View Full Version : The War on Reality

19th September 2016, 08:45 AM
no wonder that some people like CT think natural news/health ranger is disinfo. And the NWO will continue to win until we get it

debunk THIS! Everything is rigged, fabricated to create a hive-mind prison

Published on Sep 14, 2016

The War on Reality. Latest mini-documentary from the Health Ranger.(mike adams)


19th September 2016, 10:09 AM
no wonder that some people like CT think natural news/health ranger is disinfo...The War on Reality. Latest mini-documentary from the Health Ranger.(mike adams)

The Butt Ranger Mike Adams is a liar and a fraud, and his only "reality" is playing a confidence scheme to get people like you to support him financially.

19th September 2016, 11:56 AM
The Butt Ranger Mike Adams is a liar and a fraud, and his only "reality" is playing a confidence scheme to get people like you to support him financially.

do tell. i am under the impression he's one of the better ones out there

19th September 2016, 02:45 PM
Excellent video. Well worth keeping in mind as we are bombarded with election propaganda.

19th September 2016, 05:28 PM
Pretty dead nuts on as many of this forum know. (except Fred, he is special)

19th September 2016, 05:45 PM
Excellent video. Well worth keeping in mind as we are bombarded with election propaganda.


This sneaky anti-vaccine video conflates a bunch of unrelated stuff and has nothing to do with elections.

:D Crimethink is right


19th September 2016, 06:25 PM

This sneaky anti-vaccine video conflates a bunch of unrelated stuff and has nothing to do with elections.

:D Crimethink is right


Too much sodium.

19th September 2016, 06:30 PM
"This sneaky anti-vaccine video conflates"

This, coming from an expert at conflation. :)

19th September 2016, 06:35 PM


19th September 2016, 06:54 PM


Thanks anyway, but I like my snake oil straight. :)


19th September 2016, 07:26 PM
do tell. i am under the impression he's one of the better ones out there

I am perplexed that people aren't able to discern that someone who calls himself "the Health Ranger" and peddles a smorgasboard of questionable products, all advertised by his "news" articles," is not corrupt.

Adams has zero journalistic standards. He is in the same class as Steve Quayle and barely better than Sorcha Faal.

19th September 2016, 07:49 PM
Mike Adams made his money off of spam software, setting up Arial Software years ago.



Far from being a warrior against corporatism, he made his fortune from selling software big clients use to spam you...software intended to evade your anti-spam filters.

Whether he is still involved with Arial is unclear (it's "privately held"), but, it's clear he has a new email scam running now, called "Natural News."

I'm sure his groupies will deny Adams is a professional spammer, but he admits his "work" here:


19th September 2016, 07:52 PM
Why is the validity of information presented somehow dependent on who is presenting it?

His entire presentation is about how we judge reality based off of consensus and third-party sources rather than experiencing and thinking about things ourselves. Ironically, if the viewer were to actually follow the advice presented in this video, he would consider the presenter of the video as inconsequential to the validity of the video.

19th September 2016, 07:56 PM
peddles a smorgasboard of questionable products

Good grief...go to any grocery store... anywhere... and you'll find 98% of everything in the fucking place "a smorgasboard of questionable products."

It might be that Adam's is trying to offer alternatives to the poisonous garbage we're flooded with every day.

19th September 2016, 08:02 PM
Why is the validity of information presented somehow dependent on who is presenting it?

His entire presentation is about how we judge reality based off of consensus and third-party sources rather than experiencing and thinking about things ourselves. Ironically, if the viewer were to actually follow the advice presented in this video, he would consider the presenter of the video as inconsequential to the validity of the video.

According to this very video Crimethink should not submit to this forum peer pressure and consensus but rely instead on what he knows to be true via his own experience and thinking.

Ironic indeed.


midnight rambler
19th September 2016, 08:31 PM
Book and Fred both love their Big Brother* and look to him for approval on all things in life.

*a phantasm

19th September 2016, 09:20 PM
Why is the validity of information presented somehow dependent on who is presenting it?

Because character matters.

A known liar presenting allegedly "unbiased" and/or "valuable" information brings into question the veracity and weight of such information to the discerning mind. This is why the phrase "consider the source" exists.

His entire presentation is about how we judge reality based off of consensus and third-party sources rather than experiencing and thinking about things ourselves. Ironically, if the viewer were to actually follow the advice presented in this video, he would consider the presenter of the video as inconsequential to the validity of the video.

Mike Adams has created a phony persona of being "anti-System," whereas in fact he made his fortune making possible one of the more unsavory and annoying nuisances greedy corporations inflict on us: spam email.

Your "reality" of him is purely an invention, and you are in denial about it.

As I have reminded people many times before, there is something more dangerous than a lie: it's the half-truth. Adams' video here is purely self-serving half-truth, attempting to bolster his "credibility" among his groupies Trouble is, his material is no more valid or culturally/psychologically/spiritually wholesome than the typical Alex Jones or David Icke video, or Zeitgeist. It's material with a veneer of "credibility," only seeming to have depth and sincerity. In fact, I'm being unfair to Jones and Icke in comparing their (marginally) superior works to Adam's shit.

