View Full Version : Hey Fred, got a question for ya

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 02:03 PM
Is Lincoln's General Order No. 100 (aka the Lieber Code) still in effect? Kindly elaborate on your answer, a simple yes or no is insufficient. TIA

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:07 PM
Cat got your tongue Fred? That's very uncharacteristic of you.

23rd September 2016, 08:12 PM
Vacation of a year or more?

23rd September 2016, 08:20 PM
Cat got your tongue Fred? That's very uncharacteristic of you.

Look, prick, contrary to your delusion that I sit at a computer 24/7, I do have other duties to attend to.

No, the Jewish (((Lieber))) Code is not in effect today. It was anti-constitutional then, and anti-constitutional now. It was decreed primarily against another sovereign state, the CSA, and imposed by power, not authority.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 08:29 PM
Look, prick, contrary to your delusion that I sit at a computer 24/7, I do have other duties to attend to.

No, the Jewish (((Lieber))) Code is not in effect today. It was anti-constitutional then, and anti-constitutional now. It was decreed primarily against another sovereign state, the CSA, and imposed by power, not authority.

Guess what - you're WRONG! SHOCKING!!! :o lol STILL in effect, in fact codified into US Army Field Manual 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare in July of 1956. Yep, if you were to read FM 27-10 you'd see for yourself IT'S STILL THERE. Additionally if you were to read War Powers Under the Constitution by Lincoln's Solicitor General William Whiting you'd realize that BOTH THEN AND NOW The Lieber Code is regarded as 'Constitutional'.

There are TWO and ONLY TWO ways to end the martial rule under The Lieber Code NEITHER OF WHICH HAS EVER HAPPENED: 1) via a declaration by the CinC; 2) being terminated by language in the peace treaty - there was no peace treaty at Appomattox, Lee surrendered (abandoned the field).

Fred, your *reality* doesn't square with history. I am so fucking shocked!!! lol Am I beginning to detect a pattern here?

23rd September 2016, 08:57 PM
There are TWO and ONLY TWO ways to end the martial rule under The Lieber Code NEITHER OF WHICH HAS EVER HAPPENED: 1) via a declaration by the CinC; 2) being terminated by language in the peace treaty - there was no peace treaty at Appomattox, Lee surrendered (abandoned the field).

It was anti-constitutional then, and anti-constitutional now.

It may be enforced, but it has no authority.

Fred, your *reality* doesn't square with history. I am so fucking shocked!!! lol Am I beginning to detect a pattern here?

Your "reality" is based upon the Jewdicial System's insistence. I don't accord authority to that which has none, but you accord not only power but authority to bullshit like the (((Lieber))) Code solely because the Federal regime decrees it so.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2016, 09:04 PM
Your "reality" is based upon the Jewdicial System's insistence

Oh gawd how I love irony!!! Thank you Lord!

And thank YOU Fred for providing some yuks, Mr. I AM A CREATION OF THE STATE WITH A STATE ISSUED ID. Fred, YOUR ENTIRE *REALITY* is based on things which REALLY don't exist.

Fred, how long has it been since you burned a pinch of incense for Caesar? (here's a hint: TODAY since you probably carry that state issued ID on or about your body everyday - DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT! lol)

And fwiw the Lieber Code is enforced with the full authority of the US Army at the point of a sword, it's stated right there in FM27-10.