View Full Version : Listening to Judicial Watch...

29th September 2016, 09:40 AM
the corruption is bad, real bad. We the people can no longer tolerate a government that's gone rogue.

What can we do now that the whole system has been exposed as corrupt?

The FBI is untrustworthy, the justice system is rigged in favor of the politically connected. The IRS is used to attack the right, or anyone that stands in the left's way. The DHS is nothing but a drug/weapons running industry. Every government agency can no longer be trusted at all.
The Nigger in the White House is dirty as they come.
Dirty bankers get to skate for rigging their balance sheets creating phony accounts to clean up in the stock market and with huge bonuses.

The system is collapsing right in front of our eyes and we need to take some kind of action.
People should question every dealing they have with a government agency. Treat them like you're being scammed, because you are!

How do we fight them and let them know we don't trust them?


29th September 2016, 09:52 AM
the corruption is bad, real bad. We the people can no longer tolerate a government that's gone rogue.

What can we do now that the whole system has been exposed as corrupt?

The FBI is untrustworthy, the justice system is rigged in favor of the politically connected. The IRS is used to attack the right, or anyone that stands in the left's way. The DHS is nothing but a drug/weapons running industry. Every government agency can no longer be trusted at all.
The Nigger in the White House is dirty as they come.
Dirty bankers get to skate for rigging their balance sheets creating phony accounts to clean up in the stock market and with huge bonuses.

The system is collapsing right in front of our eyes and we need to take some kind of action.
People should question every dealing they have with a government agency. Treat them like you're being scammed, because you are!

How do we fight them and let them know we don't trust them?


ummmmm.....if I might make a suggestion. This method has precedence however, the actionable part needs to be more effective this time around!


29th September 2016, 10:39 AM
Why do you listen to JEWdicial Watch?

midnight rambler
29th September 2016, 10:44 AM
People should question every dealing they have with a government agency. Treat them like you're being scammed, because you are!

After over 25 years of this myself it's good to FINALLY see some become motivated to actually DO something.

How do we fight them and let them know we don't trust them?

Simple. QUITE BEING AN ENABLER. Recognize their line of bullshit for it it is, a complete phantasm (i.e. legal fiction), something that is TOTALLY imaginary and DOES NOT EXIST IN REALITY.

Here's a clue: HOW do you fight something that doesn't exist except in the imagination?? Is that like shadow boxing?? ??? Fighting a phantasm, isn't that like fighting yourself within your own head??

midnight rambler
29th September 2016, 10:48 AM
"Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them." --Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

After over 25 years of this myself it's good to FINALLY see some become motivated to actually DO something.

Simple. QUITE BEING AN ENABLER. Recognize their line of bullshit for it it is, a complete phantasm (i.e. legal fiction), something that is TOTALLY imaginary and DOES NOT EXIST IN REALITY.

Here's a clue: HOW do you fight something that doesn't exist except in the imagination?? Is that like shadow boxing?? ??? Fighting a phantasm, isn't that like fighting yourself within your own head??

29th September 2016, 10:48 AM
after over 25 years of this myself it's good to finally see some become motivated to actually do something.

Simple. Quite being an enabler. Recognize their line of bullshit for it it is, a complete phantasm (i.e. Legal fiction), something that is totally imaginary and does not exist in reality.

Here's a clue: How do you fight something that doesn't exist except in the imagination?? Is that like shadow boxing?? ??? Fighting a phantasm, isn't that like fighting yourself within your own head??


29th September 2016, 11:25 AM
After over 25 years of this myself it's good to FINALLY see some become motivated to actually DO something.

Simple. QUITE BEING AN ENABLER. Recognize their line of bullshit for it it is, a complete phantasm (i.e. legal fiction), something that is TOTALLY imaginary and DOES NOT EXIST IN REALITY.

Here's a clue: HOW do you fight something that doesn't exist except in the imagination?? Is that like shadow boxing?? ??? Fighting a phantasm, isn't that like fighting yourself within your own head??

Ignoring/avoiding them and living your life the best you can is IMO a better way to live your life, however ignoring them doesn't make them go away when they bring force into the equation. Example: if a cop pulls his gun and threatens to shoot or arrest you over some stupid legal fiction, you can't simply ignore the cop and hope he'll go away. So even if you deny the basis of their authority, they still have the power to exert force over you.

midnight rambler
29th September 2016, 11:36 AM
Ignoring/avoiding them and living your life the best you can is IMO a better way to live your life, however ignoring them doesn't make them go away when they bring force into the equation. Example: if a cop pulls his gun and threatens to shoot or arrest you over some stupid legal fiction, you can't simply ignore the cop and hope he'll go away. So even if you deny the basis of their authority, they still have the power to exert force over you.

