View Full Version : University of Houston to provide Emotional First-Aid Kits

19th September 2016, 08:28 AM
>The Emotional First Aid Kits are designed to address the trauma of any “Micro-Aggressions” a student or professor might encounter if they cannot reach a “Safe Space” in time, and include a “Genderless” baby blanket, earplugs, and Hershey’s Kisses (though the Project Veritas team ran into a serious snag when the chosen candies came prepared in American flag wrappers).

Satirical video based on actual shit they're doing:


>Bobbie Sue Schindler
Oh and the professors last name, top kek /pol/ is always right

19th September 2016, 08:44 AM
I know many of these students are so entrenched in privilege that they'll never face a day of criticism in their life, but there are many of them for which the real world will be something they cannot handle once they're out of their safe space universities.

19th September 2016, 08:53 AM
I know many of these students are so entrenched in privilege that they'll never face a day of criticism in their life, but there are many of them for which the real world will be something they cannot handle once they're out of their safe space universities.

They're in for a very big surprise, and it won't end well for these snowflakes

19th September 2016, 09:51 AM
We have lost our (or your) country.....I can only hope that Trump can fix it once again........

I can no longer have sex :( , does my Emotional First-Aid Kit includes a good looking blond?


19th September 2016, 09:52 AM
they need to provide guns. ghetto skool located in houston ghetto

19th September 2016, 09:56 AM
We have lost our (or your) country.....I can only hope that Trump can fix it once again........

I can no longer have sex :( , does my Emotional First-Aid Kit includes a good looking blond?


These guys are having a sale


19th September 2016, 10:12 AM
does my Emotional First-Aid Kit includes a good looking blond?


I think blow up comfort dolls will be included...


7th trump
19th September 2016, 10:26 AM
I know many of these students are so entrenched in privilege that they'll never face a day of criticism in their life, but there are many of them for which the real world will be something they cannot handle once they're out of their safe space universities.

Yep a girlfriend I had once has a daughter (24yrs old) flipped out one day when she was informed how much her college education payment was going to be. 600.00 plus a month. Took like an hour or two on the phone to calm her down (I'm chuckling in the background). She then received about 4 grand in student aid about a month later and booked a one way ticket to Bali to learn how to meditate at this expensive resort for a week. Used up about 7 grand for this one week in Bali.
Came home after about 6 or 7 months and was telling her mom how she is voting for Bernie and school should be free. I told her mom she will never live under my roof (again). We split up shortly after that.
Last I heard she was mooching off her brother in south Carolina which was putting a strain on him and his fiancée.

I laughed and laughed and laughed........

19th September 2016, 10:37 AM
My daughters will learn early that the world and society as a whole owe them nothing. The only thing they get in life material wise is what they earn.

It'll be like Fight Club where he is berating them while they work. lol j/k

In all honesty though, I'll teach them as best I can that society and civilization does not own them a thing and that if they want something out of this life that they have to work for it and endure hardships.

midnight rambler
19th September 2016, 10:49 AM
These guys are having a sale


How'd you know they were having a sale??

19th September 2016, 11:01 AM
How'd you know they were having a sale??

I googled it

19th September 2016, 01:40 PM
These guys are having a sale


Geez can get the real thing for less while vacationing.