View Full Version : Asian musicians "The Slants" denied trademark by Obama regime

29th September 2016, 05:35 PM
Obama regime denied it, Court of Appeals disagrees, and now the SCOTUS will take the case.


Their own chosen name is "offensive."

29th September 2016, 07:01 PM

29th September 2016, 07:18 PM
Band is thinking of applying again but using the name "The Slopes" instead; perhaps that will be less offensive to the delicately disposed individuals...

29th September 2016, 08:26 PM
trademarked is like copyrighted and patented... scams

29th September 2016, 08:44 PM

Asians just don't give a shit

29th September 2016, 08:52 PM
trademarked is like copyrighted and patented... scams

Not exactly.

I am against corporate "intellectual property." Especially when it risks lives or rapes people and the planet.

But trademarks, patents, and copyrights are legitimate protection of a working person's interests, when it used to a limited degree and for a limited time. An author should have the exclusive right to publish and sell his work, for example, during his lifetime. A small business should be able to establish a trademark so some crooked parasite doesn't set up the same business across town to steal the good reputation of the original. An inventor should be able to control his invention during his lifetime and for reasonable purposes.

29th September 2016, 08:55 PM
Asians just don't give a shit

Asians are a very pragmatic race, and do not (yet) have the degeneracy of the White race in being "sensitive" to things that don't matter.

30th September 2016, 01:20 AM
Not exactly.

I am against corporate "intellectual property." Especially when it risks lives or rapes people and the planet.

But trademarks, patents, and copyrights are legitimate protection of a working person's interests, when it used to a limited degree and for a limited time. An author should have the exclusive right to publish and sell his work, for example, during his lifetime. A small business should be able to establish a trademark so some crooked parasite doesn't set up the same business across town to steal the good reputation of the original. An inventor should be able to control his invention during his lifetime and for reasonable purposes.

Good points! Intellectual property rights should only be held by someone with an intellect, the creator and perhaps his immediate family if he dies, before the time limit, which would exclude corporations

30th September 2016, 07:46 AM
I disagree completely... what sustains corporations is exactly the block on knowledge by academic criteria (why the nobel prize has become such a scam for the most part). People who dont grasp this will remain divided, and this gives opinions like: intellectual property is okay but not when in the hands of corporations. This is an oxymoron.

Knowledge is embedded in the fabric of the Universe, we do NOT invent anything but discover. Moreover, what may be true today, will be proven false at some point, eventually. Copyrights on what? People will fight toes and nails to not see their "cherished theory" to take a dive, being destroyed by a newer one. Thanks to the copyright ideology, which prevents newer findings from being recognized faster, delaying Mankind's achievements.

Feel free to think how you wish but the scam is embedded in the premise itself.

Lets keep on marketing Life itself and we'll see who has the final word. Such a view legitimates the death cult. To get rid of it, we have to accept that exclusivity of knowledge is a deception. That is how and why the NWO came to existence 2-3000 years ago when mystery schools voted for the "control of knowledge".

the fact that man didnt create the laws of physics or biology is exactly why he cannot claim to ownership of these laws nor any deriving theories enabling discoveries.

Not exactly.

I am against corporate "intellectual property." Especially when it risks lives or rapes people and the planet.

But trademarks, patents, and copyrights are legitimate protection of a working person's interests, when it used to a limited degree and for a limited time. An author should have the exclusive right to publish and sell his work, for example, during his lifetime. A small business should be able to establish a trademark so some crooked parasite doesn't set up the same business across town to steal the good reputation of the original. An inventor should be able to control his invention during his lifetime and for reasonable purposes.

30th September 2016, 08:15 AM
double talks, I am afraid.

so do you go after "free association" ???

Good points! Intellectual property rights should only be held by someone with an intellect, the creator and perhaps his immediate family if he dies, before the time limit, which would exclude corporations

30th September 2016, 08:31 AM
double talks, I am afraid.

so do you go after "free association" ???

No? Do you? I go after corporate rights. They shouldn't have freedom
Of speech, because a corporation can't speak. The people of a corporation surely could speak for the corporation, but if they slander someone in that process they should be held personally liable. A corporation can't have intellectual property rights, because it doesn't have the intellectual faculties to create intellectual property. People within the corporation that created the intellectual property could have though and decide to rent out that intellectual property to the corporation. Change these laws and you will also change the balance of power from capital to people. Megacorporations that practice wageslavery would be rendered impossible!

