View Full Version : Trump/Netanyahu meeting today

25th September 2016, 04:46 PM
I guess meeting Trump and Hillary today, Bibi had to see who would give him a better deal if he allows them to become president. Looks like Bibi got a good deal. I wonder what Hillary offered?

Posted by Trump

Donald J. Trump
6 hrs ·

NEW YORK, NY - Donald J. Trump met privately today with Prime Minister Netanyahu for over an hour at Mr. Trump's residence in Trump Tower. The two have known each other for many years and had the opportunity to discuss many topics important to both countries.

Mr. Trump and the Prime Minister discussed the special relationship between America and Israel and the unbreakable bond between the two countries. The topics of military assistance, security and regional stability were addressed. Mr. Trump agreed that the military assistance provided to Israel and missile defense cooperation with Israel are an excellent investment for America. Mr. Trump said that under a Trump administration, there will be extraordinary strategic, technological, military and intelligence cooperation between the two countries. Mr. Trump recognized Israel as a vital partner of the United States in the global war against radical Islamic terrorism.

They discussed at length the nuclear deal with Iran, the battle against ISIS and many other regional security concerns.

Mr. Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed at length Israel's successful experience with a security fence that helped secure its borders. They discussed Israel’s burgeoning hi-tech and biotech economy and how it has made stunning advances improving and saving lives around the world. In particular, Mr. Trump noted Israel’s emergence as a world leader in cyber defense and security and its cooperation with the United States in this regard.

Mr. Trump recognized that Israel and its citizens have suffered far too long on the front lines of Islamic terrorism. He agreed with Prime Minister Netanyahu that the Israeli people want a just and lasting peace with their neighbors, but that peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish State.

Finally, Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.

The meeting concluded with both leaders promising the highest level of mutual support and cooperation should Mr. Trump have the honor and privilege of being elected President of the United States.


25th September 2016, 05:00 PM
The apprentice meets with the Real Boss.

25th September 2016, 05:07 PM


25th September 2016, 05:27 PM
The apprentice meets with the Real Boss.

It's a shame, but true. Unless... this is the Donald playing Israel just like he just played Mexico...??

25th September 2016, 05:32 PM
It's a shame, but true. Unless... this is the Donald playing Israel just like he just played Mexico...??

I think he's serious about the things he talked to Israel about, unfortunately.

There is a flip-side though. He expects Israel to be our bitch, just like any country we're giving aid to. In Trump's mind that isn't free money, that is leverage and we have to get something in return.

25th September 2016, 06:28 PM
Still no photos of Trump wearing a kippah and pump fucking Satan at the Roman wall. That's good, no?

25th September 2016, 06:32 PM
Still no photos of Trump wearing a kippah and pump fucking Satan at the Roman wall. That's good, no?

Also, Netanyahu came to Trump Tower.

Trump didn't go to Israel. Or DC. Or anywhere.

midnight rambler
25th September 2016, 07:04 PM
Still no photos of Trump wearing a kippah and pump fucking Satan at the Roman wall. That's good, no?

We'll see on his pilgrimage to IsraHell.

25th September 2016, 07:09 PM
It's a shame, but true. Unless... this is the Donald playing Israel just like he just played Mexico...??

Trump does not have Mexican grandchildren.

25th September 2016, 07:10 PM
In Trump's mind that isn't free money, that is leverage and we have to get something in return.

We do! Total Information Awareness software and other total government apparatus, including the "security" for "our" airports.

25th September 2016, 07:16 PM
why? jews, like negroes, are a solid voting block for any/everything from the socialist party

he could get a 10 or 20 percent of them if he promises to kill a vast amount of mid east peoples that the blood-thirsty want killed. that's the stretch goal.

is that 'worth it'? as madeline proclaimed..

25th September 2016, 07:32 PM
Did you get this?

"Mr. Trump recognized that Israel and its citizens have suffered far too long on the front lines of Islamic terrorism."

Ok, I got picked on for three years in junior high and high school by a bully a head taller than me, and, finally, I walked up to him and knocked his breath out with one strong punch to his stomach, from which he fell down. So I guess he "suffered far too long" from my terrorism (I got paddled in the principle's office - boo hoo!).

I despise the Hag, but, this one-sided favoritism for the world's most deceptive and violent bully makes me want to just stay home.

He seems so level headed on so many issues, mainly putting us back to work, but, talking like he is "in love" with jews and israel makes me wonder just what kind of crap are we all rootin' to get into - I'll resent even one thin dime going to jews anywhere, anytime, for any reason. If I wanted to debate him, I accuse him of running "to make Israel great again!" What the FUCK!

What choice do real true blue AMERICANS (not jews, not Israelis, not muslims, not anything else but AMERICANS) have?

Why can't he just state openly and even-handedly that America intends to treat ALL NATIONS equally, without preference either for or against, and that any arrangements we make have to be in America's interest without prejudice towards any other nation, race, or tribe. Adopt George Washington's attitude and sage advice.

