View Full Version : Rebel Media - Saying "Trump is Hitler" means Hitler wasn’t that bad

21st September 2016, 01:48 AM
Rebel Media starts pointing out the absurdity of comparing Trump to Hitler, calling it Godwin's Law, where Internet discussions if they go on long enough, always turn into "Hitler" and "Nazis".

The funny thing is this reporter starts suggesting that people will start thinking Hitler "can't be so bad" if everyone in the mainstream media is calling Trump "Hitler" all the time.

The best part are the comments, which are mostly pro-Hitler.


Twisted Titan
21st September 2016, 02:50 AM
The law of uninteded of unintended consequneces

21st September 2016, 03:42 AM
Hmmm for me it's the opposite... I start thinking Trump can't be that bad.

21st September 2016, 06:50 AM
Being called a Nazi by the MSM or the brainwashed drones is a badge of honor IMHO.

21st September 2016, 08:30 AM
“And if it means that you are a Nazi and a Fascist because you fight for a white America, well then by George let’s be Nazis!”

-- George Lincoln Rockwell

21st September 2016, 11:57 AM


‘US Republican mega-donor and hard-line Zionist Sheldon Adelson will be contributing $45 million to help GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump get elected in November, a report says.

Adelson donated $20 million to Senate Leadership Fund, a GOP super-PAC which is linked to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and will reveal the donation on Tuesday, CNN reported on Monday.

The CEO of the Las Vegas Sands casino group will also contribute a similar amount to Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC focused on the lower chamber.’

Read more: Adelson to spend $45 million to help Trump win election



Report: Adelson may donate more than $100M to Trump
By Keith Koffler • 5/14/16 9:23 AM

21st September 2016, 04:12 PM
Trump Blames Poor Immigrant Screening for Terror Attacks

yes, more TSA and agencies hiring is what we truly need instead of calling all the troops (in the middle east) back home.

21st September 2016, 04:29 PM
Trump Blames Poor Immigrant Screening for Terror Attacks

yes, more TSA and agencies hiring is what we truly need instead of calling all the troops (in the middle east) back home.

Bring our troops home...and send the invaders back...uneven exchange.