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20th September 2016, 01:30 AM
Tulsa, Oklahoma shooting of Terence Crutcher:


>Tulsa police said one officer fired a stun gun and another officer fired one shot that killed Terence Crutcher, who was black, after investigating his stalled car Friday night. Officer Betty Shelby, who is white, fired the fatal shot and Officer Tyler Turnbough, who is also white, deployed his Taser, police have said.

How can one woman be so awesome?


midnight rambler
20th September 2016, 01:37 AM
Note that the cops are VERY concerned about their shooter yet don't lift a finger to render immediate medical attention to the shootee.

20th September 2016, 05:03 AM
Any one who still thinks a woman has any business being in a position of power needs to watch this video. This poor guy was a dead man as soon as she showed up.

20th September 2016, 08:53 AM
I think this was covered here last night in this http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?92471-Staged-Murder

Hands up, partner tasers , drops hands, bitch shoots.

20th September 2016, 09:33 AM
I think this was covered here last night in this http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?92471-Staged-Murder

Hands up, partner tasers , drops hands, bitch shoots.

Also illustrated here.
Police escalate the situation to violence, do something to cause the suspect to drop his hands, murder him claiming he reached for a gun. Seems to be standard police procedure. They probably are taught this in the Israeli run police officer training schools.

The sequence of events in the murder of LaVoy Finicum illistrate their policy very well.




20th September 2016, 09:43 AM
why can't negroes just do what everybody else does? the dead ones are always challenging cops' instructions

blm terrists boarding planes for tulsa now?


TULSA, Okla. — An attorney for a white Oklahoma police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man said the man ignored officers' commands, kept touching his pocket and was reaching through a window of his SUV when he was killed.

Police video from the incident Friday shows 40-year-old Terence Crutcher walking away from the officers and toward his SUV with his hands up then approaching the side of his vehicle, before an officer shocks him with a stun gun and he is fatally shot. Police were called to the scene to respond to a report of a stalled vehicle.

Scott Wood, said Crutcher was not following the officers' commands and that Shelby was concerned because he kept reaching for his pocket as if he was carrying a weapon.

"He has his hands up and is facing the car and looks at Shelby, and his left hand goes through the car window, and that's when she fired her shot," Wood told the Tulsa World for a report Tuesday.

Local and federal investigations are underway to determine whether criminal charges are warranted in the shooting or if Crutcher's civil rights were violated.

Tulsa police helicopter footage was among several clips showing the shooting of Crutcher and its aftermath. In that video, a man in the helicopter that arrives above the scene as Crutcher walks to the vehicle can be heard saying "time for a Taser." He then says: "That looks like a bad dude, too. Probably on something."

Crutcher's twin sister, Tiffany Crutcher, called for charges Monday.

"The big bad dude was my twin brother. That big bad dude was a father," she said. "That big bad dude was a son. That big bad dude was enrolled at Tulsa Community College, just wanting to make us proud. That big bad dude loved God. That big bad dude was at church singing with all of his flaws, every week. That big bad dude, that's who he was."

Police video shows Crutcher walking toward his SUV that is stopped in the middle of the road. His hands are up and a female officer is following him. As Crutcher approaches the driver's side of the SUV, three male officers walk up and Crutcher appears to lower his hands and place them on the vehicle. The officers surround him, making it harder to see his actions from the dashboard camera's angle.

Officer Tyler Turnbough, who is also white, used a stun gun on Crutcher, police said. Shelby's attorney, Wood, said Turnbough fired the stun gun at the same time Shelby opened fire because both perceived a threat.

he initial moments of Crutcher's encounter with police are not shown in the footage, and Wood said the situation unfolded for about 2 minutes before the videos began. Shelby did not activate her patrol car's dashcam, said police spokeswoman Jeanne MacKenzie, and the ground-level video released Monday came from the car of a second officer who arrived at the scene.

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the county courthouse Monday evening holding signs that read, "Justice 4 Crutch" and "Don't Shoot."

20th September 2016, 09:48 AM
It still looked like an execution to me and I watched the video several times. Blame the nignog if you want but he never had a chance with Polly Policewoman pointing her weapon at him. The guy was tased the moment before he was shot..... that makes it real hard to follow orders from that point

20th September 2016, 10:44 AM
It still looked like an execution to me and I watched the video several times. Blame the nignog if you want but he never had a chance with Polly Policewoman pointing her weapon at him. The guy was tased the moment before he was shot..... that makes it real hard to follow orders from that point


20th September 2016, 11:13 AM
It still looked like an execution to me and I watched the video several times. Blame the nignog if you want but he never had a chance with Polly Policewoman pointing her weapon at him. The guy was tased the moment before he was shot..... that makes it real hard to follow orders from that point

piecing the vid and the cops' claims together -

imo it looked like they were telling him to stop...and he kept walking away, heading back to the vehicle....then went uberstupid reaching into the vehicle while they were drawn on him. according to article that's when BOTH fired - one taser and one gun. i find it hard to place blame on the cops if that's the case.

would you let a negro that was acting shady reach into his vehicle and get something while you are drawn, telling him to stop? you might do it a few times...but that will get you killed

midnight rambler
20th September 2016, 11:30 AM
I'll take Israeli trained trigger happy cops who shoot despite there being no weapon for $800 Alex.

piecing the vid and the cops' claims together -

imo it looked like they were telling him to stop...and he kept walking away, heading back to the vehicle....then went uberstupid reaching into the vehicle while they were drawn on him. according to article that's when BOTH fired - one taser and one gun. i find it hard to place blame on the cops if that's the case.

would you let a negro that was acting shady reach into his vehicle and get something while you are drawn, telling him to stop? you might do it a few times...but that will get you killed

20th September 2016, 11:35 AM
I'll take Israeli trained trigger happy cops who shoot despite there being no weapon for $800 Alex.

it's a negro male refusing to cooperate AND reaching into vehicle -- not a church lady

tulsa is 38 percent non-white. the cops know what they are dealing with

20th September 2016, 11:55 AM
the woman that shot him had already been dealing with him before video car arrived

40 year old unemployed black male with fo kidz


Her attorney, Scott Wood, told the Times that Shelby thought Crutcher had a weapon. He also said Crutcher “had acted erratically, refused to comply with several orders, tried to put his hand in his pocket and reached inside his car window before he was shot.”

Wood told the Tulsa World the incident began about two minutes before the dashcam video started. Shelby was the first officer on the scene, coming upon Crutcher’s broken down SUV, and called for backup. Her dashcam did not record video, according to police. The video begins when backup arrives.

Wood told the newspaper Crutcher was not with his SUV when she arrived, “so she isn’t really sure what’s going on.”

The attorney told the Tulsa World that Crutcher ignored the officer’s commands several times and didn’t answer her questions and reached for his pockets several times despite Shelby telling him not to.

Wood said that Shelby, based on drug-recognition training, believed Crutcher was acting erratically because he was under the influence of PCP.

Wood said Shelby fired her gun at the same time as the other officer deployed his Taser, because they both perceived a threat.

“He has his hands up and is facing the car and looks at Shelby, and his left hand goes through the car window, and that’s when she fired her shot,” Wood said.

midnight rambler
20th September 2016, 12:00 PM
Shooting at someone who has not displayed any weapon = trigger happy. There is no getting around that. Cops are trained to be skeered of their own fucking shadow.

20th September 2016, 12:00 PM
dispatch may have alerted the cops to what they were dealing with. so you have known cop fighter and gun carrier refusing to cooperate and reaching into vehicle


Online court records cited by the dailymail show Terence Crutcher of Tulsa with the same date of birth as the man who was killed pleaded no contest in 1996 to carrying a concealed weapon and resisting an officer and was given a six-month suspended sentence.

20th September 2016, 12:07 PM
dispatch may have alerted to the cops to this too. so you have known cop fighter and gun carrier refusing to cooperate and reaching into vehicle


Online court records cited by the dailymail show Terence Crutcher of Tulsa with the same date of birth as the man who was killed pleaded no contest in 1996 to carrying a concealed weapon and resisting an officer and was given a six-month suspended sentence.

A crime from 20 years ago when he was 20 years old is cause for execution?

No weapons displayed no cause to pull the trigger especially when you've got 3-4 cops with their weapons already trained on him.

Trigger happy.

20th September 2016, 12:18 PM
A crime from 20 years ago when he was 20 years old is cause for execution?

No weapons displayed no cause to pull the trigger especially when you've got 3-4 cops with their weapons already trained on him.

Trigger happy.

yup, he had a good run w/out getting caught...unless/until more info comes out. seems he spelled his name at least a couple of different ways.

20th September 2016, 12:24 PM
yup, he had a good run w/out getting caught...unless/until more info comes out. seems he spelled his name at least a couple of different ways.

When I was a kid and didn't have ID I gave cops fake names. When I did get arrested when I was older they misspelled my last name. So there are lot of possible reasons for the name being spelled differently.

After all is said and done, cops are trigger happy and have been for a long time. The counted shows a number of even white people getting shot. It's the thin blue line against everyone else all the while they get away with highway robbery (literally with civil asset forfeitures).

20th September 2016, 12:34 PM
When I was a kid and didn't have ID I gave cops fake names. When I did get arrested when I was older they misspelled my last name. So there are lot of possible reasons for the name being spelled differently.

After all is said and done, cops are trigger happy and have been for a long time. The counted shows a number of even white people getting shot. It's the thing blue line against everyone else while they get away with highway robbery (literally with civil assest forfeitures).

dispatcher over radio: 'be advised, individual has priors for resisting arrest and concealed weapon'

cops mind: MAJOR danger, can't handle this like it's a church lady

20th September 2016, 12:37 PM
dispatcher over radio: 'be advised, individual has priors for resisting arrest and concealed weapon'

cops mind: MAJOR danger, can't handle this like it's a church lady

Did they say this or are you just speculating?

20th September 2016, 12:42 PM
When I was a kid and didn't have ID I gave cops fake names. When I did get arrested when I was older they misspelled my last name. So there are lot of possible reasons for the name being spelled differently.

After all is said and done, cops are trigger happy and have been for a long time. The counted shows a number of even white people getting shot. It's the thin blue line against everyone else all the while they get away with highway robbery (literally with civil asset forfeitures).

Anyone who thinks this was a good shoot after watching that video is simply just happy another brown skinned guy got his

20th September 2016, 12:43 PM
Did they say this or are you just speculating?

speculating. if they didn't, they should...so cops know what they're dealing with

20th September 2016, 12:46 PM
Anyone who thinks this was a good shoot after watching that video is simply just happy another brown skinned guy got his

let's say that woman is your wife or daughter. do you want her to shoot the unemployed non cooperative resisting arrest concealed weapon negro? or wait until she determines what the hell he is grabbing from inside the vehicle? all the while, ignoring calls to stop whatever the fuck he was doing...

adding all of that together i cant condemn BOTH cops for neutralizing the thing by pulling the trigger

20th September 2016, 12:52 PM
Did they say this or are you just speculating?

note that we are all speculating -- i speculate the nyc media is going to run with the blm hands up crap again

20th September 2016, 12:53 PM
dispatch may have alerted the cops to what they were dealing with. so you have known cop fighter and gun carrier refusing to cooperate and reaching into vehicle


Online court records cited by the dailymail show Terence Crutcher of Tulsa with the same date of birth as the man who was killed pleaded no contest in 1996 to carrying a concealed weapon and resisting an officer and was given a six-month suspended sentence.

Does this guy seem like a very bad man who needed to be executed to make the world safer?


20th September 2016, 12:56 PM

The incident occurred September 16, 2016 in Tulsa. According to police reports, a woman called 911 to report a truck blocking the roadway.

She said the driver ran from the truck, saying it was about to explode.

When the female officer arrived on the scene she radioed for assistance, saying Crutcher was uncooperative.

Video footage from a police helicopter shows Crutcher walking with his hands up as at least 5 officers approached him from behind with guns drawn.

A male officer off-camera said Crutcher looks like “a bad dude”.

Crutcher was shot by the female cop as he reached into his truck.

The death of a black men and father is tragic. But could his death have been prevented?

White police officers are afraid of black males. That is a fact. Why do anything to provoke them?

Why was Crutcher walking toward his SUV while officers yelled at him to stop? And why did he put his hands in his truck?

Didn’t he know these unexplained actions would provoke the white officers to overreact violently?

A case of suicide by cop must be considered before we overreact.

20th September 2016, 01:00 PM
Does this guy seem like a very bad man who needed to be executed to make the world safer?


note your blm promotional link purposely left out his resisting arrest and concealed carry convictions. they only listed traffic tickets -- the inflame negro operation is on

from your link, a peek into what was happening between the first responder, before the video: A female officer's voice can be heard in the dispatch recording saying, "I've got a subject that won't show me his hands."

Before the video of the incident was made public on Monday, police spokeswoman Jeanne MacKenzie told reporters that Crutcher "refused to follow commands given by the officers."

She added, "They continued to talk to him. He continued not to listen and follow any commands. As they got closer to the vehicle, he reached inside the vehicle, and at that time there was a Taser deployment, and a short time later there was one shot fired."

Officer Tyler Turnbough, who is also white, used a stun gun on Crutcher, according to police. The reason one officer drew a stun gun while another drew a handgun against the unarmed man remains unknown at this time, as does why he was considered a threat to officers in the first place. (nyc media liars at work -- they know good and well about his priors)

20th September 2016, 01:25 PM
Anyone who thinks this was a good shoot after watching that video is simply just happy another brown skinned guy got his

Like You Supposedly?


20th September 2016, 01:28 PM
dispatcher over radio: 'be advised, individual has priors for resisting arrest and concealed weapon'


20th September 2016, 01:31 PM
Like You Supposedly?


Make sure you read it all....

It's culture and upbringing...skin color has little to do with it other than we, as primal tribal animals, gravitate to our own. Good cultures tends to stay within their own tribe, the same can be said for bad cultures. White tends to gravitate to whites, blacks tends to gravitate to blacks. The skin color is cosmetically apparent but it's the underlying cultures that define us all. Believe me, there are plenty of white trash who make black thugs look like angels.

So what does an old post have anything to do with watching this guy get executed? All niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers. Painful as it might seem to you (http://gold-silver.us/forum/image.php?u=15964&dateline=1473012647), them's the facts!

20th September 2016, 01:38 PM
...Believe me, there are plenty of white trash who make black thugs look like angels...

:rolleyes: Oh. We are all the same under our skin. Got it Joshua01.

20th September 2016, 01:48 PM
:rolleyes: Oh. We are all the same under our skin. Got it Joshua01.

I must have missed the part where I said that...but I'm certain you already have it queued up. Some people are better running models than others, for example, a particular model car....most run well but many are always problematic....like they were never really right. Same with people dude. Culture is where the biggest differences are. Native black culture is not the most advanced in the world, far behind many other cultures. The results are obvious to many people but the black culture problem is not unique. Some redneck cultures (I say cultures because the term redneck is very subjective) are just as asinine, primitive and dangerous.

20th September 2016, 01:54 PM
Believe me, there are plenty of white trash who make black thugs look like angels.


Some redneck cultures (I say cultures because the term redneck is very subjective) are just as asinine, primitive and dangerous.

White Trash


:rolleyes: Oh. From "White Trash" to "Rednecks" now...such racial pride and loyalty Joshua01.

20th September 2016, 01:56 PM
White Trash


:rolleyes: Oh. From "White Trash" to "Rednecks" now...such racial pride and loyalty Joshua01.

My mistake, I forgot who I was talking to...yeah...I even have family who I consider white trash.

20th September 2016, 04:05 PM
Fortunately, no humans were killed or injured in this incident.

"Da po' Nigga be killt and such by da po-leese bitch!"

We need to arm 100,000 White women and send them out to eliminate crime in Nigger-infested parts of America.

20th September 2016, 04:11 PM
The fuckin' cops anymore are just as big a cry baby as the fuckin' BLM and all the safe space millennials. My feelings are hurt, I'm skeered.

I carried a sidearm for years, you didn't draw and point it unless you intended to use it. Now days they draw down on you for spitting on the sidewalk and just hope they can can pull the trigger and maybe get some paid extra vacation.

20th September 2016, 05:33 PM
Unbelievable that people would side with a Nigger thug against a White woman because she's a cop.

20th September 2016, 05:50 PM

White Trash


:rolleyes: Oh. From "White Trash" to "Rednecks" now...such racial pride and loyalty Joshua01.

Anyone who uses redneck or "white trash" in the demeaning context as Joshua Israel did displays his real ideological orientation.

20th September 2016, 06:04 PM
Why was Crutcher walking toward his SUV while officers yelled at him to stop? And why did he put his hands in his truck?

There's a video that cops are shown in police academy. A man resists arrest and orders at a vehicle stop, cop has his pistol drawn on the suspect. Suspect reaches into a car and produces a rifle and starts firing. Cop lost that gunfight and died.