30th September 2016, 09:00 AM
When I had my company the name of my product was "The Squeezable" and I had a trademark..... after five years it was time to renew it and the government would not do it.


30th September 2016, 09:20 AM
I disagree completely...

Of course you do. That is because you have never created anything of meaningful value. And never will.

30th September 2016, 09:45 AM
well as long as human are not free, and do not see anything wrong with appropriating themselves the knowledge they have NOT created, corporations will continue to rule and grow, either be against them or deify them.

corporations have become monsters gobbling us all because the average human does want to accept the Greater Reality telling us that we do not owe anything to start with. That is precisely why every is bunk today, because humans were driven into believing the opposite.

the only laws that are applicable are those that invariable and immutable.

No? Do you? I go after corporate rights. They shouldn't have freedom
Of speech, because a corporation can't speak. The people of a corporation surely could speak for the corporation, but if they slander someone in that process they should be held personally liable. A corporation can't have intellectual property rights, because it doesn't have the intellectual faculties to create intellectual property. People within the corporation that created the intellectual property could have though and decide to rent out that intellectual property to the corporation. Change these laws and you will also change the balance of power from capital to people. Megacorporations that practice wageslavery would be rendered impossible!

30th September 2016, 06:33 PM
Of course you do. That is because you have never created anything of meaningful value. And never will.

Exactly, she cannot fathom the creative process, not with humans, that's why she believes in magical thinking, like space aliens built the pyramids in Egypt. She has a very low opinion of humans in general actually, coming to think of it. She sits and plonks at her laptop on the Internet and believes that all this was provided by "universe", no human creativity involvement whatsoever.

It's like her black halfbrethren goes around thinking white people are rich today because black people built their fortunes when they were slaves... Thus every white owes them reepayshons

midnight rambler
30th September 2016, 06:55 PM
like space aliens built the pyramids in Egypt.

What substantial, convincing evidence do you have that men built the pyramids?

You refer to 'those from Heaven to earth came' as 'space aliens' - what if they're not 'alien' at all?

And I suppose men constructed these structures as well -


And this -


30th September 2016, 07:55 PM
Exactly, she cannot fathom the creative process, not with humans, that's why she believes in magical thinking, like space aliens built the pyramids in Egypt. She has a very low opinion of humans in general actually, coming to think of it. She sits and plonks at her laptop on the Internet and believes that all this was provided by "universe", no human creativity involvement whatsoever.

It's like her black halfbrethren goes around thinking white people are rich today because black people built their fortunes when they were slaves... Thus every white owes them reepayshons

The Negro mind cannot fathom the self-creation of anything meaningful and lasting. Africa demonstrates that. The only meaningful and lasting artifices there are human-influenced (Arab or White).

30th September 2016, 08:01 PM
What substantial, convincing evidence do you have that men built the pyramids?

Modern humans have reached unbelievable heights of hubris, thinking that "we" are the "pinnacle of thinking & technology."

There are plenty of models for the construction of the pyramids using "primitive" technology, including traditional farm implements (Black slaves).

The ancient humans were phenomenally intelligent when it came to technology, from Noah's world to the Greco-Roman world. "Aliens" is a co-opt and a forced "explanation" to prevent the dethronement of "we" today as "the smartest and greatest of history."

I think we need to rename our two resident UFOlogists to Goldissima and Midnight von Däniken. A perfect couple.

30th September 2016, 08:05 PM
Modern humans have reached unbelievable heights of hubris, thinking that "we" are the "pinnacle of thinking & technology."

There are plenty of models for the construction of the pyramids using "primitive" technology, including traditional farm implements (Black slaves).

The ancient humans were phenomenally intelligent when it came to technology, from Noah's world to the Greco-Roman world. "Aliens" is a co-opt and a forced "explanation" to prevent the dethronement of "we" today as "the smartest and greatest of history."

I think we need to rename our two resident UFOlogists to Goldissima and Midnight von Däniken. A perfect couple.

Technologies, like past civilizations are lost, Forgotten.
Only the arrogance of modern man believes, since we cannot do it, it could have never been done.

