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18th September 2016, 07:02 PM
Vikings to win.

I see it's now 7 to 10 for the Vikings

Then right at the end he says, he hopes he gets it wrong and Vikings don't win. He doesn't want Vikings to go to the superbowl this season on 2/5/17 or 5/2/17. 52 being a key number.

18th September 2016, 08:38 PM
1:44 to go in the 4th.

14 / 17 to the Vikings.

18th September 2016, 09:27 PM
1:44 to go in the 4th.

14 / 17 to the Vikings.

what??? can't be. their overrated magical negro is hurt

18th September 2016, 09:40 PM
that was the final score.

14 - 17 for the Vikings

Seems Bradford is just starting out with the Vikings. Played 31 games at home. 14-17 Wins to Losses. I'm not sure if that is Bradford's stats or team stats.


18th September 2016, 09:41 PM
"Vikings," LOL.

This ain't no Viking:


Neither is this:


Insanity is surely the cause of White people giving a second of their time to this, let alone money.

18th September 2016, 09:44 PM
Plenty of Niggers on the "Vikings," but, for "some" reason, the "Vikings" cheerleading squad is not equally Nigger:


Why is that?

In your face, White boy! Nigger male, White female. Only cuckolds watch the Negro Football League.

18th September 2016, 09:58 PM
interesting that the Vikings QB is Samuel Jacob Bradford. He be outside the mold.

I never had an interest in the NFL. Rugby on the other hand.

My main interest is this numerology thing. I'll see if this guy has anything on the Eagles v Bears game. Hey, the odds for Philli just went up about 9%. hmmm

19th September 2016, 03:02 AM
Plenty of Niggers on the "Vikings," but, for "some" reason, the "Vikings" cheerleading squad is not equally Nigger:


Why is that?

In your face, White boy! Nigger male, White female. Only cuckolds watch the Negro Football League.

We know why team owners want mostly pretty white cheerleaders, not to cheer the team, but to cheer enthusiasm of white audience to spend their money on negro-ball.

Why do white girls want to be cheerleaders for negro-ball? Bimbos that hope to meet rich black men?

How Much Does An NFL Cheerleader Make? NFL Cheerleader Salary
By Amy Lamare on September 7, 2014 in Articles › Entertainment

They are a staple of every sideline from Pop Warner leagues to high school to college and to the pros. Cheerleaders are a great American tradition and no place are they showcased better than in the National Football League. On the surface, being an NFL cheerleader seems like a great job. Cool uniforms, the adulation of fans, sideline views of the game, getting paid to look beautiful and dance while supporting professional football teams… But can these (mostly) young (mostly) women make an actual living shaking their pom poms on the sidelines of NFL stadiums? Who are these professional cheerleaders and how much do they make? Are higher profile cheerleaders like the Dallas Cowboys squad better compensated than those for teams like Detroit? Trick question, Detroit doesn't have cheerleaders. Let's take a look at the Average Salary of NFL Cheerleaders.

How much do NFL Cheerleaders Get Paid

Quick NFL cheerleader facts: The 1954 Baltimore Colts were the first NFL team to showcase cheerleaders on the sidelines. Today, 26 out of 32 NFL teams have a cheerleading squad. The New York Giants do not have cheerleaders because team owners do not want to support the image of scantily clad women on their sidelines. When the Packers played the Steelers at the Super Bowl in 2011, it was the first time neither team had a cheerleading squad. As of January 2014, The Baltimore Ravens are the only team with a male cheerleader. Even cheerleaders can get selected for the pro-bowl!

So how much do they get paid? How much, or rather how little, NFL Cheerleaders get paid is one of the league's better kept secrets. NFL teams bring in enormous profits – hundreds of millions of dollars every year – yet NFL Cheerleaders get paid nearly nothing. Truly, a waitress at Applebee's makes more per shift than an NFL Cheerleader makes per game. An experienced cheerleader can make about $1,000 to $1,500 per month. Most cheerleaders make far less than that. After two preseason games and eight regular season home games, most NFL cheerleaders make $500 to $750 per SEASON. If that's not embarrassing enough, keep in mind that NFL Mascots earn between $23,000 and $65,000 per year. Mascots also get benefits and bonuses and they don't have to prance about practically naked. To put it into even more perspective, let's take a look at a player on an NFL team's practice squad. These men never make a play during an actual game and they make about $100,000 per season. Over a season (16 games) that works out to $6,250 per game.

Cheerleaders clearly cannot subsist on cheerleading alone, The average per game salary for a cheerleader is $70-$150. Many of the cheerleaders are required to purchase their own uniform, at a rough cost of $650. Like I said, they'd make more money at Applebee's. Cheerleaders also put in an enormous amount of time practicing – sometimes up to six hours per practice, several nights a week. Factor in full time jobs and you're looking at a very long day. Oh, and cheerleaders are not compensated for practice time, further driving their hourly rate down. And don't forget, game days can be 12-hours long as well, for a mere $70-150 paycheck.