No sane person, challenges cops, or anyone with a gun that way.

You lose 3/4 of a second, before your brain tells you that you see a gun in the suspects hands. That 3/4 of second, before you can even react, will leave you dead. Never give the suspect the advantage. Hands kill. A person unwilling to comply with orders when a gun is drawn on them, tells you something. This applies to all of us, not just cops. If that man was in your home, with your family upstairs, and doesn't comply and "reaches" for something, shoot.

20th September 2016, 06:11 PM
There's a video that cops are shown in police academy. A man resists arrest and orders at a vehicle stop, cop has his pistol drawn on the suspect. Suspect reaches into a car and produces a rifle and starts firing. Cop lost that gunfight and died.

No sane person, challenges cops, or anyone with a gun that way.

You lose 3/4 of a second, before your brain tells you that you see a gun in the suspects hands. That 3/4 of second, before you can even react, will leave you dead. Never give the suspect the advantage. Hands kill. A person unwilling to comply with orders when a gun is drawn on them, tells you something. This applies to all of us, not just cops.

A lot of people don't care about reality. They only care about hating the State...which they regard all cops as tangible targets of, no matter the actual individual quality (or possible lack thereof) of the person in the uniform. Most of them would prefer the cop die, because they want the State "hurt" (of course, it doesn't hurt the State, but infantile "thinking" is unable to understand that).

I've had "encounters" with the police several times in my life, all but one for traffic stops. Not once has it went sour on me, because I treated them as I wished to be treated. However, I've had many more encounters with Niggers, and if I didn't have a weapon at my disposal (firearms and/or vehicle), it would have ended badly. There is no comparison between the average "cop encounter" and the average "Nigger encounter." Provided you act like a gentleman, you will almost certainly walk away well from the first, but may - or may not - from the latter.

20th September 2016, 06:20 PM
A lot of people don't care about reality. They only care about hating the State...which they regard all cops as tangible targets of, no matter the actual individual quality (or possible lack thereof) of the person in the uniform. Most of them would prefer the cop die, because they want the State "hurt" (of course, it doesn't hurt the State, but infantile "thinking" is unable to understand that).

I've had "encounters" with the police several times in my life, all but one for traffic stops. Not once has it went sour on me, because I treated them as I wished to be treated. However, I've had many more encounters with Niggers, and if I didn't have a weapon at my disposal (firearms and/or vehicle), it would have ended badly. There is no comparison between the average "cop encounter" and the average "Nigger encounter." Provided you act like a gentleman, you will almost certainly walk away well from the first, but may - or may not - from the latter.

I agree, 100%. Well said.

Half Sense
20th September 2016, 06:26 PM
I dunno but that's a hell of a way to milk a cow.

20th September 2016, 08:36 PM
There's a video that cops are shown in police academy. A man resists arrest and orders at a vehicle stop, cop has his pistol drawn on the suspect. Suspect reaches into a car and produces a rifle and starts firing. Cop lost that gunfight and died.

No sane person, challenges cops, or anyone with a gun that way.

You lose 3/4 of a second, before your brain tells you that you see a gun in the suspects hands. That 3/4 of second, before you can even react, will leave you dead. Never give the suspect the advantage. Hands kill. A person unwilling to comply with orders when a gun is drawn on them, tells you something. This applies to all of us, not just cops. If that man was in your home, with your family upstairs, and doesn't comply and "reaches" for something, shoot.

So you pretty much had training for exactly this scenario? Well what you are saying makes perfect sense! Not complying when having a drawn weapon upon the suspect must be a huge red flag, and if he indeed was reaching into pockets and car not standing still with hands raised as instructed. Then he pretty much had it coming! The fact that both fired at the same time would very strongly suggest that they perceived his moves threatening at the same time.

Now we'll see the posturing starting by Soros BLM's (including president Obama) to stir up shit, and by the family and their jew lawyer, to get most amount from Tulsa. Fuck'em!

20th September 2016, 09:55 PM
So you pretty much had training for exactly this scenario? Well what you are saying makes perfect sense! Not complying when having a drawn weapon upon the suspect must be a huge red flag, and if he indeed was reaching into pockets and car not standing still with hands raised as instructed. Then he pretty much had it coming! The fact that both fired at the same time would very strongly suggest that they perceived his moves threatening at the same time.

Now we'll see the posturing starting by Soros BLM's (including president Obama) to stir up shit, and by the family and their jew lawyer, to get most amount from Tulsa. Fuck'em!

this is a good one. even has some gsusers onboard....and this is one of the toughest crowds there is

this could go full trayvon, brown, gray if nyc.media plays their cards right

my mind's eye sees the blm community organizers boarding flights as we speak

20th September 2016, 10:26 PM
this is a good one. even has some gsusers onboard....and this is one of the toughest crowds there is

this could go full trayvon, brown, gray if nyc.media plays their cards right

my mind's eye sees the blm community organizers boarding flights as we speak

20th September 2016, 11:37 PM
Did the police make an attempt to place the now deceased under arrest?

If not, then he had the right to just walk away.

We fought a revolution for that right.

If they made an attempt to place him under arrest, for cause, then they needed to notify him that he was being placed under arrest for cause (such as,"Your under arrest for ..."), and, if he resisted after that, then they needed to make an attempt to take him into custody with less than deadly force, unless deadly force was the only means available. But if they made no attempt to place him under arrest, and his only "fault" was to disregard ORDERS by these gunmen in uniform, then we are back to being LOYALISTS who wanted americans to OBEY the KING'S MEN, and not fight a revolution for the right to tell the king's men to either arrest us (for cause) or GO TO HELL.

Has there been any suggestion that the police notified him that he was being placed under arrest? Or do the police think of themselves as "the king's men" and have the almighty power to tell any of we not-wanted-for-arrest "subjects", to do whatever they say, anytime they say, or to just shoot us dead on the spot?

What ever happened to our commitment to freedom from tyranny?

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 05:02 AM
State actors who are commissioned to carry a gun should not be doing so if they are such cowardly pieces of shit as exemplified by this. There were no less than FOUR cops drawn down on him and he had NO weapon ANYWHERE. This amounts to summary execution for 'failing to obey orders' of a bunch of gawdam Satan worshipers. I assert all you statists attempting to justify this are Satan worshipers whether you realize that or not. NO difference WHATSOEVER between what apparently happened here and with Lavoy Finicum - NONE!

21st September 2016, 06:11 AM
State actors who are commissioned to carry a gun should not be doing so if they are such cowardly pieces of shit as exemplified by this. There were no less than FOUR cops drawn down on him and he had NO weapon ANYWHERE. This amounts to summary execution for 'failing to obey orders' of a bunch of gawdam Satan worshipers. I assert all you statists attempting to justify this are Satan worshipers whether you realize that or not. NO difference WHATSOEVER between what apparently happened here and with Lavoy Finicum - NONE!

Quoted for truth.

21st September 2016, 06:48 AM
was there any gun smoke? Should there be any? I know it can vary based on ammo but there should be some. I didn't see any when I watched the video 1 time. I haven't had time to take another look.

21st September 2016, 06:49 AM
was there any gun smoke? Should there be any? I know it can vary based on ammo but there should be some.

Modern weapons all use smokeless powder, leaves less residue and is non-corrosive.

21st September 2016, 07:25 AM
Modern weapons all use smokeless powder, leaves less residue and is non-corrosive.

but there is still going to be some. It's smoke less not smoke free. I know it can vary by powder. When I shoot winclean it's low smoke but winchester factory reloads are smokier. If I shoot range reloads I can't see for a second or so. Either way there will be some. Thinking the benefit of replay we might be able to confirm someone did or didn't fire their weapon.

7th trump
21st September 2016, 07:47 AM
State actors who are commissioned to carry a gun should not be doing so if they are such cowardly pieces of shit as exemplified by this. There were no less than FOUR cops drawn down on him and he had NO weapon ANYWHERE. This amounts to summary execution for 'failing to obey orders' of a bunch of gawdam Satan worshipers. I assert all you statists attempting to justify this are Satan worshipers whether you realize that or not. NO difference WHATSOEVER between what apparently happened here and with Lavoy Finicum - NONE!


So we can assume when you parade the jew soviet war machines as superior murdering machines that you are also asserting that YOU are a statist attempting to justify Satan?

Cant have both ways dickhead!

21st September 2016, 07:50 AM
but there is still going to be some. It's smoke less not smoke free. I know it can vary by powder. When I shoot winclean it's low smoke but winchester factory reloads are smokier. If I shoot range reloads I can't see for a second or so. Either way there will be some. Thinking the benefit of replay we might be able to confirm someone did or didn't fire their weapon.

It'll probably be hard to tell from that distance and I don't think it was high definition video. The farther something is away with 480p the less likely you're going to see it unfortunately. I'll review it when I get a chance as well just to see if there was any indication of who fired.

21st September 2016, 09:22 AM
State actors who are commissioned to carry a gun should not be doing so if they are such cowardly pieces of shit as exemplified by this.

If only the Niggerboy had taken one of Sukhoi Fan's "free man" seminars on using the magic words to make state agents go away, he'd still be alive!

There were no less than FOUR cops drawn down on him and he had NO weapon ANYWHERE.

Yes, much better to wait for the Nigger with a record of violent resistance to shoot you. "He be gud boy, he dindu nuffin'!"

This amounts to summary execution for 'failing to obey orders' of a bunch of gawdam Satan worshipers. I assert all you statists attempting to justify this are Satan worshipers whether you realize that or not.

The WHITE woman cop who shot the animal is my racial sister. I judge her according to how I would like to be judged. That's the Golden Rule. I'd rather her life be spared than that of a worthless Nigger, all things considered.

A Satan worshiper is the one who refuses to accord their own kind the same rights & privileges you yourself would expect in the same situation.

NO difference WHATSOEVER between what apparently happened here and with Lavoy Finicum - NONE!

Mr. Finnicum was not a Nigger criminal. Anyone who loved or respected the man should be highly and rightly offended by your equation of him with a Nigger criminal.

21st September 2016, 09:29 AM
What ever happened to our commitment to freedom from tyranny?

Let me know when a non-criminal White man suffers this "tyranny."

The feral Nigger is at war with us. Good for the cops they removed another one from society. I'm far more concerned that my daughter be free to walk in public without being raped, than a Nigger being shot dead.

Ironic, the fools are screaming "evil State agents," yet now that these cops flushed a turd down the shitter, the cops themselves will be the actual victims of the State (the Federal regime) that is the enemy of all White people everywhere.

At this point, there is no difference between "Black Lives Matter" and so-called "libertarians." They will be cheering on the "civil rights investigations" and subsequent persecution of these White cops...just like BLM.

21st September 2016, 09:38 AM
Here's another one for the Niggerlovers to spew about:


This time, it was a BLACK COP that euthanized the rabid Nigger, though.

Police said they had been searching for someone who had an outstanding warrant at The Village at College Downs complex on Old Concord Road when they saw Scott leave his car holding a gun.

Officers approached Scott after he got back into the car. He emerged from the car again armed with a firearm “and posed an imminent deadly threat to the officers, who subsequently fired their weapon striking the subject,” police said in a statement. “The officers immediately requested Medic and began performing CPR.”

Medic took Scott to Carolinas Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Scott was not the person officers were searching for to arrest on the outstanding warrants, CMPD Chief Kerr Putney told reporters later.

Police said they recovered the firearm Scott was holding. But a woman who said she is Scott’s daughter claimed on a live-streamed video on Facebook that Scott was unarmed when he was shot. The video went viral, with more than 521,000 views by 9:30 p.m.

In the video, the woman said her father was sitting in his car reading a book and waiting for the school bus to drop off his son. She claimed that her father was Tasered and then shot four times, and that he was disabled.

“IT WAS A BOOK” one protester’s sign read.

Police declined to respond directly to the woman’s accusations.

A public records search shows that Scott was convicted in April 2004 of a misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon charge in Mecklenburg County. Other charges stemming from that date were dismissed: felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, and misdemeanors assault on a child under 12, assault on a female and communicating threats.


"Trigger-happy cop." :rolleyes:

21st September 2016, 10:09 AM
All I garner from this is that there are a lot of scared people on this site. I'm afraid of the black man, boo fucking hoo. Man up and quit being a pussy about it and whining all over the internet. It blind racism like I see here that creates the problem. For those that think they understand the PTB, you sure get sucked into this black/white bullshit. Pathetic. If/when shit hits the fan, last thing I would want is a bunch of scared, fanatic white guys spazzing out all over the place afraid of their shadows. Might be a black guy hiding in there. Sheesh, this site used to be pretty good. Gotta learn to stay away from these "bait" threads. Hint: It all ain't the black guys fault. The black guy ain't running the show. Try to constructively steer your anger towards the real perpetrators instead of the patsies.......

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 10:22 AM
A LOT of Satan's Lil' Helpers on here, to be sure. Gotta feed that divide and conquer paradigm. We are ALL God's children however misguided some of us may be. Here's a clue: there's probably more good, decent blacks and Mexicans then there are turds. Quite feeding the division, it ONLY serves the Satan worshipers so we're fighting amongst ourselves rather than focusing on where the real problem lies. It's about CULTURE, not race.

All I garner from this is that there are a lot of scared people on this site. I'm afraid of the black man, boo fucking hoo. Man up and quit being a pussy about it and whining all over the internet. It blind racism like I see here that creates the problem. For those that think they understand the PTB, you sure get sucked into this black/white bullshit. Pathetic. If/when shit hits the fan, last thing I would want is a bunch of scared, fanatic white guys spazzing out all over the place afraid of their shadows. Might be a black guy hiding in there. Sheesh, this site used to be pretty good. Gotta learn to stay away from these "bait" threads. Hint: It all ain't the black guys fault. The black guy ain't running the show. Try to constructively steer your anger towards the real perpetrators instead of the patsies.......

21st September 2016, 10:24 AM
Here's another one for the Niggerlovers to spew about:


This time, it was a BLACK COP that euthanized the rabid Nigger, though.

Police said they had been searching for someone who had an outstanding warrant at The Village at College Downs complex on Old Concord Road when they saw Scott leave his car holding a gun.

Officers approached Scott after he got back into the car. He emerged from the car again armed with a firearm “and posed an imminent deadly threat to the officers, who subsequently fired their weapon striking the subject,” police said in a statement. “The officers immediately requested Medic and began performing CPR.”

Medic took Scott to Carolinas Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Scott was not the person officers were searching for to arrest on the outstanding warrants, CMPD Chief Kerr Putney told reporters later.

Police said they recovered the firearm Scott was holding. But a woman who said she is Scott’s daughter claimed on a live-streamed video on Facebook that Scott was unarmed when he was shot. The video went viral, with more than 521,000 views by 9:30 p.m.

In the video, the woman said her father was sitting in his car reading a book and waiting for the school bus to drop off his son. She claimed that her father was Tasered and then shot four times, and that he was disabled.

“IT WAS A BOOK” one protester’s sign read.

Police declined to respond directly to the woman’s accusations.

A public records search shows that Scott was convicted in April 2004 of a misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon charge in Mecklenburg County. Other charges stemming from that date were dismissed: felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, and misdemeanors assault on a child under 12, assault on a female and communicating threats.


"Trigger-happy cop." :rolleyes:

So far this year, cops have killed 383 whites and 194 blacks. The one close to me (Charlotte) appears to of been justified, while the one and topic of this thread does not appear to be justified. If the "bad dude" isn't under arrest, under what jurisdiction does the cop have authority to order anyone around? You don't even have to identify yourself to a cop unless you're suspected of a crime.


There are plenty of instances of cops pulling the trigger unjustifiably and getting away with it. You can roll your eyes all that you would like. But keep in mind that if a cop pulls you over and sees anything of value on your vehicle he or she can take it without any repercussions by you whatsoever. Civil Asset Forfeiture.

21st September 2016, 10:30 AM
All I garner from this is that there are a lot of scared people on this site. I'm afraid of the black man, boo fucking hoo. Man up and quit being a pussy about it and whining all over the internet. It blind racism like I see here that creates the problem. For those that think they understand the PTB, you sure get sucked into this black/white bullshit. Pathetic. If/when shit hits the fan, last thing I would want is a bunch of scared, fanatic white guys spazzing out all over the place afraid of their shadows. Might be a black guy hiding in there. Sheesh, this site used to be pretty good. Gotta learn to stay away from these "bait" threads. Hint: It all ain't the black guys fault. The black guy ain't running the show. Try to constructively steer your anger towards the real perpetrators instead of the patsies.......

Spewed by someone who hasn't had to actually deal with rabid Niggers. And/or someone who thinks they are his "equal."

If you don't like the "racism" here, go here instead...maybe more suited to you:


They ban "racist collectivism" there...so you don't have to read it.

21st September 2016, 10:35 AM
Spewed by someone who hasn't had to actually deal with rabid Niggers. And/or someone who thinks they are his "equal."