1st October 2016, 12:38 AM
Technologies, like past civilizations are lost, Forgotten.
Only the arrogance of modern man believes, since we cannot do it, it could have never been done.

The house I live in could not have been built today. It was built in 1880's, a timber framed, plastered house, completely hand built with human powered tools, barely a nail was used, with incredible precision and craftsmanship. Once the investment was made it was practically a self sustaining unit, with a dug well for water with a cast iron hand pump a stable for the horse, a chamber for the hired help in the outhouse, a root cellar, a wood shed, a bath and wash house, a chicken coo, a shit house, half an acre of land to grow potatoes, carrots, onions, rhubarb, straw-, black- and rasp-berries kale, herbs, apples and pears aided with manure produced by the horse, chicken and humans of the house. Ceramic and kitchen stoves in the house with amazing 90-95% efficiency.

Once the initial investment was done, without borrowing any money from any outside sources, of family. You lived a fairly purposeful and comfortable life. Of course you had to send out the hired hand for firewood and hay and arrange that at a reasonable cost with a landowner, you had to buy things like salt, flour, soap, meat, lamp oil. And you paid your hand and maid pocket money to go enjoy themselves on their half day off on Sunday after church.

But all this was supported by only one salary from a middle administrative position at the local railway station, built a few years before 200 meters from our house. People knew their place, the wife took care of the children and the running of the house, planning and controlling the daily work of the hired hand/maid. The hired hand/maid did what they were told, and in return was well looked after.

No space aliens didn't construct this house with alien technology, and it doesn't have any today either, even though it has electronics, refrigerators, washing machines, led lights, but it is still in excellent shape 130 years late. The humans that have lived in it were not genetically modified by space aliens either. This is not even a glowing example, just an ordinary house in Sweden. Where humans managed to survive by being creative co-operating and planning ahead, thousands of years ago, despite long cold winters, and unpredictable summers.

I suggest those that tries to take our past away from us humans our striving creative ancestors, starts producing evidence that space aliens had anything to do with betterment of man. So far nothing.

Meanwhile I propose that the magnificent constructions, inventions, machines, societies, civilizations are the result of the creative streak of human beings endowed with this quality by evolution under guidance of god, our creator. Even the fruits, vegetables, roots, chickens, we have been eating has been created by us through selective breeding of traits we appreciate, with wild species god provided for us to work on...

1st October 2016, 04:52 AM
you are dishonest... how difficult is it to understand that we do not invent anything but discover. That the brain is an electric device capable of deciphering the knowledge embedded in the fabric of the Universe. That man didnt create any of these Laws?

sure keep attacking because you cannot wrap your mind around the fact that we do not own anything, intellectually and physically. Let alone earth, which is why money is a deception. Even when countries used hard currencies, same shit was happening. Speculation and appropriation of knowledge (with the mean to speculate on it) will forever disappoint and be a smoke screen because it corrupts the Greater Reality. The spiritual guides everything. Look around you, and at the disaster of materialism and religious wars for the sake of materialism/power throughout the ages. History repeats itself... RIGHT!

I surely get something that you do not.

We do not even own our own alphabet. Gamatria is embedded in all religious texts, including the bible saying that in the beginning was the Word... aka alphabet..

Of course you do. That is because you have never created anything of meaningful value. And never will.

1st October 2016, 05:05 AM
you are dishonest... how difficult is it to understand that we do not invent anything but discover.

Explain how Gutenberg discovered the printing press. Where was it before he constructed it? Stop denigrating great inventors... Inventing something is different from discovering something already existing... Like Newton discovering the natural laws of gravity...

1st October 2016, 05:16 AM
the NWO also believes in selective breeding... same for biotech today which is banking on destroying the food supply, oceans, skies for good. Scientists see nothing wrong because they dont see that science is wrong to appropriate itself Life. The entire ecosystem is going down.... oh yeah, thats the jews and the negroes.

BOLD: the US ALONE wastes for $160 billion worth of edible food yearly that doesnt look PERFECT enough for sale. Selective breeding did for sure a good job here.

Enough said. Man didnt invent the natural laws of biology and chyme.

Meanwhile I propose that the magnificent constructions, inventions, machines, societies, civilizations are the result of the creative streak of human beings endowed with this quality by evolution under guidance of god, our creator. Even the fruits, vegetables, roots, chickens, we have been eating has been created by us through selective breeding of traits we appreciate, with wild species god provided for us to work on...

