View Full Version : Debate was totally rigged. Questions shared, moderator signaling. Proof inside

27th September 2016, 09:49 PM
Rat spotted lifting and concealing goods from Hillary's podium
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Hillary has signaling system with Lester Holt to coordinate talking points


They used the more sensitive podium mic on Trump to pick up breathing sounds, whereas they used the body mic on Hillary to avoid them.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
27th September 2016, 10:35 PM
I think we all knew it would be rigged in her favor, as will the next one. The one after that is hosted by Fox so we'll see. What surprises me the most about this debate is that she didn't have to take one drink of water through that 90 mins. Also, she didn't pass out standing on her own for that long. Blows my mind.

27th September 2016, 10:59 PM
incapable of not cheating?

28th September 2016, 04:13 AM
The integrity of the MSM has fallen below the poverty line. This is expected now

28th September 2016, 04:34 AM
Does it get anymore blatant! I'm still pissed two days later, that Trump didn't bludgeon this cunt.

28th September 2016, 07:00 AM
Rense/Skousen hour, Rense opens speculating that the bitch had a mini seizure during, and she was talked through it via her earpiece... I would want to see a YT clip of the bitch's odd body action which Rense spoke of.


Eta: here's the clip, 13s:



28th September 2016, 08:54 AM
Rense/Skousen hour, Rense opens speculating that the bitch had a mini seizure during, and she was talked through it via her earpiece... I would want to see a YT clip of the bitch's odd body action which Rense spoke of.


Eta: here's the clip, 13s:



From the comments:

David Turco (https://www.youtube.com/user/JACKDAWFISH)13 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaECKYARbss&lc=z122z3e55tfrcxx2u23bvh3qvu3xezdlk)
It's not a seizure or a shimmy it is dyskinesia caused by too much L-Dopa they have to give her for her Parkinson's. Look at Michael J. Fox if you don't have anyone in your life with Parkinson's. Without L- dopamine, Hillary literally wouldn't be able to move. As the L-dopamine gets into her body she would "shimmy" like this but then when the proper amount is in, the laymen wouldn't know the difference. It's like recognizing any ailment if you've been around it for years. She has an obvious neurological disorder and there it was again.

28th September 2016, 01:06 PM
Ear piece again


28th September 2016, 01:21 PM
Jew Tube take the video down

28th September 2016, 01:50 PM

28th September 2016, 08:56 PM
YT search "after debate hillary podium"

Lots popping up there... :rolleyes:

28th September 2016, 11:50 PM
Rense Hour 2 - James Fetzer - Clinton Caught Cheating Again


29th September 2016, 04:46 AM

29th September 2016, 07:47 AM
Jew Tube take the video down

Exposing fraud and collusion of the anointed ruler is considered hate speech.

29th September 2016, 07:36 PM
Exposing fraud and collusion of the anointed ruler is considered hate speech.

saw a prime time piece on fox news tonight about the hand signals killary was using...and a guy removing gear from killary podium

they mocked conspiracy theorists for raising these ridiculous issues

they also didnt show a lot of the damning video evidence (shocker)

the debate cheating info must be spreading far and wide on social media -- for the nyc control room to have to make a segment trying to discredit it...and air it on fox prime time

the skypes are in trouble. this internet thing is getting out of hand

29th September 2016, 09:09 PM
saw a prime time piece on fox news tonight about the hand signals killary was using...and a guy removing gear from killary podium

they mocked conspiracy theorists for raising these ridiculous issues

they also didnt show a lot of the damning video evidence (shocker)

the debate cheating info must be spreading far and wide on social media -- for the nyc control room to have to make a segment trying to discredit it...and air it on fox prime time

the skypes are in trouble. this internet thing is getting out of hand
So they attacked it on Fox where the audience is mostly anti-Hillary, even at the cost of risking alienating parts of their core audience who somehow got in touch with this information from other sources. Just to keep the Satanic System, that allowed Hillary this cheating, going for a bit longer. It will lose them viewers, not that many each time, but rinse and repeat it adds up until oblivion.

