The mayor called the incident an “intentional act.”

The outdoor explosion occurred at 135 23rd Street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues in New York City, outside the Associated Blind Housing facility that cares for the visually impaired.

At least 29 people were injured in the blast, with one person suffering serious wounds. Twenty four people with non-life threatening injuries were transported to local hospitals.’



18th September 2016, 07:38 AM

She didn't want to interrupt her sleep, but since we all know she slept through Benghazi, she was forced to. Clearly she was not happy to wake up and act like she really cares.

18th September 2016, 07:59 AM
‘Intentional act’

As opposed to what? An UNintentional act? Brilliant deduction!
These scripts given to the mayor to read are over the top!!
No one has said anything about this neighborhood called CHELSEA, Manhattan. I find that the most interesting part of the story!

18th September 2016, 11:31 AM
Distraction to the max. Pressure cooker to boot. Lets bring up the Boston bombings maybe?

18th September 2016, 11:50 AM


midnight rambler
18th September 2016, 03:11 PM
Reportedly Tannerite was used.

18th September 2016, 03:37 PM
Soon to be a controlled substance!

Sad !


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18th September 2016, 04:14 PM
Seriously, who blows up dumpsters?

If you are going through all that work to be a terrorist, why not blow up something else?

Manhattan explosion being used to coverup US war crime in Syria

September 18, 2016
By Filip Karinja

Before today’s explosion in Manhattan, the news for the day was of the United States airforce conducting four separate airstrikes on the Syrian army in Syria killing 62 soldiers (http://www.hangthebankers.com/us-bombs-syrian-army-killing-soldiers/) and injuring 100 more.

The soldiers, representing the elected Syrian government, where in battle against ISIS when the US war planes came and were essentially acting as air support for ISIS by bombing the Syrian soldiers near the city of Deir ez-Zor, Syria.

Russia called for an immediate UN meeting to find out why the US had once again acted on behalf of ISIS in Syria.

The United States’ only response was to accuse Russia of grandstanding, avoiding the actual subject as to why they had bombed soldiers of an elected foreign government, a clear act of war.

Read more:

18th September 2016, 04:26 PM
I want to know what the deal is with the letters and numbers stenciled on the bottom of the case.

It looks a lot like an asset number to me.

The 1323 number is interesting. You could derive 31, 32 and 33 from that. Degrees perhaps?

18th September 2016, 05:17 PM
Seriously, who blows up dumpsters?

If you are going through all that work to be a terrorist, why not blow up something else?

Manhattan explosion being used to coverup US war crime in Syria

September 18, 2016
By Filip Karinja

Before today’s explosion in Manhattan, the news for the day was of the United States airforce conducting four separate airstrikes on the Syrian army in Syria killing 62 soldiers (http://www.hangthebankers.com/us-bombs-syrian-army-killing-soldiers/) and injuring 100 more.

The soldiers, representing the elected Syrian government, where in battle against ISIS when the US war planes came and were essentially acting as air support for ISIS by bombing the Syrian soldiers near the city of Deir ez-Zor, Syria.

Russia called for an immediate UN meeting to find out why the US had once again acted on behalf of ISIS in Syria.

The United States’ only response was to accuse Russia of grandstanding, avoiding the actual subject as to why they had bombed soldiers of an elected foreign government, a clear act of war.

Read more:


18th September 2016, 06:17 PM
Is that actually the dumpster / bin? Perspective makes it appear quite small but now I can see some feet It appears bigger than I originally thought. I thought it looked like some kind of wheeled luggage.


19th September 2016, 05:18 AM
Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28

midnight rambler
19th September 2016, 05:21 AM
Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28

Born in Afghanistan. More cultural enrichment.

19th September 2016, 09:21 AM
this non-event is getting the full megaphone treatment -- spewing from every nyc media orifice at max volume

19th September 2016, 02:06 PM
note the use of ied term....and they are saying this is same cell phone trigger used in iraq. furthering my theory that they are importing terrists to bring the war inside the united states. which means we'll need even more spying by nyc.dc on all of us

19th September 2016, 04:38 PM
note the use of ied term....and they are saying this is same cell phone trigger used in iraq. furthering my theory that they are importing terrists to bring the war inside the united states. which means we'll need even more spying by nyc.dc on all of us

The cell phone trigger was used in the Thailand temple(?) bombing as well. So the question becomes where are they importing the terrorist from?

19th September 2016, 06:27 PM
The cell phone trigger was used in the Thailand temple(?) bombing as well. So the question becomes where are they importing the terrorist from?

New York?

19th September 2016, 08:39 PM
The cell phone trigger was used in the Thailand temple(?) bombing as well. So the question becomes where are they importing the terrorist from?


19th September 2016, 08:47 PM
Mamboni comments: I think this article probably marks the official end of the Onion publication. No, this is not the Onion AFAIK.