The inability to discern, to discriminate, between fact and fiction, truth and lie, is pandemic in our civilization. Publik skools and Talmudvision have done their work. This affects not only ball-watching, news-swilling Boobus Americanus, but also those who "want to believe," who are desperate for a valid alternative of "hope," in contrast to the potentially soul-crushing objective reality of disaster that exists whether we perceive it or not.

19th September 2016, 09:31 PM
Good grief...go to any grocery store... anywhere... and you'll find 98% of everything in the fucking place "a smorgasboard of questionable products."

It might be that Adam's is trying to offer alternatives to the poisonous garbage we're flooded with every day.

Nice of you to censor out the key phrase after what you quoted:

"peddles a smorgasboard of questionable products, all advertised by his 'news' articles"

A grocery store, indeed, offers a load of crap that is worthless or even dangerous to health, but Safeway or Kroger don't run an ostensibly "honest" and "informative" propaganda site whose real purpose is to drive customers to the "health product" store portion of the site.

I won't even go deep into the fact Adams' site has a nice flow of revenue from New World Order institution, Google. He whined his revenue stream was diminished a few years back, when Google Adwords stopped driving his "detox" and "chelation" sales due to an FDA complaint.

19th September 2016, 09:35 PM
Book and Fred both love their Big Brother* and look to him for approval on all things in life.

*a phantasm

Your favorite phantasm is the idea you can use magic words and Kabbalistic techniques to make "law enforcement" simple go away at your will, instead of them enforcing the Will of the State on you.

I love the Truth, and the Author of it. Jesus Christ is my only "Big Brother."

20th September 2016, 08:31 AM
Nice of you to censor out the key phrase after what you quoted:

"peddles a smorgasboard of questionable products, all advertised by his 'news' articles"

A grocery store, indeed, offers a load of crap that is worthless or even dangerous to health, but Safeway or Kroger don't run an ostensibly "honest" and "informative" propaganda site whose real purpose is to drive customers to the "health product" store portion of the site.

I won't even go deep into the fact Adams' site has a nice flow of revenue from New World Order institution, Google. He whined his revenue stream was diminished a few years back, when Google Adwords stopped driving his "detox" and "chelation" sales due to an FDA complaint.

Ok... you don't like Mike Adams. Got it. And Safeway and Kroger are fine by you. That's nice. Enjoy your Pop Tarts and flu vaccines.
However, regardless of your personal feelings about the messenger, I still recommend the video.

20th September 2016, 09:29 AM
Ok... you don't like Mike Adams. Got it. And Safeway and Kroger are fine by you. That's nice. Enjoy your Pop Tarts and flu vaccines.
However, regardless of your personal feelings about the messenger, I still recommend the video.

According to CT, if Jesus didn't say it, it was never said

20th September 2016, 09:36 AM
Ok... you don't like Mike Adams. Got it...Enjoy your Pop Tarts and flu vaccines.
However, regardless of your personal feelings about the messenger...


100% Sandalwood Seed Oil 2 fl oz (3-Pack)

MSRP $ 89.85 Your Price: $ 68.85 Savings $ 21.00 (23.37%)

:rolleyes: Santa lubes his Health Ranger butt plug only with genuine $12 per-ounce Health Ranger oil.

20th September 2016, 10:13 AM
:rolleyes: Santa lubes his Health Ranger butt plug only with genuine $12 per-ounce Health Ranger oil.

I see our resident sadomasochist is busy plying his butt plug program this morning. :rolleyes:

20th September 2016, 10:16 AM
I see our resident sadomasochist is busy plying his butt plug program this morning. :rolleyes:


20th September 2016, 11:45 AM
thanks for liking the OP video

dont know if any of you went to the utube page, but if not, this one will be worth your time too. However I highly recommend his channel

health ranger again
The Government is a PARASITE on society


i am 20mins into it: 2 thumbs up so far, not by mike adams but in same vein


20th September 2016, 02:11 PM
Ok... you don't like Mike Adams.

You are clueless.

No, I don't like liars, frauds, and spammers.

Got it. And Safeway and Kroger are fine by you.

Continued cluelessness.

That's nice. Enjoy your Pop Tarts and flu vaccines.

I don't eat Poop Tarts and haven't had an injection since 1991.

But then, you are clearly unable to apply logic and discern the facts...hence, you assert low-brow false conclusions.

However, regardless of your personal feelings about the messenger, I still recommend the video.

"Personal feelings," LOL.

Do you get a cut of his profits or something?

20th September 2016, 02:18 PM

100% Sandalwood Seed Oil 2 fl oz (3-Pack)

MSRP $ 89.85 Your Price: $ 68.85 Savings $ 21.00 (23.37%)

Sandalwood Seed Oil?!

