View Full Version : Niggaz be getting a little too uppity for my patience

3rd October 2016, 08:21 AM
The Popo should be cracking some skulls


3rd October 2016, 08:23 AM
Looks like a mixed race crowd, no? Wiggers and niggers.

midnight rambler
3rd October 2016, 08:26 AM
Looks like a mixed race crowd, no? Wiggers and niggers.

And spiggers.

3rd October 2016, 08:44 AM
Facebook, google, and yahoo at their worst

3rd October 2016, 08:45 AM
What a great time in history to be a negro. The negro finally has the power they wanted. They are politically controlling sports, both political parties are fighting to get them to like them. The media is showing them and their political opinions everywhere like it's important, they get free money from the government without doing a damn thing and young white girls are gladly catching/spreading their std's to have sex with them.

It's good to be the king negro!

3rd October 2016, 03:34 PM
Looks like a mixed race crowd, no? Wiggers and niggers.

And Spiggers.

3rd October 2016, 04:54 PM
‘We run the streets’: Video shows angry mob attacking CHP patrol car with officer still inside


4th October 2016, 05:00 AM
blm community organizers doing one in dc


Terrence Sterling was an unarmed black motorist shot by a police officer who did not turn on his bodycam until after the shooting. The lack of footage has left many frustrated and protesters have taken to Washington DC’s streets to demand accountability from the police.

Over 200 protesters have shut down several streets in Washington. They began their protests at 3rd and M Street where Sterling was killed on September 11. Plans to protest on Monday were announced by DC Black Lives Matter on their Twitter page.

The demonstrators are demanding that Officer Brian Trainer, 27, be arrested and held accountable for the death of Terrence Sterling. So far, no arrests have been reported and the protests have remained peaceful and concentrated in downtown DC.

Crowd protesting police killing #TerrenceSterling recites the 'Assata Chant.' #BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/CGj1HwAx8o
— Alexander Rubinstein (@AlexR_DC) October 4, 2016

Alternating between chants of “Black lives matter,” and “No justice, no peace, no racist police,” the protests are part of larger anti-police brutality demonstrations in the US. The protesters are carrying portraits of people killed by police over the last few years. One of the demonstrators is the mother of Alonzo Smith, who was killed by private security officers in DC.

Taking the streets in DC. Justice for #TerrenceSterlingpic.twitter.com/hFCxLrrRuB
— Smash Racism DC (@SmashRacismDC) October 4, 2016

The altercation between Sterling and Trainer has been hotly debated, with Trainer claiming that he fired in self-defense after Sterling tried to hit him with his motorcycle. Witnesses have contradicted this, saying that Trainer fired from inside the cruiser and that Sterling was nowhere nearby. The video from Trainer's body camera only shows what happened after the shot, as the device had been off during the shooting.

The crowd gathering to protest the police killing of #TerrenceSterling where he was shot pic.twitter.com/iYP6fdxuQo
— Alexander Rubinstein (@AlexR_DC) October 3, 2016

Friend of #TerrenceSterling says he was a man of character, now an empty seat at Thanksgiving. #BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/fREAtlzyLB
— Alexander Rubinstein (@AlexR_DC) October 3, 2016

The protests have been peaceful so far with police accompanying the march along the way.

— Mac. (@MacAndCheeks) October 4, 2016

Showing up & demanding justice for #TerrenceSterling at the scene of his murder...by police...in our Nation's capital. #BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/A2SKODBQOT
— daphne kiplinger (@daphnekiplinger) October 4, 2016

"We're Building a Community Together" A walk through the DC Protest for #TerrenceSterlingpic.twitter.com/5437WJtaSi
— ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) October 4, 2016

4th October 2016, 06:56 AM

4th October 2016, 09:41 AM
black skull fractures matter. negro cop shows his unity...jump to 40 second mark


4th October 2016, 09:47 AM
black skull fractures matter. negro cop shows his unity...jump to 40 second mark


These two should be in prison