View Full Version : Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Clinton 2 Questions

27th September 2016, 12:08 PM
Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Clinton 2 Questions
Thos Robinson/Getty Images for The Buoniconti Fund

by Joel B. Pollak27 Sep 20160

A close analysis of the transcript of the first presidential debate on Monday night shows that moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked 15 questions exclusively of Republican nominee Donald Trump, and only 2 questions exclusively of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The analysis, posted on social media and drawing intense attention on Reddit, walks through the entire 90-minute exchange and notes Holt asked six questions of both candidates, in addition to Trump’s 15 and Clinton’s two.

Holt, a newcomer to presidential debate moderation, faced intense pressure from the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media to be tough on Trump. Some explicitly called for Holt to “fact-check” Trump — the implication being that Trump is more ignorant or dishonest — and implied that he would face the same fate as NBC’s Matt Lauer and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, both of whom were slammed by liberal media critics for the crime of treating both candidates fairly.

Moreover, most of Holt’s questions prompts were overly friendly to Clinton’s point of view, while hostile to Trump. In one of the last exchanges of the debate, for example, Holt strongly implied Trump was a sexist when asking about a past criticism he had made about Clinton lacking a “presidential look.” He also introduced the opening topic of the debate by praising Obama’s economic performance, ignoring the fact that growth never reached 3% under Obama and labor force participation has fallen.

Breitbart News noted that Holt intervened several times to “fact-check” Trump — often erroneously — while never checking Clinton’s facts, even when she was completely wrong, as in her claim that she had never flip-flopped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In addition, the Washington Examiner‘s Eddie Scarry notes Holt asked Trump six follow-up questions, and none of Clinton, leaving Trump “having to debate the highly anticipated event’s moderator as well as his Democratic opponent.”

27th September 2016, 12:16 PM
Well yeah, there's that but are you really surprised?

27th September 2016, 12:20 PM
Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Clinton 2 Questions
Thos Robinson/Getty Images for The Buoniconti Fund

by Joel B. Pollak27 Sep 20160

A close analysis of the transcript of the first presidential debate on Monday night shows that moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked 15 questions exclusively of Republican nominee Donald Trump, and only 2 questions exclusively of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The analysis, posted on social media and drawing intense attention on Reddit, walks through the entire 90-minute exchange and notes Holt asked six questions of both candidates, in addition to Trump’s 15 and Clinton’s two.

Holt, a newcomer to presidential debate moderation, faced intense pressure from the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media to be tough on Trump. Some explicitly called for Holt to “fact-check” Trump — the implication being that Trump is more ignorant or dishonest — and implied that he would face the same fate as NBC’s Matt Lauer and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, both of whom were slammed by liberal media critics for the crime of treating both candidates fairly.

Moreover, most of Holt’s questions prompts were overly friendly to Clinton’s point of view, while hostile to Trump. In one of the last exchanges of the debate, for example, Holt strongly implied Trump was a sexist when asking about a past criticism he had made about Clinton lacking a “presidential look.” He also introduced the opening topic of the debate by praising Obama’s economic performance, ignoring the fact that growth never reached 3% under Obama and labor force participation has fallen.

Breitbart News noted that Holt intervened several times to “fact-check” Trump — often erroneously — while never checking Clinton’s facts, even when she was completely wrong, as in her claim that she had never flip-flopped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In addition, the Washington Examiner‘s Eddie Scarry notes Holt asked Trump six follow-up questions, and none of Clinton, leaving Trump “having to debate the highly anticipated event’s moderator as well as his Democratic opponent.”

the idiots that write these articles...

you think the duals are going to let some coon run the debate/questions he's asking? c'mon man

the control room has a dozen duals in it controlling the idiot on camera

27th September 2016, 12:35 PM
the idiots that write these articles...

you think the duals are going to let some coon run the debate/questions he's asking? c'mon man

the control room has a dozen duals in it controlling the idiot on camera

Along with a full psycological team analyzing the situation.

Twisted Titan
27th September 2016, 01:09 PM
the idiots that write these articles...

you think the duals are going to let some coon run the debate/questions he's asking? c'mon man

the control room has a dozen duals in it controlling the idiot on camera

But he is gonna take the heat and fall on his sword if told to .

So the men behind the curtain are protected

27th September 2016, 01:10 PM
NBC Crank Lester Holt Interrupted Trump 41 times, Hillary 7 Times …And Lied About His Positions

Jim Hoft (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/jim-hoft/) Sep 27th, 2016 8:32 am Leave a Comment (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/09/nbc-crank-lester-holt-interrupted-trump-41-times-hillary-7-times-lied-positions/#disqus_thread)
On Monday Republican Donald Trump debated Democrat NBC crank Lester Holt and scandal-plagued Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Holt interrupted Donald Trump 41 times. He interrupted Hillary Clinton 7 times.
Lester Holt was particularly hard on Donald Trump in a heated exchange on the Iraq War.

The Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/27/holt-interrupted-trump-way-more-than-clinton-in-debate/) reported:

Holt interrupted Trump a record 41 times, either to “fact-check” the Republican nominee, or to ask a follow-up question. Clinton was only interrupted seven times during the course of the 90-minute debate.

Holt interrupted Trump the most during a particularly heated exchange about Trump’s stance on the Iraq war. Both candidates attempted to dodge their former stances. Holt challenged Trump in particular, cutting him off several times to assert the business mogul did indeed support the war in Iraq when it was popular.

Lester Holt accused Donald Trump of supporting the Iraq War back in 2003.
Trump brought up his interview with Neil Cavuto in his defense.

After the debate Neil Cavuto played his 2003 interview with Donald Trump from January 28th of 2003.

Donald Trump: Well I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They’re getting a little bit tired of hearing we’re going in, we’re not going in. You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it…. Well, he’s [Bush] either got to do something or not do something perhaps.

Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations. You know, he’s under a lot of pressure. He’s, you know I think he is doing a very good job but of course if you look at the polls a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the, the Iraqi situation is a problem and I think the economy is a much bigger problem.

Via FOX Business Network (http://www.foxbusiness.com/):

Liberal media hacks like to push their own narrative on Donald Trump’s position on the Iraq War.
That doesn’t make it true.