There is an opportunity for cheerleaders to make a little extra money through public appearances. Every cheerleader is required to make a number of non-paid public appearances throughout the season. Paid public appearances can bring in some extra cash as can being a part of a group within a squad. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders' Show Group, which selects the very best dancers from the squad for a smaller team that does public appearances and performances, is an example of this.

With such a low salary, you may be wondering why anyone wants to be an NFL Cheerleader. Well, consider the fact that most of these young women have a dance and/or cheer stunt backgrounds and they may simply enjoy doing it. For many it's about performing, not about money. However, being an NFL cheerleader can lead to good networking opportunities and a much better paying job in the future. If a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader goes in to interview for a position in Texas, don't you think her history as one of America's Sweethearts holds some sway with hiring managers? It's good PR for a company to have a former cheerleader on staff.

Still, with the cheerleading industry growing, it seems like change is inevitable. After all, these are highly trained women (and some men – the Baltimore Ravens are the only squad with male cheerleaders) at the beginning of their professional lives. The average age of an NFL cheerleader is just 25 years old. Lobby groups are even trying to get cheerleading acknowledged as an Olympic sport.

The Cowboys' cheerleading squad brings in an estimated $1 million per year to the team through merchandising (swimsuit calendars) and pricey cheerleading camps for aspiring Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. It seems like the cheerleaders in general are not seeing the benefits they bring to NFL teams reflected in their paychecks. Despite the hard work, extensive training, and long hours NFL Cheerleaders put in, their jobs are considered to be and compensated as if it is a hobby, instead of an actual career. What do you think? Should NFL cheerleaders earn more money? Or are they pretty well compensated as is to stand around and cheer?

19th September 2016, 08:25 PM
ok so he's picked the Bears to win.


At 5:08 remaining in 4th its 29 to 14 for the Phi Eagles. Bears just went from 7 to 14. So at something like 5:10 is was 29 to 7 to Eagles. 2 seconds of play its touchdown for the Bears.

Seems like a long stretch from here.

Week 2 NFL round up and preview of the Bears V Eagles game: https://youtu.be/3CgMi5OJXIc?t=2187
I think he picked all but 2 IF the Bears lose.

I wonder if the total of scores = 46.
2:13 to go. Need a field goal.

19th September 2016, 08:35 PM
nope 29 - 14 final score. 43.

Will be interesting to see how he explains this with 20/20

26th September 2016, 06:41 PM
nope 29 - 14 final score. 43.

Will be interesting to see how he explains this with 20/20

Missed the Wentz factor. I noticed he didn't talk about Wentz in his game preview video. I took a look at Wentz stats, age, DoB history etc. I don't know enough to see whats important. Here he talks about what he missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec5WV43zDyU

I can't recall key points but if I get some time I'll take another look and update here.

26th September 2016, 06:43 PM
Thursday night NFL. Patriots Vs Texans.
Game preview analysis. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2c4zOqbUWw)

He picked this one. Interesting links to news events, past game encounters.

26th September 2016, 06:46 PM
Monday Night Football - 9/26/2016
Falcons Vs Saints.
Pre game analysis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvoakjKdtnI)- 1 hour before game so tight.

Tribute to Will Smith - footballer not actor although recent death maybe tribute to the actor - happened same day as name sake inducted to hall of fame.
Looks like he is picking the Saints. I'm still watching video.

2nd Qtr 1:51 remaining
21 Falcons
14 Saints

hmmm would I put money on it ignoring the current score. 97 and 94 are the key numbers. 97 for Falcons win (league weekly win/losses), 94 for Saints. Lots of 94 stats.
my comment: Will the final scores = 44?

2nd Qtr 0:09 remaining - its in someones end zone but I don't know who's

my internet must be outdated. Been 5 minutes between score checks.
Actually now 4th Qtr (not half time) 28/17 Falcons/Saints.
So no chance of final scores = 44.

In fact game could be over already for all I know.

Ok. I can't read the screen for some reason.
Q3 12:03 remaining in the game
Falcons 35 / 17 Saints

Final Score:
Falcons 45 : 32 Saints.
My observations on final score
Sum total 45 + 32 = 77 total points scored.
Scores by quarter:
Falcons: 7:21:10:7
Saints : 7:10:08:7

7:7 front and back
77 Total scored points.
what does it mean? :(??

30th September 2016, 04:41 AM
Thursday Night Football
Cincinnati Bengals vs Miami Dolphins

His Analysis says Bengals. All the numbers line up.

MNF date is 74 numerology.
Paul Brown Stadium name = 74
Ohio = 47 reflection 74
Today (Monday) is 93 days left to the end of the year. Saturn 93, Sun 93 million miles from earth. Not sure if thats span of or # of.
Thursday is International tick day, celebrating the suns journey around the milky way. 93 days left in year, 93 million miles away.

Monday night football was all 93

Bengals QB full name = 226.
226 in words = 93.

Dalton going for win 51 in year of Super Bowl 51 (modern) in Cincinnati (= 51)


Final score (box)
Cincinnati 22 vs Miami 7
22 / 7 = Pi

2nd October 2016, 08:19 PM
It's late in the game before I saw this game preview
YT here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyY3yG9DVcs) or blog linked below.

