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1st October 2016, 12:00 PM
What will this mean to us?

BREAKING: OBAMA JUST TURNED INTERNET Over To International Body With NO Congressional Approval…4 AG’S From These States Are FIGHTING BACK!
By 100% FED Up - Oct 1, 2016

Has Obama sacrificed the freedom of speech we enjoy on the internet, as a way to boost his standing with foreign dictators, as he campaigns to be the next UN Secretary General?

Washington (AFP) – The US government on Saturday ended its formal oversight role over the internet, handing over management of the online address system to a global non-profit entity.

The US Commerce Department announced that its contract had expired with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which manages the internet’s so-called “root zone.”

That leaves ICANN as a self-regulating organization that will be operated by the internet’s “stakeholders” — engineers, academics, businesses, non-government and government groups.

The move is part of a decades-old plan by the US to “privatize” the internet, and backers have said it would help maintain its integrity around the world.

US and ICANN officials have said the contract had given Washington a symbolic role as overseer or the internet’s “root zone” where new online domains and addresses are created.

But critics, including some US lawmakers, argued that this was a “giveaway” by Washington that could allow authoritarian regimes to seize control.

A last-ditch effort by critics to block the plan — a lawsuit filed by four US states — failed when a Texas federal judge refused to issue an injunction to stop the transition.

Lawrence Strickling, who heads the Commerce Department unit which has managed these functions, issued a brief statement early Saturday confirming the transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

“As of October 1, 2016, the IANA functions contract has expired,” he said.

Stephen Crocker, ICANN’s board chairman and one of the engineers who developed the early internet protocols, welcomed the end of the contract.

“This transition was envisioned 18 years ago, yet it was the tireless work of the global Internet community, which drafted the final proposal, that made this a reality,” he said in a statement.

“This community validated the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance. It has shown that a governance model defined by the inclusion of all voices, including business, academics, technical experts, civil society, governments and many others is the best way to assure that the Internet of tomorrow remains as free, open and accessible as the Internet of today.”

The Internet Society, a group formed by internet founders aimed at keeping the system open, said the transition was a positive step.

“The IANA transition is a powerful illustration of the multi-stakeholder model and an affirmation of the principle that the best approach to address challenges is through bottom-up, transparent, and consensus-driven processes,” the group said in a statement.


1st October 2016, 12:17 PM
I would guess it means that the relative freedom of the internet is over now. It's probably like when control of banking was handed over to private Federal Reserve Bank owned by the major banks.

It was nice knowing you guys!

1st October 2016, 12:22 PM
What will this mean to us?

Initially, nothing. No changes.

Eventually, however, we will see ICANN "acting in accordance with international law" and banning domains that are "illegal," such as those that "promote hate and discrimination." Like this one we're posting on.

4 AG’S From These States Are FIGHTING BACK!

A Federal whore threw out their petition for redress of grievances:


The move is part of a decades-old plan by the US to “privatize” the internet

Wait, what?

I thought the Capitalists and "libertarians" told us that "privatizing" all of the People's property is a "good" thing?

1st October 2016, 12:39 PM
The thing is, this is the first time I hear about this as far as I can recall. Does anyone else have this feeling?

This maybe the biggest thing that has happened in this century in terms of overtake of power over freedom of speech, and it has literally happened overnight with no debate, no vote, nothing.

This really is scary as hell.

1st October 2016, 01:21 PM
The thing is, this is the first time I hear about this as far as I can recall. Does anyone else have this feeling?

This maybe the biggest thing that has happened in this century in terms of overtake of power over freedom of speech, and it has literally happened overnight with no debate, no vote, nothing.

This really is scary as hell.

I've been on the Internet for 23 years. I've seen freedom dwindle each year. At one time, the Internet was a place that intelligent folks populated, even if we had serious ideological disagreements. And then AOL flooded every retard online. And then "the authorities" took notice of the freedom.

This isn't the "end of the world," but it will make things much more difficult in coming years. Eventually, America, and any other country that wants to actually have free speech, may have to reestablish a domain name registry under its control, serving its ideals.

One thing I'd recommend doing is start recording all possible IP addresses for threatened sites, and keep them safe. The easiest way to censor a site is to cancel its domain name registration (or just redirect it to an unwanted place). Blocking an IP is much, much harder, since you take the centralized domain name translation out of the equation. All a domain name is, is an easy way to access the wholly-numeric IP address; it will get harder as IPv6* becomes more implemented, too.

* Google IPv4 (old/currently dominant system) DNS server address: / Google IPv6 (new system) DNS server address: 2001:4860:4860::8888

1st October 2016, 01:52 PM
This is the 20 member board that are in charge of the Internet now...


Many are potential duals, and some are certainly so!


1st October 2016, 02:13 PM
I say we win. Name another country more evil and sinister than the US. I feel better that the US DOESN'T control it

1st October 2016, 02:31 PM
I say we win. Name another country more evil and sinister than the US. I feel better that the US DOESN'T control it

No we don't, it is sure not much, but with US gov controll, at least there is some compliance with laws regulating Freedom of speech and transparency. Internet control will now be transferred to a totally opaque private organization, who only answers to who ever controls it. This move is supported by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, so it is a good bet they are in control of this organization. Just like JPM, Goldman-Sachs etc are in controll of Federal Reserve.

This will be the ultimate demise of a free internet