View Full Version : CAF: Global debt may not be owned by humans

midnight rambler
25th September 2016, 11:11 PM
Catherine Austin Fitts makes some interesting observations -


26th September 2016, 05:46 AM
Definitely an interesting read.

26th September 2016, 05:49 AM
This photo has just been released of one the aliens....terrifying!!!!


Seriously folks....ALIENS own our debt? Let's just stay away from the crack cocaine for a while, shall we?
In my experience chicks with three names are usually batshit crazy. This article doesn't seem to be an exception to that rule.

26th September 2016, 06:15 AM
This photo has just been released of one the aliens....terrifying!!!!


Seriously folks....ALIENS own our debt? Let's just stay away from the crack cocaine for a while, shall we?
In my experience chicks with three names are usually batshit crazy. This article doesn't seem to be an exception to that rule.

Read the article, or answer a couple of questions. Who owns all of the debt? Keep in mind that this question was raised by CAF who would know how to track down owners of shell companies. Who has all of the gold that has been recovered? Why can we not have a debt Jubilee? Someone has to know that a debt that can't be paid back won't be paid back. Is this planet a closed economic system or an open one? If it's closed answer the questions above. :)

26th September 2016, 08:10 AM
When the world is awash with obscene levels of debt, and it is unclear who owns the debt because of layer upon layer of hypothecation, rehypothecation, CDOs and leverage, in a zero interest rate environment, owning physical gold and silver is not just advisable, it is absolutely essential.{0}

26th September 2016, 08:16 AM
In the beginning of the Bible, "God(s)" directed Adam to where "good gold" was. Now, why was that? Hmmmmmm......

26th September 2016, 08:28 AM
I saw that article several days ago but refrained from posting. Glad you did!

waking times does a very decent job, people should visit more websites like this one

Reality does well beyond what most people can fathom.

Rh- and Rh+ is the evidence of something that could end society as we know it overnight.

26th September 2016, 08:37 AM
The thought of aliens owning our debt is one of the most disturbing ideas that I have ever encountered.

26th September 2016, 08:40 AM
The thought of aliens owning our debt is one of the most disturbing ideas that I have ever encountered.

Same, but that still begs the question that stuck our predominately in that article. Is Earth's economic system open or is it closed? If it's closed, who holds the debt?

midnight rambler
26th September 2016, 09:31 AM
One thing for sure, at this time so-called money is a means of extracting human energy. WHERE is this energy going and for what purpose??

26th September 2016, 09:32 AM
I thought "aliens" we're intelligent beings. Cases closed. No intelligent being would touch out debt. 😀

26th September 2016, 09:50 AM
Here's who holds the $19-20 trillion of US debt.


If you look at some of the foreign entities that owns treasury debt. Like Japan, Ireland, UK, Belgium, these are countries that owe a lot of money themselves, practically they are all bankrupt actually.

I suspect that these countries buys US debt with money their central banks prints (or rather just creates the digits in their own currency £, €, ¥). So who buys their debt?

Federal Reserve bank has increased their balance sheet from $850 Billion in 2007, and now it has close to $4.5 Trillion in assets. $2.4 Trillion is in US Treasury debt. $2.1 Trillion is other assets. This goes to banks that then can ten fold, or more, that capital injection via fractional reserve banking and thus buy assets (debts) in other countries or in the US. Other countries central banks do the same...

The problems start when defaults starts in this overextended system. If let's say Deutsche Bank gets a $14 Billion fine for reckless lending from DOJ, and it doesn't have this much, it has to call in debt from its debtors, who don't have it either, who have to call in its debt in return, and these don't have it either. Merkel said she ain't paying fucking Deutsche Bank fucking anything, that unfuckable lardass. Then Deutsche bank has securitized the debt of its debtors to the tune of a notional value of $72 Trillions for their default, and others have securitized Deutsche bank against default too. But no-one that carries the risk of that default can pay. So the whole fucking thing sinks. ;D

26th September 2016, 09:52 AM
So who buys their debt?