Sunday night football
Pittsburgh Steelers vs Kansas City Chiefs

Steelers to win.
31 and 11 rule this game.
If Steelers win they will 3-1
Steelers = 31
31 is 11th prime
Chief = 31
Big Ben is looking for game win 127, 127 day span until Superbowl
127 = 31st prime
Some stuff about 50 numerology I don't get.
Chiefs = 50
Pittsburgh = 50
The last time the Chiefs won a game it was also Chiefs and Steelers on a date with 50 numerology.?

Steelers Coach has 94 wins from 147 games.
Ninety Four = 147
Antonio Brown has 40 TD's
If he grabs another 4 he would hit 44. - not sure what he is getting at here.

My thought: could Steelers final score be 40 or 44?

Blog preview: http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/31-84-steelers-vs-chiefs-snf-october-2.html

Current Score : 4th Quarter: 11:20 remaining
Chiefs 0 vs Steelers 36

7:22 to go and it's
Chiefs 7 vs Steelers 42

Its still 7:22 on the clock
Chiefs 7 vs Steelers 43. Total score of 50.

Ok all done. Picked the winner.
Final Score (Box)
Chiefs 14 vs Steelers 43. Total Score 57.

Score break down is interesting
Chiefs: 0 0 0 14
Steelers: 22 7 7 7

I just noticed Big Ben is playing for his 116th regular season win. Above I noted 127th game win BUT I think that is career wins.
Big Ben is 115 - 57 regular season Win/Loss ratio.
57 was the final score.
Thats the only 57 link I can see in the preview notes.

3rd October 2016, 06:18 PM
Monday night football Game is already underway

0:46 remaining in the 1st Qtr.
Giants 0 vs Vikings 7

Short summary before moving on to a review of the weekend games. Correctly picked 11 of the 12 games for the weekend.

Back to MNF.
Reviewing the current table after week 4 there are
The Teams sitting on 1 and 3 = 13

13 teams running 1 and 3

If Giants win Eleven teams will be 3 and 1
3 1 looks like 31.

31 is the Eleventh prime

You would have:
13 teams 3 and 1 (31)
11 teams 1 and 3 (13)

My comments. The reflection of a number is often included in the narrative if the number is a powerful number. 74 (important) would usually have 47 reflected. 93 would have 39 reflected (this one reflects both ways as 39 = New York and 93 = Saturn + some other key words). 13 is obviously a powerful number. 31 is important too but I can't remember what it refers to. I'll check his blog for references when I have some more time.

Still he says the Narrative says the Vikings

No further information on MNF game to this point. He moves on the to review the other games.
I'll watch the rest and add anything else.

3rd October 2016, 06:31 PM
Wondering Glass ?

Which is bigger, rugby or soccer down under ?

I can see rugby better for the slower brutes , ak walking brick walls that can run..

3rd October 2016, 07:14 PM
Wondering Glass ?

Which is bigger, rugby or soccer down under ?

I can see rugby better for the slower brutes , ak walking brick walls that can run..

AFL - Australian Rules Football is the leader. The national game. The season Grand Final was held last Saturday. It's a lot different to other ball games. There is no half on one side half on the other like soccer or rugby or US FB. Its basically an oval field and players from each side pair up around the field. Ball is same shape (nearly) as US FB or Rugby

But in states of NSW and Queensland Rugby is the main game. They play Rugby League which is more like US FB than Rugby Union. It's 100% owned by Rupert Murdoch. We had a team for a short while but it collapsed. No support here.

Soccer is the 3rd tier national sport. It's popular in NSW and Victoria. Played at a community level here in WA. Its really gathering steam and has taken over other winter sports. Many immigrants here. We have 1 team in the National comp but they aren't very good AFAIK.

I prefer Rugby Union myself. Those are only international games, I don't get to see any because, again Rupert owns the coverage.

I don't generally follow these sports. Cars is my thing. Again missing out on a lot of that because you guessed it Rupert owns damn everything.

I'm finding this numerology analysis fascinating though.

3rd October 2016, 07:17 PM
It's 3rd Qtr. 11:02 remaining
Giants 3 vs Vikings 14

I found a more detailed preview he did here.

15th game of week 4
There is a bye so only 15 games not sixteen.
Home teams are 7-7
13 is the 7th Prime
13 games on Sunday

MNF game is game 15 for the week
Fifteen = 38
US Bank Stadium = 38
Minnesota = 38

Week 1 Home Team Record 7-9
Week 2 Home Team Record 9-7
Week 3 Home Team Record 7-9
Week 4 before MNF 7-7
Sum Total 32-30

If Minnesota win it would give 33 home team wins so far in the season.
MNF = 33

My Notes: I actually think one of the weeks it was 10 and 6. I might have mentioned it in an earlier post.

Back to preview:
If the 13-31 ritual is in effect for MNF (carries over from weekend games) it seems like it's all about Eli Manning QB for Giants. In his 13th season.

