View Full Version : FL Sinkhole leaked 215,000 gallons of radioactive contaminated water

20th September 2016, 02:46 PM
pretty bad... very bad

That Sinkhole In Florida Is Far Worse Than Officials Are Admitting
20 September 2016 GMT

‘By now, you may have heard some murmurs about another sinkhole in Florida, and that it might be leaking radioactive particles into some body of water or another.

The information out there is vague. Sinkholes are not an uncommon phenomenon in Florida. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal, the way the media is brushing it off. “Oh, just another sinkhole.”

The sinkhole is enormous and it has leaked 215,000 gallons of radioactive, contaminated water into the state’s main drinking water supply. What’s more, they’ve known this has been occurring since early August, and much like every other freakin’ crisis they are supposedly “managing,” the EPA has kept mum on this, as has the Florida Department of Environmental Protection(DEP).’




20th September 2016, 03:13 PM

21st September 2016, 12:56 AM
Good, that should restore the groundwater levels for a while... And it was only slightly radioactive... There are only three kinds of people in Florida anyway. Cubans, retired Jews, and Jeb!