View Full Version : Power from trees......say what?.........yes, I done it............ V

18th September 2016, 03:32 PM
Take a look outside on a windy day and you will see all kind of trees moving back and forward, world wide million of them.....it took me three months to do a proto but only because I am so sick to do it faster.

Got the small appropriate small dynamo for the proto on ebay........ $6 bucks....affixed it to one tree extended a nylon thing light string from the top of another tree to bottom of the dynamo 30 feet away........ tree blows one way and it pulls the string to the dynamo, the tree relaxes and the dynamo will go the other way........coming or going it will create energy........... wind to strong?, I have a light spring attached to one end...that way it will pull the spring and not take out the whole thing.

The tree was only 10 feet tall but I only wanted to see if it would work.....and IT DID. You could attach ten dynamos to one tree and it would work the same way............Ponce <---------patting himself on the back, as usual.

Only telling you because one of you must take over, I am to sick to do anything about it.


18th September 2016, 03:55 PM
Take a look outside on a windy day and you will see all kind of trees moving back and forward, world wide million of them.....it took me three months to do a proto but only because I am so sick to do it faster.

Got the small appropriate small dynamo for the proto on ebay........ $6 bucks....affixed it to one tree extended a nylon thing light string from the top of another tree to bottom of the dynamo 30 feet away........ tree blows one way and it pulls the string to the dynamo, the tree relaxes and the dynamo will go the other way........coming or going it will create energy........... wind to strong?, I have a light spring attached to one end...that way it will pull the spring and not take out the whole thing.

The tree was only 10 feet tall but I only wanted to see if it would work.....and IT DID. You could attach ten dynamos to one tree and it would work the same way............Ponce <---------patting himself on the back, as usual.

Only telling you because one of you must take over, I am to sick to do anything about it.


That is true genius in its simplicity Ponce! You'll have a lot of momentum in a tree moving in the wind! It would probably be a good idea to have at least two dynamo's with strings at 90° angle to each other X- and Y-axis, so you can get energy from the tree no matter what direction the wind is blowing...

18th September 2016, 04:53 PM
Humans have gotten power from trees for millennia...it's called firewood. :)

Actually, Ponce, your idea is a good one for powering small items like lights or sensors.

18th September 2016, 06:42 PM
Like I said you can have ten dynamos (or more) from one tree........

Crime? make it big enough and you can power a whole city, being working on it mentally for a long time.


7th trump
18th September 2016, 07:13 PM
I wind mill is in essence no different and more efficient by providing constant rotation vs the back the forth motion.

18th September 2016, 07:13 PM
sounds similar to those wave (ocean) generators

18th September 2016, 07:19 PM
Take a picture of the setup as well as a link to the Dynamo. Will be interesting to see if any of us can reproduce it.

18th September 2016, 08:21 PM
does it need some kind of pulley?

I'm picturing the dynamo is perpendicular to the other tree and that trees morion. So the tree swings one way and the dynamo it is spun, the tree swings the other way and it also is spun?

18th September 2016, 11:31 PM
All is inclouse in the dynamo, it is secure to a tree all that is has coming out of it are the two wires goin to the battery.........why complicate something so simple?

19th September 2016, 12:51 AM
All is inclouse in the dynamo, it is secure to a tree all that is has coming out of it are the two wires goin to the battery.........why complicate something so simple?

I guess it depends on how the dynamo operates. Can you link the one you bought on ebay please?