30th September 2016, 08:01 AM
What surprises me the most about this debate is that she didn't have to take one drink of water through that 90 mins. Also, she didn't pass out standing on her own for that long. Blows my mind.

This is EXPECTED as this is NOT THE SAME Hillary that we saw for the last 10 years culminating with her collapse on 911


Not one "Alt right" media is picking up on this either. This also points to the fact that Trump is in on all this and like his (former) TV SHOW, he has decided to be in on this NEW "reality" TV show staring himself and the IMAGE of Hillary!!

Remember, no matter how much CONTROL you might think you have over ANY man OR woman, controlling an IMAGE is the easiest.
they will ALWAYS do your will and NEVER resist!!

30th September 2016, 08:52 AM
I'm not sure how credible this site is but if this article has any basis in fact it's very interesting reading.


It smacks of tin foil stuff but then again, I wouldn't put anything past the progressive left and the feminazis these days

30th September 2016, 09:15 AM
This is EXPECTED as this is NOT THE SAME Hillary that we saw for the last 10 years culminating with her collapse on 911


Not one "Alt right" media is picking up on this either. This also points to the fact that Trump is in on all this and like his (former) TV SHOW, he has decided to be in on this NEW "reality" TV show staring himself and the IMAGE of Hillary!!

Remember, no matter how much CONTROL you might think you have over ANY man OR woman, controlling an IMAGE is the easiest.
they will ALWAYS do your will and NEVER resist!!

^ damn those jesuits got one over on us again! :(

I'm 99% sure that was the real hellary hologram at the debate.

I'm 99.999% sure it was the bitch's double who emerged from Chelsea's apt on 911, with no apparent SS protection.

30th September 2016, 09:18 AM
Not buying all the Hitlary double nonsense. Not that there aren't doubles, but that she's in failing health. I think it's all a ruse and we're being played for more reason by these progressive idiots. They're not at all that bright but they're extremely dangerous

midnight rambler
30th September 2016, 09:24 AM
the skypes are in trouble. this internet thing is getting out of hand

Yeah, good thing the UN is taking over the internet! Just in time too!

30th September 2016, 10:14 AM
Quoted for truth!



This week, Trump held a monster rally in Florida where 12,000 people showed up and thousands were turned away.
Apparently, there are a lot of people out there not buying the liberal narrative that he lost the debate to Hillary.
Today, Hillary was in Iowa for a rally.

How many people showed up?
About 600.
You didn’t hear much about the attendance from the mainstream media.
She said some pretty ridiculous stuff.
Including a strange commentary on the 2016 race.
From Breitbart:
“It breaks my heart to see all the mean spirited, divisive, bigoted things that are being said in our country,” she said, placing her hand on her chest during a rally on Thursday afternoon.

Clinton opened up her rally proclaiming that she wanted her campaign to be “about something, not just against somebody” and tried to spark a positive tone in the rally.
“We can have our differences for heaven’s sakes, we’re Americans, that’s in our DNA,” she said, calling for everyone to “listen to one another” going forward.
Clinton warmly told the crowd long stories about her parents, but her attempt to signal a bright new future quickly turned nasty.
“He spends all of his time just dumping on America,” she said, referring to Trump.
A lot of nonsense to unpack there.
First of all, Trump doesn’t “dump on America”. He dumps on the Democrats who have been screwing up America for 8 years.
Also, you don’t get to make up false narratives about Trump supporting the KKK and then sit back and complain about how divisive the race is.
This is the woman who called Trump supporters “deplorable”.
Absolutely delusional.

1st October 2016, 06:09 AM
I think a few of you guys called this one

Debate Commission Admits There Was An "Issue" With Trump's Microphone

Almost one week after the first presidential debate, and days after Trump claimed that there were problems with his microphone, earlier today the Commission on Presidential Debates issued a brief, one-sentence statement Friday admitting "issues" with Donald Trump's audio in during the first presidential debate held on Monday.

"Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall," the statement read.