If you don't like the "racism" here, go here instead...maybe more suited to you:


They ban "racist collectivism" there...so you don't have to read it.

We should all have equal protection under the law. Socially, I believe there really should be a tier system and only a certain tier gets the right to vote. You can move up or down the tiers depending upon your social value, society contribution, property ownership, etc.

21st September 2016, 10:38 AM
We are ALL God's children however misguided some of us may be.

Sukhoi Fan's bumper sticker:


The White man was created in God's image...as Adam man.

The Negro is just another Fifth Day creation, like any other beast. And the other dark races are combinations of Adam man and the beasts of the field.

Quite feeding the division, it ONLY serves the Satan worshipers so we're fighting amongst ourselves rather than focusing on where the real problem lies. It's about CULTURE, not race.

Wow. The interracist reveals himself.

Culture is the product of biology interacting with environment. Most races will be unable to create a culture that is above primitive.

A perfect couple, according to Sukhoi Fan:


"Only culture matters."


No, actually: 8493


midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 10:40 AM
And you call yourself a Christian. How funny.

The truth is you are Satan's Lil' Helper.

21st September 2016, 10:41 AM
A LOT of Satan's Lil' Helpers on here, to be sure. Gotta feed that divide and conquer paradigm. We are ALL God's children however misguided some of us may be. Here's a clue: there's probably more good, decent blacks and Mexicans then there are turds. Quite feeding the division, it ONLY serves the Satan worshipers so we're fighting amongst ourselves rather than focusing on where the real problem lies. It's about CULTURE, not race.

There is a biological division that is REAL. It has been tried for decades to overbridge this divide, it ain't possible! Wake up! Or move to Detroit, there are more negroes that are good there than bad. Try it!

21st September 2016, 10:52 AM
There are plenty of instances of cops pulling the trigger unjustifiably and getting away with it. You can roll your eyes all that you would like. But keep in mind that if a cop pulls you over and sees anything of value on your vehicle he or she can take it without any repercussions by you whatsoever. Civil Asset Forfeiture.

Why don't these things happen to me, or anyone I know? I've never had any of my property taken out of my vehicle, and I've never been Tasered or shot at.

It really sounds much more like a phony "epidemic" - based on Bolshevik ideology (BLM) - than a real, tangible problem for civilized people.

194 Blacks killed by the police? How many of those were really unjustified? 20? 10? Less? And I don't mean according to the "civil rights" commissars...I mean in reality, where the victim was truly not armed, was truly not doing anything that might indicate violent or homicidal intent. The infamous Michael Brown doesn't qualify. This turd in the OP doesn't, either.

There are more murders of Blacks in Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis, but "Black Lives Matter" and most fellow travelers don't say shit about that.

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 10:53 AM
Right, promote the division, be a supporter of the Satan worshiping Death Cult, they certainly appreciate the efforts of all you rubes since you do all the heavy lifting for 'em. Makes their life that much easier. Sweet.

21st September 2016, 10:57 AM
And you call yourself a Christian.

I do. And am thankful to have the right to do so.

The truth is you are Satan's Lil' Helper.

You have revealed yourself as an interracist Judeo-"Christian." God Almighty destroyed the world because only Noah was "perfect in his generations." The Christ said the last days would be "as in the days of Noah," with total corruption. That total corruption includes racial corruption, as with Noah's world. Racial corruption you promote.

The truth is, your "Christianity" is that taught in the 501(c)(3) Babylon-licensed "churches," not that taught in the Bible. Mixed with an unhealthy helping of New World Order New Age bullshit.

21st September 2016, 11:00 AM
Right, promote the division, be a supporter of the Satan worshiping Death Cult

Your allies in the Jew World Order have made racial bastardization - forced "unity" - their number one objective.

You are promoting the obscene perversion of God's Image - the ultimate abomination.

Vive la differénce...and division!

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 11:00 AM
And you're right there to help further the goals (division, fighting amongst ourselves rather than turning all our attention toward the source of ALL our troubles) of the Satan worshipers, huh Fred?

Do you work purely as a mercenary or do you do this without enumeration strictly out of your love for Satan?

21st September 2016, 11:04 AM
Right, promote the division, be a supporter of the Satan worshiping Death Cult, they certainly appreciate the efforts of all you rubes since you do all the heavy lifting for 'em. Makes their life that much easier. Sweet.
The division is real, and the world was better before globalism. But you support it!

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 11:06 AM
The division is real, and the world was better before globalism. But you support it!

Satan loves controversy and conflict rather than peace and harmony. It's the primary vehicle the Satan worshipers use to meet their goals. Go ahead and be Satan's Lil' Helper, I don't give a shit. It's YOUR karma.

21st September 2016, 11:22 AM
And you're right there to help further the goals (division, fighting amongst ourselves rather than turning all our attention toward the source of ALL our troubles) of the Satan worshipers, huh Fred?

Do you work purely as a mercenary or do you do this without enumeration strictly out of your love for Satan?

You have (inadvertently?) exposed yourself as an ally of the Enemy, and a cheerleader and "activist" for the destruction of the White race. Your "credibility" - what little you had - is gone. Nothing you say or do will change the fact you are in league with the ADL, the SPLC, the Jewnited Nations, and each & every other organization and institution aimed at destroying God's Image.

The White race is always separate - "divided" - from other hominids. That is God's design. Yet you promote Satan's design, of "unity." God annihilated the world for racial and spiritual corruption in Noah's time, and smashed the first attempt at a "New World Order" at the Tower of Babel's "unity project."

21st September 2016, 11:24 AM
Biblical Anthropology - "The Negro a Beast":


21st September 2016, 11:27 AM
Satan loves controversy and conflict rather than peace and harmony. It's the primary vehicle the Satan worshipers use to meet their goals. Go ahead and be Satan's Lil' Helper, I don't give a shit. It's YOUR karma.

"Karma" is not Biblical. It's New World Order New Age bullshit. Yahweh does not "add up" so-called "karma." A million good deeds minus Christ = ZERO. A million sins plus Christ = infinite reward.

God does not promote your Jewish form of "unity."

"Let's all work together for a great purpose":


21st September 2016, 11:28 AM
You have (inadvertently?) exposed yourself as an ally of the Enemy, and a cheerleader and "activist" for the destruction of the White race. Your "credibility" - what little you had - is gone. Nothing you say or do will change the fact you are in league with the ADL, the SPLC, the Jewnited Nations, and each & every other organization and institution aimed at destroying God's Image.

The White race is always separate - "divided" - from other hominids. That is God's design. Yet you promote Satan's design, of "unity." God annihilated the world for racial and spiritual corruption in Noah's time, and smashed the first attempt at a "New World Order" at the Tower of Babel's "unity project."

Judgmental much?

21st September 2016, 11:29 AM
Satan loves controversy and conflict rather than peace and harmony. It's the primary vehicle the Satan worshipers use to meet their goals. Go ahead and be Satan's Lil' Helper, I don't give a shit. It's YOUR karma.

Yes that is why Satan has shipped in millions of third world degenerates into Europe, lately with his appointed captain George Soros, praise the lord what a difference it made to our previous peaceful societies!

21st September 2016, 11:55 AM
Why don't these things happen to me, or anyone I know? I've never had any of my property taken out of my vehicle, and I've never been Tasered or shot at.

Its a numbers game. I was arrested when I was 18, doing dumb stupid shit. The passenger and I both had our hands on the hood of the car while the other cop was arresting me, the main/lead cop goes over to my friend (who was white), and says what the fuck are you looking at? My friend said nothing, the cop grabs him by the throat throws him on the hood of my car and hit him over the back of the head with his mag light. This happened back in the mid 90s. If my friend even attempted to resist he most likely would of gotten shot. Some cops are just looking for a fight.

It really sounds much more like a phony "epidemic" - based on Bolshevik ideology (BLM) - than a real, tangible problem for civilized people.

Not exactly, cops are people and people are full of flaws.

194 Blacks killed by the police? How many of those were really unjustified? 20? 10? Less? And I don't mean according to the "civil rights" commissars...I mean in reality, where the victim was truly not armed, was truly not doing anything that might indicate violent or homicidal intent. The infamous Michael Brown doesn't qualify. This turd in the OP doesn't, either.

I'm not sure, if you go to the link I posted they have each individual (white, black, asian, hispanic etc) listed on there by the month and year. Some of them do detail the events surrounding the shooting, most do not so we do not know.

There are more murders of Blacks in Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis, but "Black Lives Matter" and most fellow travelers don't say shit about that.


21st September 2016, 01:01 PM
Not exactly, cops are people and people are full of flaws.

This. This simple fact seems to be left out and not even considered when discussing cop use of force issues. It's easy to look after the fact, and say hey, he didn't have a gun. He wasn't a threat.

I'll give you an example from my own personal experience. We got a call that a burglar had pistol whipped the homeowner with the homeowner's gun, and fled, with the gun. So, basically armed and dangerous, violent criminal.

My partner and I find him. I jump out of the car and the foot chase is on. My partner stays in the car, and takes off to intercept him. The foot chase lasted several blocks and I started gaining on him. Right about the time I was going to grab him, he stops and faces me. I order his hands up. No guns are drawn at this point. The guy puts his hands up to fight. There's nobody around, just me and him. I pull out my baton. He looks at the baton, says "aw...fuck that", then reaches for his gun in his back waistband.

I pull out my gun. We are both going for our guns at the very exact moment. Quick draw, standing maybe 8 feet from each other. Would you have shot that guy if you were me?

7th trump
21st September 2016, 01:08 PM
This. This simple fact seems to be left out and not even considered when discussing cop use of force issues. It's easy to look after the fact, and say hey, he didn't have a gun. He wasn't a threat.

I'll give you an example from my own personal experience. We got a call that a burglar had pistol whipped the homeowner with the homeowner's gun, and fled, with the gun. So, basically armed and dangerous, violent criminal.

My partner and I find him. I jump out of the car and the foot chase is on. My partner stays in the car, and takes off to intercept him. The foot chase lasted several blocks and I started gaining on him. Right about the time I was going to grab him, he stops and faces me. I order his hands up. No guns are drawn at this point. The guy puts his hands up to fight. There's nobody around, just me and him. I pull out my baton. He looks at the baton, says "aw...fuck that", then reaches for his gun in his back waistband.

I pull out my gun. We are both going for our guns at the very exact moment. Quick draw, standing maybe 8 feet from each other. Would you have shot that guy if you were me?

Yep, without blinking.

21st September 2016, 01:38 PM
This. This simple fact seems to be left out and not even considered when discussing cop use of force issues. It's easy to look after the fact, and say hey, he didn't have a gun. He wasn't a threat.

I'll give you an example from my own personal experience. We got a call that a burglar had pistol whipped the homeowner with the homeowner's gun, and fled, with the gun. So, basically armed and dangerous, violent criminal.

My partner and I find him. I jump out of the car and the foot chase is on. My partner stays in the car, and takes off to intercept him. The foot chase lasted several blocks and I started gaining on him. Right about the time I was going to grab him, he stops and faces me. I order his hands up. No guns are drawn at this point. The guy puts his hands up to fight. There's nobody around, just me and him. I pull out my baton. He looks at the baton, says "aw...fuck that", then reaches for his gun in his back waistband.

I pull out my gun. We are both going for our guns at the very exact moment. Quick draw, standing maybe 8 feet from each other. Would you have shot that guy if you were me?
Yes, you didn't? Did you follow up on what happened to him later?

21st September 2016, 01:56 PM
Yes, you didn't? Did you follow up on what happened to him later?

No, I didn't shoot. I was hoping to make a point to midnight about that scenario, because, at that time, I should have pulled the trigger.

Turned out the gun in his waistband had fallen out during the foot chase, and he popped his hands up unarmed. But, I got a major ass chewing from my superiors because I didn't shoot actually, but if I had, I would have shot an unarmed man and in today's world, BLM and the media would have my photo on the frontpage of the media.

Thing is, cops always, willingly enter, lose-lose situations. You are damned if you do, but damned if you don't.

If that guy had the gun on him, I'd likely have been shot. I was quicker on the draw, but you lose that damn 3/4 of a second to know for "sure" there's a gun in his hand. I lost that 3/4 of a second, didn't pull the trigger, but he didn't have the gun. Basically, I lucked out.

21st September 2016, 02:05 PM
No, I didn't shoot. I was hoping to make a point to midnight about that scenario, because, at that time, I should have pulled the trigger.

Turned out the gun in his waistband had fallen out during the foot chase, and he popped his hands up unarmed. But, I got a major ass chewing from my superiors because I didn't shoot actually, but if I had, I would have shot an unarmed man and in today's world, BLM and the media would have my photo on the frontpage of the media.

Thing is, cops always, willingly enter, lose-lose situations. You are damned if you do, but damned if you don't.

If that guy had the gun on him, I'd likely have been shot. I was quicker on the draw, but you lose that damn 3/4 of a second to know for "sure" there's a gun in his hand. I lost that 3/4 of a second, didn't pull the trigger, but he didn't have the gun. Basically, I lucked out.

Yes, you are lucky to be alive and well today. I suppose he got some years in prison. Do you know what he did after that? Did he kill anyone, was he killed himself?

21st September 2016, 02:16 PM
Yes, you are lucky to be alive and well today. I suppose he got some years in prison. Do you know what he did after that? Did he kill anyone, was he killed himself?

He was charged with multiple felonies, likely..hopefully, he's still incarcerated today. In a box somewhere, I have photocopies of all the police reports I've written.

The point to midnight I'd like to make, is that cops are people, as Ares pointed out, and people, we all are full of flaws. Each situation is unique, and the cop gal who pulled the trigger in this thread, "at that very moment" felt threatened for her, and other's lives.

Dangerous criminal. Check. Refuses, even at gunpoint, to follow orders. Check. Reaches for "something".

Check. Midnight, Is your life worth finding out what that "something" is?

If not, don't expect cops to either.

21st September 2016, 02:30 PM
He was charged with multiple felonies, likely..hopefully, he's still incarcerated today. In a box somewhere, I have photocopies of all the police reports I've written.

The point to midnight I'd like to make, is that cops are people, as Ares pointed out, and people, we all are full of flaws. Each situation is unique, and the cop gal who pulled the trigger in this thread, "at that very moment" felt threatened for her, and other's lives.

Dangerous criminal. Check. Refuses, even at gunpoint, to follow orders. Check. Reaches for "something".

Check. Midnight, Is your life worth finding out what that "something" is?

If not, don't expect cops to either.
I bet you didn't tell the negro he was under arrest either when you pulled your gun?

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 03:40 PM
Trump questions whether Tulsa cop competent enough to be a cop.

21st September 2016, 03:50 PM
Turned out the gun in his waistband had fallen out during the foot chase, and he popped his hands up unarmed. But, I got a major ass chewing from my superiors because I didn't shoot actually, but if I had, I would have shot an unarmed man and in today's world, BLM and the media would have my photo on the frontpage of the media.

No kidding, we'd all be hearing the "white cop shoots unarmed black man" narrative all over again.

21st September 2016, 04:13 PM
Trump questions whether Tulsa cop competent enough to be a cop.

Pandering to the Niggers for votes. Basically, whoring himself. What a surprise.

"And he looked like a really good man."

Is that Donald Trump or Barack Obama talking?


21st September 2016, 05:54 PM
Pandering to the Niggers for votes. Basically, whoring himself. What a surprise.

"And he looked like a really good man."

Is that Donald Trump or Barack Obama talking?


unemployed defiant negro with 4 bastard kidz....and they think they found pcp (or some other serious dope) in his vehicle...

trump's definition of good man is pretty low

21st September 2016, 06:13 PM
unemployed defiant negro with 4 bastard kidz....and they think they found pcp (or some other serious dope) in his vehicle...

trump's definition of good man is pretty low

Trump's definition of "good man" is anyone who will vote for him.

7th trump
21st September 2016, 06:39 PM
Trump's definition of "good man" is anyone who will vote for him.

I guess you're biased towards Trump.
Do you always purposely ignore a key factor in that phrase to judge a guys word like that?

And he looked like a really good man.

Doesnt sound at all like Trump said he "was" a good man. Just said that the guy appeared to look like a good man.
Trumps being neutral as much as possible.

21st September 2016, 07:10 PM
Doesnt sound at all like Trump said he "was" a good man. Just said that the guy appeared to look like a good man.
Trumps being neutral as much as possible.



21st September 2016, 07:15 PM
Looks like a fine upstanding citizen

21st September 2016, 07:30 PM

Tulsa Police Officer Shares Her Side of the Story in Terence Crutcher's Shooting

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby, identified as the officer who shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher on Friday night, has offered her side of the story in the fatal encounter.

In dashcam and helicopter video released by police, Crutcher appears to have his hands up moments before he is shot by Shelby. Shelby's attorney, Scott Wood, maintains that Crutcher refused to follow more than two dozen commands and that he reached into the open window of the car before Shelby perceived a threat and shot him.