?? Now he is saying Giants?
Date of game October 3 2016 = 13 numerology
Spread is -4.5 to Minnesota.
Thirteen = 45
Thirteen also = 99
Eli Manning on 99 career wins

New York Giants = 181
181 is 42nd Prime
NYC = 42
Giants won Superbowl 42

Minnesota = 110
Vikings = 91
Minnesota Vikings = 201

Sum numbers 1 through 13 = 91 - suggesting a 13 influence

So both teams have strong 13 going on.

This will be the 25th regular season match up for these teams
Giants = 25 numerology
All time its 27 match ups
12 wins to the Giants
A win today would make it 13 wins
It's season 97
97 is the 25th prime.

If Giants one it would be 16th win.
Sixteen = 33
MNF = 33

Eli Manning again
197 games
197 = 45th prime
Thirteen = 45
IF Giants loose it will be Eli's 91st loss
Sum 1 through 13 = 91
My Notes remember above we noted Vikings = 91
He has 99 games regular season
Thirteen = 99 (ordinal gematria)

Sam Bradford's 38th game
33rd home game as a starting QB
33 home game on MNF (33)
Could be his 16th home win
Sixteen = 33

Anyway thats a lot and theres more. I've noted about half of it.
I think he is still tipping the Vikings.

3rd October 2016, 08:13 PM
MNF Giants vs Vikings
4th Qtr 6:11 remaining
Giants 10 vs Vikings 24

Games over. Box score
Giants 10 vs Vikings 24

I think that made it 14 out of 15 games picked. Need to check

4th October 2016, 04:20 PM
2017 NFC Championship Game (1/22/17)

At this time Expects
Giants vs Vikings in Minnesota
Giants to win.

YT link is also an in depth review of MNF 10/3/2016. A lot of info repeat from earlier vids.

6th October 2016, 03:11 AM
This is MLB not NFL.
Mets vs Giants
Wild Card Game
Tipped the Mets

NY = 51
date is 5/10 = 51
sum the day/month/16 = 31
Mets will be 3-1 at home
31 is 11th prime.
NY state is 11th state by age.

Not very confident but expects Mets to Play cubs in world series and they have to win this one for that to happen
Hasn't looked at Coach stats
Thinks Noah Syndegaard is key
37 days since his Birthday
Playoffs = 37
Span of 38 days
Noah = 38

Giants Pitcher
Bumgarner is on 7 - 3
Wild Card = 74
NY is on the west 74 meridian

Says DYODD. No time to dig deeper.

Game Result
Giants 3 Vs 0 Mets
Box Score.

didn't pick it on this one. I don't know what his track record is on Baseball. The people in the comments say is about 50/50. I don't know if that is right or not.
I think in football is about ~ 60% right picks.
Again I haven't checked but as time permits I'll try and work through his blog and see what he has said the past couple seasons.

7th October 2016, 01:23 AM
Thursday Night Footbal
Cardinals vs 49ers

Game is over
Cardinals 33 to 21 49ers

Just seeing his preview video now.

Blog here:

Seems on the bench. Not confident the 49ers would win.
Nothing stands out as in your face for either side

Raises birth numerology.
Events in the Cardinals state. A pipeline fire or a train crash. I can't remember
Says lots of 52 numerology which ties into the Hurricane
Chip Kelly is 52yrs
Opposing coach Bruce Arians has 52 regular season games
He was born in '52

Both Coaches names = 78 numerology in English reduction
Burce Arians = 666 in English
Prophecy in jewish gematria = 666

Ok explosion of gas pipeline at 9:30 = 93 = Saturn.
2 dead 13 injured = 213
Carson Hilton Palmer = 213 - Cardinals QB

Not saying outright. Says to sit it out if you were a punter.

9th October 2016, 04:36 PM
Sunday Night Football.
NY Giants Vs GB Packers
I think the game starts in about an hour.

Another game where the numbers are showing up in equal volume for both sides. Comes down to which more important numbers are siding with which team.

Packers could be looking for their 3-2 for the season.
NFL = 32
America = 32
32 Teams
32 days until GBP Coach's Birthday - Tribute?
33 day Span
Michael = 33
G = 33 (a-z lower case + A-Z upper case) me: not convinced that method is valid.
Could be going for all time loss # 64 (New York Giants = 64)

Rookie Coach for the Giants 92 days before birth day
NYG 92nd Season
Eli Manning could get 92nd loss
Eli's 199th Game = 46th Prime = NYG. Giants won 46th Superbowl
Eli is going for 108th win. This week end is 10/8
Going for 55th win on the road. Date has 55 numerology

Rodgers is going for 52nd win or 15th loss at home
If he looses he will be 51:15 at home in SuperBowl season 51.

This will be the teams 53rd all time matchup.
Eli Manning = 53

You would say no clear numbers. I don't know what general news stories there were in either city during the week. Anyone killed and what the numbers were. usually he includes anything that might have happened in the news but no analysis this week. It's not a tipping service. It's a numbers analysis discussion and he might have left that area open for others to dig around. It gets the discussion going on his blog.


