View Full Version : New Poll - How bad did Trump do

26th September 2016, 08:23 PM
What do you think?

midnight rambler
26th September 2016, 08:26 PM
All of the above.

26th September 2016, 10:57 PM
She did well, not great, but it was his to lose, and that he did.

27th September 2016, 02:09 AM
With Trump is was all about Trump rather than the people.......... the many are more important than the one.


27th September 2016, 03:34 AM
Trump won first half. Hillary won second half. She didn't have to say much since he had to defend his business dealings, while Clinton didn't really have to defend anything.

Trump has a few bad business dealings, while Clinton destroys a few countries. We know which is worse.

Most people have already made up their minds. This is a battle for the 5% retards who haven't paid attention yet.

27th September 2016, 05:22 AM
With Trump is was all about Trump rather than the people.......... the many are more important than the one.

To quote my daughter, "Trump is full of himself".

27th September 2016, 05:22 AM
Trump lacks foundational principles so he got walked down a slaughter path. Clinton appeared to do well by the uninformed but those who know what a lying bitch she is can see that she whistled past the graveyard.

27th September 2016, 06:24 AM
You guys are all thinking the game is over in the third inning. Relax and let the game finish before you make any assumptions

27th September 2016, 06:27 AM
Trump won first half. Hillary won second half. She didn't have to say much since he had to defend his business dealings, while Clinton didn't really have to defend anything.

Trump has a few bad business dealings, while Clinton destroys a few countries. We know which is worse.

Most people have already made up their minds. This is a battle for the 5% retards who haven't paid attention yet.

If trump is anything close to what many people think, he's fighting this fight using the same strategy as his business dealings. He let Hillary have her day in the Sun early on and let her talk. There are two more debates. I'm sure what you saw last night was simply letting Hillary dig her own grave then take everything she's said, bring up a few goodies to go with it and come back with overwhelming force. She'll melt on national teevee

2 more debates folks....it ain't over 'til it's over!

27th September 2016, 06:39 AM

Sep 27 2016

Now I know why Trump was visibly disturbed - Over the TV, the microphones all appeared to work. But at the debate itself, over those speakers, they were cutting his voice off, adding distortion, etc and that makes it virtually impossible to speak. THEY SCREWED WITH HIM BADLY (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/27/they-gave-me-a-defective-mic-donald-trump-claims-after-heated-de/)and he still won, HANDS DOWN.

The scamming MSM knows that everyone heard him come across fine on the TV, and that they can screw with him with this topic because no one who watched TV could hear what was going on at the actual debate. But from Trump's perspective at the debate, they put him through HELL. That is the type of thing you get from the lowest banana republics. But what would one expect from the tribe, which owns the media? You don't expect fair, do you?September 26 2016
I am not surprised by this Drudge poll, but Trump could have done better. He obviously was not well versed in going up against a scamming political velociraptor. I wonder how they kept Hillary glued together (if it was her) who knows. My guess is that she was VERY drugged. Held together too well as far as I see it.
They showed Trump on Mexican television for a few minutes and he looked great. Hillary looked OK but there was an air of fakeness with her that Trump did not have.

Halfway point in the debate, and Trump has thrown nothing but soft balls.

Do not miss the debate, you will get to see Hillary's body double at 9pm Eastern, (6 PM pacific)

No matter how it "looks" I don't think the debate will be real. What ONE item could Trump present that would destroy Hillary in a single shot? It would be her web site source code, where she is calling the election a hack-a-thon and hiring programmers to get it done.The fact that this alone has not gotten "Hillary" thrown out of the race stands as cold hard proof people had better start buying bullets.

27th September 2016, 08:10 AM

This poll is utterly meaningless. Of course Drudge readers are going to rate him as the winner.

Let's see Quinnipiac, USC, or even Rasmussen give us some legit numbers.

27th September 2016, 08:31 AM
Notice the hand pose

" I had to stiff a lot of sub-contractors and vendors to get this gold plated shit...fucked 'em hard with my Bankruptcy legal tools "


27th September 2016, 08:34 AM
This poll is utterly meaningless. Of course Drudge readers are going to rate him as the winner.

Let's see Quinnipiac, USC, or even Rasmussen give us some legit numbers.

