View Full Version : 5,000,000 jobs for National Service Reserve

1st October 2016, 12:48 PM
preparing for making up for the massive job losses due to the takeover of robotics already and seeking to contain the riots that will explode all over the place?

Clinton calls for ‘National Service Reserve’ for millennials
Published time: 30 Sep, 2016 19:35
‘Hillary Clinton wants to enlist young Americans into a national service program, where they would assist the government with anything from disaster relief to public works. The proposal is part of her push to win over millennial voters.

The Democratic presidential candidate announced the “National Service Reserve” plan on her campaign website on Friday. Clinton aims at recruiting five million Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 to help local, state and federal governments cope with a range of problems, “from natural disasters in places like Baton Rouge or emergency relief in places like Flint, MI to addressing the epidemic of addiction in places like New Hampshire.”

“The Reserve will provide a vehicle for the sense of civic ownership and responsibility that Clinton has felt throughout her life, bringing Americans from all backgrounds together in common cause to make a difference where they live,” the campaign said.’

Millennials are eager to volunteer and serve, the campaign argued, citing as example that the number of applications to AmeriCorps is five times greater than the number of openings in the paid service organization.

The former secretary of state also said she wanted to triple the size of AmeriCorps from 75,000 to 250,000 members and expand the Peace Corps. The expansion would also create new volunteer opportunities for Americans over 55, the campaign said......

She also appeared on the comedy show “Between Two Ferns” and promised free community college education and debt-free college plans for families making less than $125,000 a year.


1st October 2016, 01:10 PM
There is no intention to actually pay these servants a "living wage." Such "service" will be required for high school and college graduation, and they'll be given room & board, and, maybe, a stipend.

"Millennials are eager to volunteer and serve, the campaign argued."


"Service Guarantees Citizenship!"

1st October 2016, 01:32 PM
There is no intention to actually pay these servants a "living wage." Such "service" will be required for high school and college graduation, and they'll be given room & board, and, maybe, a stipend.

"Millennials are eager to volunteer and serve, the campaign argued."


"Service Guarantees Citizenship!"

This is a serious WTF. I think you might be right, CT, about it being required. Can't have too many unemployed young people of fighting age, gotta keep them busy....and there's no way we can pay for this without going into further debt and collapsing the dollar.

Their "service" will be containing the population in FEMA camps.

1st October 2016, 02:20 PM
If they cared they'd employ these people to repair all the damage done to the environment, and start a space race to Mars.

1st October 2016, 04:59 PM
and after taxable rebates, the overall saved income after the age of 30 will still equal 0, while retirement age is raised to 80

Would you like to know more?

2nd October 2016, 03:24 PM
Belief in government is a religion