9th October 2016, 04:45 PM
A Zion man aged 33 was found dead North Green bay Road. I know this is in Chicago but weird.
Matthew J. Strait = 52
October 9th = 10/9 = 109.
Hit and Run = 109


9th October 2016, 06:48 PM
ok. We are at Q2 with 4:29 remaining

GBP 14 vs 3 NYG

I notice how the touchdown video clip is 1:13. I'm sure I've noticed that before.

Half Time
GBP 17 vs 6 NYG

End of the 3rd Quarter
GBP 17 vs 9 NYG

Late comeback for the Giants
4th Qtr 2:30 remaining
GBP 23 vs 16 NYG

Current total score 23+16 = 39 = New York.

Final Result - Green Bay Packers win.
Box Score
GBP 23 vs 16 NYG

As noted above total scores = 39 = New York on the 39th parallel. 39 reflects 93 = Saturn.

Scores by the Quarter.
Packers - Giants
7 - 0

10 - 6

0 - 3

6 - 7

10th October 2016, 05:00 AM
A Long Island Rail Road commuter train and a work train performing track maintenance were traveling in the same direction when they "side-swiped" each other late Saturday, causing the commuter train to derail and injuring 33 people, New York state officials said Sunday. Four people were injured seriously.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said initial reviews indicate the yellow-painted maintenance train somehow entered the clearance space of the eastbound LIRR train, causing it to derail and leaving "a splatter of yellow paint where the first collision occurred."

Saturday night's derailment, on the tracks in western Long Island, shut down the popular New York-area commuting line.

Cuomo said about 600 people were on the train when it crashed.

Among the four people seriously injured, one passenger sustained multiple broken bones, The Associated Press reported. An LIRR worker suffered cuts, Metropolitan Transit Authority Chairman Thomas Prendergast said. Five railroad employees on the commuter train and two on the work train were among the injured, he said.

Craig Heller, one of 600 passengers aboard the LIRR train Saturday night, said his car started shaking suddenly after the collision. "We felt like we could actually completely tilt over while it was happening. That was a fear."

The first three cars of the 12-car train derailed around 9:15 p.m. ET near New Hyde Park between Jamaica and Hicksville, LIRR spokesman Sal Arena said. The work train caught fire after the crash.

33 People injured
Long Island = 83 (english reduction)
83 days left in the year

Days until Super Bowl = 119
Derail = 119
Ordinal Gematria:
Star of David = 119
All Seeing Eye = 119
Master Plan = 119

When I look at 12 cars @ 9:15 I see 3, 9 and 6 = 18 = 666

Heller = 33

10th October 2016, 04:33 PM
Monday Night Football
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Carolina Panthers

Lot of numbers going on. I've taken a look at this blog post a couple times but I'm having trouble letting it sink in,

Panthers QB is supposed to be out with Concussion.
Game date 10.10.16 = 36 (I've said before you can apparently add dates in multiple ways to get numbers. So set way it seems)
Cam Newton = 36

This will be the 32nd regular season meet between teams

Panthers lead 20 - 11

Cam would be looking for his 47th win
Panthers = 47
When he plays next it will be his 83rd game
Football = 83
it is 153 days since his birthday to today

Blogger says 153 and 42 get paired a lot
My comment: Concussion = 42

213 days until his 28th birthday
213 has lots of negatives for blacks
Hands up Don't shoot = 213
Black History Month = 213
Monday Night Football = 213

Panthers obviously connotates to black panthers

Buccaneers QB
Winston = 33 or 42 depending on gematria method
21st game
Twenty one = 42

Looking for 8th win or 14th loss

Panthers replacement QB is Derek Anderson
33 years old
From Oregon
Oregon = 33
Portland Oregon = 174
Carolina Panthers = 174
21st win or 26th loss tonight
666 days since Anderson was starting QB

Suggests the numbers favour Anderson and the Panthers. Certainly Cam is not starting for a reason. Real concussion?
Not much info on the Buccaneers. No coach background and no news stories from the week.
Busy today but if I get a chance will try and scout some of those angles.

10th October 2016, 06:47 PM
News dig.
Northing much out of Tampa. Story of a boy 9 dying from carbon monoxide poisoning after family runs generator is his room. Do people still do that? Really? O
Old man 83 dies from apparent electric shock

North Carolina - more interesting stuff
Man sought in shooting of 3 people
11 people dead from Strom Mathew.

3, 11 = 33


I'm wondering if the reference/tribute should be for the out of state team. - I added this after seeing the half time score.

I think the game must be underway

10th October 2016, 06:49 PM
MNF Buccaneers vs Panthers

Half Time:
Buccaneers 6 vs 0 Panthers

3rd Qtr: 8:20 remaining
Buccaneers 6 vs 7 Panthers

4th Qtr 8:02 remaining
Buccaneers 14 vs 14 Panthers

4th Qtr: 0.03 remaining
Buccaneers 14 vs 14 Panthers

Full time - Buccaneers win.
Buccaneers 17 vs 14 Panthers

Box Score
Scores by the Qtr
Buccaneers vs Panthers
3 - 0
3 - 0
8 - 14
3 - 0
Total Score: 31

Teams are both 1 and 3.