The Crutcher family's attorneys Benjamin L. Crump and Damario Solomon-Simmons said the window was up, evidenced by the blood spattered on it when he was shot.

The Department of Justice is investigating Shelby's use of force.

Here is Shelby's side of the story, according to her attorney and the police department.

Shelby Was Responding to a Different Incident

At about 7:36 p.m. Friday, dispatchers received a 911 call about an abandoned SUV in the middle of a street, with the driver's door open and the engine still running, Tulsa Police Chief Chuck Jordan said Monday. The caller said a man was running from the vehicle, saying it was "going to blow."

Shelby and another officer were on their way to a domestic violence call when she came across the SUV, Jordan said.

On her way to that call, Shelby saw Crutcher standing in the middle of the road, looking down at the ground, Wood said, adding that she would have stopped and checked up on him had she not been on the other call.

She then saw the SUV parked in the middle of the street, obstructing traffic in both directions, Wood said. The engine was running when she got there, which she found odd because she assumed it was either disabled or broken down, he said.

The Encounter Started More Than a Minute Before What Is Shown on the Released Video

Wood said "it's important to remember" that Shelby was on the scene with Crutcher for about a minute and a half before the start of the video clip released by police on Monday.

When Shelby approached the car, the doors were closed, and the windows were open, Wood said. She looked into the passenger's side to make sure no one was on the floor of the car, and as she was getting ready to move to the driver's side, she turned around and saw Crutcher walking toward her, Wood said.

Wood said that Shelby then said to Crutcher, "Hey, is this your car?"

Crutcher didn't respond, simply dropping his head while continuing to look at Shelby, "kind of under his brow," Wood said. Crutcher then began to put his hand into his left pocket, Wood said, adding that Shelby told Crutcher, "Hey, please keep your hands out of your pocket while you're talking to me. Let's deal with his car."

Crutcher did not respond, Wood said, so Shelby ordered him again to get his hand out of his pocket. He then pulled his hand away and put his hands up in the air, even though he was not instructed to do so, which Shelby found strange, Wood said.

Shelby tried to get Crutcher to talk to her, but he simply mumbled something unintelligible and stared at her, Wood said. He then turned and walked to the edge of the roadway and turned to look at her, his hands still in the air, Wood said. He put his hands down and started to reach into his pocket again, Wood said, and she ordered him again to get his hands out of his pocket.

At this point, Shelby, a drug recognition expert, believed Crutcher was "on something," Wood said, possibly PCP.

Shelby then radioed in that she had a subject "who is not following commands."

"You can kind of hear a degree of stress in her voice when she says that," Wood said.

Shelby then pulled out her gun and had Crutcher at gunpoint as she commanded him to get on his knees, Wood said. She pulled out a gun instead of a Taser because she thought he had a weapon, and she was planning to arrest him for being intoxicated in public and possibly obstructing the investigation, Wood said.

Shelby ordered Crutcher to stop multiple times as Crutcher walked toward the SUV with his hands up, Wood said.

But those orders cannot be heard in the audio from the dashcam video, which starts as another patrol car pulls up to the scene, showing Crutcher walking toward the SUV with his hands up as Shelby follows him, apparently with her weapon drawn and pointing at Crutcher.

Crutcher Allegedly Attempted to Reach Into the SUV

As the video from the helicopter begins, Crutcher was "angling" toward his car while Shelby repeatedly commanded him to stop, Wood said. His hands were still in the air.

"As a police officer, you have to wonder — why would someone ignore commands at gunpoint to get to a certain location?" Wood said.

Crutcher's arms came down, and he turned to face the car, Wood said, and he reached into the driver's side window with his left hand. That's when Shelby fired one shot and a fellow officer, Tyler Turnbough, deployed a Taser, Wood said.

Shelby believed that when Crutcher attempted to reach into the car, he was retrieving a weapon, Wood said. In her interview with homicide detectives, she said, "I was never so scared in my life as in that moment right then," according to Wood.

21st September 2016, 08:49 PM
unemployed defiant negro with 4 bastard kidz....and they think they found pcp (or some other serious dope) in his vehicle...

trump's definition of good man is pretty low

Yep, they found PCP in the vehicle, and the fine lady officer was TRAINED to recognize PCP-induced behavior, and realized this negro was in a drug induced stupor and that's why he wasn't listening to the any of them. The big black dude should have known better than to go for a drive while hopped up on PCP. I'm not sure I can fault the lady officer for what happened.

21st September 2016, 09:01 PM

Tulsa Police Officer Shares Her Side of the Story in Terence Crutcher's Shooting

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby, identified as the officer who shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher on Friday night, has offered her side of the story in the fatal encounter.

In dashcam and helicopter video released by police, Crutcher appears to have his hands up moments before he is shot by Shelby. Shelby's attorney, Scott Wood, maintains that Crutcher refused to follow more than two dozen commands and that he reached into the open window of the car before Shelby perceived a threat and shot him.

The Crutcher family's attorneys Benjamin L. Crump and Damario Solomon-Simmons said the window was up, evidenced by the blood spattered on it when he was shot.

The Department of Justice is investigating Shelby's use of force.

Here is Shelby's side of the story, according to her attorney and the police department.

Shelby Was Responding to a Different Incident

At about 7:36 p.m. Friday, dispatchers received a 911 call about an abandoned SUV in the middle of a street, with the driver's door open and the engine still running, Tulsa Police Chief Chuck Jordan said Monday. The caller said a man was running from the vehicle, saying it was "going to blow."

Shelby and another officer were on their way to a domestic violence call when she came across the SUV, Jordan said.

On her way to that call, Shelby saw Crutcher standing in the middle of the road, looking down at the ground, Wood said, adding that she would have stopped and checked up on him had she not been on the other call.

She then saw the SUV parked in the middle of the street, obstructing traffic in both directions, Wood said. The engine was running when she got there, which she found odd because she assumed it was either disabled or broken down, he said.

The Encounter Started More Than a Minute Before What Is Shown on the Released Video

Wood said "it's important to remember" that Shelby was on the scene with Crutcher for about a minute and a half before the start of the video clip released by police on Monday.

When Shelby approached the car, the doors were closed, and the windows were open, Wood said. She looked into the passenger's side to make sure no one was on the floor of the car, and as she was getting ready to move to the driver's side, she turned around and saw Crutcher walking toward her, Wood said.

Wood said that Shelby then said to Crutcher, "Hey, is this your car?"

Crutcher didn't respond, simply dropping his head while continuing to look at Shelby, "kind of under his brow," Wood said. Crutcher then began to put his hand into his left pocket, Wood said, adding that Shelby told Crutcher, "Hey, please keep your hands out of your pocket while you're talking to me. Let's deal with his car."

Crutcher did not respond, Wood said, so Shelby ordered him again to get his hand out of his pocket. He then pulled his hand away and put his hands up in the air, even though he was not instructed to do so, which Shelby found strange, Wood said.

Shelby tried to get Crutcher to talk to her, but he simply mumbled something unintelligible and stared at her, Wood said. He then turned and walked to the edge of the roadway and turned to look at her, his hands still in the air, Wood said. He put his hands down and started to reach into his pocket again, Wood said, and she ordered him again to get his hands out of his pocket.

At this point, Shelby, a drug recognition expert, believed Crutcher was "on something," Wood said, possibly PCP.

Shelby then radioed in that she had a subject "who is not following commands."

"You can kind of hear a degree of stress in her voice when she says that," Wood said.

Shelby then pulled out her gun and had Crutcher at gunpoint as she commanded him to get on his knees, Wood said. She pulled out a gun instead of a Taser because she thought he had a weapon, and she was planning to arrest him for being intoxicated in public and possibly obstructing the investigation, Wood said.

Shelby ordered Crutcher to stop multiple times as Crutcher walked toward the SUV with his hands up, Wood said.

But those orders cannot be heard in the audio from the dashcam video, which starts as another patrol car pulls up to the scene, showing Crutcher walking toward the SUV with his hands up as Shelby follows him, apparently with her weapon drawn and pointing at Crutcher.

Crutcher Allegedly Attempted to Reach Into the SUV

As the video from the helicopter begins, Crutcher was "angling" toward his car while Shelby repeatedly commanded him to stop, Wood said. His hands were still in the air.

"As a police officer, you have to wonder — why would someone ignore commands at gunpoint to get to a certain location?" Wood said.

Crutcher's arms came down, and he turned to face the car, Wood said, and he reached into the driver's side window with his left hand. That's when Shelby fired one shot and a fellow officer, Tyler Turnbough, deployed a Taser, Wood said.

Shelby believed that when Crutcher attempted to reach into the car, he was retrieving a weapon, Wood said. In her interview with homicide detectives, she said, "I was never so scared in my life as in that moment right then," according to Wood.

If what she is telling is the truth, her response was nothing but reasonable every step she took

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:02 PM
the fine lady officer was TRAINED to recognize PCP-induced behavior, and realized this negro was in a drug induced stupor and that's why he wasn't listening to the any of them.

Indeed, like she was TRAINED* to shoot someone who had yet to present a weapon rendering summary judgment/summary execution for 'failure to obey commands' while four cops were drawn down on the shootee (note there was no resistance on his part, merely the *suspicion* that he *might* present a weapon [due to his anomalous behavior**] while FOUR [cowardly loser] cops were drawn down on him).

*most likely some of that 'fine' Israeli training

**you do realize that folks merely experiencing insulin shock have gotten similar treatment by the cops, right?

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:06 PM
If what she is telling is the truth, her response was nothing but reasonable every step she took

Sure, considering she was a FUCKING TRIGGER HAPPY COWARD with weak nerves and high anxiety, perfectly reasonable. /s

21st September 2016, 09:11 PM
He was a good boy he dindu nuffins, was turning his life around.. LOL

An unarmed black man shot dead in the middle of a street by a white Oklahoma police officer had run-ins with the law dating back to his teenage years and recently served four years in prison.

But those closest to Terence Crutcher described him as a church-going father who was starting to turn his life around. After marking his 40th birthday with his twin sister last month, Crutcher sent her a text that read, "I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna make you all proud."
Crutcher was due to start a music appreciation class at a local community college Friday, the day Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby fatally shot him outside his abandoned SUV.


There’s also more information that the mainstream media conveniently left out.
Crutcher had a hefty criminal record before he was shot. In fact, he had just been released in May after nine years in prison for drug trafficking, WZ (http://www.weaselzippers.us/296470-terance-crutcher-just-finished-9-year-sentence-for-drug-trafficking-had-prior-convictions-for-resisting-arrest/) reported.
He also had a history of resisting arrest. Behold the rap sheet:
1996 Shooting with intent to kill — Dismissed
2001 Petit larceny — Conviction
2004 Driving while suspended — Conviction
2005 Driving while suspended, resisting officer — Conviction
2006 Driving while suspended — Conviction
Driving with open container — Dismissed
2006 Trafficking in illegal drugs — Conviction. (He was also charged in that incident with assault on a police officer and resisting, but that was dismissed.)
2011 Public intoxication (while in prison for drug trafficking) — Conviction
2012 Public intoxication — Conviction
Obstructing an officer — Conviction
2013 DUI — Conviction
Resisting officer — Conviction
Open Container — Conviction
Failure to wear seatbelt — Conviction
Speeding — Conviction

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:12 PM
Sure, considering she was a FUCKING TRIGGER HAPPY COWARD with weak nerves and high anxiety, perfectly reasonable. /s

I bet this skeerty cat womyn was an affirmative action hire standing at something like under 5'5" and under 130# having NO business being a cop since she probably couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag* (I've seen a number of these).

*which makes 'em trigger happy with high anxiety since they can be physically overcome very easily by large men

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:13 PM
Kindly elaborate on how a long rap sheet justifies summary judgment/summary execution when no weapon was present (and FOUR cops were drawn down on him). TIA

He was a good boy he dindu nuffins, was turning his life around.. LOL

An unarmed black man shot dead in the middle of a street by a white Oklahoma police officer had run-ins with the law dating back to his teenage years and recently served four years in prison.

But those closest to Terence Crutcher described him as a church-going father who was starting to turn his life around. After marking his 40th birthday with his twin sister last month, Crutcher sent her a text that read, "I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna make you all proud."
Crutcher was due to start a music appreciation class at a local community college Friday, the day Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby fatally shot him outside his abandoned SUV.


There’s also more information that the mainstream media conveniently left out.
Crutcher had a hefty criminal record before he was shot. In fact, he had just been released in May after nine years in prison for drug trafficking, WZ (http://www.weaselzippers.us/296470-terance-crutcher-just-finished-9-year-sentence-for-drug-trafficking-had-prior-convictions-for-resisting-arrest/) reported.
He also had a history of resisting arrest. Behold the rap sheet:
1996 Shooting with intent to kill — Dismissed
2001 Petit larceny — Conviction
2004 Driving while suspended — Conviction
2005 Driving while suspended, resisting officer — Conviction
2006 Driving while suspended — Conviction
Driving with open container — Dismissed
2006 Trafficking in illegal drugs — Conviction. (He was also charged in that incident with assault on a police officer and resisting, but that was dismissed.)
2011 Public intoxication (while in prison for drug trafficking) — Conviction
2012 Public intoxication — Conviction
Obstructing an officer — Conviction
2013 DUI — Conviction
Resisting officer — Conviction
Open Container — Conviction
Failure to wear seatbelt — Conviction
Speeding — Conviction

21st September 2016, 09:15 PM
He was a good boy he dindu nuffins, was turning his life around.. LOL

An unarmed black man shot dead in the middle of a street by a white Oklahoma police officer had run-ins with the law dating back to his teenage years and recently served four years in prison.

But those closest to Terence Crutcher described him as a church-going father who was starting to turn his life around. After marking his 40th birthday with his twin sister last month, Crutcher sent her a text that read, "I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna make you all proud."
Crutcher was due to start a music appreciation class at a local community college Friday, the day Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby fatally shot him outside his abandoned SUV.


There’s also more information that the mainstream media conveniently left out.
Crutcher had a hefty criminal record before he was shot. In fact, he had just been released in May after nine years in prison for drug trafficking, WZ (http://www.weaselzippers.us/296470-terance-crutcher-just-finished-9-year-sentence-for-drug-trafficking-had-prior-convictions-for-resisting-arrest/) reported.
He also had a history of resisting arrest. Behold the rap sheet:
1996 Shooting with intent to kill — Dismissed
2001 Petit larceny — Conviction
2004 Driving while suspended — Conviction
2005 Driving while suspended, resisting officer — Conviction
2006 Driving while suspended — Conviction
Driving with open container — Dismissed
2006 Trafficking in illegal drugs — Conviction. (He was also charged in that incident with assault on a police officer and resisting, but that was dismissed.)
2011 Public intoxication (while in prison for drug trafficking) — Conviction
2012 Public intoxication — Conviction
Obstructing an officer — Conviction
2013 DUI — Conviction
Resisting officer — Conviction
Open Container — Conviction
Failure to wear seatbelt — Conviction
Speeding — Conviction
What a model citizen aye rambler?

21st September 2016, 09:15 PM
Sure, considering she was a FUCKING TRIGGER HAPPY COWARD with weak nerves and high anxiety, perfectly reasonable. /s

think this is the first nig she's shot. so trigger happy doesn't fit, must acquit :cool:


midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:16 PM

think this is the first nig she's shot. so trigger happy doesn't fit, must acquit http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/cool.png


I bet this skeerty cat womyn was an affirmative action hire standing at something like under 5'5" and under 130# having NO business being a cop since she probably couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag* (I've seen a number of these).

*which makes 'em trigger happy with high anxiety since they can be physically overcome very easily by large men

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:23 PM
What a model citizen aye rambler?

Yes, I've noted that the shootee was no angel.

Yet you do realize that the precedent being set and well established is that anyone who 'fails to follow commands' 'while showing anomalous behavior' deserves summary judgement/summary execution despite there being NO weapon present, right? (OW! OW! OFFICER SAFETY!!! OFFICER SAFETY!!!*)

*TRANSLATION: We get a paid vacation when we get skeered and shoot someone who was unarmed strictly 'cause we got skeered. Sweet!

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:34 PM
Yep, they found PCP in the vehicle, and the fine lady officer was TRAINED to recognize PCP-induced behavior, and realized this negro was in a drug induced stupor and that's why he wasn't listening to the any of them. The big black dude should have known better than to go for a drive while hopped up on PCP. I'm not sure I can fault the lady officer for what happened.

Let's see the toxicology report before jumping to conclusions. No doubt there are 'throw down drugs' stashes just like there are throw down guns (and being much more compact and virtually untraceable, unlike guns much more likely to be secreted away should 'the need' arise - think about it, if you could provide cover for one of your buddies in a pinch you'd certainly do it just like they'd do it for you).