1st October 2016, 05:26 AM
I am not in denial nor denigrating, YOU are. The difference between you and I is that acknowledge a pre-existing Universal Design of Everything.

All inventions are discoveries waiting to happen because they all are the result of the progression of Knowledge.

Just like Tesla... which benefited research made prior his birth, he DISCOVERED as a result. Same can be said about thermodynamic laws (used to create engines), they always were PRE-existing. And the day the so-called academia starts investigating the forces within a Vortex, engines will be built differently. Man didnt create any cosmic vortex, which is also at the center of every atom, and cell... did he ???

Humans must learn to become humble to become enlightened.

Great discoveries happen when the creator/thinker is connected to the Fabric Of The Universe. That's the role of Intuition and imagination. Another reason why this world is going to shit... because the system prevents humans from being in touch with their psychic abilities, which materialism destroys because research follows the money instead of teaching the respect for creation.

Choosing to become a co-creator with Nature is a heavy task. Following one's pay check seems a lot more simple. Indeed.

leaving this thread and everybody to think for oneself. One cannot get rid of the NWO with the same thinking that created it. One wishes to own knowledge, life and earth, that is what one gets: a death cult.

Explain how Gutenberg discovered the printing press. Where was it before he constructed it? Stop denigrating great inventors... Inventing something is different from discovering something already existing... Like Newton discovering the natural laws of gravity...

1st October 2016, 06:39 AM
Humans must learn to become humble to become enlightened.

I would say in that case you have a long long way to go then. It is physically impoosible for you to acknowledge an argument against what you say, arrogant hypocrite, despite stacks of evidence counter to it.

The enormous progress in knowledge and inventions we see today, is because scientists and inventors actually bothered to study the natural laws and previous inventions and used their creativity to create new theories and inventions, and actually testing them against reality, discarding what didn't work.

Gutenberg INVENTED the printing press, he didn't discover a pre-existing printing press. That printing press was the basis for spreading knowledge and ideas far beyond what was possible before, and was a pre-requisite of the scientific revolution we have seen since, but it was also a pre-requisite in spreading propaganda and humbug far and wide, which you do today via man invented internet at an even lesser effort.

1st October 2016, 06:46 AM
the NWO also believes in selective breeding... same for biotech today which is banking on destroying the food supply, oceans, skies for good. Scientists see nothing wrong because they dont see that science is wrong to appropriate itself Life. The entire ecosystem is going down.... oh yeah, thats the jews and the negroes

the US ALONE wastes for $160 billion worth of edible food yearly that doesnt look PERFECT enough for sale. Selective breading did for sure a good job here.

enough said.

I suggest you stop eating those human engineered fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, roots, eggs, chickens, that you largely subsist on today. Eat only what you can find in the wild, since you have such a problem with human created foods. Come back in a year and tell us your experience Hypocrite! Crabapples tastes wonderful.

1st October 2016, 07:30 AM
sure... keep turning a blind eye to the massive destruction of Nature because man thinks he owns Her.

we didnt create any original DNA but alter it as soon as we **discover** its potential to do either good or evil (evil is the path right now), mainly because our supremacy is a problem, an illusion, we end up corrupting our alterations.

Maybe the so called inventor of plastic (obtained by pre-existing chemical interactions) should have thought twice and asked himself: will my creation respect Life in the long run? Instead of going for the big bucks.

Meanwhile plastic pollution is another scourge. Me an hypocrite? Plz come down from your pedestal and look around you... everything is fake, bunk, and utterly destructive.

so there you have it folks: the NWO is winning because they have succeed to turn the respect for creation into a trashy stance.

I suggest you stop eating those human engineered fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, roots, eggs, chickens, that you largely subsist on today. Eat only what you can find in the wild, since you have such a problem with human created foods. Come back in a year and tell us your experience Hypocrite! Crabapples tastes wonderful.

1st October 2016, 08:05 AM
LOL... keep turning a blind eye to the massive destruction of Nature because man thinks he own Her.

we didnt create any original DNA but alter it as soon as we discover how its potential. but because our supremacy is a problem, an illusion, we end up corrupting our alterations
The biggest problem is corporate rights. If those corporate behemoth fictions lost the rights and privileges and obligations that only should be endowed to human beings, and those human beings at those associations were personally responsible for the crimes they commit in the name of that corporation. The problem with environmental destruction would go away.

