View Full Version : Vegans get branded with a red hot iron...

25th September 2016, 01:10 PM
Campaign to promote veganism gets red hot (VIDEO)

I love beef! ;D

25th September 2016, 01:22 PM
How much are the finger sandwiches?

25th September 2016, 01:30 PM
Fuk that!

25th September 2016, 01:35 PM
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

25th September 2016, 01:39 PM
The universe made humans omnivores to be able to survive but when there is a full access to veggies, fruits and eggs, meat is not necessary. Also man has a long intestine, which means that he digests better a meat free diet.

however, we only have to look at the consequences: the meat agenda is harmful to the animals themselves, they suffer needlessly. Pumped up with hormones, genetically altered and stuffed with antibiotics, which have really made meat unsafe. Meat inc would be history if each human could understand the benefit of eating 2lbs of meat weekly at the most.

But I digress, thats exactly what does the NWO treating us like cattle. As above so below.

I regard "meat inc" as a part of the death cult agenda, a blood sacrifice. 85% of population eat meat that is not suited for consumption. A animal stressed out to death for hours before slaughter (living a life of exploitation from the beginning to the end) releases toxins into its meat.

I eat 2-3lbs worth of meat monthly and 6-8 eggs weekly and feel great. All organic of course.

25th September 2016, 02:06 PM
The universe made humans omnivores to be able to survive but when there is a full access to veggies, fruits and eggs, meat is not necessary. Also man has a long intestine, which means that he digests better a meat free diet.

BULLSHIT!! Abundant sources of Lysine are meat sourced. The human body DOES NOT digest plant based material well. We lack the bacteria and enzymes to truly break down plant based material. Most of it passes through our systems as fiber (undigested material) Anyone telling you otherwise is completely full of shit.

however, we only have to look at the consequences: the meat agenda is harmful to the animals themselves, they suffer needlessly. Pumped up with hormones, genetically altered and stuffed with antibiotics, which have really made meat unsafe. Meat inc would be history if each human could understand the benefit of eating 2lbs of meat weekly at the most.

There is a problem with how meat is raised, I agree with that 100%. I spent my teen years on my parents farm. We always had chickens, but they were free range chickens and would be released into the garden after we harvested what was available. The chickens would eat the rest, including all the insects. 2lbs of meat a week is ridiculous. The human body runs off of fat and protein. The best available sources for both of those is meat. People have been able to cure their cancer by doing a purely ketogenic diet, which consist of nothing but fat and protein. Cancer by the way feeds on glucose, which plenty of plants have more than enough of in the form of sugar, and carbohydrates to spike your glucose levels when consumed.

But I digress, thats exactly what does the NWO treating us like cattle. As above so below.

I regard "meat inc" as a part of the death cult agenda, a blood sacrifice. 85% of population eat meat that is not suited for consumption. A animal stressed out to death for hours before slaughter (living a life of exploitation from the beginning to the end) releases toxins into its meat.

There are other ways to source your meat, which I go out of my way to acquire. Up to still paying for half a cow and hauling it back down here to South Carolina from Indiana during Christmas. My uncle raises cattle, free range, and raised humanly. My parents raise chickens, so when I lived in Indiana I had free range chicken eggs whenever I wanted. Now I do buy those which is a premium. I also help offset the cost of raising pigs for ham, and bacon. Also raised by a neighbor down the road from my parents in Indiana.

It's where you get the source of meat, but to say we should all eat fruit and vegetables is complete bullshit. We are omnivores, we need to eat like omnivores. Eat plenty of meat, vegtables, cut out sugar rich fruits, and completely eliminate grains watch your weight melt off if you're overweight.

25th September 2016, 02:56 PM
I'm actually starting to agree that ideally we shouldn't eat meat.

I think that from a health perspective, meat consumption improves health overall. I think for most individuals, our bodies need it. However, I think if humans stopped eating meat for a long enough period of time (many thousands of years) then eventually we wouldn't have a need at all for it.