As a Certified Aromatherapist, educated by the world-renowned legitimate chemist Kurt Schnaubelt, I have to say this is nothing but the proverbial snake oil. And I hate that cliche. Sandalwood Essential Oil is a genuine healing substance, but this?

20th September 2016, 02:21 PM
Sandalwood Seed Oil?!

As a Certified Aromatherapist, educated by the world-renowned legitimate chemist Kurt Schnaubelt, I have to say this is nothing but the proverbial snake oil. And I hate that cliche. Sandalwood Essential Oil is a genuine healing substance, but this?


20th September 2016, 02:28 PM

No, this:


20th September 2016, 03:13 PM
But then, you are clearly unable to apply logic and discern the facts...hence, you assert low-brow false conclusions.

:rolleyes: Santa lubes his Health Ranger butt plug only with genuine $12 per-ounce Health Ranger oil.

Is this the sort of logic and discernment you're referring to?
I only ask because I notice you thanked Jewboo for his thoughtful commentary.

20th September 2016, 03:21 PM
It might be that Adam's is trying to offer alternatives to the poisonous garbage we're flooded with every day.

:rolleyes: Like This:


100% Sandalwood Seed Oil 2 fl oz (3-Pack)

MSRP $ 89.85 Your Price: $ 68.85 Savings $ 21.00 (23.37%)

20th September 2016, 03:29 PM
Is this the sort of logic and discernment you're referring to?
I only ask because I notice you thanked Jewboo for his thoughtful commentary.

Ah, you ASSume a "Thanks" is an agreement with the entirety of a post. A failure in logic.

I thanked him for pointing out the Butt Ranger's profiteering scam. The one which you either overlook or approve of.

20th September 2016, 03:36 PM
:rolleyes: Like This:


100% Sandalwood Seed Oil 2 fl oz (3-Pack)

MSRP $ 89.85 Your Price: $ 68.85 Savings $ 21.00 (23.37%)

But, but, but!

"Health Ranger's Sandalwood Seed Oil is sourced directly from the Australian Outback, and is based on the same ancient wisdom of the Aboriginal people who have long treasured Sandalwood seed as an elixir for the skin, and touted its cosmetic and medicinal benefits."

The Homo erectii "Aboriginal people" had access to supercritical carbon dioxide to extract oil from Sandalwood seeds? LOL

Adams, ever disingenuous and dissimulating for money, conflates Sandalwood extracts gleaned by hand from readily-available wood, with never-before-seen oil extract derived using modern industrial chemistry technique. But his groupies are unable to understand the difference.

Sandalwood Seed Oil is purely experimental...what it actually does, and its positives & negatives, are yet to be determined. It is nothing like the extracts known for millennia...any more than nano forms of everyday substances are "the same" as those known throughout human existence.

20th September 2016, 04:55 PM
Adams, ever disingenuous and dissimulating for money, conflates Sandalwood extracts gleaned by hand from readily-available wood, with never-before-seen oil extract derived using modern industrial chemistry technique. But his groupies are unable to understand the difference.

Sandalwood Seed Oil is purely experimental...what it actually does, and its positives & negatives, are yet to be determined. It is nothing like the extracts known for millennia...any more than nano forms of everyday substances are "the same" as those known throughout human existence.

Ah, so your an aroma therapist. Do you have a scent that can remove butt plugs from my memory?

I thanked him for pointing out the Butt Ranger's profiteering scam. The one which you either overlook or approve of.

Oh, and speaking of disingenuous... :rolleyes: Santa lubes his Health Ranger butt plug only with genuine $12 per-ounce Health Ranger oil.

edit: I can see that both of you are paragons of honesty and virtue.

20th September 2016, 05:07 PM
edit: I can see that both of you are paragons of honesty and virtue.

Uncle Santa


20th September 2016, 06:30 PM
Ah, so your an aroma therapist. Do you have a scent that can remove butt plugs from my memory?

But why would you want to? :D


Have you ordered a set? Will likely work for you for "natural male enhancement."

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/F._Dekkers%2C_Exercitationes_practicae%2C_Wellcome _L0002320.jpg/800px-F._Dekkers%2C_Exercitationes_practicae%2C_Wellcome _L0002320.jpg

20th September 2016, 06:36 PM
Uncle Santa



20th September 2016, 08:36 PM
Lol...more logic and discernment from our resident geniuses. Touche' :)

20th September 2016, 10:28 PM
Lol...more logic and discernment from our resident geniuses. Touche' :)

Your hero Mike Adams has cupping kits available...how many are you going to order?

21st September 2016, 07:32 AM
maybe we'd like to know what you are doing for a living? I am sure that by one way or another, you also sustain the for profit system, which I seriously stand against myself as much as I can, but bills must be paid at some point.

I'd rather sell high quality supplements than working for a corporation, that's for sure. But you talk while not knowing that Mike Adams has access to a FULL LAB operating and dedicated to testing all kinds of mainstream products and this COSTS money. So I can understand where the prices are a little higher.

