View Full Version : Sex robot cafe aims to offer Londoners fellatio with coffee

1st October 2016, 06:32 AM
when materialism takes over sexuality, people become empty but think more sex will fill the void. Another area pointing to the social damage caused by materialism. However equating sexuality to power or/and money is nothing new, 4000+ years of mind control is going take a heavy toll
Sex robot cafe aims to offer Londoners fellatio with their morning coffee
1 October 2016 GMT


An entrepreneur who hopes to open London’s first ‘fellatio cafe’ has revealed his staff will be made up entirely of sex robots.

Businessman Bradley Charvet, who plans to open the ‘blow job cafe’ in Paddington, claims the sex-bots will be programmable to a person’s needs and will soon be seen as “totally normal.”

A 15-minute oral sex session with an espresso will set punters back just £60 (US$78). Hungry patrons will have to pay extra for a pastry.

The coffee shop is due to open after Charvet launches his first cafe in Geneva, Switzerland, later this year.

1st October 2016, 07:23 AM
....and we thought the Romans and Greeks were fucked up! 78 bucks to get head from a piece of rubber (the pastry is extra). I was NEVER that hard up.

"Leave the robot, take the cannolis!"


1st October 2016, 08:35 AM
Can't wait to get my robot waifu. No more 3DPDs.


Spergs will rule the world one day.

1st October 2016, 09:25 AM
it is impossible to prevent man from creating bots and cyborgs, knowledge cannot be stopped, but if such creations associate humans to useless eaters/subraces... and that it justifies their genocide on top of that, is just plain satanism/archonism.

somebody who chooses a robot because s/he can't have a decent relationship(s) with a human(s), has inner balance issues. Just saying. Robots and cyborgs are not an escape, eventually the problem will resurface since everything works within a loop. A natural law.

Our creations will remain harmful til we can find inner peace/self-love. Society is into absolute self hatred mode... welcome agenda 21, we stand ready.

Can't wait to get my robot waifu. No more 3DPDs.

Spergs will rule the world one day.

1st October 2016, 09:52 AM
That robot photoed does not contain enough melanin skin pigmentation to be diversely popular.

Though All Robot lives do matter...

1st October 2016, 10:22 AM
The Talmudic Plan for the Goyim is always going forward.

(((Their))) efforts to completely separate the reproductive instinct from the Natural Purpose continues.

1st October 2016, 10:36 AM
Look on the bright side. This will create jobs. Some guy will have to go around with a mop and clean up the robots after they get used. Sounds like a great job for a liberal arts major.

1st October 2016, 12:04 PM

1st October 2016, 12:15 PM
Look on the bright side. This will create jobs. Some guy will have to go around with a mop and clean up the robots after they get used. Sounds like a great job for a liberal arts major.

Why a mop?

1st October 2016, 02:30 PM
Why a mop?

I have no idea how to clean a used sex robot. What do you recommend, a squeegee?

1st October 2016, 02:46 PM
I have no idea how to clean a used sex robot. What do you recommend, a squeegee?

I think there's an app for that

1st October 2016, 02:50 PM
I have no idea how to clean a used sex robot. What do you recommend, a squeegee?

It's a smorgabord of protein shakes for any typical "liberal arts major."

1st October 2016, 02:59 PM
Maybe they milk the MGTOW's and then sell the sperm to the Lesbo Cafe across the street.

1st October 2016, 03:21 PM
I have no idea how to clean a used sex robot. What do you recommend, a squeegee?


1st October 2016, 07:47 PM
The Talmudic Plan for the Goyim is always going forward.

(((Their))) efforts to completely separate the reproductive instinct from the Natural Purpose continues.

Yes. Shami, if you want to thwart their plan for you and your people, the best way to do it is not to shitpost online, but to find a nice Christian girl to marry and have kids with. My wife and I are both of pure German descent and have done our part to increase our numbers beyond ourselves (we have more than 2 kids). My kids will carry the torch when I am old and tired; who will do it for you when you get old?

1st October 2016, 08:22 PM
who will do it for you when you get old?


(manufactured by Cohen Autonomics, Inc.)

1st October 2016, 08:54 PM

<<<<NSFW Image I would have posted but can't since of Muh Christian Feels.>>>> (https://postimg.org/image/sxwsl4ff5/)

At the end of the day, I'm the most important person in the Universe. Giving myself up for some ideal is not something I'll ever do. I'll only help do the "right thing" as long as it doesn't seriously effect me, and gives me some entertainment. I don't give charity. I don't give gifts unless I'm trying to get something from someone.


1st October 2016, 10:59 PM
At the end of the day, I'm the most important person in the Universe. Giving myself up for some ideal is not something I'll ever do. I'll only help do the "right thing" as long as it doesn't seriously effect me, and gives me some entertainment. I don't give charity. I don't give gifts unless I'm trying to get something from someone.

This is exactly - and I mean, exactly - what the Skypes have wanted Goyish youth to feel like since at least The Protocols.

Ideals are for "chumps," sacrifices are for fools. "It's all about me."