But instead of supporting such a move you are instead arguing against my and crimethinks ideas, to no end, even to the absurd point that humans doesn't in essence create or invent anything and therefore has no right to what they create.

The creator created us in his image, what do you think that means in regards to our (human) ability to create?

Aliens did it?

1st October 2016, 08:10 AM
...we do not own anything, intellectually and physically.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SrYAF9rrHJU/hqdefault.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mL1OFA7LPrY/hqdefault.jpg

1st October 2016, 08:28 AM
Maybe the so called inventor of plastic (obtained by pre-existing chemical interactions) should have thought twice and asked himself: will my creation respect Life in the long run? Instead of going for the big bucks.

Meanwhile plastic pollution is another scourge. Me an hypocrite? Plz come down from your pedestal and look around you... everything is fake, bunk, and utterly destructive.

so there you have it folks: the NWO is winning because they have succeed to turn the respect for creation into a trashy stance.

Well stop using products using plastic then, hypocrite, like circuit boards, like the one inside the device you are spewing your bullshit on. You are totally devoid of any morality backing up your insane ideas.

1st October 2016, 10:04 AM
you are dishonest

Coming from you, that has to be a compliment.

you cannot wrap your mind around the fact that we do not own anything, intellectually and physically.

What's your home address? I'd like to come on over and raid your fridge, every day. I'd like to borrow your car...permanently.

1st October 2016, 10:08 AM
Explain how Gutenberg discovered the printing press. Where was it before he constructed it?

It was invented in Black Africa, in 18,537 BC.

1st October 2016, 10:21 AM
Like Newton discovering the natural laws of gravity...

There is no constant Gravity, it IS invented.

Sorry just thought I'd poke my head in here to see what all the fuss were over.

1st October 2016, 08:02 PM
sure the same trio at it again, resorting to senseless pix and alluding to the skin color because what I am saying cannot be disproven. ROFLOL. You lost again the opportunity to mark your stance intellectually.

We do not own anything... on your death bed, it will be you and the creator and earth. Your last will will just pass on this deadly illusion (and the most powerful NWO weapon) to your kids and grand kids.

The NWO laughs all the way long... as long as humans believe they can own (identify themselves to their possessions) anything they are manipulable.

Matter (materialism) is a complete illusion...

MAX PLANK: we must assume behind this Force the existence of an conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter (@1:30min)...


That so-called decent IQs, cannot fathom the above, is amazing and deeply puzzling. But there you have it, that is why the NWO is here to stay, because people go through life like cavemen, sticking to only what they see and touch.

Owning knowledge and earth is an insult to Creation. Sorry folks. Either caused by arrogance or ignorance. And more importantly, none of you seem to grasp the war that is being waged on Reality.

I repeat again: all the knowledge that exists belongs to the Universe and therefore shouldn't/cannot be patented, trademarked nor copyrighted.

err was max plank a black guy perhaps???

1st October 2016, 08:28 PM
Good one

there is no constant gravity, it is invented.

Sorry just thought i'd poke my head in here to see what all the fuss were over.

1st October 2016, 08:49 PM
Neuro, I am sure that there was a lot of social pressure at the time to find a way to resolve the problem of hand written books.

The environment played a major role coupled with the capacity of his imagination. The greatest discoveries always surface when either an old theory doesnt hold any water anymore and/or when there is a high demand.

The discoveries of the wheel and the printing press for example were bound to happen.

but like I said he must have know other facts, then just added his 2 cents. That is how ALL knowledge progresses. Thinking that one owns an idea or concept because of those 2 cents is really arrogant. No idea nor concept is fully original, there always has an history behind.


Eleventh century
A Chinese man named Pi-Sheng develops type characters from hardened clay, creating the first movable type. The fairly soft material hampers the success of this technology.

Twelfth century
Papermaking reaches Europe.

Thirteenth century
Type characters cast from metal (bronze) are developed in Japan and China. The oldest known text printed from this type of metal type dates to the year 1397 AD.

so much for the gutenberg from africa, right. ;D

Gutenberg's so-called invention is another deception? Maybe, one thing is certain, he got way too much credit for it. Makes me think of columbus.