Was Trump's audio purposefully impaired? It is unclear, however we do know that while Trump argued after the debate that his microphone was defective, Hillary Clinton dismissed it an excuse of someone who did poorly. Clinton, who put Trump on the defensive, mocked the republican on Tuesday for complaining about his microphone.

"Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night," Clinton quipped while speaking to reporters on her plane.
Trump told reporters immediately following the debate that event organizers "gave me a defective mic" that he said affected the audio inside the Hofstra University venue.

In retrospect it means he was right.
“Did you notice that?” he asked a reporter immediately after the debate. “My mic was defective within the room."

While the issue didn't appear to affect the broadcast of the debate, it may have led to a loss of concentration at the high stakes event, giving Hillary an advantage.
"Was that on purpose?" Trump asked. We will likely never know.

ZH (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-30/debate-commission-admits-there-was-issue-trumps-microphone)

yes, never know

1st October 2016, 06:57 AM
Quoted for truth!



This week, Trump held a monster rally in Florida where 12,000 people showed up and thousands were turned away.
Apparently, there are a lot of people out there not buying the liberal narrative that he lost the debate to Hillary.
Today, Hillary was in Iowa for a rally.

How many people showed up?
About 600.
You didn’t hear much about the attendance from the mainstream media.
She said some pretty ridiculous stuff.
Including a strange commentary on the 2016 race.
From Breitbart:
“It breaks my heart to see all the mean spirited, divisive, bigoted things that are being said in our country,” she said, placing her hand on her chest during a rally on Thursday afternoon.

Clinton opened up her rally proclaiming that she wanted her campaign to be “about something, not just against somebody” and tried to spark a positive tone in the rally.
“We can have our differences for heaven’s sakes, we’re Americans, that’s in our DNA,” she said, calling for everyone to “listen to one another” going forward.
Clinton warmly told the crowd long stories about her parents, but her attempt to signal a bright new future quickly turned nasty.
“He spends all of his time just dumping on America,” she said, referring to Trump.
A lot of nonsense to unpack there.
First of all, Trump doesn’t “dump on America”. He dumps on the Democrats who have been screwing up America for 8 years.
Also, you don’t get to make up false narratives about Trump supporting the KKK and then sit back and complain about how divisive the race is.
This is the woman who called Trump supporters “deplorable”.
Absolutely delusional.
Hillary doesn't have supporters. Those 600 are minions and codependents who came in their line of work and duty.

1st October 2016, 10:32 AM
A couple hours with that ozzy reverse speech dood on rense last night, picking apart various reverse garbbles from the debate and attributing subconsciously spoken messages to them. Not my cup of tea except as entertaining chatter.


2nd October 2016, 05:00 AM
talking backwards is a powerful thing. Crowley promoted it and many actually use it. Lenon was a very capable proponent. His lyrics have been analyzed in great detail.

A major tenant of occultism are the concepts of as above so below, duality, black and white, ying and yang, light and dark. Basically the concept of opposites.

If something can be said forwards then something can be said backwards. It's an opposite. I think that backwards speaking is more common that realized. I've thought that some of the justification that people in power have for their actions is that they have told us. They clearly tells us through symbols and stories and analogies and I suspect they also tells us through speaking backwards. Although it sounds like forward speech to us there are backward words inserted.

I also suspect that it might be used in venues like courts. I have no examples. Only suspicions. I don't have any skills in hearing things backwards but it could be a worthwhile skill.

There is a lot of material out there on it. The bible has something on it for those interested.
The first one I found (http://www.ih2000.net/chembio/occult.htm). interesting comments about the catholic church which I was partly aware of. The mass but not that it was in reverse.

I saw a video of Obama at a graduation where the graduates all had to say something three times. I can't find it or recall exactly what was said. Maybe someone else has seen it.

2nd October 2016, 07:58 AM
talking backwards is a powerful thing. Crowley promoted it and many actually use it. Lenon was a very capable proponent. His lyrics have been analyzed in great detail.

A major tenant of occultism are the concepts of as above so below, duality, black and white, ying and yang, light and dark. Basically the concept of opposites.