Start running or rent a lab and then report us on the costs, then we shall see. Yeah, right keep attacking the messenger for his products then instead. Also, you do not seem to understand that anybody making available data FREE of charge is part of the solution. He has countless of columns exposing the problems with the system....... where are YOURS?

You also wrongly ASSume that running a huge site like naturalnews bear no or little costs.

full bio (he also has many ongoing projects, which for sure need funding)


Although Mike Adams did not choose an academic route to acquiring knowledge beyond his university degree, he has read hundreds of books, listened to dozens of continuing medical education (CME) seminars, and watched instructional DVDs taught by college professors on numerous topics, including chemistry, physics and philosophy. His work is widely considered to be "beyond doctorate level" in many areas, including computer science and nutrition science.

Adams is the director of the Natural News Store facility which is certified organic by the USDA. As part of this function, Adams helps formulate nutritional products, assesses raw materials for suitability and quality, and adheres to USDA standards for organic food production, labeling, marketing and raw materials tracking.

In 2013, Adams announced he was heading up the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory, a food investigations lab located in Central Texas. Adams has partnered with a private lab to use their facilities which are then re-branded the "Natural News Forensic Food Lab."

Interestingly, Adams conducts all the research himself and has attained training and certification to operate a growing list of laboratory testing equipment, including ICP-MS, HPLC, digital microscopes and other instruments. Adams is trained in so-called "EPA methods" for sample preparation, digestion, dilution and quality control calibrations for testing equipment.

Adams has promised "astounding" new findings from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab by the end of 2013.

Ah, you ASSume a "Thanks" is an agreement with the entirety of a post. A failure in logic.

I thanked him for pointing out the Butt Ranger's profiteering scam. The one which you either overlook or approve of.

21st September 2016, 08:48 AM
I'd rather sell high quality supplements than working for a corporation, that's for sure.

Adams' is running a for-profit operation. "Truth Publishing, Inc." dba "Natural News." See that "Inc." - that means "incorporated." A corporation. It's not a non-profit organization. The money goes into Adams' bank accounts.


So I can understand where the prices are a little higher.

Anyone capable of discernment understands. But you do not.

Start running or rent a lab and then report us on the costs, then we shall see.

Surely, Adams publishes all of this alleged laboratory data, right? Links, please. For all of his products.

Also, you do not seem to understand that anybody making available data FREE of charge is part of the solution.

Adams runs a for-profit business, not a charity. This "data free of charge" is part of the cost of doing business...it's called advertising. And if you were clued in, you'd understand this...my point from the start.

Adams has partnered with a private lab to use their facilities which are then re-branded the "Natural News Forensic Food Lab."

Interestingly, Adams conducts all the research himself and has attained training and certification to operate a growing list of laboratory testing equipment, including ICP-MS, HPLC, digital microscopes and other instruments.

Bullshit. What are his qualifications, other than "I am qualified to run a lab"? Where did he get this "training"?

This is nothing but self-aggrandizement: "Mike Adams, the lab director at the Consumer Wellness Center." "Lab director," LOL. He rents the use of (presumably) a real lab, and then gives himself a title.

21st September 2016, 10:36 AM
indeed you again go after the messenger

you are just dishonest... to the extreme. Anyway, anybody who doesnt praise hiler (or the adamic tribe) doesnt have a pass with you, yet instead of addressing the OP video, you go after his marketing endeavors that sustain natural news. I NEVER said he was running a charity!!!

So stick to the topic, and tell us what is disinfo is the OP video, besides the reference to einstein? His vids are all FREE OF CHARGE, that any of us contributes or not, we ALL can watch it.

lets see the headlines today... looks fine, acceptable.... http://naturalnews.com/ which headline is for example total disinfo?

Sorry, but he does a lot more than you to awaken the masses, thats for sure. The OP video is advertising... how so? You just hate him so much for trying to do what you cannot, seems like it.

oh by the way: Adamu in sumerian means "made of clay". So indeed where is the biblical name adam is coming from???

21st September 2016, 11:57 AM
(willfully ignorant spew deleted)

oh by the way: Adamu in sumerian means "made of clay". So indeed where is the biblical name adam is coming from???

A very interesting observation of yours!

Notice that the Sumerian clay figurines are White people:


They didn't use Melanin clay, LOL:


Oh, and here's something you'll really enjoy; Sumerian Adamu figurines with Lapis Lazuli blue eyes:


21st September 2016, 12:07 PM
sure, turn this into another racial issue now. Shoot the messenger AGAIN!

I regard the topic of races as the most deceptive issue on this planet because if you go with the sumerian myth (and other ones) we have ALL been engineered.

I am B- (very rare) and interracial, so what. what is your blood type? My blood type, Rh-, is that of many red/blond haired in europe. ;D, so you see the skin color has nothing to do. For a child to be Rh-, both parents must be Rh-.

the Rh- vs Rh+ debunks all mainstream DNA racial topics.