And that's how families, communities, nations, and civilizations die.

1st October 2016, 11:18 PM
And that's how families, communities, nations, and civilizations die.


I know. I'm fucked either way. I'd rather do what I'm doing now, and leave the possibility that I change my mind when I feel like I need/want to.

My life is too awesome right now to fuck up.

1st October 2016, 11:32 PM
At the end of the day, I'm the most important person in the Universe. Giving myself up for some ideal is not something I'll ever do. I'll only help do the "right thing" as long as it doesn't seriously effect me, and gives me some entertainment. I don't give charity. I don't give gifts unless I'm trying to get something from someone.

You're also totally on your own wtshtf.


1st October 2016, 11:53 PM
You're also totally on your own wtshtf.


No, I have some friends IRL I trust.

A woman would slow me down and get me killed. I've been getting in shape, and hunting more and more lately. I can trek farther than I've ever gone before.

Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd October 2016, 01:41 AM
This is Huxley's Brave New World on steroids.

2nd October 2016, 03:03 AM

I know. I'm fucked either way. I'd rather do what I'm doing now, and leave the possibility that I change my mind when I feel like I need/want to.

My life is too awesome right now to fuck up.

Do what your ancestors and your racial cousins - like George Lincoln Rockwell - did.

Ignore the screeches of hypocritical Jewesses like Alisa "Ayn Rand" Rosenbaum and forked-tongue spew of Jews like Howard "Anton LaVey" Levey.

2nd October 2016, 03:08 AM
No, I have some friends IRL I trust.

A woman would slow me down and get me killed. I've been getting in shape, and hunting more and more lately. I can trek farther than I've ever gone before.

I don't know what your past family life was like, but you don't understand "family." Would those "friends IRL" die for you? Can you count on them to risk everything for you? That's what family would do. And "family" doesn't have to be blood.

Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

1) why the advice? We give a shit about you. We have hope for you. No man left behind.

2) what you describe about your "life" would be a living Hell for most of us. It's not who you are inside, no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise. You know the Call of the Blood is in there, but continue to hang on to the Enemy's "way of 'life'" (sic) instead. Your implicit admission in the previous post with Rockwell tells me what I needed to know.

2nd October 2016, 04:45 AM
No, I have some friends IRL I trust.

A woman would slow me down and get me killed. I've been getting in shape, and hunting more and more lately. I can trek farther than I've ever gone before. Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

At the end of the day, I'm the most important person in the Universe. Giving myself up for some ideal is not something I'll ever do. I'll only help do the "right thing" as long as it doesn't seriously effect me, and gives me some entertainment. I don't give charity. I don't give gifts unless I'm trying to get something from someone.


Your friends IRL should never trust you.


2nd October 2016, 06:08 AM
No, I have some friends IRL I trust.

A woman would slow me down and get me killed. I've been getting in shape, and hunting more and more lately. I can trek farther than I've ever gone before.

Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

Don't you realize there are people here who know more about what's best for you than YOU do? C'mon. get with the program!

2nd October 2016, 07:39 AM
advice is really tricky because personal experience is all that is... but there is a natural law that says that attempting to escape a problem does not make the problem go away but reinforce it.

Sex with a robot will amplify the problem (inner issues) for the vast majority because so many have been disillusioned and lost trust in their fellow humans, their emotions are fragmented and cut off already. But that is the agenda.

No, I have some friends IRL I trust.

A woman would slow me down and get me killed. I've been getting in shape, and hunting more and more lately. I can trek farther than I've ever gone before.

Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

2nd October 2016, 12:14 PM
Interesting, How did self sacrifice works its way into this thread?

I dont believe self sacrifice has ever done much good for anyone, it certainly is not giving freely, which is more beneficial to all.

2nd October 2016, 04:33 PM
Dunno why everyone is trying to give me life advice. I don't want to share in your misery. I'm better off than 99% of people. Everyone I see around me is miserable. What I'm doing works for me.

Two reasons.

One, if your work and everything you fight for dies with you, why should anyone care, it's just a waiting game for you to be out of the picture.

Two, there aren't many folks like us left, and the only way we increase in the long run is with offspring who share our views and carry on when we can't. Think about how much effort has been put into making googles increase their numbers, skypes increase their numbers, everyone but white people increase their numbers. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's a sacrifice. But in the long run, if you leave 2, 3, 4 or more kids behind who share your views we'll all be better off. So really we all have an interest in working together for the future of our people.

2nd October 2016, 04:46 PM
Blowjob and a coffee before work while the wife is sleeping or tending to the kids? Sure. It's not like adultery or anything, just trying to wake up before work. $78.00 too high tho. Can get those in detroit on 8 mile for 10 bux with a live participant.

3rd October 2016, 03:00 AM
Two reasons.

One, if your work and everything you fight for dies with you, why should anyone care, it's just a waiting game for you to be out of the picture.

Two, there aren't many folks like us left, and the only way we increase in the long run is with offspring who share our views and carry on when we can't. Think about how much effort has been put into making niggers increase their numbers, jews increase their numbers, everyone but white people increase their numbers. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's a sacrifice. But in the long run, if you leave 2, 3, 4 or more kids behind who share your views we'll all be better off. So really we all have an interest in working together for the future of our people.