How do I know ALL cops are dirty to some extent or another? Because they ALL cover for the bad behavior of some (but certainly not all) of their brethren - or else their career in state sanctioned organized thuggery comes to a screaming halt.

21st September 2016, 09:38 PM
Let's see the toxicology report before jumping to conclusions.

You don't think that could be manipulated for political purposes?

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 09:44 PM
I'd much sooner trust the veracity of the toxicology report than the word of any of the cops involved.

You don't think that could be manipulated for political purposes?

21st September 2016, 09:58 PM
I bet this skeerty cat womyn was an affirmative action hire standing at something like under 5'5" and under 130# having NO business being a cop since she probably couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag* (I've seen a number of these).

*which makes 'em trigger happy with high anxiety since they can be physically overcome very easily by large men

She didn't shoot anyone before after 5 years on the force, now she ridded society of this criminal Orc. She acted exemplary. He was acting erratic, doesn't answer questions. Has parked in the middle of the street with the engine running. Instead of dropping to his knees, when asked multiple times, he instead reached in through his car window. The fact that he didn't have a gun there doesn't matter. If he had, and he may have thought he had, one of those Police Officers might have been dead now. That is the reality of the situation.

How would you have dealt with this Orc, blocking the road, being out crazy walking, if you had travelled this road? Just waited until he drove off high on PCP?

21st September 2016, 09:59 PM
I'd much sooner trust the veracity of the toxicology report than the word of any of the cops involved.

Yes Obama's state would have no reason to manipulate that you Satans Lil' Statist...

21st September 2016, 10:18 PM


This guy is out crazy walking in the middle of the street. Armed midnight rambler comes driving with his wife and children. He continues driving, but then he sees a car in the middle of the road, completely blocking traffic in both directions. He goes out to check on it. Lights are on engine is running, it doesn't appear damaged. The guy walking in the middle of the street suddenly appears just behind him. Midnight asks him how are you doing? No reply, instead he puts his arms in the air...

21st September 2016, 11:20 PM
This guy is out crazy walking in the middle of the street. Armed midnight rambler comes driving with his wife and children. He continues driving, but then he sees a car in the middle of the road, completely blocking traffic in both directions. He goes out to check on it. Lights are on engine is running, it doesn't appear damaged. The guy walking in the middle of the street suddenly appears just behind him. Midnight asks him how are you doing? No reply, instead he puts his arms in the air...

Niggerlover Sukhoi Fan ("midnight rambler") is nothing but talk. He operates a completely phony persona online. He has said that these Nigger beasts are his "equals," yet demeans a White woman merely because she's a policewoman.

The Niggerlover would empty his magazine if confronted with the same or even less severe threat. That is, if he didn't freeze from cold fear. He pretends to be a "tough guy" and Navy SEAL-level "weapons expert" on the Internet, but even the average person can see through such confidence art.

22nd September 2016, 02:38 AM
This guy is out crazy walking in the middle of the street. Armed midnight rambler comes driving with his wife and children. He continues driving, but then he sees a car in the middle of the road, completely blocking traffic in both directions. He goes out to check on it. Lights are on engine is running, it doesn't appear damaged. The guy walking in the middle of the street suddenly appears just behind him. Midnight asks him how are you doing? No reply, instead he puts his arms in the air...

Midnight, how would you handle this situation? He's blocking your right to travel. Whatever action you pick, will be the wrong one. If you don't shoot him, he had a gun and you are dead. If you do shoot him, there was no gun and you are an asshole, but an alive asshole.

Here's what happens when bad guys have guns and get the jump on cops.


midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 04:58 AM
Midnight, how would you handle this situation? He's blocking your right to travel. Whatever action you pick, will be the wrong one. If you don't shoot him, he had a gun and you are dead. If you do shoot him, there was no gun and you are an asshole, but an alive asshole.

Here's what happens when bad guys have guns and get the jump on cops.


How many fucking times do I have to repeat this?? Killing any UNARMED individual who has not infringed on your life, liberty or property = homicide. NO WAY can that be justified.

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 05:04 AM
Schlong globbling Fred LOVES his Chosenite masters.

Niggerlover Sukhoi Fan ("midnight rambler") is nothing but talk. He operates a completely phony persona online. He has said that these Nigger beasts are his "equals," yet demeans a White woman merely because she's a policewoman.

The Niggerlover would empty his magazine if confronted with the same or even less severe threat. That is, if he didn't freeze from cold fear. He pretends to be a "tough guy" and Navy SEAL-level "weapons expert" on the Internet, but even the average person can see through such confidence art.

22nd September 2016, 05:37 AM
How many fucking times do I have to repeat this?? Killing any UNARMED individual who has not infringed on your life, liberty or property = homicide. NO WAY can that be justified.

OK, so how would you have handled the situation? Yes, I'm asking this question again.

You have here, a huge black man, on PCP which is a known violent drug, refusing commands to remain peaceful at gunpoint, and a 135 pound woman that you seem to think should be able to fight this guy.

Would you fight that guy? That seems to be your solution, go hands on with him.

22nd September 2016, 05:56 AM
OK, so how would you have handled the situation? Yes, I'm asking this question again.

You have here, a huge black man, on PCP which is a known violent drug, refusing commands to remain peaceful at gunpoint, and a 135 pound woman that you seem to think should be able to fight this guy.

Would you fight that guy? That seems to be your solution, go hands on with him.

Except that it wasn't just this woman. She had 3 other male officers, also with weapons drawn on him. Why even bother issuing cops tazers if they're just going to execute people anyway when NO WEAPON IS PRESENT?


link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1UjKqzVDCw

Here is an unarmed white guy (Dillon Taylor) who was summarily executed for not obeying orders which he could not clearly hear since he had earphones in.

Cop shot him, DA ruled it a justifiable homicide, careless pussy pig is back on the streets to execute someone else.

Here's another pussy pig shooting a HAND CUFFED man and killing him.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4agZGkkmpg

Youtube is choked full of cops shooting unarmed men, woman and children, as well as family pets.

The race baiters are really pushing the narrative, as I bet most people have never even heard of Dillon Taylor or Daniel Saenz.

There is no white and black in the eyes of the state, there is the state and the people it seeks to rule over.

22nd September 2016, 06:52 AM
OK, so how would you have handled the situation? Yes, I'm asking this question again.

You have here, a huge black man, on PCP which is a known violent drug, refusing commands to remain peaceful at gunpoint, and a 135 pound woman that you seem to think should be able to fight this guy.

Would you fight that guy? That seems to be your solution, go hands on with him.


While it's clear from your posts that you were (or perhaps still are) an LEO who cared(cares) about the people you are (were) protecting, it's a fool's game to defend every LEO out there. I think we can all admit that many of them are acting more like storm troupers than cops. I believe more of them exist in the cesspool cities than in small towns across America. Cops are just like people (whodathunk?), there are goods ones and there are assholes.

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 06:53 AM
a 135 pound woman that you seem to think should be able to fight this guy.

You're apparently a complete fucking moron. I never said or implied any such thing. The point I've been pushing this entire time is that small womyn* have NO place being cops unless they're built like a man (as in comparable size) and there are plenty of dykes out there doing just that.

*makes for a tendency to be trigger happy, big shock huh?

22nd September 2016, 06:58 AM
You're apparently a complete fucking moron. I never said or implied any such thing. The point I've been pushing this entire time is that small womyn* have NO place being cops unless they're built like a man (as in comparable size) and there are plenty of dykes out there doing just that.

*makes for a tendency to be trigger happy, big shock huh?

Devil's advocate here....

How about the fat obese cops who take 20 minutes to get their ass out of the cruiser. There are plenty of those too. They hand out badges to anyone with a pulse now a days. Can't understand how anyone would want that job. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. The only people who would take that job now are the power mongers...which is a large part of why we find ourselves where we are across the cities in America.

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 07:00 AM
The only people who would take that job now are the power mongers...

That, along with those who are unable or incapable of earning an honest living. Been that way forever. At least a fatass cop can throw his weight on someone he's apprehending. lol

22nd September 2016, 07:15 AM
You're apparently a complete fucking moron. I never said or implied any such thing.

You refuse to answer my honest straight forward question, yet I'm the moron? BTW, you did imply that. In this particular situation, the woman really only had two choices. Fight hands on, or shoot. Cops don't run or leave a suspect who's dangerous to the community, on drugs that cause violent behaviors....and that guy wasn't complying peacefully.

22nd September 2016, 10:21 AM
How many fucking times do I have to repeat this?? Killing any UNARMED individual who has not infringed on your life, liberty or property = homicide. NO WAY can that be justified.

Pete, never mind this lying creep's spew. He claims he can drive/"travel" around with impunity without a driver's license or license plates, and the cops won't haul him in. He is all talk, and his purpose here is disinformation.

22nd September 2016, 10:23 AM
Schlong globbling Fred LOVES his Chosenite masters.

"Schlong"?! Who but a Kike or Judeophile would use that Yiddish term?

You've revealed yourself as a Niggerloving fellow traveler to the interracist Kikes. You're done, boy.

22nd September 2016, 10:24 AM
OK, so how would you have handled the situation? Yes, I'm asking this question again.

You have here, a huge black man, on PCP which is a known violent drug, refusing commands to remain peaceful at gunpoint, and a 135 pound woman that you seem to think should be able to fight this guy.

Would you fight that guy? That seems to be your solution, go hands on with him.

You're giving him the benefit of the doubt, when, in reality there is no doubt: dissimulation is his modus operandi.

22nd September 2016, 10:26 AM
You're apparently a complete fucking moron. I never said or implied any such thing. The point I've been pushing this entire time is that small womyn* have NO place being cops unless they're built like a man (as in comparable size) and there are plenty of dykes out there doing just that.

*makes for a tendency to be trigger happy, big shock huh?

Again, he sides with a Nigger criminal against a White woman. Because "we are all God's children." A Nigger is "midnight rambler's" "equal."

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 02:36 PM
"Schlong"?! Who but a Kike or Judeophile would use that Yiddish term?

Who? Those who love slurping schlong, like you Fred, you unrepentent schlong slurper.

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 02:37 PM
Again, he sides with a Nigger criminal against a White woman. Because "we are all God's children." A Nigger is "midnight rambler's" "equal."

Hate* to burst your bubble there Fred, but the Tulsa County DA sees it otherwise - http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/22/officer-charged-terence-crutcher/

*j/k! lol

22nd September 2016, 03:15 PM
Not everyone who defends a cop is a state-worshipper, and not everyone who criticizes a cop is a nigger-lover. There is a middle ground ground here. The guy probably didn't deserve to die, but he was asking for trouble doing what he did. Who the hell dopes up on PCP and then goes for a car ride?

22nd September 2016, 03:57 PM
Who the hell dopes up on PCP and then goes for a car ride?

A man who doesn't have a copy of Black's Law on hand, ready to go. That's who.

There are a lot of victims here. Midnight Rambler is a victim, by association. The dead perp, is a victim. The 135 lb woman cop is a victim, by God she had to deal with this violence, first hand.

You are a victim, such as I. I can't find a reason why, but hopefully midnight will keep us up to date why we are victims...

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 04:00 PM
The 135 lb woman cop is a victim

There are a minimum of two moronic parties in this instance: the womyn for wanting to be a cop (unlikely able to earn an honest living) and those who hired the skeerty cat with weak nerves and high anxiety. I think it was inevitable that Lil' Miss Skeerty Cat ended up shooting someone to death.

22nd September 2016, 04:16 PM
Not everyone who defends a cop is a state-worshipper, and not everyone who criticizes a cop is a nigger-lover.

A certain individual outed himself as a "we all beez equals" type yesterday, and continues to side with Niggers against a White woman solely because that White woman is a cop.

I don't refer to you or Ares or anyone else who honestly has a problem with how things happened.

22nd September 2016, 04:17 PM
Who? Those who love slurping schlong, like you Fred, you unrepentent schlong slurper.

Psychological projection of your own most desired fantasy.

22nd September 2016, 04:21 PM
Hate* to burst your bubble there Fred, but the Tulsa County DA sees it otherwise - http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/22/officer-charged-terence-crutcher/

*j/k! lol

"midnight rambler" siding with the Jews against a White woman, yet again. Tulsa persecutor: (((Steve Kunzweiler))).

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 06:36 PM
Psychological projection of your own most desired fantasy.

I am not the one who relies on the corporate state* to establish who I am, that would be YOU!

*the corporate state, a legal fiction aka phantasm created by jooish banksters and shysters - which is why you love to suckle that jooish favored cock aka 'schlong' lol

22nd September 2016, 06:43 PM
I still don't think anyone got killed. Lotta hate over something that might not be real.

22nd September 2016, 07:04 PM

Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter in man's death (http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/tulsa-police-officer-charged-with-manslaughter-in-man-s-death/article_8ca0a6e6-8bfe-508a-bc4e-509e9aa1d5a6.html)

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler charged Tulsa officer Betty Shelby in the Sept. 16 shooting death of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher. Kunzweiler said arrangements were being made for Shelby's surrender.

7th trump
22nd September 2016, 08:10 PM
I am not the one who relies on the corporate state* to establish who I am, that would be YOU!

*the corporate state, a legal fiction aka phantasm created by jooish banksters and shysters - which is why you love to suckle that jooish favored cock aka 'schlong' lol
Ok right when you stated the corporation state was created by joo banksters........you are telling the intelligent you are just reciting bullshit conspiracy from the internet.
Bankers were outlawed in this country in its infancy and yet the US fed government was formed as a corporation.

You are just a clueless fool yapping and regurgitating bullshit!

Crimethink has called you out like I did three years ago.

22nd September 2016, 08:32 PM

Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter in man's death (http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/tulsa-police-officer-charged-with-manslaughter-in-man-s-death/article_8ca0a6e6-8bfe-508a-bc4e-509e9aa1d5a6.html)

Another lynching of a White cop by the Jewdicial System. (((Steve Kuntweiler))) has to "make an example of" this White woman to appease the rampaging beasts.

Shouldn't the charge be, at most, destruction of livestock?

22nd September 2016, 08:46 PM

Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter in man's death (http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/tulsa-police-officer-charged-with-manslaughter-in-man-s-death/article_8ca0a6e6-8bfe-508a-bc4e-509e9aa1d5a6.html)

The state will sentence her to 4 years most likely

From the link above:

Earlier this year, a former volunteer deputy with the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office was sentenced to four years in prison after he was convicted of second-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Eric Harris, who was also black and unarmed.

23rd September 2016, 01:23 AM
The state will sentence her to 4 years most likely

From the link above:

If they pack the jury with Googles*, Skypes*, and Car Salesmen*, yes. If decent Oklahomans are on the jury, she is acquitted, as she should be.

* see here:


Google = Nigger
Skype = Jew

23rd September 2016, 02:22 AM
"She said the school decided to create a safe space for the children to share their thoughts and feelings in response to the shooting."


'One girl closes our group by sharing: 'I wish white people could give us a chance. We can all come together and get along. We can all be united.'

'Let me tell you, these 10 year olds are more articulate about this than I am.'


23rd September 2016, 02:28 AM
Contrary to the Niggerlovers and "men" who are afraid of a woman with a gun, here's an actually credible firearms expert on this incident:

Betty Shelby Was Justified In Shooting Terence Crutcher. Here’s Why.


23rd September 2016, 03:42 AM
Ok, Hitch, I'll bite (to the question as to 'how would I handle the situation').

Here we have Officer Shelby's reciting what happened (with caps for emphasis):

"She pulled out a gun instead of a Taser because she thought he had a weapon, and


for being intoxicated in public and possibly obstructing the investigation, Wood said.


to stop multiple times as Crutcher walked toward the SUV with his hands up, Wood said."

What took place was an officer saw the need to place a pedestrian under arrest, for cause, had time to bark orders at him, but, for reasons I will speculate on shortly, saw NO NEED TO ACTUALLY PLACE HIM UNDER ARREST - that is, although she "planned" on arresting him, she DIDN'T, but, instead, hollered commands at him, with the expectation that he was REQUIRED by law to obey her commands. I would ask you, Hitch, why do you think she didn't just notify him, at the same time she is ordering him around, that he was UNDER ARREST for interfering with her duties and for being intoxicate in public? Wouldn't that have made a difference here, at least in what came next, either way?

I can speculate why she felt no need to make that notification loud and clear - that is, due to how america has degraded over the last few decades to where law enforcement have been led to believe they are like "the king's men", and can order people around, and, when their orders are disregarded, they are authorized to execute the disobedient commoner on the spot. That attitude has probably been taught by jews and the training offered to chosen law officials who travel to Israel.

Crutcher might have still ignored her, or, maybe hearing that he was under arrest, that just might have been enough to make him stop and surrender. We will never know, and the fault there lies with this police-lady, whose attitude is a result of how far we have come from when I was growing up in the 50's. She didn't think it was vitally important to NOTIFY HIM HE WAS UNDER ARREST for two causes!