Originally Posted by Neuro View Post
Explain how Gutenberg discovered the printing press. Where was it before he constructed it?

2nd October 2016, 02:11 AM
Well stop using products using plastic then, hypocrite, like circuit boards, like the one inside the device you are spewing your bullshit on. You are totally devoid of any morality backing up your insane ideas.

Hey, why don't you stop using that worthless dangerous Plastic discovery Goldie? Or don't you give a shit about nature?

2nd October 2016, 02:14 AM
Neuro, I am sure that there was a lot of social pressure at the time to find a way to resolve the problem of hand written books.

The environment played a major role coupled with the capacity of his imagination. The greatest discoveries always surface when either an old theory doesnt hold any water anymore and/or when there is a high demand.

The discoveries of the wheel and the printing press for example were bound to happen.

but like I said he must have know other facts, then just added his 2 cents. That is how ALL knowledge progresses. Thinking that one owns an idea or concept because of those 2 cents is really arrogant. No idea nor concept is fully original, there always has an history behind.


Eleventh century
A Chinese man named Pi-Sheng develops type characters from hardened clay, creating the first movable type. The fairly soft material hampers the success of this technology.

Twelfth century
Papermaking reaches Europe.

Thirteenth century
Type characters cast from metal (bronze) are developed in Japan and China. The oldest known text printed from this type of metal type dates to the year 1397 AD.

so much for the gutenberg from africa, right. ;D

Gutenberg's so-called invention is another deception? Maybe, one thing is certain, he got way too much credit for it. Makes me think of columbus.

Bla, bla, bla, bla.... Continue your monologue.

2nd October 2016, 04:47 AM
No idea nor concept is ever fully original. The process bringing about any new discoveries is not taught in schools and if it were, genius would be more common because man would feel on the same wavelength with Nature and his deep self, his brain more connected with the cosmic electricity/mind.

It is the way society approaches knowledge that is the problem. Dominion over nature doesnt mean supremacy but the possibility to escape darwinism.

We applauded Bill Gates and gave him all the patents and trademarked possible and now the Matrix is about to become a total prison. Yet the majority still look at him as if he was a god.

It is because academic criteria (definition of invention) are preventing knowledge from circulating faster than it is, we would be several centuries ahead if patents, copyrights and trademarks didnt exist. But I digress, deep state and darpa for example are very ahead of anything we can imagine. Meanwhile some fight for the "slants" trademark. Ridiculous!

I'd suggest the corbette report video: The Mind Revolution, it really describes the causality behind the only intellectual revolution WILL beat the NWO, which operates on a metaphysical level. Meaning that materialism cannot defeat it. And in order to do so, we'll have to let go 4000 years of false induced perceptions and master what was taught in the 'mystery schools'. We have to go back to when it went all wrong, when an elite decided to *protect* the masses from this knowledge because it was threatening their rule.

Knowledge is not marketable, and never will

2nd October 2016, 05:00 AM
It is because academic criteria (definition of invention) are preventing knowledge from expanding faster than it is, we would be several centuries ahead if patents, copyrights and trademarks didnt exist.

Ok. I can copy the eBook you are still trying to sell on Amazon...replace your name with my name as Author...and sell it as my own.



2nd October 2016, 05:25 AM
bingo, my book has always been FREE of charge on my site with a permission to reprint with link to my site.... and no longer on amazon because amazon wont allow me to access certain features of "kindle select" to promote the book precisely BECAUSE it is FREE on my site. I was able to write it because the topic is documented for free on the net and I threw in my original 2 cents. And then gave it back to the Universe. How all knowledge should be handled.

meanwhile I paid to OWN my rights to self-publish 120 bucks to have a link on amazon... another scam obviously

You lost Book... you lost again. You will never be able to pigeonhole me and you'd better get used to the idea.

and I am currently writing a new metaphilosophical blueprint that will prepare people for the upcoming Mind Revolution, which will also be available for FREE. ;D but part of a film documentary fundraiser. A doc (sponsored by generosity) based on the FREE book. Yeah, go ahead trash that again because you have nothing else to do and I laugh at you all the way long.

Poor you, really. Drop it. You do not even realize that you are speaking of stealing, while I am speaking of honesty and humility. My free book clearly credits this knowledge that has been out there for 2000 years and acknowledges its Russellian influence.

