View Full Version : California Public School Teaching Kids “Allah is the One True God”

20th September 2016, 05:17 PM
PARENTS OUTRAGED: California Public School Teaching Kids “Allah is the One True God”

If you thought what’s going on the college campuses in the U.S. is out of control, promulgation of Islam’s religious ideals and beliefs, to the negation of all other religions, has spread to the public school system. This news story is not something exceptional. In California and several other states, a 7th grade course is being taught in Middle Schools on Islam. Not just about Islam’s history and culture. This course is about being a Muslim.


For three weeks, children are asked to dress as Muslims, change their names to Muslim names, memorize verses from the Koran, and make Islamic faith declarations. The field trip of the month is a visit to a mosque. Many non-Muslim parents are very upset by this new course which appears as a chapter in a widespread social studies book. Yet the school system seems to be defending the course.


Could it be that some Muslim oil currency has been helping them create this learning program? Do politicians and school administrators have something to gain by playing along? There are those who seem to think so…

Click Below To Watch Report



20th September 2016, 06:08 PM
If my kid was going there I would cut her boobs off or his balls......mein gott , where will it all stop.......YOUR JOB...if you are an American.


20th September 2016, 06:10 PM
Unfucking believable: we are training and educating our future islamoterrorists, literally home grown. Imagine if militant islamic cults start taking root here in America. Enough is enough. This course must go.{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}

20th September 2016, 06:20 PM
"3. What are some of the teachings of the Quran?"

1. Infidels are satanic, and must be killed.
2. Women, like the teacher, must be beaten into submission.
3. Men should marry young females...9, if possible.

20th September 2016, 09:03 PM
Until a group of men go into that school and change things nothing will be done...indeed, it will get worse

20th September 2016, 09:47 PM
Until a group of men go into that school and change things nothing will be done...indeed, it will get worse

publix skoolz is run from top down..command and control style. have to go to admin building (and beyond) to find out who/what is doing this

Twisted Titan
21st September 2016, 03:14 AM
"3. What are some of the teachings of the Quran?"

1. Infidels are satanic, and must be killed.
2. Women, like the teacher, must be beaten into submission.
3. Men should marry young females...9, if possible.

4 allah is a father to no one.
5 you drink camel urine
6 you can rape the wife of your captives
7 of the 72 sects of islam 71 are wrong
8 the Torah,psalms gospels all found in the bible are the final authorites on the quran
9 if you are decreed for hell nothing you can do will change it
10 if you are a man you have sit down like a woman to unrinate
11 you can not own a dog especially a black one
12 if you have a sister or mother they are probally going to hell because the majority is filled with them
13you can marry your first cousin
14 you have to believe the sun sets in a pool of muddy water and group of people live there
15 you have to believe male sperm is created between the shoulders and ribs along the back bone
16 you have to believe the earth is flat
17 you have to beiieve there are 6 more earths besides this one

21st September 2016, 04:39 AM
publix skoolz is run from top down..command and control style. have to go to admin building (and beyond) to find out who/what is doing this

Find the snake and cut off its head

midnight rambler
21st September 2016, 04:54 AM
4 allah is a father to no one.
5 you drink camel urine
6 you can rape the wife of your captives
7 of the 72 sects of islam 71 are wrong
8 the Torah,psalms gospels all found in the bible are the final authorites on the quran
9 if you are decreed for hell nothing you can do will change it
10 if you are a man you have sit down like a woman to unrinate
11 you can not own a dog especially a black one
12 if you have a sister or mother they are probally going to hell because the majority is filled with them
13you can marry your first cousin
14 you have to believe the sun sets in a pool of muddy water and group of people live there
15 you have to believe male sperm is created between the shoulders and ribs along the back bone
16 you have to believe the earth is flat
17 you have to beiieve there are 6 more earths besides this one

18) Allah, aka Satan, is the one true god

21st September 2016, 07:04 AM
This will make "getting together" in "LOVE" and "UNION" (ecumenism) IMPOSSIBLE! (< What the pope is calling for)

Biblical Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the ONE TRUE GOD

We have a problem!!

1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

21st September 2016, 07:15 AM
Every religion I can think of proclaims that theirs is the 'one true God'. It's getting old!

21st September 2016, 08:00 AM
Every religion I can think of proclaims that theirs is the 'one true God'. It's getting old!


Hinduism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?
Taoism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?
Shintoism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?

Would you like me to list more?

21st September 2016, 08:17 AM

Hinduism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?
Taoism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?
Shintoism = Show me where this "religion" proclaims theirs is the "one true God"?

Would you like me to list more?

Every religion I can think of proclaims that theirs is the 'one true God'. It's getting old!

I'm not a religious expert but know of no one who practices the religions you list. I do hold my own opinions and I stand by my opinion of the more popular 'flavors' of religion claiming they worship the one true God.

21st September 2016, 10:13 AM
Should be easy enough (if its real). All parents boycott the school. Shut it down for a couple of days in protest. Time is now or its gonna be never.....

21st September 2016, 10:24 AM
Nothing new. We studied Catholicism for two weeks before visiting a Spanish mission in 4th grade on a field trip. I was raised non religeous so it came across as goofy and fictional. Still does.

21st September 2016, 11:35 AM
Nothing new. We studied Catholicism for two weeks before visiting a Spanish mission in 4th grade on a field trip. I was raised non religeous so it came across as goofy and fictional. Still does.Did the school force you to wear a monk's garb, or take the sacrament, pray regularly etc. per this moslem class in the OP? There's education....and there's indoctrination.