What not?

23rd September 2016, 04:36 AM
I can speculate

You will be in a position to speculate when you have to deal with homicidal Niggers every day.

whose attitude is a result of how far we have come from when I was growing up in the 50's.

Yeah, how far we've come since the '50s:





"Iza hab sibul rights, an' Iza don's haff ta do what da fukin' cops say!"

Where we are today is because of Jewish Bolsheviks pushing "civil rights" for thugs and animals, and imbeciles like you target the cops that prevent continuous Chimp Out.

23rd September 2016, 05:08 AM
Jew-Jitsu Jewdicial Lynching of the Policewoman by Ideology-Driven State Persecutor (((Steve Kunzweiler))):


Note the typical Jewish doublethink, admitting the "victim's" "refusal to comply with her lawful orders," yet condemning her nonetheless.

23rd September 2016, 05:25 AM
Note the typical Jewish doublethink, admitting the "victim's" "refusal to comply with her lawful orders," yet condemning her nonetheless

I'm not exactly sure they were lawful orders. Did they tell him he was under arrest? Under what authority were their orders lawful? If I tell you what to do without detailing under whose authority I have to order you around, is it a lawful order?

By her own account she was in route to domestic disturbance call and stopped when the victims car was stalled in the middle of the road. Did she automatically get out and start ordering him around? I haven't been able to find the timeline between her getting out of her car and what transpired up until he was shot.

The reason I stated that is there are people who do impressionate police officers. Did she identify herself as a police officer before she ordered him around? There are a lot of details we are missing, which I'm sure will come out during her trial.

23rd September 2016, 06:13 AM
Contrary to the Niggerlovers and "men" who are afraid of a woman with a gun, here's an actually credible firearms expert on this incident:

Betty Shelby Was Justified In Shooting Terence Crutcher. Here’s Why.

Thank you CT, found a video of a cop shooting I've been searching for, for quite some time, linked in your article you posted.

Here is a link to a video that shows why cops don't let people reach into their vehicles. I've been trying to find this video for years, actually, because this is what was shown to us in academy.

Very similar situation to the shooting in this thread, except the cop didn't shoot until too late, and lost his life.

A lot can be learned from this video. It's at the link, and quite chilling to watch.


23rd September 2016, 06:23 AM
Crutcher might have still ignored her, or, maybe hearing that he was under arrest, that just might have been enough to make him stop and surrender.

Crutcher was not under arrest, yet. He was LAWFULLY detained at the time, for being under the influence of drugs, in public, and multiple vehicle code violations. A detention is not an arrest, but a person can be held ie not free to go...until the investigation is complete.

You have these facts:

1) A known violent felon.

2) A lawful detention of that felon.

3) Felon not responding to commands and under the influence of drugs, a violent combination.

4) Felon, even under gunpoint, reaches for a possible weapon.

= a justified use of deadly force.

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 06:33 AM
What is it with you people to question if the cops have authority to question or detain a person because his vehicle is stopped int he middle of the road for no apparent reason.
I sit back and look at you stupid fucks with amazement on how pathetic you really are.
You idiots disqualify yourselves every time with you're lack of intelligence

23rd September 2016, 06:38 AM
What is it with you people to question if the cops have authority to question or detain a person because his vehicle is stopped int he middle of the road for no apparent reason.
I sit back and look at you stupid fucks with amazement on how pathetic you really are.
You idiots disqualify yourselves every time with you're lack of intelligence

Shut the fuck up you communist cuck. I've seen cops helping people or calling in a tow truck, not ordering them around and drawing weapons on them.

Go suck that statist cock you love so much you fucking communist CUCK!

23rd September 2016, 06:41 AM
Shut the fuck up you communist cuck. I've seen cops helping people or calling in a tow truck, not ordering them around and drawing weapons on them.

Go suck that statist cock you love so much you fucking communist CUCK!

Ares, that is what she was going to do in the beginning, try to help the guy. Then, when he started acting violent and completely crazy, she responded accordingly. Read what happened in the beginning with the initial contact with Crutcher. It has been posted many times already in this thread.

23rd September 2016, 06:49 AM
Ares, that is what she was going to do in the beginning, try to help the guy. Then, when he started acting violent and completely crazy, she responded accordingly. Read what happened in the beginning with the initial contact with Crutcher. It has been posted many times already in this thread.

From what I've read, that's purely speculation. We have no video / audio of the moments she exited her car and only have the details just up to the victim being killed.

That is hearsay, I want VIDEO / AUDIO.

23rd September 2016, 07:14 AM
Jew-Jitsu Jewdicial Lynching of the Policewoman by Ideology-Driven State Persecutor (((Steve Kunzweiler))):


Note the typical Jewish doublethink, admitting the "victim's" "refusal to comply with her lawful orders," yet condemning her nonetheless.

That should speak to her advantage at the trial though.

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 07:37 AM
Shut the fuck up you communist cuck. I've seen cops helping people or calling in a tow truck, not ordering them around and drawing weapons on them.

Go suck that statist cock you love so much you fucking communist CUCK!

I'm no communist cuck you coward ass.
I'm not like you and bow down to the jewish bastards by paying their taxes for a pay check.

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 07:39 AM
Ares, that is what she was going to do in the beginning, try to help the guy. Then, when he started acting violent and completely crazy, she responded accordingly. Read what happened in the beginning with the initial contact with Crutcher. It has been posted many times already in this thread.
Hitch, Ares has made his stand on the issue and defending it which isn't going so well for him.
Hes lashing out in denial.

23rd September 2016, 07:51 AM
Hitch, Ares has made his stand on the issue and defending it which isn't going so well for him.
Hes lashing out in denial.

No I was lashing at your stupidity. Neither side pro state / cop vs anti-state / cop. Has all the details. You calling everyone idiots who doesn't support the cops narrative shows what a complete and fucking moron that you are. I'm advising waiting for the actual EVIDENCE to support either side, but with that said I'm done giving cops a benefit of a doubt. They are people and are just as capable of lying as anyone else who doesn't wear a costume.

23rd September 2016, 07:53 AM
I'm no communist cuck you coward ass.
I'm not like you and bow down to the jewish bastards by paying their taxes for a pay check.

But you do if they have a costume and wear some state issued tin badge.

23rd September 2016, 10:03 AM
Leo had a chopper videotaping the event? Clearly, there's a lot more to this story.

23rd September 2016, 10:10 AM
Shut the fuck up you communist cuck. I've seen cops helping people or calling in a tow truck, not ordering them around and drawing weapons on them. Go suck that statist cock you love so much you fucking communist CUCK!

...But you do if they have a costume and wear some state issued tin badge.


Tell us about your first run in with the Law lad. You seem to now think society has no need for "rules" and shit yo.


23rd September 2016, 10:26 AM

Tell us about your first run in with the Law lad. You seem to now think society has no need for "rules" and shit yo.


Tell us how much statist cock you've sucked today Book. Society does require law / order but they have to be applied just as equally to those who enforce it. Yet most cops have no idea of what the law even is.

Here's your idle and hero book.

http://m.quickmeme.com/img/14/14e262c071c156b962c3c2c4818fa4c99ea6958fb78b8ae6e6 6855e625e681a0.jpg

Another low IQ moron with a costume and a badge given special rights to do whatever they want with few DAs willing to prosecute.

If either of those killings (Charlotte, Tulsa) were by either you or me, we would be in jail right now without bail and you know it.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 10:34 AM
Tell us how much statist cock you've sucked today Book.

Book has his mouth full of schlong balls deep 24/7 and is therefore too preoccupied to ever answer your query.

23rd September 2016, 10:57 AM
I'm not exactly sure they were lawful orders.

The Jew persecutor (((Kunzweiler))) who is Jewdicially lynching her made the assertion they were "lawful orders."

23rd September 2016, 11:03 AM
The Jew persecutor (((Kunzweiler))) who is Jewdicially lynching her made the assertion they were "lawful orders."

Well he isn't exactly going to cite the Constitution that gives police power outside of the county sheriff is he? :)

In my search for where Police get their authority from i can find no such lawful justification for police. Neither Federal or State Constitutions authorized the creation of Police. They appear to of been created by statute, so while legal, it isn't the same as lawful.

So saying it was a lawful order, the prosecutor is lying. :)

23rd September 2016, 11:07 AM
From what I've read, that's purely speculation. We have no video / audio of the moments she exited her car and only have the details just up to the victim being killed.

That is hearsay, I want VIDEO / AUDIO.

Why are Nigger thugs given the benefit of the doubt over White police?

23rd September 2016, 11:13 AM
Why are Nigger thugs given the benefit of the doubt over White police?

Because those white police are just as likely to shoot a white guy. The state sees you all equally. Equally their property.

23rd September 2016, 11:20 AM
Because those white police are just as likely to shoot a white guy. The state sees you all equally. Equally their property.

She never shot anyone before in her 5 years at the force.

23rd September 2016, 11:24 AM
She never shot anyone before in her 5 years at the force.

If neither you or I can shoot a person who is acting deranged and ignoring us, what gives cops the right to do so?

We clearly can if some dumb nigger is breaking into our house, he's a dead man. But she had 3 male officers with her all with weapons drawn. Where was the threat?

I need so the context of the circumstances leading up to it to say if it justified or not. That's all I've been saying through out this thread. But I can't in good conscience give a cop the benefit of the doubt anymore knowing that the IDF is in charge of supplying our police forces training.

23rd September 2016, 11:29 AM
Tell us how much statist cock you've sucked today Book. Society does require law / order but they have to be applied just as equally to those who enforce it.

The above two sentences are doublethink.

You condemn Book with obscenity for "statism" yet in the next sentence endorse "statism."

Here's your idle and hero book.

And yours? -


He was a collidge studen' jus' "traveling" in his neighborhood an' sheet, when he was oppress'd by the "statist thug."

Another low IQ moron with a costume and a badge given special rights to do whatever they want with few DAs willing to prosecute.

Yet you defend even-lower IQ morons wearing their own pants-half-off costumes ready to rob, rape, and kill - and laugh.

I have been forced to choose between feral Niggers and local police. By the actions of Niggers. I choose the police. I have some recourse against them. What meaningful recourse do I have against a Nigger after he's murdered or raped my family member? NONE.

I stand in alliance with the local police against the Federal regime, the Kosher "civil rights" apparatus, and their pet Niggers.

23rd September 2016, 11:35 AM
I stand in alliance with the local police against the Federal regime, the Kosher "civil rights" apparatus, and their pet Niggers.

This. Astonishing how so many here at GSUS apparently hate on their LOCAL police. Must be daddy and authority issues.

I wave as they drive by...lol.

23rd September 2016, 11:37 AM
This. Astonishing how so many here at GSUS apparently hate on their LOCAL police. Must be daddy and authority issues.

I wave as they drive by...lol.

Same here, the problem is not the rural police, it's the cesspool cites and those towns close to them that have this shit going on.

23rd September 2016, 11:38 AM
The above two sentences are doublethink.

You condemn Book with obscenity for "statism" yet in the next sentence endorse "statism."

Law and order doesn't need to be enforced by a state. So no where did I endorse statism.

And yours? -


He was a collidge studen' jus' "traveling" in his neighborhood an' sheet, when he was oppress'd by the "statist thug."

Mad that I insulted your boyfriend Book? Good let the butthurt flow through you. That thieving nigger is not my idle.

Yet you defend even-lower IQ morons wearing their own pants-half-off costumes ready to rob, rape, and kill - and laugh.

It's those same blue costume wearing clowns as to why we cannot retaliate against said pants half off costumes ready to rob rape and kill niggers. You can't have it both ways.

I have been forced to choose between feral Niggers and local police. By the actions of Niggers. I choose the police. I have some recourse against them. What meaningful recourse do I have against a Nigger after he's murdered or raped my family member? NONE.

You've been forced to choose by the very same jew serving state. You always have recourse, it's only a matter of your comfort level to enact your vengeance.

I stand in alliance with the local police against the Federal regime, the Kosher "civil rights" apparatus, and their pet Niggers.

Even though they are required by law to enforce the federal regimes will and the kosher civil rights?

23rd September 2016, 11:41 AM
In my search for where Police get their authority from i can find no such lawful justification for police. Neither Federal or State Constitutions authorized the creation of Police. They appear to of been created by statute, so while legal, it isn't the same as lawful.

Try the Tenth Amendment, and the Constitutions of the respective States, relating to state power to keep the peace and maintain order "for the general welfare." Built atop both common law and statutory law.

There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States designating the County Sheriff as the "only legitimate" law enforcement officer, BTW. Would it make you feel better if city police were simply renamed County Sheriff's deputies?

23rd September 2016, 11:41 AM
law and order doesn't need to be enforced by a state.


23rd September 2016, 11:43 AM
Because those white police are just as likely to shoot a white guy. The state sees you all equally. Equally their property.

Local police remain individuals, with most of them believing they are serving the People...and in reality, most of them do so. Niggers see we White folk as prey.

23rd September 2016, 11:45 AM
Try the Tenth Amendment, and the Constitutions of the respective States, relating to state power to keep the peace and maintain order "for the general welfare." Built atop both common law and statutory law.

There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States designating the County Sheriff as the "only legitimate" law enforcement officer, BTW. Would it make you feel better if city police were simply renamed County Sheriff's deputies?

Then they could of made police lawful under state Constitutions by the amendment process. To be lawful police should be accountable to the people they serve. They are not accountable to anyone currently and the city is the one forced to pay for their fuck ups.

23rd September 2016, 11:46 AM
If neither you or I can shoot a person who is acting deranged and ignoring us, what gives cops the right to do so?

We clearly can if some dumb nigger is breaking into our house, he's a dead man. But she had 3 male officers with her all with weapons drawn. Where was the threat?

I need so the context of the circumstances leading up to it to say if it justified or not. That's all I've been saying through out this thread. But I can't in good conscience give a cop the benefit of the doubt anymore knowing that the IDF is in charge of supplying our police forces training.

You continue to give this PCP user negro the benefit of the doubt, after he has been arrested multiple times and convicted, but you are not prepared to give it to this white police officer who never shot anyone before in her 5 years of service...

23rd September 2016, 11:47 AM
Local police remain individuals, with most of them believing they are serving the People...and in reality, most of them do so. Niggers see we White folk as prey.

Most go into the force to do just that, but dealing with niggers day in and day out results in increased anxiety and the likelihood of them shooting someone. Whether they are white or black doesn't appear to matter according to statistical evidence.

23rd September 2016, 11:51 AM
You continue to give this PCP user negro the benefit of the doubt, after he has been arrested multiple times and convicted, but you are not prepared to give it to this white police officer who never shot anyone before in her 5 years of service...

There have been police officers who were on the force for 20 years and never fired their weapon before. You nor anyone here has yet to show ignoring / contempt of cop to be punishable by death.

I'm not giving the stupid PCP using nigger the benefit of a doubt. We still do not have enough information to judge either way at this point and it's conjecture on both sides. Not giving the pig the benefit of a doubt means the nigger automatically gets it either.

23rd September 2016, 11:52 AM
If neither you or I can shoot a person who is acting deranged and ignoring us, what gives cops the right to do so?

Cops are not given that right. This is what the Jewsmedia is claiming, and, for some bizarre reason, you are parroting.

At least in theory, any person who is in fear of their life or suffering great bodily harm can deploy deadly force to stop the threat. The lady cop didn't stand over this worthless Nigger and empty her magazine. She stated she believed he was going to engage her, based on his history & behavior, and defended herself. She deserves the benefit of the doubt, knowing Typical Nigger Behavior.

Where was the threat?

Nigger + Bizarre Behavior + Report of Violent Tendencies = Deadly Threat

Is that assumption racist? So what? It's sane.

the IDF is in charge of supplying our police forces training.

Citations, please.

I know of no single officer or deputy in my area who has had any contact with the IDF in any capacity. In fact, our Sheriff volunteered (long before he was Sheriff) to help Muslim Bosnia set up a peace officer force that could tell the difference between the war they have been waging and maintaining peace & order in a civil society.

I do know, however, that the Niggerlovers of the Federal regime have made very damn clear to all officers & deputies in our region that they will be Jewdicially lynched if they treat a Nigger or other special class of scum with anything but privilege.

23rd September 2016, 11:54 AM
Hitch, I watched that chilling video you recommended:


Aside from being devastated (and sickened to my stomach) to realize the policeman was brutally shot multiple times, I also had to take note that the policeman did not inform the motorist that he was under arrest for interfering with a legitimate police action (dealing with whatever the reason was for stopping the truck in the first place).

I assume the policeman had a valid reason to pull over the truck, and, when the driver failed to comply with the policeman, who was carrying out his legitimate duty to deal with a road hazard, then he, the policeman, had the authority to place that driver UNDER ARREST - that would have made it legitimate for the policeman to have shot him for RESISTING ARREST and EVADING ARREST while he, the suspect, was walking back to his truck - something like "Stop, or I'll shoot", followed by actually shooting the driver if he didn't STOP in his tracks and SURRENDER immediately.