Ok. I can copy the eBook you are still trying to sell on Amazon...replace your name with my name as Author...and sell it as my own.



2nd October 2016, 05:52 AM
bingo, my book has always been FREE of charge my site with a permission to reprint with link to my site.... and no longer on amazon because amazon wont allow me to access certain features of "kindle select" to promote the book precisely BECAUSE it is FREE on my site. I was able to write it because the topic is documented for free on the net and I threw in my 2 original cents. And give it back to the Universe. How all knowledge should be handled.

meanwhile I paid to OWN my rights to self-publish 120 bucks to have a link on amazon... another scam obviously

You lost Book... you lost again. You will never be able to pigeonhole me and you'd better get used to the idea. ...

Poor you, really

No you lost again Goldi:

1) You yourself insist that "your" thoughts are just derived from previous works.

2) You yourself don't link to those previous source websites but insist that we link back to yours.

3) You yourself in this very thread insist that "your" 2 cents are not original thought.

:D poor Goldi

2nd October 2016, 05:58 AM
because you think that your supremacism is original perhaps?

ooh yes I DO link previous sources and endorse them, they ALL have links on my site.

I just said that I added my ORIGINAL 2 CENTS. go back and reread my previous posting

if you want to win this debate, just prove that any thought can be fully original, not influenced by any other one... waiting. YOU LOST

You are a dishonest troll on top of that. You twist everything to suit your agenda.

No you lost again Goldi:

1) You yourself insist that "your" thoughts are just derived from previous works.

2) You yourself don't link to those previous source websites but insist that we link back to yours.

3) You yourself in this very thread insist that "your" 2 cents are not original thought.

:D poor Goldi

2nd October 2016, 06:29 AM
if you want to win this debate, just prove that any thought can be fully original, not influenced by any other one... waiting.

So you now admit that "your" two added cents are in fact not actually original either.

:) indeed

2nd October 2016, 07:00 AM
Drop it.... I am precisely saying that my added 2 cents are my own *originality* but gives the credit where it is due, and thanking all my sources for allowing me to humbly formulate the latter.

DROP IT. You can continue the conversation with yourself now

so you now admit that "your" two added cents are in fact not actually original either.

:) indeed

2nd October 2016, 07:01 AM
meanwhile I paid to OWN my rights to self-publish 120 bucks to have a link on amazon... another scam obviously

You paid to own your rights to self-publish? Don't you automatically have that, entirely free of charge, if you are the author/creator of a book? Or did you just discover the book somewhere?

2nd October 2016, 07:20 AM
nice try

you dont read well, it is required by the amazon monopoly. Regardless of the book being available for free or not PRIOR signing up with amazon, to get a ISBN code..

It is only when I got my link on amazon that I read that kindle select promotional features demand an exclusivity with amazon. Which I DECLINED because I want to have this book available free of charge.

People would have paid $1.50 on amazon, which I consider a donation since any sale/donation entitles to get a FREE copy of the extended version, which is due in a few months. But I do not mind releasing the full version for free after a while. The short version is already dense anyway.

Hope you have overcome the gutenberg half deception.

But now you can continue talking to book. Keep patting each other on the back just for the sake of being mean instead of addressing the property and metaphysical origins of Knowledge. Good job NWO!

You paid to own your rights to self-publish? Don't you automatically have that, entirely free of charge, if you are the author/creator of a book? Or did you just discover the book somewhere?

2nd October 2016, 07:54 AM
LMAO Gutenberg deception? There was no printing press before Gutenberg with his toil invented, constructed and built one. You would rather discredit him then admit he actually did something worthwhile.

My reading comprehension is excellent. However less can be said about your writing skills.

3rd October 2016, 10:34 AM

I would venture to say that Humans mimic the creator God... and in essence the "being made in the image of God" requires man to create. Every working part of a city is the creation and fashion of man's hands. plumbing, electric appliances, etc.

The elements are already there, sand, stone, metal, etc., but man uses these elements to create things. Teflon is a creation of man. There is no Teflon mine. Internal combustion engines are a creation of man, you can go on forever... the elements of music are already there, but man fashions them into musical sounds never heard before. These are creations. There are even food creations.