Even the future of civilized humanity. White people go= End of civilization!

3rd October 2016, 01:08 PM
Even Spok Jr. had these issues in the new Beyond film, Shami and he was perplexed.

Dont worry I think your a "made" man :)

18th January 2017, 06:09 AM
will appreciate the 'real thing" even more ... that is how they sold us globalization, that the latter would be a win-win for everybody.

the real goal is to make genders obsolete.

Sex between husbands and wives will only be for 'special occasions' because ROBOTS will satisfy everyday needs, experts predict
18 January 2017 GMT

‘Married couples will only have sex on special occasions, turning to robots to satisfy their day-to-day needs, experts have predicted.

Speaking at an international robotics conference, those working in the field predicted that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in the bedroom will be the norm within 25 years.

Dr Trudy Barber, an expert in the relationship between technology and sexual intercourse, compared the rise of sex robots to that of the e-book and said the machine would allow people to appreciate ‘the real thing’ more.’



midnight rambler
18th January 2017, 07:02 AM
Only the unhinged could manage to carry on an intimate conversation with a soulless machine.

will appreciate the 'real thing" even more ... that is how they sold us globalization, that the latter would be a win-win for everybody.

the real goal is to make genders obsolete.

Sex between husbands and wives will only be for 'special occasions' because ROBOTS will satisfy everyday needs, experts predict
18 January 2017 GMT

‘Married couples will only have sex on special occasions, turning to robots to satisfy their day-to-day needs, experts have predicted.

Speaking at an international robotics conference, those working in the field predicted that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in the bedroom will be the norm within 25 years.

Dr Trudy Barber, an expert in the relationship between technology and sexual intercourse, compared the rise of sex robots to that of the e-book and said the machine would allow people to appreciate ‘the real thing’ more.’



18th January 2017, 03:49 PM
Only the unhinged could manage to carry on an intimate conversation with a soulless machine.

That machine has much more soul than many many bitches I dated.

midnight rambler
18th January 2017, 03:52 PM
That machine has much more soul than many many bitches I dated.

You leave me with the impression you could stand to raise your standards. lol

18th January 2017, 04:13 PM
Sex between husbands and wives will only be for 'special occasions' because ROBOTS will satisfy everyday needs, experts predict

Well, 'experts predict'. Who are these so called experts? My thoughts are that everything in our society seems to try to divide man and woman. I'd like to meet these experts who predict and kick them in the balls with my work boot. They are experts at BS, but that's about it.

I'll state the obvious. Robots can absolutely never replace our relationships with real people. It doesn't take an expert, to figure that out, imo.

18th January 2017, 06:07 PM
So, is the cleaning part considered bio-hazard?

18th January 2017, 06:13 PM
You leave me with the impression you could stand to raise your standards. lol

I did, back then it was just fun. To score 10-20 chicks for the next week was the challenge. Worked a few years til I realized the reality that all these chicks are a big fail. Married one that proved it.

19th January 2017, 10:40 AM

((they)) have crossed the rubicon

anybody who cares about participating in an intellectual movement for/by humans willing to remain humans, is free to message me. Forget all the other threats, they are just distractions in the face of what is coming


19th January 2017, 02:58 PM
the prophets have written....


20th July 2017, 12:46 PM
no more explanation needed: lust is a capital sin

‘It seems a new frontier has been reached in the fast-paced world of Artificial Intelligence, but as fast as technology is able to advance, it can still be reproached for moral retrogression.

This has been the subject of debate after the recent advertisement of ‘Roxxxy TrueCompanion’, a robot you can buy and simulate raping with a simple switch in setting.

One of the programmable personalities for the robot is ‘Frigid Farrah’, described as “reserved and shy” on the True Companion company website. Like ‘Wild Wendy’ and ‘S & M Susan’ whose characteristics are self-ascribed, the website says that for Frigid Farrah, if you touch her “in a private area, more than likely, she will not be to appreciative of your advance.”’

Read more: New sex robots with ‘frigid’ settings allow men to simulate rape

20th July 2017, 12:59 PM
no more explanation needed: lust is a capital sin

‘It seems a new frontier has been reached in the fast-paced world of Artificial Intelligence, but as fast as technology is able to advance, it can still be reproached for moral retrogression.

This has been the subject of debate after the recent advertisement of ‘Roxxxy TrueCompanion’, a robot you can buy and simulate raping with a simple switch in setting.

One of the programmable personalities for the robot is ‘Frigid Farrah’, described as “reserved and shy” on the True Companion company website. Like ‘Wild Wendy’ and ‘S & M Susan’ whose characteristics are self-ascribed, the website says that for Frigid Farrah, if you touch her “in a private area, more than likely, she will not be to appreciative of your advance.”’

Read more: New sex robots with ‘frigid’ settings allow men to simulate rape

Such things would never be developed in a Christian society. We should be striving against this sort of thing, not catering to it.