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28th September 2016, 12:13 PM
There went half of their subscribers. I give them 6 months before they're on the rocks.

The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton
By HADAS GOLD 09/27/16 09:40 PM EDT

For the first time in its 126-year history, The Arizona Republic has endorsed a Democratic candidate for president.

The paper's editorial board said Hillary Clinton is "the only choice to move America ahead."

"Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles," the paper's editorial board wrote. "This year is different."

The editorial said Clinton's temperament and experience prepare her for office, while it questioned Donald Trump for not releasing his tax returns, asking "whose hand do you want on the nuclear button?"

Clinton has racked up her fair share of nontraditional endorsements from newspapers. Last week, The Cincinnati Enquirer, which noted it had backed Republican candidates for president “for almost a century," also endorsed Clinton.

Earlier this month, The Dallas Morning News endorsed the former secretary of state, making her the first Democrat that newspaper has endorsed in over 75 years.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/09/the-arizona-republic-endorses-hillary-clinton-228818#ixzz4LZzRfEIJ
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28th September 2016, 12:22 PM
It's OK to not like Trump.

It's not OK to support a domestic enemy of America.

They had the choice to simply not endorse anyone. They had the choice to endorse Castle or even Johnson.

They chose to support the destruction of America.

And I hope the destruction of the Arizona Soviet Republic is soon.

28th September 2016, 04:56 PM
hypocrites much?'

On March 24, 2012, the company announced that it would discipline 25 employees in Wisconsin who had signed the petition to recall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_gubernatorial_recall_election) Governor Scott Walker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Walker_%28politician%29), stating that this open public participation in a political process was a violation of the company's code of journalistic ethics and that their primary responsibility as journalists was to maintain credibility and public trust in themselves and the organization.

Of course Journalist ethics and management ethics are completely different things.

part of the Gannett stable. Can't tell if it is a standalone or ultimately owned by someone else. Has a bunch of Fox and NBC affiliate stations. Uses big G in it's logo.

28th September 2016, 08:26 PM
hypocrites much?'

Of course Journalist ethics and management ethics are completely different things.

part of the Gannett stable. Can't tell if it is a standalone or ultimately owned by someone else. Has a bunch of Fox and NBC affiliate stations. Uses big G in it's logo.

Gannett was founded and apparently remains controlled by (Shabbos) Goyim. They also spew the paper manure known as "USA Today," which is ultra-left, as well.

Corporate control of the mass media needs to be dealt with. Each paper and station should be independent; no more of this huge chain shit. If Arizona Republic were still independent, they'd have endorsed Trump.

28th September 2016, 09:06 PM
local rag, in ron paul's district, ripped him with regularity. we still kicked their asses at the polls every time. local rag remains the same -- making their shekels as the lone source of local news

the demise of anything google media is almost always overblown. they have the backing of frbny. their credit should be AAA, just like all of those mbs, other derivs from the meltdown. the ratings agencies were RIGHT....despite the constant chatter otherwise. the naysayers didnt consider frbny bailing all of that sh-t out.....enabling huge gains for the skypes (who had bought the 'toxic' paper at 50 to 80 percent off of face value). of course frbny paid full face....creating a deluge of illicit gains for holiday bonus pools

29th September 2016, 07:35 AM
Anyone who still reads newspapers or consumes 'the news' as their guide to what's happening out there can't be saved at this point.

30th September 2016, 05:55 AM
Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement
William Cummings, USA TODAY 12:41 a.m. EDT September 29, 2016

The Arizona Republic is suffering some major blowback for its decision to back a Democrat over a Republican in a presidential campaign for the first time since its founding in 1890.

Since the paper published its endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, it has faced a steady stream of subscription cancellations and even a death threat, according to a senior editor.

"Well, it's been crazy around here," said Phil Boas, who runs the paper's editorial page. "We're getting a lot of reaction both locally and national. I don't believe true readers of the editorial page are surprised by all this at all, because over the past year we have been writing scathing, scalding articles about Donald Trump."

"We're feeling the weight of our history," Boas told The New York Times of the paper's first endorsement of a Democratic Party candidate in 126 years.

"This year is different," the editorial says. "The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified. That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president."

The paper cites Trump's "inability to control himself," his "long history of objectifying women" and his lack of presidential temperament as reasons for its inability to endorse him.