The problem is there are ethical issues. Why is racism the biggest issue of our time, specifically, why is it a bad thing? Why are there not allowed to be genetic differences between races? I believe the core reason is that human ethos is such that lower forms of life are considered meat. With this precedent, any differences in race whatsoever aren't allowed because that might make one group of people closer to being meat, even if only an infinitesimal amount closer. If we treated all animals very well, on the other hand, then who cares if one race is fundamentally different than another? Under no circumstance would would they be treated badly.

We are meat eaters, like many other animals. Our bodies are tuned for it, and we're also tuned for non-meat foods as well. However, regardless of our past, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be our future. We can choose what we want to be. Enough people behaving in a certain way for a long enough period of time will transform them into whatever it is they do. I think there are multiple possibilities for the future, we can choose which path to take. I think the paths will lead to different places.

I think the most sensible thing is to cut meat, especially red meat, down to a minimum. Not necessarily zero, but just be reasonable about it and realize there are implications.

25th September 2016, 03:37 PM
The universe made humans omnivores to be able to survive but when there is a full access to veggies, fruits and eggs, meat is not necessary. Also man has a long intestine, which means that he digests better a meat free diet.

Plants are living, breathing, and thinking creatures. They are as intelligent as many animal species. They engage in chemical communication, warfare, care for their families/relatives, and manipulate animal and other plant species to do their bidding. They are no higher or lower than animals.


25th September 2016, 05:04 PM
Veegans and PETAphiles are herbicidal maniacs.

25th September 2016, 05:34 PM
Veegans and PETAphiles are herbicidal maniacs.

And rather than enjoy the superior position that God has given them, they lower themselves to the level of non-self aware animals. I hope they enjoy their brands, because, unlike the animals who share the brand, they understand that the brand subjects them to the authority of their betters, yet they accept it anyway.

25th September 2016, 05:36 PM
The universe made humans omnivores to be able to survive but when there is a full access to veggies, fruits and eggs, meat is not necessary. Also man has a long intestine, which means that he digests better a meat free diet.

however, we only have to look at the consequences: the meat agenda is harmful to the animals themselves, they suffer needlessly. Pumped up with hormones, genetically altered and stuffed with antibiotics, which have really made meat unsafe. Meat inc would be history if each human could understand the benefit of eating 2lbs of meat weekly at the most.

But I digress, thats exactly what does the NWO treating us like cattle. As above so below.

I regard "meat inc" as a part of the death cult agenda, a blood sacrifice. 85% of population eat meat that is not suited for consumption. A animal stressed out to death for hours before slaughter (living a life of exploitation from the beginning to the end) releases toxins into its meat.

I eat 2-3lbs worth of meat monthly and 6-8 eggs weekly and feel great. All organic of course.

As a meatcutter who had access to only the best quality meats brought home a ton of the stuff and loved every ounce!

25th September 2016, 07:19 PM
And rather than enjoy the superior position that God has given them, they lower themselves to the level of non-self aware animals. I hope they enjoy their brands, because, unlike the animals who share the brand, they understand that the brand subjects them to the authority of their betters, yet they accept it anyway.

For something to continue to live, something else has to die, and in doing so, probably has to suffer, at least some. That is the order God established.


I have long advocated that we re-evaluate the definition of what makes a human being...and that it requires willful self-awareness and rational application of that to one's circumstances, not merely the potential capacity for it.

Hence, most "liberals" would not meet the definition of "human beings," regardless of race.

25th September 2016, 07:39 PM

25th September 2016, 08:49 PM
I'm actually starting to agree that ideally we shouldn't eat meat.

I think that from a health perspective, meat consumption improves health overall. I think for most individuals, our bodies need it. However, I think if humans stopped eating meat for a long enough period of time (many thousands of years) then eventually we wouldn't have a need at all for it.

The problem is there are ethical issues. Why is racism the biggest issue of our time, specifically, why is it a bad thing? Why are there not allowed to be genetic differences between races? I believe the core reason is that human ethos is such that lower forms of life are considered meat. With this precedent, any differences in race whatsoever aren't allowed because that might make one group of people closer to being meat, even if only an infinitesimal amount closer. If we treated all animals very well, on the other hand, then who cares if one race is fundamentally different than another? Under no circumstance would would they be treated badly.