If something can be said forwards then something can be said backwards. It's an opposite. I think that backwards speaking is more common that realized. I've thought that some of the justification that people in power have for their actions is that they have told us. They clearly tells us through symbols and stories and analogies and I suspect they also tells us through speaking backwards. Although it sounds like forward speech to us there are backward words inserted.

I also suspect that it might be used in venues like courts. I have no examples. Only suspicions. I don't have any skills in hearing things backwards but it could be a worthwhile skill.

There is a lot of material out there on it. The bible has something on it for those interested.
The first one I found (http://www.ih2000.net/chembio/occult.htm). interesting comments about the catholic church which I was partly aware of. The mass but not that it was in reverse.

I saw a video of Obama at a graduation where the graduates all had to say something three times. I can't find it or recall exactly what was said. Maybe someone else has seen it.

Yes we can - Thank you Satan


2nd October 2016, 08:07 AM
Yes we can - Thank you Satan


that was the one. thanks.

2nd October 2016, 09:00 AM
The bible has something on it for those interested.

Indeed it does -

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

You WILL say what is in your heart, if not forwards - BACKWARDS!

5th October 2016, 06:09 AM
Everything has been rigged for a very long while, and the wise man will not vote

Why Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Corrupt

‘In order to overcome the partisanship on both sides of this U.S. Presidential contest, the corruption of both of the candidates needs to be acknowledged, and a quick way to do that is to consider the cases of their respective charities (we’ll go beyond that to a broader view afterward):

On September 10th, David A. Farenthold headlined in the Washington Post, «How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money», and he documented that Trump has lied in his many statements asserting that he donates lots to charities, and that he has even used his (actually meager) Foundation as a device to collect donations from others and then simply donate that money from others, to other charities as being “charitable donations by the Trump Foundation”. ‘


6th October 2016, 10:11 AM
a week to study for so-called interview


According to a leaked memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the Clinton campaign was sent all questions one week by the program before the interview between Clinton and Harvey on Feb. 17. The memo was sent by campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney, formerly an MSNBC host, and communications staffer Betsaida Alcantara. In it the Clinton aides wrote one week before the taping that "Steve is known to be a host who goes out of his way to make his guests feel comfortable. We coordinated closely with the show’s producers on the script and format of the show.”

The memo was attached to an email posted on the website DCLeaks.com. According to the Free Beacon, one of the individuals behind the website - which has been alleged of working with the Russian government - provided the website with a password to access that email and others sent to and from Clinton volunteer Beanca Nicholson, who was doing advance work for a campaign swing through Chicago that included the Harvey interview.

According to the memo, Clinton’s staff saw Harvey’s show as an effective and low-risk way to reach out to female and African American voters. They also noted recent episodes of the show that focused on issues that Clinton had stressed during her campaign. "Clinton’s staff pitched the show on some of those issues, including gun control, and noted that Harvey would not likely force Clinton to go into detail defending her positions" the WFB notes.

Questions included were about Clinton’s granddaughter, the former secretary of State's pizza preferences (thin crust versus deep dish) and her support of gun control policies.

"Please note that the tone of the show is generally light so even on policy questions, Steve won’t go too deep into details,” the memo read.

The campaign and the Harvey's producers also coordinated on which parts of Clinton’s biography would be introduced and how.

“During this segment Steve will take a trip down memory lane with YOU to talk about the different moments of YOUR life displayed in the photographs below,” the memo stated.

In the most amusing moment during the interview, Clinton acted "surprised" when the photos were placed on screen. “Oh boy. Oh my goodness,” she said when a photo of her at 12-years-old was placed on the screen.

Harvey also filmed segments for a special on the Flint water crisis that would air about four weeks later during the same taping session. Once again, Clinton was briefed ahead of time on the questions that Harvey would ask, including one on her February visit to the Michigan city and on efforts to address crime and joblessness.

One week later, Harvey endorsed Clinton for president.

After the report hit, a Harvey spokesperson sent the Washington Free Breacon the following statement: “As happens with many shows like ours, producers conduct pre-interviews highlighting areas of interest and possible questions. This allows the guests to prepare for their appearance and provides the most informative experience for the viewers.”