View Full Version : Chinese Gov: 80% of data in clinical trials have been fabricated

3rd October 2016, 09:00 AM
Most big brands have sweatshops in china/latin america and are secretly behind the knock offs and generic drugs of their own brands. There is just too much money. Couldnt find any big pharma names investigated by the chinese gov though, but I am sure the usual suspects would be listed. They would hate big pharma stocks to crash

Monetizing health/life is a plague, was bound to happen

"I don't think that the 80 percent figure is overstated," Luo said. "If you compare Western pharmaceuticals manufactured overseas with those manufactured in China, there is a huge difference in the ingredients; the quality of the China-made drugs is appalling."

Counterfeit drugs becoming big business worldwide
The discovery that a fake version of the widely used cancer medicine Avastin is circulating in the United States is raising new fears that the multibillion-dollar drug-counterfeiting trade is increasingly making inroads in the U.S.

The criminal practice has largely been relegated to poor countries with lax regulations. But with more medicines and drug ingredients for sale in the U.S. being manufactured overseas, American authorities are afraid more counterfeits will find their way into this country, putting patients' lives at risk.

'60 Minutes' examines counterfeit drug problem
NEW YORK — "Fake drugs are a big threat and an exploding threat," Kumar Kibble, deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the news program "60 Minutes" in a segment that appeared Sunday night.

Kibble, who tracks counterfeit drugs from their source in clandestine labs around the world to the United States, where they're typically sold online through rogue pharmacy sites, told "60 Minutes" that increasingly, traditional criminal groups, including many once involved in illegal drug trafficking, are shifting operations to take advantage of the low-risk/high-reward economics of the counterfeit drug trade — a $75 billion-a-year industry, according to estimates.

80% of data in Chinese clinical trials have been fabricated
3 October 2016 GMT

A Chinese government investigation has revealed that more than 80 percent of the data used in clinical trials of new pharmaceutical drugs have been "fabricated".

The report uncovered fraudulent behaviour at almost every level, and showed that some pharmaceutical companies had hidden or deleted records of potentially adverse side effects, and tampered with data that didn't meet their desired outcomes.
In light of the findings, 80 percent of current drug applications, which were awaiting approval for mass production, have now been cancelled.

The investigation, led by the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), looked at data from 1,622 clinical trials for new pharmaceutical drugs currently awaiting approval. The applications in question were all for Western medicine, not traditional Chinese medicine.

The SFDA found that the more than 80 percent of the data failed to meet analysis requirements, were incomplete, or totally non-existent.

Not only did the report find that many of the 'new' drugs awaiting approval were actually a combination of existing drugs, they also showed that many clinical trial outcomes were written before the trials had actually taken place, and the data had been simply manipulated to match what companies wanted to find.

Worst of all, it wasn't just a few scientists or pharma companies doing the dirty work. The report found that pretty much everyone involved was guilty of some kind of malpractice of fraud..........

"It's not just the medicines," he said. "In China, everything is fake, and if there's a profit in pharmaceuticals, then someone's going to fake them too."

As damning as this problem is for China's scientists, they aren't the only ones that are under more and more pressure to publish positive and "groundbreaking" results in order to keep their jobs.

A study published earlier this month revealed that the enormous pressure on academics is acting like a form of natural selection, and evolving science into something "shoddy and unreliable".


Study warns that science as we know it is evolving into something shoddy and unreliable
Welcome to "the natural selection of bad science".

Academics admit to embellishing the impact of their research to get grants
"If you don’t play the game, you don’t do well."

midnight rambler
3rd October 2016, 10:37 AM
Not everything produced in China is inferior to what's made in the west, just most of it.

I have personal first hand experience importing a conex container of food additives (I was assisting someone in that biz). The food additives were like 15% of the cost including shipping and when we tested those food additives here the quality was superior to that made here in the states. About a year later I contacted the same Chinese fellow and inquired if his company produced synthetic nicotine. He advised that they do. (it only takes a very small amount of pure nicotine to be fatal to a human) Again, I was assisting someone else who then asked for a sample of the synthetic nicotine from our source. Our source said, "Sure! Your sample is on its way." A few days later a DHL package arrived with TWO LITERS of pure synthetic nicotine - IT WAS NOT LABELED HAZ-MAT!!! HOLY SHIT!!!

3rd October 2016, 04:01 PM
I wonder how many of those companies are western operations under chinese names?

3rd October 2016, 04:26 PM
Make no mistake: most "clinical trials," and most "peer-reviewed articles" are bullshit in "the West," as well.



These are just the tiny number which are caught.

Whenever someone tells me something is "peer-reviewed," as though it is Truth, I laugh at them.

"Peer-review" is a circle-jerk for those who pretend to be intelligent.