21st September 2016, 12:26 PM
I regard the topic of races as the most deceptive issue on this planet because if you go with the sumerian myth (and other ones) we have ALL been engineered.

Oh boy, it's Goldissima von Däniken! :rolleyes:

Emphasis on "myth." It was aliens!

I am B- (very rare) and interracial, so what. what is your blood type? My blood type, Rh-, is that of many red/blond haired in europe. ;D, so you see the skin color has nothing to do. For a child to be Rh-, both parents must be Rh-.

Your point? Ah, you have none! Humans and chimpanzees share 98.8% of their DNA. We're "the same."

21st September 2016, 12:52 PM
A very interesting observation of yours!

Notice that the Sumerian clay figurines are White people:

http://s18.postimg.org/gmv5gdsmh/1437666918378.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/bo7n1uoth/)

http://s18.postimg.org/mp7dkm6g9/1439537227500.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/9xt7e3wo5/)

http://s18.postimg.org/fn9fyf2uh/1455090173316.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5d70z6cyt/)

http://s18.postimg.org/o6stw6b6x/1440334289245.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/4c6sa1vz9/)

http://s18.postimg.org/pn4cebe3t/1456708144722_3.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/btfzp9lid/)

21st September 2016, 01:07 PM
shami, you have also shown that you can't discuss races/cultures without stereotyping 24/7. But thanks for your 2 cent-derailment

keep forgetting that non negroid blacks are a reality to suit your train of thought.

21st September 2016, 01:11 PM
feel free to abuse your sumerian-adamic perspectives to keep the aliens possibility out of the game.

back to the topic... go to the naturalnews index page and tell me/us how much disinfo exactly you see in its featured headlines.. waiting.

Oh boy, it's Goldissima von Däniken! :rolleyes:

Emphasis on "myth." It was aliens!

Your point? Ah, you have none! Humans and chimpanzees share 98.8% of their DNA. We're "the same."

21st September 2016, 01:19 PM
That is excellent!

21st September 2016, 01:22 PM
yeah, terrific...

Where is book... and all the team will be completed.

love you all.

That is excellent!

21st September 2016, 01:24 PM
http://s18.postimg.org/fn9fyf2uh/1455090173316.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5d70z6cyt/)

That is excellent, note the difference in facial structure, between the negro homo erectii and the Homo sapiens sapiens Egyptian, she believes she look the same because how she made her hair.

21st September 2016, 01:36 PM
nope this black woman is being fooled by the agenda spreading half-truths. Yes ancient black egyptians did exist but they just were not negroid.


https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-dh2ODkJGOBM%2FU_Is5cpX-UI%2FAAAAAAAAASA%2F9PC_XkGiXlk%2Fs1600%2Fkemet%252 B4.jpg&f=1

I give a C rating to your remark, based on pix above

That is excellent, note the difference in facial structure, between the negro homo erectii and the Homo sapiens sapiens Egyptian, she believes she look the same because how she made her hair.

21st September 2016, 01:45 PM
nope this black woman is being fooled by the agenda spreading half-truths. Yes ancient black egyptians did exist but they just were not negroid.


https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-dh2ODkJGOBM%2FU_Is5cpX-UI%2FAAAAAAAAASA%2F9PC_XkGiXlk%2Fs1600%2Fkemet%252 B4.jpg&f=1

I give a C rating to your remark, based on pix above

Your ratings are as reliable as S&P and Moody's in 2008. Clay vs Pure Gold... LOL. The Egyptian civilization collapsed because of race mixing.

21st September 2016, 03:24 PM
you are the evidence that the agenda works from both ends... on the caucasian side and negroid side alike

Your logic dismisses all NON negroid blacks, no matter their genes you put ALL blacks in the same basket (myopia), there have been white and non white dynasties in ancient egypt.

yes this statue is QUEEN TIYE
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_mdcgm sAqmF1r1a3nto3_500.jpg&f=1

The problem with confusing racial origins or disregarding them, one ends up giving the nwo the upper hand. History of mankind has been falsified from almost a to z. Just like anything else.

How does it come that my blood type, Rh- , already very rare, is in fact more common in ireland then???

does those 2 below look like caucasian to you?


Pharaoh Ptolemy
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm5.staticflickr.com%2F4134%2F53 94211795_6d247b3c27_z.jpg&f=1

your reply exactly explains why the NWO is winning the race war.

Your ratings are as reliable as S&P and Moody's in 2008. Clay vs Pure Gold... LOL. The Egyptian civilization collapsed because of race mixing.

21st September 2016, 03:33 PM

Looks like a cartoon image of Barry

21st September 2016, 03:46 PM
lol... yes... a little. but the camera lens creates a special effect

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.wikinut.com%2Fimg%2F1m.zrqv0vo sx7z.m%2Fjpeg%2F0%2FAkhenaten.jpeg&f=1

we can say that most blacks act the same way regardless of their genetic make up, negroid or not... but when you look at white crowds, there are both as much as deplorable. brainwashing at work.

