View Full Version : A Mind-Boggling 11 Million Prisoners Laundered Through Justice System each year

27th September 2016, 10:32 AM
some on here could say that minorities/blacks deserve it... but it comes at the taxpayers' expense and the problem is exponentially growing as usual since the root cause is never addressed, nor is the monetization of the negative impacts essentially caused by a deeply rigged system.

alternet is a leftist site and of course doesnt offers any valid solution, but we surely can trust the numbers here.

the entire society/world is dumbed down, so saying that it is all about the IQ doesnt hold much water anymore - or maybe never really did (besides for remote tribes) since it brainwashing is as old as mankind.

Keep wanting more deemed sub-cultures/races (for crimes between consenting adults) be thrown into jail to help the NWO fortify its position... or it is time to end the drug war for example?


There are 2.3 million people living behind bars in the United States and the prison system cost the federal government $55 billion every year. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of privately operated prisons in the US increased 1600%... it seems crime does pay, but for whom is the question?


A Mind-Boggling 11 Million Prisoners Are Cycling Though America's 'Justice' System Each Year

‘The figures boggle the mind. Approximately 11 million Americans cycle through our jails and prisons each year (including a vast “pre-trial population” of those arrested and not convicted and those who simply can’t make bail). At any moment, according to the Prison Policy Initiative, there are more than 2.3 million people in our “1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 942 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, and prisons in the U.S. territories.” In some parts of the country, there are more people in jail than at college.

If you want a partial explanation for this, keep in mind that there are cities in this country that register more arrests for minor infractions each year than inhabitants.’

27th September 2016, 11:09 AM
From ZH: "Between 1990 and 2010, the number of privately operated prisons in the US increased 1600%"

I'll give you one guess who was POTUS in the 1990s. I almost fell out of my chair when Hillary started decrying the private prisons and all the milions behind bars for non-violent often trivial offenses, such as an ounce of weed. Bill Clinton signed into law the measures that created this private prison racket, a form of forced slave labor wherein private concerns make obscene profits paying prisoners next to nothing. Hillary was behind this 100%. Now she decries the injustice of it. What a duplicitous lying scoundrel!

27th September 2016, 11:23 AM
Bill Clinton also made America safer by his program to put more cops on the streets and militarizing police. <sarc>

27th September 2016, 11:48 AM
wonder what would happen if 90 percent of them were released? would crime double? triple? more? what would that cost 'taxpayers'? the propaganda in the op doesnt take the time to analyze the opportunity cost...one dimensional analysis....thus useless

as for the corruption angle...get in line. toll roads piss me off more than the prisons...at least the prisons are doing SOMETHING

27th September 2016, 12:53 PM
op propaganda?

the only propaganda starting first is which that prompts people to give their consent away. The drug war is a brilliant example.

So now when a lie falls apart, truth retakes its due by storm, whatever it may mean or imply. One has to be prepared to the consequence. All lies are dangerous, so expecting to be freed from the lie without causing a radical change or shock to the system isnt realistic.

Statism has always been a hoax, so we have a 4000yo time bomb to manage.

27th September 2016, 02:56 PM
Most prison inmates should never have been born, as they are utterly worthless for society, purely anchors on civilization. Is there a prison industry that relies on fresh meat? Yes. But Niggers, Spiggers, and Wiggers make it easy to keep the Grinder fed.

Personally, I'm for complete reorientation of the "corrections" system: swift extermination of those who commit murder, rape, child molestation, home invasion/occupied-home burglary, and several other crimes; replacement of these zoos called prisons with labor camps, where the inmates either truly contribute or get neither food nor entertainment; and elimination of a whole book of malum prohibitum "crimes" where the convictee is truly not a threat.

Obviously, to accomplish that, plenty of Skypes and Car Salesmen would "need to go," as well.

27th September 2016, 03:12 PM
Most prison inmates should never have been born, as they are utterly worthless for society, purely anchors on civilization. Is there a prison industry that relies on fresh meat? Yes. But Niggers, Spiggers, and Wiggers make it easy to keep the Grinder fed.

Personally, I'm for complete reorientation of the "corrections" system: swift extermination of those who commit murder, rape, child molestation, home invasion/occupied-home burglary, and several other crimes; replacement of these zoos called prisons with labor camps, where the inmates either truly contribute or get neither food nor entertainment; and elimination of a whole book of malum prohibitum "crimes" where the convictee is truly not a threat.

Obviously, to accomplish that, plenty of Skypes and Car Salesmen would "need to go," as well.

I'm for the Three Strikes and your dead law.

First felony conviction: loss of both pinkies and released back into society.

Second felony conviction: loss of both ring fingers and released back into society.

Third felony conviction: Convicts choice of death by electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, firing squad or gas chamber. Publicly displayed.

27th September 2016, 04:28 PM
All "private" prisons has a quota of prisoners that THE STATE has to meet.... who is making the money?


27th September 2016, 04:38 PM
you know they say that hip hop was designed to fill the prisons with young black men. Some kind of agreement with music producers and prison owners.... which could be one and the same for all I know.

But it's a lot of anonymous sources and an unverified "protocols" type letter. Other than that it's down to stats. Did the crime and prison populations get a boost from hip hop. I think crime was a thing in the '70's as well. But back then maybe prisons were not "for profit" operations which require 90% occupancy to stay within contract obligations.

27th September 2016, 04:45 PM
without a system change first, money will always have the final word

The High Cost of the Death Penalty

I'm for the Three Strikes and your dead law.

First felony conviction: loss of both pinkies and released back into society.

Second felony conviction: loss of both ring fingers and released back into society.

Third felony conviction: Convicts choice of death by electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, firing squad or gas chamber. Publicly displayed.

27th September 2016, 04:46 PM
Third felony conviction: Convicts choice of death by electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, firing squad or gas chamber. Publicly displayed.

no guillotine?

27th September 2016, 04:59 PM
without a system change first, money will always have the final word

The High Cost of the Death Penalty

The Death Penalty costs well less than a Dollar per turd flushed.

What is so expensive is Skype lawyers filing dozens of appeals in each case because their "client" was "disadvantaged as a youth" / "is retarded" / "was framed by a racist justice system" / or whatever other bullshit they come up. Both these Skype shysters, and the "judges" who entertain such utter bullshit, need a firing squad, as well.

27th September 2016, 07:42 PM
I'm for the Three Strikes and your dead law.

First felony conviction: loss of both pinkies and released back into society.

Second felony conviction: loss of both ring fingers and released back into society.

Third felony conviction: Convicts choice of death by electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, firing squad or gas chamber. Publicly displayed.

love the stories of the shortage of lethal injection dope. a cylinder of nitrogen and a gas mask could kill thousands...for cheap