We are meat eaters, like many other animals. Our bodies are tuned for it, and we're also tuned for non-meat foods as well. However, regardless of our past, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be our future. We can choose what we want to be. Enough people behaving in a certain way for a long enough period of time will transform them into whatever it is they do. I think there are multiple possibilities for the future, we can choose which path to take. I think the paths will lead to different places.

I think the most sensible thing is to cut meat, especially red meat, down to a minimum. Not necessarily zero, but just be reasonable about it and realize there are implications.
I doubt most racists are so because they view googles, skypes, bings and kindles as meat. Possibly lampshades and soap.

25th September 2016, 11:12 PM
These are the ones who will voluntarily turn themselves in to the fema camp for gassing.

26th September 2016, 05:54 AM
And rather than enjoy the superior position that God has given them, they lower themselves to the level of non-self aware animals. I hope they enjoy their brands, because, unlike the animals who share the brand, they understand that the brand subjects them to the authority of their betters, yet they accept it anyway.

They should just make like a plant and shut the fuck up!

26th September 2016, 07:31 AM
The guy doing the branding smeared that brand a little other wise he did a pretty good job. He didn't make the mistake of holding it on to long and burning through the hide.

That girl was smiling after he branded her and she'll heal up good just like calves do. If she was a heifer calf she'd probably be looking forward to the rest of her life not doing any work, just eating, sleeping, having sex and raising calves.

26th September 2016, 07:44 AM
Beware of those who claim we should ABSTAIN FROM MEATS

1 Timothy 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
1 Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

This is why we have the holiday of THANKSGIVING

Give THANKS for those MEATS!!

26th September 2016, 07:48 AM
funny you all are so polarized. I am NOT against meat, but eating MUCH LESS of it. Sorry, if you eat 1lb/day worth of meat, in my view it is just too much.

There is a reason why any spiritual master advocates for vegetarianism (not vegan), and this mentioned in very ancient texts Fish is much better but considering ocean/river pollution, cannot be recommended.

There is a **meat inc brainwashing** going on, just as for **milk inc** which can be replaced by many other foods.

I will stick to my 2-3lb monthly and 6 or so eggs weekly until I die. Try it then share your impressions, thats the only way to get bo the bottom of it. Having rotting meat in the intestins for up to 2 days isnt healthy.

ps: dont support any extreme vegan strategies - as shown in the OP vid -- to affect public opinions. Now this said, 85% of the meat out there is NOT suited for consumption. What do we do about that ??? Ingesting the flesh of tortured animals 24/7 is NOT healthy.

And thinking that being able to access organic meat, will make the problem go away is, sorry, a delusion. We do have a huge issue on our hands. No wonder people treat each others like animals. Just like not seeing anything wrong with bombing other countries. Eventually chickens will come back home to roost.

26th September 2016, 07:52 AM
funny you all are so polarized. I am NOT against meat, but eating MUCH LESS of it. Sorry, if you eat 1lb/day worth of meat, in my view it is just too much.

There is a **meat inc brainwashing** going on, just as for milk which can be replaced by many other foods.

I will stick to my 2-3lb monthly and 6 or so eggs weekly until I die. Try it then share your impressions, thats the only way to get bo the bottom of it. Having rotting meat in the intestins for up to 2 days isnt healthy.

I think every vegan should be branded...HARD! I believe in freedom of expression

26th September 2016, 08:08 AM
Cowboys and Cowgirls gathering, sorting and branding vegans in the region where I live . :)


26th September 2016, 08:14 AM
I think every vegan should be branded...HARD! I believe in freedom of expression

social extremes are all pointless, so is any kind of fanaticism.

all can be fixed by understand the respect for creation, then we can see that each train of thoughts reveals its 2 cents about the Truth.

for example, for centuries only the elites were eating meat on a daily basis... the masses only in special occasions. Follow the money.