11th October 2016, 01:44 AM
Reading the blog game review
I didn't know it was Christopher Columbus day - world renowned Pirate credited with discovering the Americas, much later than others.
Pirate = 33
Robber - 33
CC = 33
MNF = 33
Americas = 33
Indian = 33

Lots of 20/20 references to 33. Almost as many 33's in the game as there were 93's in the 2nd Debate.

13th October 2016, 07:28 PM
Thursday night football.

Denver Broncos Vs San Diego Chargers

Pretty sure the game is underway but we will go through the guys Preview and see whats what before looking for the game state.

This will be 113th game between the 2 teams. That 113 number again.
The weeks news has been trading Philip Rivers Philip Michael Rivers to the Jets or Ravens.
Philip is QB for the Chargers

Philip Michael Rivers = 113
He is 34 years and 113 days old today

He was born in '81
San Diego Chargers = 81
San Diego = 74

If Broncos win it will be their 63rd win. If you sum numbers 1 through 63 = 2016.
Broncos are 4 and 1 going into the game
Talk of DeCamillis taking over as Coach.
DeCamillis = 42
touchdown = 42
Freemason = 42

Could Broncos lose and go 4 and 2?

There is an s exception in Gematria
That would give 51 for DeCamillis
Could Broncos go 5 and 1?
This year is Superbowl 51

Denver Broncos = 174
Joe DeCamillis = 174

DeCamillis birthday = 119 numerology (6+29+19+65)
All seeing eye = 119
Star of David = 119

Using other Gematria:
Game is 56 days before DeCamillis birthday
6 + 29 + 1+9+6+5 = 56
All seeing eye = 56

6/29/1965 = 6+2+9+1+9+6+5 = 38
Colorado = 38
Colorado is the 38th State.

It is 106 days since DeCamillis birthday
Prophecy = 106
Gary Kubiak (who is out with a "Complex Migrane") = 106
Gary = 51 (see superbowl 51, Broncos to go 5 and 1)

Complex Migrane = 83
Colorado = 83 (ordinal gematria)
Football = 83 (ordinal)
Kubiak came from the Texans = 83

Kubiaks birthday is 59 days away.
Today has 59 numerology

Broncos QB Trevor Simian
74 days until next brithday
San Diego = 74
hmm whole bunch of other number correlations between QB's name, Coaches name. Number of games played = Coaches name gematria.
Not a lot on the Chargers.

Makes no call.

I'd say looking at all the info. Without any news stories from the week thrown in to the mix Bronco's.

13th October 2016, 07:30 PM
ok looking to the scores TNF.

We are at Qtr3 - 5:00 remaining

San Diego Chargers 16 Vs 3 Denver Broncos

4th Qtr 13:00 remaining

San Diego Chargers 19 Vs 3 Denver Broncos

4th Qtr - 11:02 remaining
San Diego Chargers 21 Vs 3 Denver Broncos

4th Qtr - 6:00 remaining
San Diego Chargers 21 Vs 10 Denver Broncos

14th October 2016, 09:18 PM
If I had seen the guys Thursday Night Football YT preview I would have heard him say in the first few seconds that the Chargers would win the game.

I could not find any call by him on his blog. It was in the video.

So he called it correctly.


he had a note at the top of his Blog about San Diego = 74, which I noted in my post but I could not find the explanation for the comment in his blog. Again it's explained in the YT video.

San Diego would be 7 and 4 if they won on Thursday.

16th October 2016, 07:36 PM
This if the "Preview" for all teams for the week just passed. So for us it's a "Review" as we can see how these picks turned out.

Here is the source: http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/nfl-week-6-preview-not-finished-but-go.html
Note that this was recorded by the blog software as posted on 10/16
The YT explanation was posted on the 10/15

Here are the picks in bold.

Broncos @ Chargers (Called this upset "by the numbers")

49ers @ Bills (Colin Kaepernick back after 49-weeks out)

Eagles @ Redskins (Close call, I give the Edge to 'Jay Gruden')

Browns @ Titans (No call, but this game will be a tribute to LeBron James)

Ravens @ Giants (Something about Giants playing Baltimore in Week 6?)

Panthers @ Saints (Cam is still a ?)

Jaguars @ Bears (Jaguars in the upset)

Rams @ Lions (33 tribute in 'Week Six'?)

Steelers @ Dolphins (Most risky pick)

Bengals @ Patriots (Upset special for Tom Brady in his first home game of the season)

Chiefs @ Raiders (Most confident in this pick)

Cowboys @ Packers (Things look good for Rodgers)

Falcons @ Seahawks (Tough call)

Colts @ Texans (The '112' ritual)

Jets @ Cardinals (Looks like Ryan Fitzpatrick gets shamed on MNF, in his hometown)

I don't have time right now but I'll come back and go through them and tag who won in each match played so far.
Chargers (picked)
Bills (picked)
Redskins (picked)
Titans (Too close to call)
Giants (picked)
Jaguars (picked)
Lions (picked)
Dolphins (picked)
Seahawks (Too close to call)
Cardinals (MNF Still to be played)

7 out of 14 games played so far OR 7 out of 12 picks so far.