Clinton says she’s qualified to fight terrorists, accuses Trump of coddling them

Published time: 19 Sep, 2016 22:58

Get short URL (http://on.rt.com/7pq9)

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to the media before boarding her campaign plane at the Westchester County airport in White Plains, New York, U.S. September 19, 2016. © Carlos Barria / Reuters

Hillary Clinton has accused GOP candidate Donald Trump of giving “aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists in his use of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” She says that Trump helps recruit new fighters, and claims she is the “only candidate to take terrorists off the battlefield.”


19th September 2016, 08:54 PM
I saw NY Times reporter on MSNBC implying conspiracy here. She pointed out that the pressure cooker device was covered by fingerprints, and that all the internet instructions teach to wear gloves. Also, at least one of the phone triggers was linked to a family member of the accused (and again the internet instructions teach to use burner phones to avoid this). This is juxtaposed against a pretty high tech explosive compound that was being used (other stories claim the compound 'Tannerite' is very common).

19th September 2016, 09:21 PM
tannerite crackdown coming? nyc.dc worried about access to it? as fflags go....this one is looking pretty pathetic. body count is lower than scores of corner stores in ghettos every frikkin weekend. but the nyc megaphone persists...

19th September 2016, 09:39 PM
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to the media before boarding her campaign plane at the Westchester County airport in White Plains, New York, U.S. September 19, 2016. © Carlos Barria / Reuters

Hillary Clinton has accused GOP candidate Donald Trump of giving “aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists in his use of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” She says that Trump helps recruit new fighters, and claims she is the “only candidate to take terrorists off the battlefield.”


They just speak gibberish. Truly it is an artform. To talk total garbage and to have people think they said something remotely sensible.

The only reason she has any claim to this is because she has been in government and Trump is still a private person. We need to see what he would do and that can only be known when he is leading the Government.

This is why peoples eyes roll back in their heads and their brans shut down. It's overloaded their system and they have to shutdown or reboot in safe mode.

19th September 2016, 10:07 PM
I saw NY Times reporter on MSNBC implying conspiracy here. She pointed out that the pressure cooker device was covered by fingerprints, and that all the internet instructions teach to wear gloves. Also, at least one of the phone triggers was linked to a family member of the accused (and again the internet instructions teach to use burner phones to avoid this). This is juxtaposed against a pretty high tech explosive compound that was being used (other stories claim the compound 'Tannerite' is very common).Wow - she just gave these moozlems a nice primer on how to build your bomb and not get caught. Seriously, maybe we overestimate our adversary?

20th September 2016, 11:26 AM
Wow - she just gave these moozlems a nice primer on how to build your bomb and not get caught. Seriously, maybe we overestimate our adversary?

her and the fbi. fbi lied...then recanted. yup, trying to hide it. his father turned him in to fbi 2 years ago...and they had him on other stuff too


FBI Lies Again: NYC Bomber Was On FBI "Radar" After All

24th September 2016, 01:45 PM

9 Weird Things About The NYC And NJ Bombs That Will Make You Say Hmmmm…

1) First, nobody died. Don’t get me wrong. I’m totally thrilled about that, but you have to ask yourself why? With 29 people injured there were obviously a fair number of people around. Yet everyone was well enough to be discharged from the hospital within hours of the blast. Was the bomb just positioned badly? Or was it designed to cause injury, but not too much injury?

2) They sure found the mystery bomber quickly and efficiently. The last time I had to deal with the federal government, I ended up in an endless loop of phone transfers, when no one could figure out the right person to send me to. But they brought their game to a whole new level of efficiency with this that makes you wonder how anyone ever gets away with anything. The bomb fragments and the unexploded pressure cooker were examined and analysed, a fingerprint was found, a match to the print was located on the system, and Ahmed Khan Rahami was identified. Then, the posters were produced, he was located due to a member of the public spotting him, and was then captured. All within 40 hours of the bomb blast and even though he was not on a terror watch list or flagged as a possible terrorist. Fast work.

3) Although experts say this type of thing is usually a group activity, no other persons of interest are being sought. Experts say that the chances of Rahami NOT having assistance with logistics, etc., was “infinitesimally small.” Mike Rogers, former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said, “Normally the way this works, you have a cell doing logistics, bomb-making and assembly, and an operational one.” Despite all of this, the New York Police Department said they are not actively looking for anyone else in connection with the incidents. (source)

4) The culprit was just hanging around, asleep in a doorway like a homeless person, waiting to get busted. Rahami was spotted sleeping in a shop doorway and police were called. He shot at an officer and then ambled off down the street, shooting at a police car before being wounded and taken into custody. Now, I have two major issues with this. What kind of terrorist decides to curl up and take a nap in a shop doorway in an area he knows the police will be looking for him? Secondly, we all know the police have hair triggers…children get shot for holding a BB gun, the caregiver of an autistic man got shot while laying down, and an unarmed drivers got shot in front of his kid…but this guy sets off bombs, shoots two officers, shoots up a police car, and then wanders down the road holding a gun and he only gets wounded in the shootout?