21st September 2016, 04:15 PM
you are the evidence that the agenda works from both ends... on the Caucasian side and negroid side alike.

Say something positive about your own Caucasian side. Your negroid side has been posting Black Lives Matter slogans since the GIM1 days.


21st September 2016, 04:21 PM
Your logic dismisses all NON negroid blacks

WTF is a "non-Negroid Black"? Is that like non-wet water?

no matter their genes you put ALL blacks in the same basket (myopia)

Black = Negroid / Negroid = Black.

there have been white and non white dynasties in ancient egypt

Centuries from now, will historians find an image of Obama and ASSume that America was built by Niggers?

How does it come that my blood type, Rh- , already very rare, is in fact more common in ireland then???

Because the population there and you share the mutation that gave rise to B-, that is all. Am I a macaque because I'm A+? Nope.

your reply exactly explains why the NWO is winning the race war.

The Jew World Order's primary mission is to OBLITERATE THE WHITE RACE biologically and culturally.

22nd September 2016, 08:06 AM

Looks like a cartoon image of Barry

Yes very similar looking. Akhenaten was the last one in his dynasty (the 18th). He destroyed the cultural foundation of Egypt, and it never really recovered to its former glory after that, even though the following pharaohs tried to reverse his destruction.

It's like having people pointing out in the future that look the US empire had a black President when near the peak of its strength. Failing to point out that he was in large part responsible for its downfall!

22nd September 2016, 08:08 AM
Yes very similar looking. Akhenaten was the last one in his dynasty (the 18th). He destroyed the cultural foundation of Egypt, and it never really recovered to its former glory after that, even though the following pharaohs tried to reverse his destruction.

It's like having people pointing out in the future that look the US empire had a black President when near the peak of its strength. Failing to point out that he was in large part responsible for its downfall!

I can't disagree!

22nd September 2016, 10:14 AM
I am not negroid and it pisses you off ....

see my quote, I do NOT take side but which of logic.

You are deplorable, Book.

Say something positive about your own Caucasian side. Your negroid side has been posting Black Lives Matter slogans since the GIM1 days.


22nd September 2016, 10:24 AM
I am not negroid and it pisses you off ....


Your mom's Tutsi tribe says the same thing to their neighbors...lol.


22nd September 2016, 10:37 AM
thanks for exposing your deplorable IQ

You cannot stand (partially) blacks who can think for themselves

there have been black and white dynasties in ancient egypt, a proven fact, and now you come up with another stupid picture because you cannot stand me pointing at a reality you cannot face.

You are part of the problem and the NWO loves it

and actually, it is not 100% sure than my birth mother (NOT my mom, which was a caucasian) was a tutsi. But was from the source of the Nile region. The nomad tribe had resided in rwanda for a long while since colonization invented borders that prevented them from traveling --- but that doesnt mean tutsi.


Your mom's Tutsi tribe says the same thing to their neighbors...lol.


22nd September 2016, 10:57 AM
...and actually, it is not 100% sure than my birth mother (NOT my mom, which was a caucasian) was a tutsi. But was from the source of the Nile region. The nomad tribe had resided in rwanda for a long while since colonization invented borders that prevented them from traveling --- but that doesnt mean tutsi.

How TALL (https://rwandabel.wordpress.com/2015/02/16/miss-tutsi-a-k-a-miss-rwanda-beauty-pageant/) was your birth mother?


22nd September 2016, 11:06 AM
my birth mother...was from the source of the Nile region. The nomad tribe had resided in rwanda for a long while since colonization invented borders that prevented them from traveling --- but that doesnt mean tutsi.

A Nigger by any other name...

22nd September 2016, 11:07 AM
thanks for exposing your deplorable IQ

You cannot stand (partially) blacks who can think for themselves

there have been black and whites dynasties in ancient egypt, a proven fact, and now you come up with another stupid picture because you cannot stand me pointing at a reality you cannot face.

You are part of the problem and the NWO love it

and actually, it is not 100% sure than my birth mother (NOT my mom, which was a caucasian) was a tutsi. But was from the source of the Nile region. The nomad tribe had resided in rwanda for a long while since colonization invented borders that prevented them from traveling --- but that doesnt mean tutsi.

Your birth mothers tribe preferred you dead because you were too white, at least you said so.

Never mind the only two black faces you have produced was Akhenaton and his mother. Akhenaton can arguably be credited with destroying ancient Egypt, so what is your conclusion?

22nd September 2016, 11:15 AM
How TALL (https://rwandabel.wordpress.com/2015/02/16/miss-tutsi-a-k-a-miss-rwanda-beauty-pageant/) was your birth mother?


I don't think she had the time to measure her, before her white father saved her from being murdered for being too white. But one can probably guesstimate her mothers height, from her own height and her white fathers height. How tall are you Goldie and how tall was your father?