But, I'll take him at his word and assume he is irrational when it comes to jews in Israel, so, I'll just stay home and hope the Hag somehow doesn't make it. I just can't root for anyone so love-sick-in-the-head as he is for the absolute worst gathering of liars, murderers, slavers, cheaters, thieves, fraudsters, corrupters, and rock-bottom satanists, the world has ever seen.

I won't be watching the debates - he might get asked why he's such a fool for Israel and I'd hate to see him suck-it-up like he did when that elderly gent ask him about it a few weeks ago. That turned me back then, but, somehow, I got over it - but, this time, I have really had it. No more.

25th September 2016, 07:37 PM
trump is pissing off the US duals...but sucking up to the israeli gov. a conundrum that none of the other candidates can claim


25th September 2016, 08:35 PM
Why can't he just state openly and even-handedly that America intends to treat ALL NATIONS equally, without preference either for or against, and that any arrangements we make have to be in America's interest without prejudice towards any other nation, race, or tribe.

Because "Israel" is above all other nations in the world. It is "god's" pet regime. If we don't "bless" them, "god" will curse us. And we all know how America has been "blessed" since 1948, right?

America chose "Israel" and the Skypes over God Almighty.

25th September 2016, 09:16 PM

Benjamin Netanyahu needs 20 special agents to go to the bathroom

How many special agents does it take to escort Benjamin Netanyahu (http://pagesix.com/tag/benjamin-netanyahu/), the prime minister of Israel, to the bathroom? Around 20.

On Tuesday, Bibi, in New York for the UN General Assembly, caused a stir at upscale restaurant Harry Cipriani at the Sherry-Netherland hotel by arriving with an over-40-strong team of buff agents from the elite Israel Security Agency, known as Shin Bet.

Fellow diners, including Charlie Rose (http://pagesix.com/tag/Charlie-Rose/), billionaire Ronald Perelman (http://pagesix.com/tag/Ron-Perelman/), Barbara Winston, *DuJour’s Jason Binn (http://pagesix.com/tag/jason-binn/) and fashion icon Iris Apfel, watched as the agents swarmed the venue.

“A security detail of 20 came an hour before Bibi arrived, then he turned up with around 20 more agents just after 9 p.m., in a restaurant that seats just over 100 people. Other agents were discreetly placed around the restaurant. They had a large security device in a black box,” said the spy.

“Bibi sat with his wife for dinner, but then he went to the bathroom,” the source said. Guests are required to exit the restaurant through a side door into the Sherry-Netherland hotel, and the bathrooms are a few feet away downstairs.

“Around 20 security guards got up with Bibi and a few went into the bathroom with him. One watched the door, and the rest lined up with their arms up to form a human barricade, so nobody could enter the bathroom or even get close,” the source continued.

There was also a massive ring of security positioned around the hotel. “In order to get to the restaurant, you had to walk around the block to a barricaded area, which was manned by security and attack dogs,” said the source, who added, “Guests were patted down and had to go through metal detectors. He must be the most protected man in the world right now.”

It has been reported that Bibi often has up to 500 security guards on a daily basis. He uses dogs to detect explosives and devices designed to disrupt anyone attempting to detonate a remote bomb using a mobile phone signal.

A rep for the restaurant declined to comment on the “Netanya-loo” visit.

25th September 2016, 11:07 PM
A better deal? More like a better blow job. BB has cucked all presidential hopefuls padt and present.

26th September 2016, 12:10 AM
​ (http://​http://pagesix.com/2016/09/21/benjamin-netanyahu-needs-20-special-agents-to-go-to-the-bathroom/)

It has been reported that Bibi often has up to 500 security guards on a daily basis. He uses dogs to detect explosives and devices designed to disrupt anyone attempting to detonate a remote bomb using a mobile phone signal.

A rep for the restaurant declined to comment on the “Netanya-loo” visit.

Thats the same sort of security the Don wants for all of U.S.

26th September 2016, 12:40 AM

Benjamin Netanyahu needs 20 special agents to go to the bathroom

How many special agents does it take to escort Benjamin Netanyahu (http://pagesix.com/tag/benjamin-netanyahu/), the prime minister of Israel, to the bathroom? Around 20.

On Tuesday, Bibi, in New York for the UN General Assembly, caused a stir at upscale restaurant Harry Cipriani at the Sherry-Netherland hotel by arriving with an over-40-strong team of buff agents from the elite Israel Security Agency, known as Shin Bet.

Fellow diners, including Charlie Rose (http://pagesix.com/tag/Charlie-Rose/), billionaire Ronald Perelman (http://pagesix.com/tag/Ron-Perelman/), Barbara Winston, *DuJour’s Jason Binn (http://pagesix.com/tag/jason-binn/) and fashion icon Iris Apfel, watched as the agents swarmed the venue.

“A security detail of 20 came an hour before Bibi arrived, then he turned up with around 20 more agents just after 9 p.m., in a restaurant that seats just over 100 people. Other agents were discreetly placed around the restaurant. They had a large security device in a black box,” said the spy.

“Bibi sat with his wife for dinner, but then he went to the bathroom,” the source said. Guests are required to exit the restaurant through a side door into the Sherry-Netherland hotel, and the bathrooms are a few feet away downstairs.