5) The placement of these bombs wasn’t very strategic. Usually, someone who sets off random bombs in the name of terror wants to do as much damage and inflict as much fear as possible. If these attacks were designed to maim and kill, why not plant a bomb when there are crowds of people around? When you are less likely to be singled out by CCTV walking alone at night shortly before the device explodes? It makes no sense does it? Terrorist attacks invariably aim for maximum impact with minimum risk. This was a complete reversal of that M.O.

6) ISIS wants nothing to do with this one. The Minnesota stabbings that took place on the same day have been claimed by the Islamic State as an act committed by ‘a soldier of the Islamic State’. There have been no claims at all that Rahami has links to ISIS.

7) It wasn’t a very good bomb. The backpack with five bombs inside was found in a wastebasket around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday outside a neighborhood pub in Elizabeth, about 16 miles from New York City. Two men found the backpack about 500 feet from a train trestle and alerted police, officials said. (source). One of those bombs exploded as a police robot tried to defuse it, yet the others didn’t. That must have been one very lame bomb if it couldn’t even blow the others packed into a bag with it apart or trigger the explosive component in the remaining four so they also blew up.

8) Somehow, the bomber didn’t really raise any eyebrows until now. Rahami was known to have travelled to Afghanistan, his home country, and also to Pakistan. This was known because he applied in 2011 to bring his Pakistani wife into the United States and the application was approved in 2012. So an Afghan national with a police record for trying to stab his sister-in-law travelled to Afghanistan and Pakistan spending months at a time there and it never raised a glance from any agency anywhere? The TSA was satisfied he was visiting family. Obviously too busy harassing cancer patients. Despite all of that, there was no real suspicion about this guy until he was suddenly a major terrorist.

9) What do we need to be distracted from? This always has to be the question when these situations take over the news. And the list is long, my friends. This freakshow of an election, the fact that Russia is accusing the US of starting WW3 in Syria, the upgraded effort to take away guns and personal medical decisions, the newest Wikileaks…we could go on and on about the things no one wants us paying attention to.

See what I mean? Weird stuff. Lots of weird stuff. I’m not saying it never happened or that this dude wasn’t a terrorist or that someone else was responsible or that this was a false flag. I’m saying that there are holes in the official story that one could drive an 18-wheeler truck through.

But the official story sure does seem a bit questionable.

Or maybe Rahami is just so bad at being a terrorist that the Islamic State doesn’t want to claim him as one of theirs.

24th September 2016, 02:20 PM
Still waiting to hear where this "individual" got the gun that he was shooting with. Been days without a peep. Been checking daily, not a peep.

I have a nephew that lived in NJ that tried to buy a long gun. He had to virtually promise to give away his great-grand children for the "privilege".

midnight rambler
24th September 2016, 04:17 PM
Still waiting to hear where this "individual" got the gun that he was shooting with. Been days without a peep. Been checking daily, not a peep.

Got it from his FBI handler. Duh.

30th September 2016, 10:50 AM
well lookie here


WASHINGTON – The FBI has identified two men seen on surveillance video earlier this month who removed an unexploded pressure cooker bomb from a piece of luggage on a Manhattan street, but neither are considered suspects in a bombing campaign that targeted locations in New York and New Jersey, a federal law enforcement official said Wednesday.

The official, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said the two men, co-workers who were visiting New York, left the country shortly after the pressure cooker was located, a few blocks from where another similar device exploded, injuring 31 people.

Federal investigators were traveling to interview the men, who were not immediately identified.

Last week, the FBI issued an alert for the men, indicating that they were wanted for questioning as witnesses. Investigators also want to determine whether other fingerprints found on the device, which do not match primary suspect Ahmad Rahami, belong to the men, eliminating the possibility of other suspects.

The official said the men did not make themselves known to authorities. Rather, investigators tracked them on other pieces of surveillance video to a Manhattan hotel, where they were positively identified from photographs and registration records.

It was not immediately clear whether the men still had the luggage that they took after unloading the explosive device.

Rahami, meanwhile, remains hospitalized with multiple gunshot wounds. He has been intubated and is not well enough to be questioned, the official said.

The 28-year-old suspect, who was captured following a shootout with New Jersey police, faces local attempted murder charges linked to the confrontation with police and federal charges related to the Chelsea neighborhood bombing and devices left at three other locations.

Among the evidence allegedly linking Rahami to the devices are multiple sets of fingerprints found on the unexploded device planted near the Chelsea bombing location, according to federal court records.

Federal investigators have yet to identify where Rahami allegedly assembled the explosives, the official said.

29th October 2016, 09:11 PM
select clips of body cam video...of course most of it is NOT shown