We will help you figure out your birth mothers racist origins.

22nd September 2016, 11:43 AM
shami, you have also shown that you can't discuss races/cultures without stereotyping 24/7. But thanks for your 2 cent-derailment

keep forgetting that non negroid blacks are a reality to suit your train of thought.

https://s16.postimg.org/62uyjm677/1470177170644.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/qqgkfp6ed/)

http://s18.postimg.org/rh9alh8rt/1470138577829.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/fs5axiht1/)

22nd September 2016, 11:59 AM
thanks for exposing your deplorable IQ

You cannot stand (partially) blacks who can think for themselves


22nd September 2016, 04:38 PM

22nd September 2016, 06:00 PM
hey, all of you... look at the brainwashing of the white people and DO something because many white people are as ignorant as the blacks, yellows, reds, greens, etc, you name it, right now. All races are all EVEN in the face of this evil. I really wonder if you can get this, maybe not.

all this because a sumerian-adamic member attempts to imposes criteria of what is acceptable on this forum and that I stand up and proved that he has NO case in this particular instance. http://www.naturalnews.com/ nothing wrong with these headlines.

you are all deplorable. There have been black AND white dynasties in egypt. DEAL with it!!

I dont care HOW you view me, and keep this in the back of your narrowed minds. I dont give a damn because my intelligence is FAR ABOVE any race criteria.

For me, a black or a white (or whatever race) suffering are SAME, they all deserve attention. Human life and respect for creation DO matter.

22nd September 2016, 06:06 PM
you are all deplorable.


22nd September 2016, 06:26 PM
and the day you will begin ponder why the black problem in america is the direct result of disrespecting life, by educational indoctrination, then you will understand why the white guilt was so easy to manipulate. Eugenics by the NWO elites has convinced so many that it was the right thing to do.

And so many fell into the trap. That is exactly why the NWO could terminate us all. racism is a deception.

All what counts is respect for creation, regardless of how we regard others or nature. Thats the absolute strict bottom line.

I stand with the Universe.

so now go ahead... with your insults and deplorable mindset

22nd September 2016, 06:30 PM
I have used the word deplorable many times, before killary 2 days ago. sorry, you zionist media side effect has no grip on me.


22nd September 2016, 06:48 PM
...ponder why the black problem in america is the direct result of...




http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Wj1mRgVU1I4/ViwegU9N9CI/AAAAAAABHmY/d25nrsp6VNA/s640/true-news-usa-love.jpg http://media2.kshb.com/photo/2015/04/27/Baltimore-Riot3-04272015_1430187441987_17432362_ver1.0_640_480.jpg

22nd September 2016, 08:40 PM
a sumerian-adamic member...you are all deplorable.


I will take it as an honor to be called "Sumerian." The first civilization after the Flood.

22nd September 2016, 09:32 PM
hey, all of you... look at the brainwashing of the white people and DO something because many white people are as ignorant as the blacks, yellows, reds, greens, etc, you name it, right now. All races are all EVEN in the face of this evil. I really wonder if you can get this, maybe not.

all this because a sumerian-adamic member attempts to imposes criteria of what is acceptable on this forum and that I stand up and proved that he has NO case in this particular instance. http://www.naturalnews.com/ nothing wrong with these headlines.

you are all deplorable. There have been black AND white dynasties in egypt. DEAL with it!!

I dont care HOW you view me, and keep this in the back of your narrowed minds. I dont give a damn because my intelligence is FAR ABOVE any race criteria.

For me, a black or a white (or whatever race) suffering are SAME, they all deserve attention. Human life and respect for creation DO matter.

Yes, but how tall are you?

22nd September 2016, 10:43 PM
hey, all of you... look at the brainwashing of the white people and DO something because many white people are as ignorant as the blacks, yellows, reds, greens, etc, you name it, right now...you are all deplorable.

I dont care HOW you view me, and keep this in the back of your narrowed minds. I dont give a damn because my intelligence is FAR ABOVE any race criteria...


You are employed part-time at a gas station.


22nd September 2016, 11:43 PM

You are employed part-time at a gas station.


Not just any gas station https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/Jzopn1xXOrVNYVhkb1a__A--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wME EzMDA7aD00NDQ7dz00MDA-/https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/science-gas-petrol-gas_station-car-automobile-tmcn1091_low.jpg.cf.jpg

She is moving up though, she used to slave at a white mans plantation for food and a bed until recently...

23rd September 2016, 07:08 AM
well I learned a lot, I learned about humility and slave wages. But you wouldnt mention that I am a landscaper and farmer, wouldnt you. My choice is to live as close to nature as possible.

As if judging somebody by his degrees or income is worth it. But will be done with the gas station job in 5 weeks, I am quitting and starting an online fundraiser to make a documentary showing the appalling state of the planetary environment. Many people care about the environment, and its monetary deep root cause, so I am crossing my fingers and toes. It is only when we can understand the damage done to nature that we can grasp the real harm done to ourselves. I thus will fight the NWO on another level.


