View Full Version : Rafael Cruz comes 'round, endorses Trump

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 01:48 PM
The weasel -


23rd September 2016, 02:32 PM
No freakin' kidding! He should have just done this in the first place instead of permanently ruining his reputation as a petty and childish little man.

23rd September 2016, 02:41 PM
I still hate Cruz, but I'll take his endorsement. Trump needs all the help he can get.

Cruz should be kissing Trump's ass. He should know by now, no one else could have taken the barrage of attacks Trump has and still be standing and winning!

Cruz is shit on Trump's shoes and isn't half the man of Trump. He may have just saved his job.

23rd September 2016, 02:55 PM
Now just a sec there Mr. Cruz



Donald. After all this time, we finally meet.

I believe that I owe you something. Something that I should have given you back at the convention. Something that you deserve.

The endorsement.

That's right Donald. You honestly thought that I would forget about it ? I have served the republican party for all my life, I've been a messenger of conservative values for decades, hillary on the other hand is a democrat and a liberal. She doesn't deserve to be our president.

Donald, I will give you a choice. Accept my endorsement now, and I shall be merciful. Or else, there will be consequences.

The Cruz family has held a secret dear for many centuries. This secret is our ultimate weapon. A technique, you may say.
If you don't hand over the delegates, I will use this technique on you, and I warn you, you won't live enough to regret your choice. For this secret technique has never failed to slay an opponent. The last time it was used, a president was killed.

You heard me well, Dahnald. You were right about my father. My father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, killed JFK. The fact that he never got caught for it is testament to the effectiveness of the technique of my ancestral house. Nobody saw him, no camera caught a glimpse of him, nobody suspected him. And nobody will suspect me when they find your cold, lifeless body in this wretched place.

Donald, hear me out. Accept my endorsement, and I will let you go in peace. I will give you my delegates.

Decline my offer, and you will feel the sweet embrace of death.

What say you ?

Thanks for accepting my endorsement, Donald. I wish you best of luck in your fight against Hillary.

I can now go in peace.

23rd September 2016, 03:02 PM


23rd September 2016, 03:07 PM

23rd September 2016, 06:01 PM
Begging at the Donald's feet for a few bread crumbs...

23rd September 2016, 06:18 PM
2020. He'll be back.

23rd September 2016, 06:24 PM




23rd September 2016, 06:26 PM
Now just a sec there Mr. Cruz

Donald. After all this time, we finally meet.

I believe that I owe you something. Something that I should have given you back at the convention. Something that you deserve.

The endorsement.

That's right Donald. You honestly thought that I would forget about it ? I have served the republican party for all my life, I've been a messenger of conservative values for decades, hillary on the other hand is a democrat and a liberal. She doesn't deserve to be our president.

Donald, I will give you a choice. Accept my endorsement now, and I shall be merciful. Or else, there will be consequences.

The Cruz family has held a secret dear for many centuries. This secret is our ultimate weapon. A technique, you may say.
If you don't hand over the delegates, I will use this technique on you, and I warn you, you won't live enough to regret your choice. For this secret technique has never failed to slay an opponent. The last time it was used, a president was killed.

You heard me well, Dahnald. You were right about my father. My father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, killed JFK. The fact that he never got caught for it is testament to the effectiveness of the technique of my ancestral house. Nobody saw him, no camera caught a glimpse of him, nobody suspected him. And nobody will suspect me when they find your cold, lifeless body in this wretched place.

Donald, hear me out. Accept my endorsement, and I will let you go in peace. I will give you my delegates.

Decline my offer, and you will feel the sweet embrace of death.

What say you ?

Thanks for accepting my endorsement, Donald. I wish you best of luck in your fight against Hillary.

I can now go in peace.

Fucking joke.

23rd September 2016, 07:32 PM
his statement seems heartfelt


23rd September 2016, 08:24 PM
Teddy was promised a nomination to SCOTUS for this.

Stop Making Cents
23rd September 2016, 10:18 PM
Levin and Lyin' Ted know Trump is going to win so they gave up their anti-trump bullshit. Time for them to start kissing major Trump ass so they don't get totally excluded from the power they so desperately crave.

23rd September 2016, 10:21 PM
2020. He'll be back.
Sometimes you got to flush twice.

24th September 2016, 04:30 AM
Sometimes you got to flush twice.

Or hold the handle down to get a complete flush