It appeared to me that the policeman degraded his own authority by getting into a yelling match with the driver, much like two hoodlums going after it in a brawl, and not enforcing his own authority as a peace officer authorized to deal with hazards over the roadways.

I am wondering, Hitch, did they make that point in the academy when they showed you this video? Or do they not emphasis the importance of notifying a suspect that he is being placed under arrest for cause (interference with legitimate police action)? And if they don't, I am wondering what happened to america, and when did we lose our way.

I suspect we have a different opinion about being "detained" versus being arrested.

By allowing policemen to "detain" anyone, anytime, without having to be held responsible later in a court of law, we set the stage for the unnecessary killings of persons being detained, but not being arrested. How can we the public know what being "detained" is? What are the rules? What recourse do we have to wrongfully being detained? Is there such a thing as "FALSE DETENTION", as there is to "FALSE ARREST"? I can see how a policeman prefers to DETAIN someone, and thereby not fall under the need to justify his actions later in a court of law, but, that also confuses we the public because we feel like we have lost our freedom FOR NO GOOD REASON we know of. Authorizing policemen to DETAIN someone, without actually having to step up to the plate and take full RESPONSIBILITY by requiring the policeman to actually ARREST the suspect, instead of merely DETAINING them, ups the ante for the police, yes, but also protects we the pubic and removes any confusion we might have as to where we stand within the law under whatever circumstances we fall into.

When we are told we are being arrested, and for what cause, we got NO EXCUSE for not surrendering promptly, knowing that we can deal with any errors later in a court of law. Being merely DETAINED leaves us confused, and, feeling like we are being ABUSED by tyrannical, and whimsical, law enforcement. And then somebody gets shot unnecessarily.

23rd September 2016, 11:54 AM

Yeah I know worshipping the state and all its Jewish controlled glory is what you're good at book. But it still stands you do not need a state to enforce law and order. It can be handled by competing systems, as we've seen time and again the state is not impartial when it comes to prosecution. Usually (((those))) who the state deems above the law are not prosecuted.

23rd September 2016, 11:57 AM
This. Astonishing how so many here at GSUS apparently hate on their LOCAL police. Must be daddy and authority issues.

I wave as they drive by...lol.

When I was a teenager, I was exploring politics and encountered the local John Birch Society "American Opinion Bookstore." It got me off to the start that has led me to what I know now. But I never understood one of the JBS' campaigns...until recently.


The Birchers were prophetic.

The End Game is "Federalization" of all police, under the command of the Washington Criminals. The vehicle? "We have to end the oppression of African-Americans and establish uniform policing. The outrageous murder of so many 'African-American youth' has to end, now."

It is utterly bizarre that so many who should know better are fellow travelers in being mouthpieces for this campaign.

23rd September 2016, 12:03 PM
There have been police officers who were on the force for 20 years and never fired their weapon before. You nor anyone here has yet to show ignoring / contempt of cop to be punishable by death.

I'm not giving the stupid PCP using nigger the benefit of a doubt. We still do not have enough information to judge either way at this point and it's conjecture on both sides. Not giving the pig the benefit of a doubt means the nigger automatically gets it either.
There is no video/audio of the female police officer, going out of her police car, examining the abandoned car in the middle of the road with the, and being approached by the PCP using nigger, until the other police car and the helicopter came. Would you at least consider her story being somewhat accurate if the lab report showed the nigger being on PCP?

23rd September 2016, 12:04 PM
Cops are not given that right. This is what the Jewsmedia is claiming, and, for some bizarre reason, you are parroting.

But they are given that right. I posted a video earlier of an individual who was fucking HANDCUFFED and was shot by a cop. You are going to sit there with a straight face and say that we could handcuff someone and shoot them and claim we were in fear of great bodily harm and it would fly? Get real!

At least in theory, any person who is in fear of their life or suffering great bodily harm can deploy deadly force to stop the threat. The lady cop didn't stand over this worthless Nigger and empty her magazine. She stated she believed he was going to engage her, based on his history & behavior, and defended herself. She deserves the benefit of the doubt, knowing Typical Nigger Behavior.

Agreed, but to a point. We do not know the circumstances leading up the trigger being pulled. We have aerial footage, and a dash cam at a bad angle.

Nigger + Bizarre Behavior + Report of Violent Tendencies = Deadly Threat

Is that assumption racist? So what? It's sane.

Agreed, but also note that police are more likely to shoot a white guy than a black guy as this site shown earlier, click on total. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database

Citations, please.

Sure thing:




There are literally thousands of articles detailing that. Just do a simple search online of IDF training American Police.

I know of no single officer or deputy in my area who has had any contact with the IDF in any capacity. In fact, our Sheriff volunteered (long before he was Sheriff) to help Muslim Bosnia set up a peace officer force that could tell the difference between the war they have been waging and maintaining peace & order in a civil society.

I do know, however, that the Niggerlovers of the Federal regime have made very damn clear to all officers & deputies in our region that they will be Jewdicially lynched if they treat a Nigger or other special class of scum with anything but privilege.

They need to stop taking federal money, and they can tell the feds to go fuck themselves.

23rd September 2016, 12:06 PM
Law and order doesn't need to be enforced by a state. So no where did I endorse statism.


The dissimulation is strong with this one.

Who is going to enforce law and order? Your private state? A corporation? Maybe we can have Enron run law enforcement?

Mad that I insulted your boyfriend Book? Good let the butthurt flow through you. That thieving nigger is not my idle.

Man, when the cops shoot a worthless Nigger, both you and Sukhoi Fan start flinging your homoerotic fantasies onto others.

Michael Brown is a carbon copy of the same Nigger you are defending right now. "Hands Up, Don't Shoot." "Where's the threat?"

I am glad that both Brown and this latest turd are dead.

You've been forced to choose by the very same jew serving state. You always have recourse, it's only a matter of your comfort level to enact your vengeance.

My family member is dead or raped, and I kill the Nigger? Big deal. Vengeance. I'd rather the rabid beast be euthanized before it ever happened.

The Niggers are at war with White people. That is why I was forced to choose. Yet you choose the Niggers...as I have said before, I've never been manhandled or abused by the police, even when they had the opportunity, with impunity. Why is this?

Even though they are required by law to enforce the federal regimes will and the kosher civil rights?

Local police overlook plenty of "legislation." I won't go into specific detail on how. :)

23rd September 2016, 12:07 PM

He's referring to the typical loonitarian "private law enforcement" crap we've heard so much about.

Because a corporation is always better.

23rd September 2016, 12:08 PM
There is no video/audio of the female police officer, going out of her police car, examining the abandoned car in the middle of the road with the, and being approached by the PCP using nigger, until the other police car and the helicopter came. Would you at least consider her story being somewhat accurate if the lab report showed the nigger being on PCP?

No, and why should I? How is it any of the states business what that dumb nigger puts in his body? Only when he's actively being a threat should she of shot. Contempt of cop is not illegal being punishable by death.

So Neuro was this a clean kill to you?


23rd September 2016, 12:10 PM
Then they could of made police lawful under state Constitutions by the amendment process. To be lawful police should be accountable to the people they serve. They are not accountable to anyone currently and the city is the one forced to pay for their fuck ups.

Peace officers are lawful under every State Constitution. Just because your "free man on the land" seminar con-man said otherwise doesn't make it so.

It is far easier to vote out a County Sheriff or a majority of a City Council, to get rid of a Police Chief, than it is to shift a state legislature, or, especially, the Federal regime's operations. Lack of accountability? I can say with absolute certainty that's bullshit in our area.

23rd September 2016, 12:13 PM

The dissimulation is strong with this one.

Who is going to enforce law and order? Your private state? A corporation? Maybe we can have Enron run law enforcement?

You mean the PRIVATE CORPORATION enforcing law now? Look up your local police station on Dunn and Bradstreet, next look up your local court. Yep, a corporation. LOL

Man, when the cops shoot a worthless Nigger, both you and Sukhoi Fan start flinging your homoerotic fantasies onto others.

Michael Brown is a carbon copy of the same Nigger you are defending right now. "Hands Up, Don't Shoot." "Where's the threat?"

I am glad that both Brown and this latest turd are dead.

I didn't jump on any bandwagon until I had evidence. He was a thieving nigger and deserved what he got.

My family member is dead or raped, and I kill the Nigger? Big deal. Vengeance. I'd rather the rabid beast be euthanized before it ever happened.

The Niggers are at war with White people. That is why I was forced to choose. Yet you choose the Niggers...as I have said before, I've never been manhandled or abused by the police, even when they had the opportunity, with impunity. Why is this?

Like I said earlier, it's a numbers game. I've been pulled over by some pretty belligerent cops for even minor infractions (not wearing a seat belt) you would think I was on my way to a murder spree with how I was treated.

Local police overlook plenty of "legislation." I won't go into specific detail on how. :)

But yet they have no problem taking uncle sugars money. ;)

23rd September 2016, 12:14 PM
You continue to give this PCP user negro the benefit of the doubt, after he has been arrested multiple times and convicted, but you are not prepared to give it to this white police officer who never shot anyone before in her 5 years of service...

I can only presume that those who have such great issue with the police have a "reason" for having an issue with the police.


23rd September 2016, 12:14 PM
Peace officers are lawful under every State Constitution. Just because your "free man on the land" seminar con-man said otherwise doesn't make it so.

It is far easier to vote out a County Sheriff or a majority of a City Council, to get rid of a Police Chief, than it is to shift a state legislature, or, especially, the Federal regime's operations. Lack of accountability? I can say with absolute certainty that's bullshit in our area.

Care to cite the specific reference in the Constitution that grants police lawful authority outside of the Sheriff? This has nothing to do with the bullshit free man on the land crap. I want solid, readable EVIDENCE.

23rd September 2016, 12:17 PM
No, and why should I? How is it any of the states business what that dumb nigger puts in his body? Only when he's actively being a threat should she of shot. Contempt of cop is not illegal being punishable by death.

So Neuro was this a clean kill to you?


No, of course not. Do you think the PO who was killed by Brannon deserved to die?

Objectively the Orc was a threat in being non-responsive, and reaching into his car window.

23rd September 2016, 12:19 PM
No, of course not. Do you think the PO who was killed by Brannon deserved to die?

No, I do not. But it goes without saying when cops go and shoot people with no repercussions whatsoever it leads to more violent behavior and retaliation.

23rd September 2016, 12:22 PM
By allowing policemen to "detain" anyone, anytime, without having to be held responsible later in a court of law, we set the stage for the unnecessary killings of persons being detained, but not being arrested. How can we the public know what being "detained" is? What are the rules? What recourse do we have to wrongfully being detained? Is there such a thing as "FALSE DETENTION", as there is to "FALSE ARREST"? I can see how a policeman prefers to DETAIN someone, and thereby not fall under the need to justify his actions later in a court of law, but, that also confuses we the public because we feel like we have lost our freedom FOR NO GOOD REASON we know of. Authorizing policemen to DETAIN someone, without actually having to step up to the plate and take full RESPONSIBILITY by requiring the policeman to actually ARREST the suspect, instead of merely DETAINING them, ups the ante for the police, yes, but also protects we the pubic and removes any confusion we might have as to where we stand within the law under whatever circumstances we fall into.

Solution! ARREST everyone, put them in a cage, and make them wait up to three days for their "Day in Court." Brilliant!

Would you rather be "Detained" for an hour, or put in a cage, after a strip search, for far longer?

Your mentality is the same as the leftist boob who shrieks about the "inhumanity" of Tasers. "Tasers are torture." Fine, take them away. Just use service weapons with hot lead instead.


"You can't detain us. We have 'civil rights'."

23rd September 2016, 12:26 PM
Yeah I know worshipping the state and all its Jewish controlled glory is what you're good at book. But it still stands you do not need a state to enforce law and order. It can be handled by competing systems, as we've seen time and again the state is not impartial when it comes to prosecution. Usually (((those))) who the state deems above the law are not prosecuted.

Maybe we can have a private institution like The Clinton Foundation administer law and order? :(??

Private is always better. :rolleyes:

23rd September 2016, 12:28 PM
Maybe we can have a private institution like The Clinton Foundation administer law and order? :(??

Private is always better. :rolleyes:

You already do. Like I said look up your court, county, police etc up on Dunn and Bradstreet. You already have a private corporation making and administering law.

23rd September 2016, 12:30 PM
Sure thing:




There are literally thousands of articles detailing that. Just do a simple search online of IDF training American Police.

Not much is said about what it is they're (allegedly) doing wrong, other than "Israel" is involved.

Personally, I would withdraw the local police, and send in the military in most of these Chimp Out situations. You think the police are "oppressive"? LOL - try soldiers with live ammunition.

They need to stop taking federal money, and they can tell the feds to go fuck themselves.

LOL - sure, that will work.


23rd September 2016, 12:34 PM
Not much is said about what it is they're (allegedly) doing wrong, other than "Israel" is involved.

Personally, I would withdraw the local police, and send in the military in most of these Chimp Out situations. You think the police are "oppressive"? LOL - try soldiers with live ammunition.

Agreed, property damage should always be met with resistance up to including resistance with deadly force to defend said property.

LOL - sure, that will work.


When accepting Uncle sugars money, it always comes with strings attached.

23rd September 2016, 12:36 PM

Darwin Award candidate?

What is it about these dead fools that they don't "get" that you do what someone with a gun says, whether you think they're "right" or "wrong"?

Dillon Taylor was a Wigger with a criminal record, and a death wish:


Not an "innocent youth" as portrayed.

I don't want to hear any leftist bullshit about "robbery isn't a capital offense" - I don't give a shit. As a thug, he had the choice to live, but chose to die by stupidity. Instead of cleaning up his life, he kept living the Thug Life.

23rd September 2016, 12:39 PM
Care to cite the specific reference in the Constitution that grants police lawful authority outside of the Sheriff?

Care to cite the specific reference in the Constitution that grants the Sheriff lawful authority?

Some things are clearly implied.

23rd September 2016, 12:42 PM
No, I do not. But it goes without saying when cops go and shoot people with no repercussions whatsoever it leads to more violent behavior and retaliation.

I would like a full accounting of the "innocent" people killed by the police. I want to see a list of the decent, non-criminal citizens murdered by the police. Surely the list will be in the hundreds, right?

We are coddling the thugs. They feel empowered by the leftists and fellow travelers about their "rights."

23rd September 2016, 12:47 PM
You already do. Like I said look up your court, county, police etc up on Dunn and Bradstreet. You already have a private corporation making and administering law.

There's that "redemption" bullshit again.

Public institutions have "credit ratings" so they are listed. It's the depth of idiocy to claim a listing on D&B is "proof" of private incorporation.

23rd September 2016, 12:51 PM
Agreed, property damage should always be met with resistance up to including resistance with deadly force to defend said property.

Ah, so now you're not "concerned" about the "civil rights" of thugs? No longer "concerned" about "due process"? I'm talking about shooting dead on sight any looters. What a leftist would call "judge, jury, and executioner."

I guess "property" is more important than a White human being's life...if they're a cop.

23rd September 2016, 12:54 PM
A question to Ares: if her statement regarding re this negroes action and inresponsiveness prior to the action we could see on the videos is correct, would you think that her shooting was mandated as he appeared to reach into the car for something?

23rd September 2016, 01:16 PM
Darwin Award candidate?

What is it about these dead fools that they don't "get" that you do what someone with a gun says, whether you think they're "right" or "wrong"?

Dillon Taylor was a Wigger with a criminal record, and a death wish:


Not an "innocent youth" as portrayed.

I don't want to hear any leftist bullshit about "robbery isn't a capital offense" - I don't give a shit. As a thug, he had the choice to live, but chose to die by stupidity. Instead of cleaning up his life, he kept living the Thug Life.

I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution?

23rd September 2016, 01:21 PM
There's that "redemption" bullshit again.

Public institutions have "credit ratings" so they are listed. It's the depth of idiocy to claim a listing on D&B is "proof" of private incorporation.

It's the depth of idiocy to believe that an institution with a credit rating will be fair and impartial when rendering judgement.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 02:00 PM
There's that "redemption" bullshit again.

Public institutions have "credit ratings" so they are listed. It's the depth of idiocy to claim a listing on D&B is "proof" of private incorporation.

So Fred, is the District of Columbia a corporation or not?

How about the United States, is the United States a corporation or not?

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 02:23 PM
There's that "redemption" bullshit again.

Public institutions have "credit ratings" so they are listed. It's the depth of idiocy to claim a listing on D&B is "proof" of private incorporation.

And the idiocy you can give thanks to palani...hes infected the weak ones.

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 02:25 PM
So Fred, is the District of Columbia a corporation or not?