You are employed part-time at a gas station.


23rd September 2016, 07:13 AM
... you only can insult... talk of an impressive IQ here. here is something for you and anyone else endorsing your national socialism ideals
It is not even the QI you are all after but the “skin color” in this thread. And that is why you all miserably fail to defend your stance - you only project your bubble of blind hatred. Ever heard of pavlov? Like I said in a previous thread, there are at least 50% of blacks who are NOT negroid and thus can learn as well as any other race in the right environment. And this is something you cannot wrap your mind around. Your all diatribe is thus based on half-truths that canNOT make you right.

I do not see any difference between black lives matter supporters and the caucasian driven pro-mutlicuturalism in EU. Do you?

I will not judge my birth mother but at the time (until today), all tribes in the area knew about the belgian king leopold II's bloodshed for the sake of a red rubber boom that killed (and tortured to the extreme) 10 millions of africans, and cannot blame my birth mother because she only could interpret the facts at her own level of reality. And neuro refers to her as “racist”. Laughable, deplorable. My father did what any responsible man would do, give me a full european education. How could he have lived with a murder on his conscience? But neuro does not get this. Enough said.

Additionally history is repleted with stories of victors raping or having kids with the females of the invaded culture. So interbreeding sounds immutable. Somebody really caring about race purity wouldnt seek to enslave nor invade and certainly chose not to travel. Case point!

If a race or culture deeming itself **superior** just behaves a lot worse than those they regard as savages, then sorry it is again failing to see what breeds racism (an intercultural scourge), that what is today happening to the caucasians (and all of humanity) was meant to happen. Because that'S what happens when one accepts to be played against one another or turn a blind eye to the others' sufferings to protect one's own top elite, walls street investment - or worse endorse the normalization of the disrespect for creation. Through the use of brainwashing or not.

I am holier, more cultivated and smarter than thou, is the first weapon used by the world elites to keep us enslaved all throughout the ages. That you like it or not. And if you dont understand this, plz quit talking about how bright your IQ is. This stance is not only utterly meaningless but plays right in the hands of evil. The duty of anybody who is really aware is to help WAKE up people (within his/her own race/culture) instead of fueling racial animosity.. but wait, this could make racism collapse. LOL.

It is impossible to resolve a problem with the mindset that created it. And the Universe (God) will allow our obliteration if the average **ego** doesn't get it. You can be pissed at me and insult me all you want, but Natural Laws are immutable and obviously you are completely clueless in this regard and the real meaning of Creation (respect for God's Work, which when inverted gives satanism, the death cult and archonism all their meaning).

Judgment Day will not be caused by a top 1% but 99% following orders and those in absolute denial regarding the only purpose of creation. (Jesus message, the Christ Consciousness, is real: Love is the ultimate motive of Creation but it starts with the absolute respect for it.). And to quit being in denial starts with the personal responsibility for the state of affair. More ego will not be of any help!

So go ahead. Just know that your insults do not go anywhere, they are mere blanks. My level of awareness is well beyond anything you can fathom. Because if you could fathom anything, you wouldn't not resort to insults to start with.

The quote in my signature sez it all about me. And I laugh all the way long if the latter pisses off big time.

consider this thread being subliminally closed. I will not respond to any of your TSA type of baseless profiling anymore.

She is moving up though, she used to slave at a white mans plantation for food and a bed until recently...

23rd September 2016, 07:22 AM
Yes, but how tall are you? ;)

23rd September 2016, 10:30 AM
...I am a landscaper and farmer...But will be done with the gas station job in 5 weeks, I am quitting and starting an online fundraiser to make a documentary showing the appalling state of the planetary environment...so I am crossing my fingers and toes.

You never owned a farm. "Fundraiser" = begging money from White People to make a Youtube video. Your universe-changing eBook obviously bombed.


23rd September 2016, 10:39 AM
My level of awareness is well beyond anything you can fathom. Because if you could fathom anything, you wouldn't not resort to insults to start with.

The quote in my signature sez it all about me. And I laugh all the way long if the latter pisses off big time.


:) You misspelled "breaking" in your sig line:

So anybody taking more out the system than was s/he puts in is braking the Law.

23rd September 2016, 10:54 AM
You never owned a farm. "Fundraiser" = begging money from White People to make a Youtube video. Your universe-changing eBook obviously bombed.


She didn't trust us at GSUS enough to link it to us even... Where is your e-book Goldie?

24th September 2016, 04:43 PM
I do not see any difference between black lives matter supporters and the Caucasian...

black lives matter supporter


24th September 2016, 10:45 PM
Booky and his sockpuppet brigade has totally trolled this thread.

24th September 2016, 11:17 PM
Booky and his sockpuppet brigade has totally trolled this thread.

Hey, look, another Butt Ranger groupie!