View Full Version : New nuclear war with N Korea?

29th September 2016, 04:30 PM
It will be started by the US, why doesn't the US start nuke war with China and Russia?.....no way Jose, we might just loose who are as powerful as we are........better to start something with someone smaller, less powerful ...... but.....at the same time a nuclear nation.....just to show the world how serious we are.

Will China come to the rescue?..... if they are ready to confront the US then YES.......... the US might just open a door that they won't be able to close......... I already have a can tuna and a gallon of water under my bed. Keep and eye on the Zionist.

At least you will have the "honor" to die in the "x" greatest country in the world. I will be dead before then.


29th September 2016, 06:53 PM
We have to show the American people that we are not afraid to defend them by what ever means, even if they (N KOREA) have done nothing but to think of defending themselves........ HUAAAAAAAAAAAAA....N Korea have nuclear weapons, yes? SO WHAT......The Zionist are more of a danger than N Korea or Iran will ever be...... The state of Israel will probably be the first ones to use a nuclear weapon on Iran ... and only because they know that the US would be willing to come to the rescue "If" the Arab countries are willing for a hit back...........the little fat boy from N Korea only wants good food, to see new movies, and good looking girls......let him be. The more that I think about it the more clearly that I can see the picture, and it sucks.....the real loosers will be the American people.


29th September 2016, 07:09 PM
The Norks are not our concern. Even if LA got hit, what would be missed?

29th September 2016, 09:23 PM
The Norks are not our concern. Even if LA got hit, what would be missed?

Legislative tyranny in Sacramento by LA Bolshevists?

29th September 2016, 09:57 PM
Ponce, I can't help but believe that all this hullabaloo about going to war comes from those damnable jews in Israel, aided by jews over here (and elsewhere), and followed up on by our own sell-outs here. Put a stop to jewish influence and the odds are (in my opinion) that war would not even be seriously considered by the rest of us. What I can't figure is why these jews are so hell-bent on making war since, if it ever really got going big time, that shitty little country over there would be top of the list to be wiped out. They'd finally have a version of the Sampson option they weren't figuring on.

And it wouldn't be just LA - you can't be sure about the wind - I live about 100 miles from Dallas, so I'd probably survive the initial blast, but millions would perish in an instant and the winds would probably make the rest of us incurably ill with radiation sickness.

War just can't happen - somebody's got to put a stop to this thinking.

30th September 2016, 03:16 AM
And it wouldn't be just LA - you can't be sure about the wind - I live about 100 miles from Dallas, so I'd probably survive the initial blast, but millions would perish in an instant and the winds would probably make the rest of us incurably ill with radiation sickness.

War just can't happen - somebody's got to put a stop to this thinking.

War is coming. This can be ascertained both from Biblical prophecy, and, from a study of history. It "solves" a great deal of problems for the real rulers of the world.

I don't know what to think of North Korea and its "leader," Fat Boy. He is clearly a defective, based solely on the photos of him being a slob. However, I'm not convinced he's suicidal. And he'd have to be to even consider launching one of his atomic firecrackers at the US or Japan.

That said, this doesn't mean the Washington Criminals won't simply launch an attack on North Korea to elicit a nuclear response from him.

Rest assured, though, that any nuclear strike from North Korea would be, at most, a one or two target scenario. It would not be the end of the world by any means. North Korea's best shot at America would be Anchorage, Seattle, Sodomcisco, or LA, and in that order, with the latter two possibly out of their technical ability. Horrific damage, yes, but not The Day After.

30th September 2016, 04:59 AM
Ponce, I can't help but believe that all this hullabaloo about going to war comes from those damnable jews in Israel, aided by jews over here (and elsewhere), and followed up on by our own sell-outs here. Put a stop to jewish influence and the odds are (in my opinion) that war would not even be seriously considered by the rest of us. What I can't figure is why these jews are so hell-bent on making war since, if it ever really got going big time, that shitty little country over there would be top of the list to be wiped out. They'd finally have a version of the Sampson option they weren't figuring on.

And it wouldn't be just LA - you can't be sure about the wind - I live about 100 miles from Dallas, so I'd probably survive the initial blast, but millions would perish in an instant and the winds would probably make the rest of us incurably ill with radiation sickness.

War just can't happen - somebody's got to put a stop to this thinking.

I doubt North Korea would be able to lob anything greater than have already been tested in Arizona desert in 40's, 50's and 60's, and most likely they would miss any major population centers too, if they get the device to detonate on West Coast USA. If fortunate they would get 100,000 maybe 200,000 dead from a lucky strike. Most likely just a few hundred. Overall fallout way less than you got already from Fukushima...

7th trump
30th September 2016, 05:25 AM
There are no nuke battles Ponce.
The Battle of Hamongog is Russia coming to attack whats left of America after they politically devastated it via Alaska.
God Himself battles the Russian bolshevic forces and they are wiped out in about 5 minutes.
Its a snowball fight and guess who wins?

And the bolshevics, whats left of them, will know who Israel and their God are....just as its written in Ezekiel.