17th October 2016, 06:40 PM
Monday Night Football - Preview


NY Jets Vs Arizona Cardinals

Preview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9U__h54RSU
Preview blog: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/24-33-39-111-mnf-preview-october-17.html

MNF = 33
Game is played in Glendale on the 33rd Parallel.
Glendale = 33
Cardinals win will take them to 3 and 3 for the season = 33 <- edit here. I got the Jets mixed up. Cardinals 3 & 3.

Lots of numbers on both sides.
Scheduling timing is interesting.
10+17+(2+0+1+6) = 36
Cardinals = 36

If Cardinals win they will be all time 3 and 6 against the Jets. 36

Dennis Byrd (NYJ) died on Saturday. Byrd is like bird. A Cardinal is a bird.
Clinton Close (AC) also died. Ex 2012 player

Jets are 1 and 4 for the season
Cardinals are 2 and 3
If Cardinals lose they will be 4 and 2
If Jets win they will be 2 and 4.
42 / 24 reflection

24 could be interesting. Colts lost Sunday to go 2 and 4. Colts = 23
IF you gmeatria Twenty four you get 167. 167 is the 39th prime.
Only 2 states have gem atria of 39. New York and Arizona
Jets QB birthday is in 39 days time

Ryan Fitzpatrick (QB) grew up in Arizona near Glendale
He is 33 years old.
Only Jets superbowl victory was over the Colts
The won 16 to 7 (167)
He is playing his 111th game tonight.
Superbowl 51 is 111 days away

Jets Coach Todd Bowles =119 (all seeing eye, star of david, master plan)
11 wins 10 losses = 11 then 1 = 111
Birthday is Nov 18. 322 day of the year. 322 = 3 x 22 = 666. (Think skull and bones)
His actual birthdate has numerology of 111
New York = 111 (english ordinal)
Opposing coach Bruce Arians = 111
Superbowl 51 is 111 days away
Its 33 days until his birthday,

Sunday night Andrew Luck (Colts) lost in his home town.
Andrew Luck = 112
Houston = 112
Horseshoe = 112
Houston is on the 112 Parallel
Span of days from Monday until Superbowl is 112

Bruce Arians is coaching his 54th Game
Against Jets. Jets = 54
"Carson Palmer" returns = 54
He missed the last game against the 49er's
That game total score was 54

Palmer is playing game 168 (all time)
New York City = 168 (English ordinal)
He has played 167 games = 39th prime number
New York = 39. (English reduction)

Superbowl 3 game played in 1969 score was 16 to 7 (16 then 7) = 167 = 39th prime.

Super bowl 3 was played on Jan 12 1969 = 1 then 12 = 112. See above.

Hard to call.
If it's a tribute to Superbowl 3 it will result in scores of game win records of Cardinals 4 and 2 and Jets 2 and 4. So that would be a Jets win.
Looking for game numbers and stats of 39, 111 or 33.
Lets see how it turns out.

17th October 2016, 06:42 PM
MNF Game underway

Arizona Cardinals vs NY Jets

Qtr 2 - 5:34 remaining
Jets 3 vs 14 Cardinals

Half Time
Jets 3 vs 14 Cardinals

3rd Qtr - 0:46 remaining
Jets 3 vs 21 Cardinals

Full Time
Jets 3 vs Cardinals 28

Box Score
Jets vs Cardinals
0 vs 7
3 vs 7
0 vs 7
0 vs 7

Total of scores = 31
Cardinals go 3 and 3. = 33.

20th October 2016, 08:05 PM
Thursday Night Football 10-20-2016
Chicago Bears - Green Bay Packers

I'm pretty sure the game is over already. I'll hang off looking at the scores until we do a quick summary of the Preview material then look and see how it went.

NFL = 66
10+20+20+16 =66
My note: 66 is apparently more powerful and common than 666 but people overlook it because everyone only thinks of 666 - new info I only recently found out. i.e. Skull and Bones is 322 BUT 322 = 3x22=66 not 322.

YT Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe_GwBWby30
Blog Page: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/thursday-night-football-preview-october.html

This game is touted as a tribute to the Cubs and the Dodgers playing same night.
The number we are looking for is 46
Chicago = 46
Chicago Cubs = 46 (some kind of condition on this working of the number - possibly S exception)
Packers = 46
Lambeau Field = 46
10/20/16 = 46
Week Seven = 46
Over and under on the game is 46 points

His pick is for the Cubs to win the World Series. Several hints have been dropped by commentators that this will happen. See videos on his YT.

This is 191st regular season game between these teals.
This is the 193rd game all time (including playoffs)
193 is 44th Prime
Game is in Wisconsin
Wisconsin = 44
Georgia = 44

Bears have 93 wins against the Packers
93 = saturn
94th win would be an upset.
Cubs had their 94th win in their 147th game
Ninety Four = 147
World Series = 147
This years season started on the 94th day of the year
Usually it starts on the 93rd day of the year but this year is a leap year. So 94.

