View Full Version : Hey Fred, check this out!

midnight rambler
22nd September 2016, 06:40 PM
Free your mind of that Satanic influence - find out who you *really* are WITHOUT having to resort to hallucinogens to get a clue.


midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 12:16 PM
Here ya go Fred, while you're digesting the video in the OP, a short and funny Bill Hicks video to help you get a clue about *reality* -


23rd September 2016, 01:10 PM
Who the hell is Fred and why the fuck am I even posting in this thread?

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 01:44 PM
Who the hell is Fred and why the fuck am I even posting in this thread?

Fred is crimethink the unrepentent statist I'm attempting to get to disavow the jooish Death Cult he's so enamored with (Fred relies on the jooish created corporate state* to establish who he is, Fred is apparently unable to see that he can free himself of that crutch).

*the corporate state is a legal fiction, a phantasm, something that in reality does not exist, it ONLY exists in the imaginations of men and women, this legal fiction is STRICTLY a creation of jooish banksters and shysters

23rd September 2016, 01:49 PM
Fred is crimethink the unrepentent statist I'm attempting to get to disavow the jooish Death Cult he's so enamored with (Fred relies on the jooish created corporate state* to establish who he is, Fred is apparently unable to see that he can free himself of that crutch).

*the corporate state is a legal fiction, a phantasm, something that in reality does not exist, it ONLY exists in the imaginations of men and women, this legal fiction is STRICTLY a creation of jooish banksters and shysters

Oh THAT's Fred! Yeah, he's a moron...carry on!

23rd September 2016, 02:04 PM
...a short and funny Bill Hicks video to help you get a clue about *reality*


Hicks performed the final show of his career in New York on January 6, 1994. He moved back to his parents' house in Arkansas shortly thereafter. He died of pancreatic cancer on February 26, 1994 in Little Rock at the age of 32.

:rolleyes: about as short and funny as this thread

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 02:07 PM
Book, the hole you've dug for yourself is so deep you have to pump in sunshine.

7th trump
23rd September 2016, 02:21 PM
Book, the hole you've dug for yourself is so deep you have to pump in sunshine.

Hahahahaha you're funny for a socialist.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 02:22 PM
Hahahahaha you're funny for a socialist.

At least I'm not a FOR REAL bona fide card-carrying Communist like you. lol

23rd September 2016, 07:13 PM
I recognized David Icke as a con man over a decade ago. How? His books were readily available on the shelf at (((Borders))) Bookstores.

The trouble with Icke is that he promotes half-truths, which are far more dangerous than outright lies.

My Earthly identity was established by my parents at birth, and is recorded on a document in both upper & lower case letters on my birth certificate (there goes the "redemption" myth about birth certificates).

My eternal identity is bound with my Savior, Jesus Christ. And that's the only one that matters.

I am far more "aware" than you will give me credit for, solely because I reject your own worldly mythology.

Jesus Christ accepted the power of the State, and did not condemn Roman "statists" who came to Him for help, blessing, and healing. The State is a necessary burden while we are on Earth, but never to be placed above God Almighty. We live peaceably with it, and all others, as is possible. That's the real meaning of Romans 13 - not the slavish, unlimited obedience lie preached by 501(c)(3) Babylon-licensed "churches."

23rd September 2016, 07:21 PM
Here ya go Fred, while you're digesting the video in the OP, a short and funny Bill Hicks video to help you get a clue about *reality* -


His drugs were so good he became Alex Jones. Right?

As for the issue of drugs, I have no problem with those that God created and grow naturally. They are no different than caffeine or alcohol (which also occurs naturally apart from brewing/distilling). I even have no problem with LSD-25, which is based on natural molecules (Lysergic Acid from Ergot, etc.). Cocaine, USP, is still an "accepted" medication, and should be available to anyone who wants it (per the Ninth Amendment and God's Law). Cannabis should never have been restricted in any way.

I do have a problem with the unrestricted distribution of artificial substances which have proven themselves to be a menace to all suffering under their influence. Methamphetamine currently most notably. I don't care if someone would want to kill themselves with Meth "in the privacy of their own homes," but, Meth heads do not keep it in their homes (anymore than faggots keep the diseases from their filthy behaviors in their own bedrooms).

I do not "worship" the State, but recognize it as a necessary evil, and believe, also as did the Founders, that it needs to be kept in check, by force, if necessary. A "statist" is only someone who believes the State's power is inherently legitimate, and, if you are honest, you know that I have never said or implied that. It's power must be based on authority. The State's authority derives directly from the Sovereignty of the People. Do the majority of sane, decent People want Meth to be available like candy? Hell no. There is no inherent "right" to be a menace to the community, from an objective standpoint. The "right" to use Meth (or have an abortion, or advocate the destruction of civilized values, etc.) never existed in the minds of the Founders, and certainly does not derive from God's Will or Law.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:04 PM
I do not "worship" the State

You liar! Yeah you do, EVERY single time the state actors demand you come visit them down at the DMV to burn a pinch of incense for Caesar you dutifully show up and do PRECISELY as they direct you AND WITHOUT QUESTION OR GIVING 'EM ANY ATTITUDE! ANYTIME you do what you are told what to do and when to do it you are INSTITUTIONALIZED by a fucking phantasm created by jooish banksters and shysters. You wouldn't know who you are if not for the ID document the state issues to establish your identity. Without your god the state you'd be LOST!

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:10 PM
My...identity is recorded on a document in both upper & lower case letters on my birth certificate

Your mother ABANDONED at you at the port of entry and then ratted you out* (most likely) when she 'informed' on you. Then the state made a claim which I'm certain you've never refuted.

As I asserted earlier, you'd be totally LOST if you didn't have that state issued ID you carry everywhere with you. That ID you carry has YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and the English language has NO provision for the full capitalization of proper nouns - NONE. So why is your name in all caps? I'm pretty certain you're clueless 'cause your jooish overlords have completely hornswoggled you.

*The BIRTH CERTIFICATE provides a space for 'informant' OR 'person providing information' which is usually the mother but can be the doctor.