We're in a spiritual battle, I suggest you take it to that level.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. --Ephesians 6:12

Cut them out of your life as best as possible and continue to seek ways to do more of that. It's a constant fight.

29th September 2016, 12:58 PM
Ignoring/avoiding them and living your life the best you can is IMO a better way to live your life, however ignoring them doesn't make them go away when they bring force into the equation. Example: if a cop pulls his gun and threatens to shoot or arrest you over some stupid legal fiction, you can't simply ignore the cop and hope he'll go away. So even if you deny the basis of their authority, they still have the power to exert force over you.

He is "immune" to State force, don't you know?

midnight rambler
29th September 2016, 01:18 PM
He is "immune" to State force, don't you know?

Yeah, do you know the difference between jooish corporate state adherents/apologists like you Fred and the goatfuckers' dream of a Caliphate?

Not a fucking thing, both of you want to kill the infidels. lol

29th September 2016, 01:22 PM
Quite correct! The game of tug of war doesn't change, just the players do!

Yeah, do you know the difference between jooish corporate state adherents/apologists like you Fred and the goatfuckers' dream of a Caliphate?

Not a fucking thing, both of you want to kill the infidels. lol

29th September 2016, 02:02 PM
Yeah, do you know the difference between jooish corporate state adherents/apologists like you Fred and the goatfuckers' dream of a Caliphate?

Why do you submit to the State and admit you "need" its permission to travel by willingly asking it for a passport?

midnight rambler
29th September 2016, 02:44 PM
Why do you submit to the State and admit you "need" its permission to travel by willingly asking it for a passport?

You're in absolutely no position to criticize anyone considering you're a schlong suckling dyed-in-the-wool systemite who cannot/would not 'exist' if not for your establishment of *who you are* by the jooish created corporate state.

I have a passport JIC of emergencies, whereas YOU keep your 'permission to travel by automobile' with you at all times, you'd be lost without it.

30th September 2016, 07:58 AM
I thought you had to be 18 or older to post on this board! :rolleyes:

30th September 2016, 08:13 AM
Why do you listen to JEWdicial Watch?
Maybe some of us are not BRAINWASHED by this "Jews are the source of the world's woes" MEME that you and others have swallowed!!

The "source" is the oldest, MOST ORGANIZED (< that's VERY important) AND RICHEST country on earth - Vatican City!!

30th September 2016, 09:29 AM
Maybe some of us are not BRAINWASHED by this "Jews are the source of the world's woes" MEME that you and others have swallowed!!

The "source" is the oldest, MOST ORGANIZED (< that's VERY important) AND RICHEST country on earth - Vatican City!!

Which will get me banned from Hollywood:

1) attacking Catholicism as a cult of pedophiles


2) attacking Judaism as a cult of Christ-killers.

The answer reveals who runs the show.

30th September 2016, 09:33 AM
You're in absolutely no position to criticize anyone considering you're a schlong suckling dyed-in-the-wool systemite who cannot/would not 'exist' if not for your establishment of *who you are* by the jooish created corporate state.

You failed to answer the question; here it is again:

Why do you submit to the State and admit you "need" its permission to travel by willingly asking it for a passport?

I have a passport JIC of emergencies, whereas YOU keep your 'permission to travel by automobile' with you at all times, you'd be lost without it.

You are quite the fucking retard. No, I'm not "lost" without a driver's license, nor does a driver's license make my identity. You fail to recognize your submission to the Federal regime for a passport is the most egregious of statist acts.

30th September 2016, 09:35 AM
You two guys need to get a room

midnight rambler
30th September 2016, 10:55 AM
No, I'm not "lost" without a driver's license

Why YES you ARE lost without that jooish corporate state issued ID (DRIVER LICENSE or STATE ID CARD) because you rely on it to establish your identity - without it you're LOST.*

*you don't leave home without it, amIrite?

midnight rambler
30th September 2016, 10:57 AM
You two guys need to get a room

Go easy on Fred, he's one of my two groupies here, and despite him being a jackass acting completely like the goatfuckers and their false god Caliphate at times I still love him.

30th September 2016, 11:03 AM
Why YES you ARE lost without that jooish corporate state issued ID (DRIVER LICENSE or STATE ID CARD) because you rely on it to establish your identity - without it you're LOST.*

*you don't leave home without it, amIrite?

My identity is not dependent upon a card.

However, as for you...perhaps you forgot your eyeglasses...here it is in bigger font:

Why do you submit to the State and admit you "need" its permission to travel by willingly asking it for a passport?