What poll ISN'T meaningless?

27th September 2016, 09:02 AM
Trump needs:

1. a crash course in debating tactics
2. pre-prepared concise and factual responses to Hillary's numerous scandals
3. to be less argumentative and combative
4. hammer Hillary on the core issues for most voters: loss of the good paying jobs and hollowing out of our manufacturing and white collar high tech jobs thanks to international trade deals

If it were me, I'd have memorized a 3-bullet rebuttal to all of Hillary's crimes and misjudgments. The bullets would be consise, easy to remember and highlight illegalities, conflicts of interest and poor judgment. A debator such as Reagan would have all this pre-prepared and would have wiped the floor with Hillary.

I didn't vote in your poll because I think it was a draw. Both of them were lackluster. But Trump was the bigger disappointment because he had so many targets of opportunity which he squandered. He did not enter the debate with a plan and it showed. He is a businessman, not a detail guy, I get that. If he wants to be POTUS, he needs to change that now.

27th September 2016, 09:04 AM
Trump haters gonna hate! Killery haters gonna hate! Look past all the smoke and mirrors and realize we ARE a nation divided and whatever happens, whoever 'wins', it's NOT going to end well for America.

27th September 2016, 09:08 AM
Notice the hand pose

" I had to stiff a lot of sub-contractors and vendors to get this gold plated shit...fucked 'em hard with my Bankruptcy legal tools "


And no one died

Hillary got very rich too, by throwing Americans to the lions, and you paid her to do it!



27th September 2016, 09:10 AM
Hillary is an extremely duplicitous and devious person. Therefore, I do not off hand dismiss the notion that her health issues and the 911 collapse may be staged and/or exaggerated. She just may have rope-a-doped Trump in this first debate. He came in poorly prepared and did not have the eye of the tiger.

27th September 2016, 09:33 AM
Can't wait until the next debacle....errrr...debate!


27th September 2016, 09:47 AM
She just may have rope-a-doped Trump in this first debate. He came in poorly prepared and did not have the eye of the tiger.


Last night we witnessed the real Donald.

27th September 2016, 09:53 AM
Trump needs:

1. a crash course in debating tactics
2. pre-prepared concise and factual responses to Hillary's numerous scandals
3. to be less argumentative and combative
4. hammer Hillary on the core issues for most voters: loss of the good paying jobs and hollowing out of our manufacturing and white collar high tech jobs thanks to international trade deals

If it were me, I'd have memorized a 3-bullet rebuttal to all of Hillary's crimes and misjudgments. The bullets would be consise, easy to remember and highlight illegalities, conflicts of interest and poor judgment. A debator such as Reagan would have all this pre-prepared and would have wiped the floor with Hillary.

I didn't vote in your poll because I think it was a draw. Both of them were lackluster. But Trump was the bigger disappointment because he had so many targets of opportunity which he squandered. He did not enter the debate with a plan and it showed. He is a businessman, not a detail guy, I get that. If he wants to be POTUS, he needs to change that now.

Tonight I should say some shit about how rich I am...that's it...how fucking rich I am. And smart. Yeah. How smart I am...

:rolleyes: how he prepared yesterday

27th September 2016, 10:03 AM
Tonight I should say some shit about how rich I am...that's it...how fucking rich I am. And smart. Yeah. How smart I am...

:rolleyes: how he prepared yesterday
Trump is intellectually lazy. He doesn't speak eloquently because he does not mentate on the issues and formulate well-thought out reponses. Yes, he thinks his success alone is qualification to be POTUS. Frankly, I'd take a well-meaning successful entrepreneur who is fundamentally honest (if slippery at times) and fair minded over a career politician who has a long history of lies, coverups, unethical conduct, criminal acts and frankly incompetence. Hillary has accomplished nothing but death and destruction on a mass scale in the middle east as Secretary of State. If her trqack record qualifies her for president, then I would sooner have the village idiot in the Oval Office.

27th September 2016, 10:24 AM

http://www.9news.com/img/resize/content.9news.com/photo/2016/09/27/GettyImages-610602860_1474978180406_6313419_ver1.0.jpg?preset= 534-401
Last night after the "Debate"

My Nigga! You ass-raped me hard. Ha Ha