It might as well be the tooth fairy!

26th September 2016, 10:34 AM
It might as well be the tooth fairy!

Pretty much what it is!

26th September 2016, 11:55 AM
Same, but that still begs the question that stuck our predominately in that article. Is Earth's economic system open or is it closed? If it's closed, who holds the debt?

Earth's economy is a closed system, and the debt is simply all of the future obligations owed. I don't think this is that hard of a concept to understand; once the bankers got control over the world's money supplies such that they got the ability to create it out of thin air, they were able to lend fiat money to borrowers (governments primarily). The debts are to be paid through future earnings of money. This is the great swindle: they print money for free and lend it, and then they get the fruits of all the work that the rest of us do to earn the money they printed.

26th September 2016, 12:25 PM
Earth's economy is a closed system, and the debt is simply all of the future obligations owed. I don't think this is that hard of a concept to understand; once the bankers got control over the world's money supplies such that they got the ability to create it out of thin air, they were able to lend fiat money to borrowers (governments primarily). The debts are to be paid through future earnings of money. This is the great swindle: they print money for free and lend it, and then they get the fruits of all the work that the rest of us do to earn the money they printed.

I agree, but being a closed economic system we should be able to identify the debt holders, even those behind shell companies. I know officially the FED has share holders, and through leaks and following clues we know that the share holders are JPMC, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc.

Why can't we see who holds the debt? It's easy to say that the IMF holds it, or the BIS holds it, they aren't going to share their balance sheet and that is likely the reason it gets so difficult to try and follow the money so to speak.

26th September 2016, 12:44 PM
I agree, but being a closed economic system we should be able to identify the debt holders, even those behind shell companies. I know officially the FED has share holders, and through leaks and following clues we know that the share holders are JPMC, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc.

Why can't we see who holds the debt? It's easy to say that the IMF holds it, or the BIS holds it, they aren't going to share their balance sheet and that is likely the reason it gets so difficult to try and follow the money so to speak.Rest assured TPTB know to the penny who owes what to whom. Most of the debt is owned by the central banks. The owners of the central banks are on record. Whatever the central banks do not own (i.e. stocks, bonds, repos etc.) they could buy at notional, which in most cases would sell no where near notional in a free trading market (i.e. MBS). So AFAIAC, the central banks own it all, on paper. So all of your paper assets, be they demand deposits, checking accounts, savings, CDs, bonds, stocks, etc. are all encumbered and leveraged against. At any time, these personal 'assets' can be frozen, withdrawals restricted, or principal bailed in. Even physical cash can be recalled, devalued and declared null and void. The only wealth you can have confidence in is physical precious metals held by you.

26th September 2016, 01:19 PM
I agree, but being a closed economic system we should be able to identify the debt holders, even those behind shell companies. I know officially the FED has share holders, and through leaks and following clues we know that the share holders are JPMC, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc.

Why can't we see who holds the debt? It's easy to say that the IMF holds it, or the BIS holds it, they aren't going to share their balance sheet and that is likely the reason it gets so difficult to try and follow the money so to speak.

I think it is possible that the debt holders could be identified, but the longer the game goes, the more twisted and complicated all of this gets. Eventually it may become too hard to trace the actual holders, but they are there nonetheless.

26th September 2016, 01:39 PM
I haven't added it all up ('not even sure it can be), but, I was under the impression that the SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS that go out every month to tens of millions of sexagenarians (and older, like me) represented a lion's share of DEBT OWED, en toto. It has to be trillions owed and it would also be the greatest devastation all the way around should it default.

26th September 2016, 03:09 PM
for those who have an open mind, I recommend Michael Tellinger's gold for slave species videos.

midnight rambler
26th September 2016, 03:09 PM
One thing for sure, at this time so-called money is a means of extracting human energy. WHERE is this energy going and for what purpose??

More or less a rhetorical question, there can be no doubt that this robbed energy is going to support the Death Cult with it's unbridled death and destruction.