View Full Version : The Guccifer Leak Is Finally Here! Hillary And Dems Are FINISHED

19th September 2016, 05:00 AM
This leak is huge. The amount of weight this will carry in the current political battlefield is undeniable and will shake the Democratic party to it's core. The details of this report are extensive; however, the gravity of what has just happened can not be bound to a single post. We will continue to keep you updated as the situation develops rapidly.

We are quite possibly looking at the email dump that could cause the biggest shake up yet in this election and WikiLeaks has not even released anything in quite some time like they did back in July.

These new revelations confirm that the DNC operated more like a crime organization than we knew? The leaks in July were nothing compared to the severity of documents released on September 14, 2016. We now have clear cut evidence of more “pay for play,” possible insider trading, Huma Abedin joking in emails about Benghazi, and more.

The DNC bought and sold more political influence than one could ever imagine. They have proven to be nothing more than a gigantic money laundering organization that provides corporate jobs for the highest donor, and many emails prove that below.

This leak is overwhelming, and we will list the findings, thus far, in a condensed fashion that is easily digestible.


When Donald trump made the claim that Obama and Hillary were the “founders of ISIS,” he was not lying. WikiLeaks proved that with a memo weeks ago (here), and now we have emails and documents from the DCCC proving the exact same thing. Democrats cannot deny something that they wrote themselves, and they wrote this memo.

BANG! DNC Acknowledge that They Created ISIS. Ivanka Trump Trump Foundation #maga #trump #trumptrain #hillarysemails pic.twitter.com/f1eCT00l6W

— Mary Poppins ️️️❌ (@imtheweatherman) September 14, 2016


Here is a WikiLeaks memo showing that Democrats feared they were being hacked, they advised a warning, then they proceeded to email out passwords anyway. What sense does that make? And they want us to trust Hillary Clinton, of all people, with the highest office in the land? Not a chance.

Admitting they were compromised then emailing new password. #DNCLeak #DNCLeaks #Idiots pic.twitter.com/sqOIFL1Ydg

— Anti-Media (@AntiMedia) September 14, 2016


Hillary has tried to use Colin Powell as her fall guy for using a private, unsecured email server. As if two wrongs make a right, but Powell, in this email, voiced his clear concerns for Hillary in this email to a major donor. Jeffrey Leeds emailed that Hillary could “barely climb the podium” while Colin Powell described how bad she looked after her busy schedule of collecting millions from other corrupt cronies.

It was also stated that the President wouldn’t weep if she found herself in legal trouble. While that is vague, it indicates that Obama may not like Hillary as much as they like to act like he does. Hillary added damage to Obama’s already tainted legacy, so it would make sense that Obama disliked her for several reasons. Especially given that he fired her after 2012.



Everyone is well aware that liberal kingpin George Soros pays groups to protest and cause problems. Well, apparently the DNC did the exact same thing. In this documents below, it shows that the DNC sent their interns to stage protests when Soros could not send out his own mob of goons to do the damage.

They staged these protests to illicit media coverage and to change the narrative on stories. More emails have revealed the DNC and George Soros were behind the paid protestors that were disrupting Donald Trump rallies months back. Have you seen protesters cause problems today like they did before? No, because the DNC hasn’t ordered them to protest lately.

DNC: "when our allies screw up and don't deliver bodies in time…"
Dems stage-manage "protests" for TV. #dncleak pic.twitter.com/xG0iB7mxIA

— Sharmine Narwani (@snarwani) September 14, 2016


Years back, Rod Blagojevich, the Illinois governor, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for trying to sell Barack Obama’s empty Senate seat. Well, in this email below, you will see Jacquelyn Lopez using the words “pay to play” as a way to describe the donations sent to Obama for America which is now Organizing for America.

But wait, we can also see that Ambassadorships are up for grabs, too, if you are the highest bidder. By the way, that is insanely illegal.

#IMWITHHER campaign 2 end real soon after the latest #DNCLEAK expect FBI Probes in Selling of seats arrests likely ! pic.twitter.com/6zbioFUSkm

— 0HouR1 (@AltRights) September 14, 2016

Here some name worthy individuals that were caught in the DNC “pay for play” scheme. This is truly unbelievable.

Jane Hartley paid DNC $605,000 & then nominated by #Obama to serve as U.S. Ambassador to France & Monaco. #DNCleak pic.twitter.com/bFQnzlYhPm

— Trump Super PAC (@TrumpSuperPAC) September 14, 2016

And another…

Karol Mason donated $856,000 to #DNC & Obama made her his Assistant Attorney General! #DNCleak #TrumpTrain #TRUMP pic.twitter.com/8hwEXcEd8C

— Trump Super PAC (@TrumpSuperPAC) September 14, 2016

And another one…

Julius Genachowski donated $3,494,919 to #DNC and served as Chairman of the FCC from 2009 to 2013. #DNCleak #TRUMP pic.twitter.com/6zNV1VA5kV

— Trump Super PAC (@TrumpSuperPAC) September 14, 2016


This is arguably the hardest punch to the gut. We all remember that Hillary and her goons blamed Benghazi on a video and protest as opposed to taking any blame.

Here is an email, from Huma Abedin (Hillary’s top aide) joking about Hillary sparking “peaceful” protests. Look at that date stamp. That email was the SAME DAY she attended the coffin ceremony for the four Americans she let die in Benghazi. This happened on the same exact day Hillary lied to the faces of the families that lost their loved ones in Benghazi.

They are laughing about this. They think it is funny. Do you?

Oh my…. #DNCleak #CorruptDNC #huma #HillaryClinton #wikileaks pic.twitter.com/79FIgVrRE8

— momma mandy (@mandylhoward) September 14, 2016


#DNCleak Early voting is designed to skew elections in Dems' favor. North Carolina used as laboratory pic.twitter.com/yOcFCfyUig

— Trump Street Team FL (@ChatRevolve) September 14, 2016

This is quite possibly the most damaging leak to come out yet and we are only getting started. This latest dump will be the last punch Hillary and the Democrats can take. Imagine how damaging all of this is so far. There will be much more, and it is only going to get worse.

Please stay advised for more leaks coming.


19th September 2016, 05:04 AM
Bah, this will all get glossed over too. As long as that witch is still consuming oxygen she'll be well protected and in our face