The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. (Gen 11)

I call "working" and "creating" the core fundamental (prime directive, if you will) of what God wants us to do with our lives.

3rd October 2016, 10:50 AM

I would venture to say that Humans mimic the creator God... and in essence the "being made in the image of God" requires man to create. Every working part of a city is the creation and fashion of man's hands. plumbing, electric appliances, etc.

The elements are already there, sand, stone, metal, etc., but man uses these elements to create things. Teflon is a creation of man. There is no Teflon mine. Internal combustion engines are a creation of man, you can go on forever... the elements of music are already there, but man fashions them into musical sounds never heard before. These are creations. There are even food creations.

I call "working" and "creating" the core fundamental (prime directive, if you will) of what God wants us to do with our lives.

Very well said !


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3rd October 2016, 11:18 AM
LMAO Gutenberg deception? There was no printing press before Gutenberg with his toil invented, constructed and built one. You would rather discredit him then admit he actually did something worthwhile.

My reading comprehension is excellent. However less can be said about your writing skills.

I think Singular is referring to this:

It is a little-known but undisputed historical fact that Johannes Gutenberg did not invent the printing press. Though the Gutenberg Bible was certainly the first mass produced printed work, it was hardly the first printed book — nor was it even the first made using movable type. Chinese and Korean inventors had been producing printed books for centuries before Gutenberg was born.
One of the truisms of Western history is that a German guy named Gutenberg invented the printing press, changing the course of civilization forever. There is no doubt that Gutenberg’s printing press was a novel technology. But to say that he invented the printing press is like saying Steve Jobs or Bill Gates invented the computer. He certainly made it a commercially available device, but Gutenberg’s role was as a popularizer and entrepreneur. As a technology, the printing press has its origins in Asia, where it existed for centuries before making its way to the West. Gutenberg’s real genius was in adapting the technology for a Western market, capitalizing on a few quirks of the Roman alphabet to bring printed books to the mainstream.

3rd October 2016, 12:06 PM
sure, I would basically agree with what you say

Humans' purpose is to replicate all the laws involved in the act of God's creation and find applications matching their level of awareness and minds. That is precisely why my stance is which that we do not invent but discover.

I am absolutely fine with the word creator, it is faaaaar better than inventor.


I would venture to say that Humans mimic the creator God... and in essence the "being made in the image of God" requires man to create. Every working part of a city is the creation and fashion of man's hands. plumbing, electric appliances, etc.

The elements are already there, sand, stone, metal, etc., but man uses these elements to create things. Teflon is a creation of man. There is no Teflon mine. Internal combustion engines are a creation of man, you can go on forever... the elements of music are already there, but man fashions them into musical sounds never heard before. These are creations. There are even food creations.

I call "working" and "creating" the core fundamental (prime directive, if you will) of what God wants us to do with our lives.

3rd October 2016, 12:29 PM
Gutenberg was for sure aware of the evolution of the printing process in china and very interested in it. I am certain about it. China, back then, was very trendy due to the famous Silk Road, so all news spread very quickly. Marco Polo also traveled there and witnessed hyperinflation caused by the first chinese paper currencies. That must have given some in the West great ideas.

As I already have stipulated, I have a slight dyslexia: words/phrases sometimes jump in my mind and need to be straightened up a bit. Sorry, I cannot work that fast, especially when I feel like some pay more attention to my look than my words. But that is all fine, it incredibly helps me control my own thoughts and stay calm.

my point also is that all cultures have shown exceptionalism, high creativity levels.

LMAO Gutenberg deception? There was no printing press before Gutenberg with his toil invented, constructed and built one. You would rather discredit him then admit he actually did something worthwhile.

My reading comprehension is excellent. However less can be said about your writing skills.

3rd October 2016, 03:23 PM
I am precisely saying that my added 2 cents are my own *originality*

No, you merely "discovered" it. :rolleyes:

3rd October 2016, 03:30 PM
yes, no problem... sometime the thin line can be very blurred.

No, you merely "discovered" it. :rolleyes:

3rd October 2016, 05:27 PM
every human creative expression is unique, so yes we can talk of uniqueness or originality but all operating within the same Laws and discovery process. Hence me using the word blurred which is not really appropriate. But I guess you all get what I mean.

yes, no problem... sometime the thin line can be very blurred.