I'll need to come back to this later.
Aaron Rodgers
32 years old
QB for Green Bay Packers
43 Days until birthday
Playing in the 191st Game between the teams
191 is the 43rd Prime
Has played 137 games all time.
137 is the 33rd Prime
G = 33 (a-z then A-Z)
Going for 91st win.
Sum 1 through 13 = 91

Biran Hoyer QB
31 years old
7 days since birthday
His birthday is October 13
Green Bay = 41
41 is the 13th Prime
83 regular wins
Football = 83

Green Bay coach
Trying for 108 regular win
Has 57 loses
World Series = 57
Fifty Seven = 131
Championship = 131
Super Bowl = 131

Cubs trying to break 108 year curse
No win since 1908
Major League = 108
108 double stitches on baseball
108 days left until SuperBowl

Chicago not in World Series since 1945
Illinois = 45
Wrigley = 45
Cubs = 45
Bears = 45
Fox = 45

Some more stuff. Doesn't call it in the blog. Can't watch the video until later. In case he calls it there.

YT Video @ 6:10 he says not the Chicago Bears

20th October 2016, 10:01 PM
TNF - Chicago Bears vs Green Bay Packers

Final Score
Chicago Bears 10 vs 26 Green Bay Packers

Qtr Breakdowns - box score
Chicago vs Green Bay
0 vs 3
3 vs 3
7 vs 7
0 vs 13

He did a blog entry at half time to talk about the stats being put out so far. Have not read it.


10th January 2017, 11:49 PM
I have not done one of these for a while. I just don't have time to keep up with it at the moment. It is still being tracked and if you have an interest you can check out the guys Blog and YT channel. I think listening to his YT video on a TNF, SNF, MNF game or week preview and reading the appropriate Blog is the way to go because you can follow along as he explains his notes.

This is NBA player Mahmoud Abdul Rauf explaining how the games are scripted. The audio is very difficult to hear so you need patience. The key comes at the 3:00 - 3:10 mark. Zak points it out when it happens. NBA games are scripted.


People often watch these games and think to themselves that for 100% of the game the players are giving 100% of their energy and skill. This guy points out that he has made so many baskets in his life of throwing the basket ball he can choose to make the basket or miss. They do it so much that the ball always goes where they want. If he has to miss and then look all despondent about missing, that is what he does.

And for people in the crowd, they go awww bad luck so close, he almost had it, we lost by just one point, if only he got that basket at the X minute/second mark. And then there's the ones where everyone goes, I can't believe he missed that or didn't get that or what was he thinking etc.

If they have to make the play they make the play, if they have to make the score they make the score, if they have to miss the play or miss the score and put on a face. That is what they do. That is why they get paid the big bucks like hollywood actors do. This is why these teams all hinged on one or two key positions. That way they only need to have one or two key people on the team to run the scripted result.

If you look at all the Quarterbacks on all the teams you can see it plain as day. Just look at who they are compared to the rest of the team. They are the keystones and they are part of the scam.

11th January 2017, 03:50 PM
white guys need to be banned from nfl. they have an unfair advantage. one example:


11th January 2017, 06:27 PM
white guys need to be banned from nfl. they have an unfair advantage. one example:

Do these white guys have a preferred position to play?

11th January 2017, 07:57 PM
Do these white guys have a preferred position to play?
Yeh, the one that requires more brain than brawn.

6th February 2017, 06:13 PM
Yeh, the one that requires more brain than brawn.

perhaps its one where they can do what they are required to do to control the outcome of the game.

6th February 2017, 06:56 PM
97th Season of the NFL is now done.

Before the game Headline: These 97 Companies fighting Donald Trump travel ban

(After the game Headline: These 127 Companies fighting Donald Trump travel ban.)

Bill Belichick = 97 (Coach)
97 is the 25th Prime
Trump = 25 (Reduction)
Wife wears "Baby blue" for inauguration like Jackie Kennedy
Baby Blue = 25

Patriots come from behind - 25 to win 34 / 28
Game played on 2/5 (2017) looks like 25
It was the 25th SuperBowl win to an AFC team.

Tom Brady's 25th Play Off Win
Tom Brady's 34th Play Off Game

Patriots win with 34 Points.

Brady Played 12 games
Brady Wears # 12

Headline: Will this leopard change his spots = 139 (Reduction)
Atlanta Falcons = 139
Freemasonry = 139

Trump = 88 (ordinal)
Days from TRUMP PoTUS announcement to Superbowl = 88
9/11 (2016) to 5/2 (2017)
Martellus Bennet #88 for New England Patriots will not attend White House

6th February 2017, 07:45 PM

7th February 2017, 05:33 PM
perhaps its one where they can do what they are required to do to control the outcome of the game.
Yeah, it's all controlled. Edelman's catch in the 4th quarter was scripted

7th February 2017, 05:36 PM
Yeah, it's all controlled. Edelman's catch in the 4th quarter was scripted

I called Patriots win back in October. That was when said he was endorsed by B & B during a campaign rally. I think it was in New Hampshire.