The Republic is not the first paper to break with a long tradition of endorsing Republican candidates because of Donald Trump. The Cincinnati Enquirer, which has "supported Republicans for president for almost a century," endorsed Clinton and called Trump a "clear and present danger to our country." The Cincinnati Enquirer and Arizona Republic are both owned by Gannett, which also owns USA TODAY.

'Arizona Republic' not the only paper breaking GOP streak to endorse Clinton

And The Dallas Morning News, which hadn't endorsed a Democrat since before World War II, said Trump "plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best."

The Dallas Morning News has also suffered a loss of subscribers, news editor Mike Wilson told Poynter. "Certainly we've paid a price for our presidential recommendation, but then, we write our editorials based on principle and sometimes principle comes at a cost," he said.

Boas told the Times that the potential loss of customers never influenced the decision to back Clinton. "We know we're doing the right thing," he said. "We feel very good about this decision."


30th September 2016, 08:23 AM
Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement
William Cummings, USA TODAY 12:41 a.m. EDT September 29, 2016

The Arizona Republic is suffering some major blowback for its decision to back a Democrat over a Republican in a presidential campaign for the first time since its founding in 1890.

Since the paper published its endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, it has faced a steady stream of subscription cancellations and even a death threat, according to a senior editor.

"Well, it's been crazy around here," said Phil Boas, who runs the paper's editorial page. "We're getting a lot of reaction both locally and national. I don't believe true readers of the editorial page are surprised by all this at all, because over the past year we have been writing scathing, scalding articles about Donald Trump."

"We're feeling the weight of our history," Boas told The New York Times of the paper's first endorsement of a Democratic Party candidate in 126 years.

"This year is different," the editorial says. "The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified. That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president."

The paper cites Trump's "inability to control himself," his "long history of objectifying women" and his lack of presidential temperament as reasons for its inability to endorse him.

The Republic is not the first paper to break with a long tradition of endorsing Republican candidates because of Donald Trump. The Cincinnati Enquirer, which has "supported Republicans for president for almost a century," endorsed Clinton and called Trump a "clear and present danger to our country." The Cincinnati Enquirer and Arizona Republic are both owned by Gannett, which also owns USA TODAY.

'Arizona Republic' not the only paper breaking GOP streak to endorse Clinton

And The Dallas Morning News, which hadn't endorsed a Democrat since before World War II, said Trump "plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best."

The Dallas Morning News has also suffered a loss of subscribers, news editor Mike Wilson told Poynter. "Certainly we've paid a price for our presidential recommendation, but then, we write our editorials based on principle and sometimes principle comes at a cost," he said.

Boas told the Times that the potential loss of customers never influenced the decision to back Clinton. "We know we're doing the right thing," he said. "We feel very good about this decision."


Why is anyone surprised that elements of the MSM are supporting the establishment?

30th September 2016, 08:43 AM
Why is anyone surprised that elements of the MSM are supporting the establishment?

Q. Why would a business that relies on the public to purchase their product, take such a strong stance in this election.

A. Only fools would do something so stupid.

The AZ Republic, Dallas Morning News and now the USA Today have shot themselves in the foot. People are cancelling subscriptions in droves!

30th September 2016, 08:50 AM
Q. Why would a business that relies on the public to purchase their product, take such a strong stance in this election.

A. Only fools would do something so stupid.

The AZ Republic, Dallas Morning News and now the USA Today have shot themselves in the foot. People are cancelling subscriptions in droves!

Who says they're not fools?

30th September 2016, 08:52 AM
Who says they're not fools?

Either they're fools, or faggots that have had their brains scrambled by things stuck too far up their asses?

30th September 2016, 09:24 AM
(((Phil Boas)))

Bolshevik Jew.

30th September 2016, 09:30 AM
Q. Why would a business that relies on the public to purchase their product, take such a strong stance in this election.

A. Only fools would do something so stupid.

The AZ Republic, Dallas Morning News and now the USA Today have shot themselves in the foot. People are cancelling subscriptions in droves!

Hope they shot themselves in the head.

30th September 2016, 08:10 PM
Q. Why would a business that relies on the public to purchase their product, take such a strong stance in this election.

A. Only fools would do something so stupid.

The AZ Republic, Dallas Morning News and now the USA Today have shot themselves in the foot. People are cancelling subscriptions in droves!

the same reason that repugs are jumping in front of the trump train. they have hidden support/controllers that are directing their activities

we've watched dozens (hundreds?) of entities destroy their cred when they could have just stayed out of it and maintained their images/audiences/ad revenue/etc

none NONE of this would be going on if gold coin had to be paid to do this shit. end the fed.