“Around 20 security guards got up with Bibi and a few went into the bathroom with him. One watched the door, and the rest lined up with their arms up to form a human barricade, so nobody could enter the bathroom or even get close,” the source continued.

There was also a massive ring of security positioned around the hotel. “In order to get to the restaurant, you had to walk around the block to a barricaded area, which was manned by security and attack dogs,” said the source, who added, “Guests were patted down and had to go through metal detectors. He must be the most protected man in the world right now.”

It has been reported that Bibi often has up to 500 security guards on a daily basis. He uses dogs to detect explosives and devices designed to disrupt anyone attempting to detonate a remote bomb using a mobile phone signal.

May he die slowly from a thousand paper cuts!

26th September 2016, 06:02 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if he turned the tables on the Israelis if and when he gets elected. Turmp isn't dumb, he knows he needs support from the kikes to get elected but he also knows he doesn't need to keep playing the game once elected

26th September 2016, 06:42 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if he turned the tables on the Israelis if and when he gets elected. Turmp isn't dumb, he knows he needs support from the kikes to get elected but he also knows he doesn't need to keep playing the game once elected

He doesn't?


26th September 2016, 06:45 AM
He doesn't?


Nope, he has his own world class security, his own plane and he's smart enough not to ride in open limos. Kennedy was not very bright considering the dynamite he was about to set off before his untimely demise

26th September 2016, 07:41 AM
Oh Satan, Oh Satan!


26th September 2016, 09:39 AM
​http://pagesix.com/2016/09/21/benjamin-netanyahu-needs-20-special-agents-to-go-to-the-bathroom/ Benjamin Netanyahu needs 20 special agents to go to the bathroom How many special agents does it take to escort Benjamin Netanyahu (http://pagesix.com/tag/benjamin-netanyahu/), the prime minister of Israel, to the bathroom? Around 20.

One to hold the end of his wee wee. 19 to pick him up and shake off the last drop.

26th September 2016, 10:38 AM
Nope, he has his own world class security
They don't like Shekels?

26th September 2016, 10:44 AM
They don't like Shekels?

I don't think they like surprises

26th September 2016, 12:29 PM
Also, Netanyahu came to Trump Tower.

Trump didn't go to Israel. Or DC. Or anywhere.

Humiliating for the son of satan to come to Trump tower... I wonder if He privately bowed before Captain Trump...

26th September 2016, 12:54 PM
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu met both presidential candidates on Sunday and spent about twice as much time with Donald Trump then with Hillary Clinton.
Netanyahu, who was in New York City for the United Nations's general assembly, spoke with the two nominees the day before their first presidential debate.
He went to Trump Tower in the morning and stayed with Trump for about 90 minutes. Netanyahu then met Clinton in the evening at the W Hotel in Union Square for 50 minutes

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3807203/Benjamin-Netanyahu-s-talk-Hillary-Clinton-lasted-HALF-long-visit-Donald-Trump.html#ixzz4LOSaEmPt



26th September 2016, 03:56 PM
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu met both presidential candidates on Sunday and spent about twice as much time with Donald Trump then with Hillary Clinton.

The Boss always spends more time with the successful employment candidate than the losing candidate.

26th September 2016, 05:19 PM
Humiliating for the son of satan to come to Trump tower... I wonder if He privately bowed before Captain Trump...


5th June 2019, 07:43 PM
I guess meeting Trump and Hillary today, Bibi had to see who would give him a better deal if he allows them to become president. Looks like Bibi got a good deal. I wonder what Hillary offered?

Posted by Trump

Donald J. Trump
6 hrs ·

NEW YORK, NY - Donald J. Trump met privately today with Prime Minister Netanyahu for over an hour at Mr. Trump's residence in Trump Tower. The two have known each other for many years and had the opportunity to discuss many topics important to both countries.

Mr. Trump and the Prime Minister discussed the special relationship between America and Israel and the unbreakable bond between the two countries. The topics of military assistance, security and regional stability were addressed. Mr. Trump agreed that the military assistance provided to Israel and missile defense cooperation with Israel are an excellent investment for America. Mr. Trump said that under a Trump administration, there will be extraordinary strategic, technological, military and intelligence cooperation between the two countries. Mr. Trump recognized Israel as a vital partner of the United States in the global war against radical Islamic terrorism.

They discussed at length the nuclear deal with Iran, the battle against ISIS and many other regional security concerns.

Mr. Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed at length Israel's successful experience with a security fence that helped secure its borders. They discussed Israel’s burgeoning hi-tech and biotech economy and how it has made stunning advances improving and saving lives around the world. In particular, Mr. Trump noted Israel’s emergence as a world leader in cyber defense and security and its cooperation with the United States in this regard.

Mr. Trump recognized that Israel and its citizens have suffered far too long on the front lines of Islamic terrorism. He agreed with Prime Minister Netanyahu that the Israeli people want a just and lasting peace with their neighbors, but that peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish State.

Finally, Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.

The meeting concluded with both leaders promising the highest level of mutual support and cooperation should Mr. Trump have the honor and privilege of being elected President of the United States.