How about the United States, is the United States a corporation or not?

Its been a corporation since it's inception.
Having a president, vice presidents, treasures and secretaries is the board for all corporations......duh!

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 02:36 PM
Its been a corporation since it's inception.
Having a president, vice presidents, treasures and secretaries is the board for all corporations......duh!

Just when I think you could not possibly be a bigger moron you prove me wrong. lol

23rd September 2016, 04:33 PM
Ah, so now you're not "concerned" about the "civil rights" of thugs? No longer "concerned" about "due process"? I'm talking about shooting dead on sight any looters. What a leftist would call "judge, jury, and executioner."

I guess "property" is more important than a White human being's life...if they're a cop.

When there is destruction of property, beating people etc, then no. But if the individual is just belligerent and is showing contempt for police how does that justify an execution?

23rd September 2016, 04:36 PM
A question to Ares: if her statement regarding re this negroes action and inresponsiveness prior to the action we could see on the videos is correct, would you think that her shooting was mandated as he appeared to reach into the car for something?

If witness collaboration (her fellow officers) back up her story, then yeah this Google should not of reached into the vehicle. But until then, we do not have enough evidence either way currently. Her trial is coming, so we should hear how everything happened here shortly. If everything happened the way she said it, then she should walk and not spend a day in jail.

23rd September 2016, 05:10 PM
It looks to me that he reached for the car door, found that it was locked and reached into his pocket.... probably for the keys. I'm still not convinced anyone was actually shot.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:20 PM
So Fred, is the District of Columbia a corporation or not?

How about the United States, is the United States a corporation or not?

Cat got your tongue here too Fred?? ???

23rd September 2016, 08:31 PM
I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution?

Again: when a decent, non-criminal person is killed by the cops, let me know.

23rd September 2016, 08:33 PM
It's the depth of idiocy to believe that an institution with a credit rating will be fair and impartial when rendering judgement.

Yet you propose that we have "private justice" instead, which will be "fair and impartial." You're smarter than this.

23rd September 2016, 08:34 PM
When there is destruction of property, beating people etc, then no. But if the individual is just belligerent and is showing contempt for police how does that justify an execution?

Cop life > Nigger life

No, we are NOT all "equal."

23rd September 2016, 08:35 PM
If witness collaboration (her fellow officers) back up her story, then yeah this Google should not of reached into the vehicle. But until then, we do not have enough evidence either way currently. Her trial is coming, so we should hear how everything happened here shortly. If everything happened the way she said it, then she should walk and not spend a day in jail.

You assume that the "verdict" will not be predetermined solely to avoid further widespread destruction to the city of Tulsa.

23rd September 2016, 08:36 PM
So Fred, is the District of Columbia a corporation or not?

How about the United States, is the United States a corporation or not?

No, and no, but of course you will pull some bullshit out of your ass to the contrary.

23rd September 2016, 08:36 PM
Again: when a decent, non-criminal person is killed by the cops, let me know.

Again: I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution. Not some costume wearing clown.

But just because you're too fucking lazy to do a simple search I'll provide a few examples for you.

Lying costume wearing cunt falsifies statements to a judge resulting in a Flash-Bang Grenade being thrown into a play-pin Maiming a baby during a non-knock raid. You'll notice the irony that the grand jury failed to indict. Go ahead throw a flash bang grenade into a babies play-pin, I bet a grand jury wouldn't fail to indict you.


Sleeping 7-year-old girl shot in head during no-knock police raid on wrong home


I guess her only crime was that she was in the wrong house eh crimethink?

Here is a straight up dipshit dirt stupid low IQ pig who doesn't even know the fucking law.

NYPD Officer Kills Baby Following Breastfeeding Argument


Just in case you're wondering on that last one, here is the law.

1994 NY ALS 98; 1994 NY LAWS 98; 1994 NYSN 3999 79-e Right to Breast Fed. Not with standing any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether or not the nipple of the mother’s breast is covered during or incidental to the breast feeding.

Let me guess the mother should of complied because the fucking moron enforcing the "law" couldn't be bothered to actually know the law?

Of course this moron was cleared of all charges.


The report continues to note that the death of Layla was tragic and avoidable. It calls for a broad retraining initiative statewide regarding public nudity and indecency statutes with an emphasis placed on the legality of public breastfeeding; specifically that the discomfort of those present during a public breastfeeding has no bearing on whether or not it can take place. The report notes that Officer Fitzsimmons was acting in response to a complaint, resulting in the incident.

The report also notes that while the entire NYPD feels for the loss of Ms.Smith that she acted improperly when she attempted to flee the directive of Officer Fitzsimmons that she stop and submit to arrest. Attempting to flee arrest from an officer is against the law and is classified as resisting arrest.

Goes right back to "Doesn't know the law, enforces it anyway." Yet you have to comply with their UNLAWFUL orders even when they are wrong. Gotta love and comply with your MASTER the state isn't that right crimethink?

23rd September 2016, 08:37 PM
Cop life > Nigger life

No, we are NOT all "equal."

We are equal property to the state.. But I agree, a Google is not equal to me.

23rd September 2016, 08:40 PM
Yet you propose that we have "private justice" instead, which will be "fair and impartial." You're smarter than this.

Like I already said, we already have a private justice system, run by skypes, for skypes, who benefit skypes.

I said a competing system. We need something to force the judicial system to be impartial. How that will be accomplished with human beings I'm not sure.

23rd September 2016, 08:42 PM
Again: I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution. Not some costume wearing clown.

Don't threaten someone's life, and you won't get shot. I don't want to take away the right of cops to defend themselves; I merely want to expand that right to all decent people.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:42 PM
No, and no, but of course you will pull some bullshit out of your ass to the contrary.

Perhaps YOUR ass* is large enough to stuff law books up into, but mine isn't.

The District incorporated as a municipal corporation by CONgress in the aftermath of The War of Northern Aggression in 1871 -


Have dealings with US Federal Courts? US Federal Courts are strictly there for the United States, a Federal corporation (this is the only definition for 'United States' in ALL of Title 28, Title 28 being solely for the Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) -

(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; --28 USC 3002(15)(A)


*I'm beginning to get the impression that you're able to stuff a whole lot of bullshit up your jackass Fred. That's gotta be real uncomfortable, but then again maybe it's all imaginary bullshit since you seem to have an affinity for phantasms.

23rd September 2016, 08:42 PM
Like I already said, we already have a private justice system, run by skypes, for skypes, who benefit skypes.

I said a competing system. We need something to force the judicial system to be impartial. How that will be accomplished with human beings I'm not sure.

We need to REMOVE the Skypes from OUR system. Is anyone willing to do it?

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:48 PM
We need to REMOVE the Skypes from OUR system. Is anyone willing to do it?

I've managed to excise the Skypes from my life to the very best of my ability (at this time, still trying to improve my applications). Here's a clue: ditch the state issued ID issued by a phantasm created by the Skypes.

23rd September 2016, 08:51 PM
Perhaps YOUR ass is large enough to stuff law books up into, but mine isn't.

Your head fits there, so I'm not sure why you can't stuff one of your "free man" seminar handbooks there, too.

The District incorporated as a municipal corporation by CONgress in the aftermath of The War of Northern Aggression in 1871 -


The term "municipal corporation" is an old common law term, used in all British Commonwealth countries, and, into the 19th Century, in the United States. Of course you want to force your definition instead.

It is not synonymous with a business entity.

Have dealings with US Federal Courts? US Federal Courts are strictly there for the United States, a Federal corporation (this is the only definition for 'United States' in ALL of Title 28) -

(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; --28 USC 3002(15)(A)

I am sorry that you are illiterate.

"A Federal corporation" would be, for example, the National Railroad Passenger Corporations" aka Amtrak.

The vast majority of the Federal government is covered under 28 USC 3002(15)(B).

You are either stupid or dishonest to claim that that statute means "the United States" is, ipso facto, "a corporation" like ExxonMobil or Microsoft are corporations. Considering your behavior, the latter must be the case (you are not "stupid" in the usual sense).

23rd September 2016, 08:52 PM
I've managed to excise the Skypes from my life to the very best of my ability (at this time, still trying to improve my applications). Here's a clue: ditch the state issued ID issued by a phantasm created by the Skypes.

Please post a video of you being stopped by the cops, and then having them let you continue on your way after telling them you are not subject to having a driver's license. I will believe you when I can this.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:54 PM

WHY do you have such a problem reading and comprehending PLAIN ENGLISH?? ???

The Constitution makes NO provision for government via corporation (legal fiction). You should really stop drinking that Skype kool-aid. Yeah, I know it may be very tasty for you but that shit is TOXIC!

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:58 PM
Please post a video of you being stopped by the cops, and then having them let you continue on your way after telling them you are not subject to having a driver's license. I will believe you when I can this.

This is typical "If you're not with us you're with the terra-ists" nonsense. It's what I expect to hear from state actors - like the time I was having a conversation with a bureauRAT at TXDOT and I was wanting to get a LICENSE PLATE for my new automobile while retaining the original MSO. I was refusing to 'deliver' (surrender) the original MSO (which is DEFINITELY the original title and the ONLY evidence of ownership). She said, "Well sir, what are you going to do when a policeman pulls you over (for not having a license plate)?"

23rd September 2016, 09:02 PM
Please post a video of you being stopped by the cops, and then having them let you continue on your way after telling them you are not subject to having a driver's license. I will believe you when I can this.

Midnight Rambler will just ramble on until midnight and not answer this...lol.


23rd September 2016, 09:08 PM

Government itself, including the Second Republic of 1789, is a phantasm! An institution in the imagination. So you have no point.

The Constitution makes NO provision for government via corporation (legal fiction).

You think like a shyster. Would you prefer Amtrak be the Department of Rail Transportation instead of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation? What, exactly, would be the fundamental difference? Purely semantics, but you insist there is substance involved.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:09 PM
You think like a shyster.

Well thank you for your very kind words Fred. That's the only way to beat them, learn how they think.

23rd September 2016, 09:10 PM
This is typical "If you're not with us you're with the terra-ists" nonsense. It's what I expect to hear from state actors - like the time I was having a conversation with a bureauRAT at TXDOT and I was wanting to get a LICENSE PLATE for my new automobile while retaining the original MSO. I was refusing to 'deliver' (surrender) the original MSO (which is DEFINITELY the original title and the ONLY evidence of ownership). She said, "Well sir, what are you going to do when a policeman pulls you over (for not having a license plate)?"

My proposal is very easy if what you say is truthful. You claim you are able to "travel" in a car/truck/whatever weasel term you want to use without a driver's license, and when stopped, merely use magic words to convince the cop to let you go on your merry way.

23rd September 2016, 09:10 PM
Midnight Rambler will just ramble on until midnight and not answer this...lol.


I am a fool for not heeding your advice.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:11 PM
Midnight Rambler will just ramble on until midnight and not answer this...lol.


Book you're slacking, you haven't posted any homo soft porn in hours.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:12 PM
My proposal is very easy if what you say is truthful. You claim you are able to "travel" in a car/truck/whatever weasel term you want to use without a driver's license, and when stopped, merely use magic words to convince the cop to let you go on your merry way.

Here's your problem Fred, you see/imagine things that aren't really there. That's the most succinct way I can put it.

Fred, I'm guessing that you *may* be suffering from mass hysteria...have you ever considered that?

23rd September 2016, 09:15 PM
Posting again since I posted it, it got buried. :)

Quote Originally Posted by crimethink View Post
Again: when a decent, non-criminal person is killed by the cops, let me know.
Again: I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution. Not some costume wearing clown.

But just because you're too fucking lazy to do a simple search I'll provide a few examples for you.

Lying costume wearing cunt falsifies statements to a judge resulting in a Flash-Bang Grenade being thrown into a play-pin Maiming a baby during a no-knock raid. You'll notice the irony that the grand jury failed to indict. Go ahead throw a flash bang grenade into a babies play-pin, I bet a grand jury wouldn't fail to indict you.


Sleeping 7-year-old girl shot in head during no-knock police raid on wrong home


I guess her only crime was that she was in the wrong house eh crimethink?

Here is a straight up dipshit dirt stupid low IQ pig who doesn't even know the fucking law.

NYPD Officer Kills Baby Following Breastfeeding Argument


Just in case you're wondering on that last one, here is the law.

1994 NY ALS 98; 1994 NY LAWS 98; 1994 NYSN 3999 79-e Right to Breast Fed. Not with standing any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether or not the nipple of the mother’s breast is covered during or incidental to the breast feeding.

Let me guess the mother should of complied because the fucking moron enforcing the "law" couldn't be bothered to actually know the law?

Of course this moron was cleared of all charges.


The report continues to note that the death of Layla was tragic and avoidable. It calls for a broad retraining initiative statewide regarding public nudity and indecency statutes with an emphasis placed on the legality of public breastfeeding; specifically that the discomfort of those present during a public breastfeeding has no bearing on whether or not it can take place. The report notes that Officer Fitzsimmons was acting in response to a complaint, resulting in the incident.

The report also notes that while the entire NYPD feels for the loss of Ms.Smith that she acted improperly when she attempted to flee the directive of Officer Fitzsimmons that she stop and submit to arrest. Attempting to flee arrest from an officer is against the law and is classified as resisting arrest.

Goes right back to "Doesn't know the law, enforces it anyway." Yet you have to comply with their UNLAWFUL orders even when they are wrong. Gotta love and comply with your MASTER the state isn't that right crimethink?

23rd September 2016, 09:19 PM
Posting again since I posted it, it got buried. :)

What is Ares' solution? Eliminate the police forces in the USA?


23rd September 2016, 09:21 PM
What is Ares' solution? Eliminate the police forces in the USA?


The current crop, absolutely. Go back to the training police had up until the 1950's. Get rid of Israel training our police forces, make departments more accountable by having a civilian oversight board doing the investigations up to including a performance review of the chief of police, not internal affairs which are nothing more than former police officers anyway. Right now chief of police are typically political appointees by the mayor of a locality. They want to be chief, they should be elected and held accountable.

Judges should also be held accountable. They rubber stamp a warrant with little to no evidence to produce said warrant they should lose their seat on the bench and automatically get reviewed to face prison time as they violated an individuals god given constitutionally protected rights.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:21 PM
What is Ares' solution? Eliminate the police forces in the USA?


Well DUH! Rely solely on the Office of the County Sheriff (elected by the people) to keep the peace.

23rd September 2016, 09:30 PM
The current crop, absolutely. Go back to the training police had up until the 1950's...

Yeah...Tell the Negros to start behaving like they did in the 1950s again

:D what a wonderful plan Ares!

23rd September 2016, 09:34 PM
Yeah...Tell the Negros to start behaving like they did in the 1950s again

:D what a wonderful plan Ares!

Leave the heavy lifting / fighting to the national guard. They riot, call in a military force to put them down not the police. You can't have it both ways book. You can't have a militarized police force and not have innocent people getting maimed or killed by them.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:34 PM
Yeah...Tell the Negros to start behaving like they did in the 1950s again

:D what a wonderful plan Ares!

Yeah, and in the 1950s cops had nightsticks they beat the living shit out of people with - nothing like a thorough beating to drive the point home. Works like gangbusters in Mexico, have witnessed this myself when the Mexican cops in Cancun arrested a shoplifter and didn't handcuff him. I asked the Mexican I was visiting, "Is that guy under arrest? They're just putting him in the back of that pickup truck without being handcuffed...WTF?" The response was, "The guy they just arrested but didn't handcuff knows that if he tries to escape they will beat the living shit out of him when they catch him."

23rd September 2016, 09:41 PM
Leave the heavy lifting / fighting to the national guard. They riot, call in a military force to put them down not the police...



midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:41 PM
Yeah, and in the 1950s cops had nightsticks they beat the living shit out of people with - nothing like a thorough beating to drive the point home.

Check out how the cops behaved in the 1953 movie The Wild One starting at 51:00 "Round up everyone on motorcycles", note what happens then (NO handcuffs or heavy-handedness) -


23rd September 2016, 09:49 PM


Those were communist sympathizer hippies, they should of all been killed.


midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:52 PM
Those were communist sympathizer hippies, they should of all been killed.


Yeah, that was the problem, they didn't kill all the commie-type hippie pinko fags, including that young couple at Yale who were Alinsky followers.


23rd September 2016, 10:00 PM
Those were communist sympathizer hippies, they should of all been killed.

Earlier today you posted that only juries and not cops should decide who can be killed. Now you want to give that same power to National Guard weekend warriors.


Again: I thought it was up to a jury to decide execution. Not some costume wearing clown.

23rd September 2016, 11:53 PM
Yeah...Tell the Negros to start behaving like they did in the 1950s again

:D what a wonderful plan Ares!
Take away their civil "rights", it is a right for civilized people, problem solved!

24th September 2016, 12:06 AM

The world would be a different place...