View Full Version : Anti Semite..........who meeeeeeeeeeee?......... V

18th September 2016, 11:32 AM
Wo is a Semite?.....where did the name come from?..... what % of Jews are Semites?....

Because of the sign in my front yard I am called a Anti Semite all the time....just about every one (EVEN MANY REAL JEWS) have been brain washed into believing that Semites and Zionists are the same thing..........The word SEMITE came from the name of the leaders of one of the REAL JEWS tribe so that only those of that tribe can be called Semites and it consist of ONLY about 8-10% of the Jews of the Bible......You even have Arabs who are Semites. And even most Palestinians are Semites.

And the rest of those living in the state of Israel are ZIONIST and they have nothing to do with Jews but the conversion to the same when they became "Jews" in order not to fight the Muslims or Cristians...... Zionist became a political party back in1897 in Europe whey they decided to take a country as their own, they even were looking in Africa for a country.

What makes the Zionist powerful is their weapons (and the US) and not their character.

When I write Israel I like to say "the state of Israel" to say Israel alone if to give them credit to have a Country instead of only a state in Palestine....as long as the is a live Palestinian in Palestine the Zionist WILL NOT have a real country........say Zionist instead of Jews, and state of Israel instead of Israel.

If someone knows something that I don't know about please post, I am always willing to learn.


18th September 2016, 11:42 AM
If someone knows something that I don't know about please post, I am always willing to learn.

The Jewish Paradox: Free Bacon

18th September 2016, 06:48 PM
Only one answer?......and that's why the Zionist are winning....like when the blacks beat up a white and other whites don't do something about it.

Zionist are winning only because you let them win, mentally they already cut off your balls.


18th September 2016, 07:28 PM
Only one answer?


To be honest, it wasn't MUCH of an answer.