View Full Version : Major earthquake could hit L.A. this week, according to geologists

3rd October 2016, 06:30 PM
Major earthquake could hit L.A. this week, according to geologists
Brooks Garner, KHOU , KING 6:23 PM. PDT October 03, 2016

HOUSTON-LOS ANGELES (KHOU) -- As I type this up from my perch in Houston -- an area more at risk for a meteor impact than a major earthquake -- learning of one of the first ever, "earthquake advisories" issued for Los Angeles sounds like something out of the movies. Geologists with the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council (CEPEC) say a 7.0 could hit at any moment either today or tomorrow.

The reason for the hype? A large grouping of micro-quakes have occurred with high frequency -- one after another -- in the Salton Sea, a lake located directly on the San Andreas fault southeast of Los Angeles. Earth scientists say this, "swarm" of quakes could act like the wick to a firework, triggering the infamous fault to unleash a historic and devastating 7.0+ quake right through our nation's 2nd largest city. The San Andreas fault typically shakes once every 200 years, but according to geological history it hasn't since the 17th century. If 1680 was the last big one, LA is about 136 years overdue!

We've only popularly speculated what could happen in summertime blockbusters like, "San Andreas" with The Rock and in B-movies like, "10.0 Earthquake" (which was actually pretty entertaining.) While the state of California wouldn't separate from the continent and while LA would not be sent plummeting into the sea, its countless warehouses, movie studios, cinder block buildings, scores of downtown skyscrapers, its theme parks and bridges -- all could break apart with debris falling to the streets below. A 7.0 in LA would mean that that the ground could shake for one minute straight, with violent aftershocks for days after. Fires from broken natural gas lines, impassible roads from fallen overpasses, and general mayhem would result in looting and general anarchy. The National Guard would have to swoop in -- like ASAP -- in a huge mobilization.

If LA does get a huge earthquake, it'll be horrible -- but scientifically, it'll be a landmark in earthquake forecasting. So far, there have been no successful earthquake warnings and consequently millions of lives worldwide have been lost. If they get it right, it'll not only shake up LA, but the whole world.

The chance for this happening today is roughly double what it is on any other day: only 1 in 3000. But, some geologists estimate using this same data says that there's only a 1 in 100 chance in the next day or so! In the real world, that's thankfully still a generally small chance, but if it was going to happen sometimes soon anyway, this would be the time.

With such a high risk why is life going on as usual? Schools haven't closed, work hasn't been canceled and a the largest evacuation in the history of the United States hasn't commenced. Is that a recipe for large scale disaster?

When asked, USGS seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones says,

She makes a compelling argument. We certainly saw that in the evacuation of Hurricane Rita when over 100 people died from evacuation-related accidents instead of from the actual hurricane.

Social media provides a nice reflection of how locals are coping, using dark humor to keep a cool head.

So how are folks reacting who believe this will just blow over?

That apathy is exactly why issuing forecasts have been avoided in the past. There was a fear becoming, "the boy who cried wolf" ... or, "chicken little", who said the sky was falling.


3rd October 2016, 06:40 PM
The System has technologies that could simply start a major quake on demand.


3rd October 2016, 06:42 PM
Got to remember since I was a kid they have been predicting this to happen, and I have lived for better than 50 years knowing this, and when a kid in San Diego and waking up at night after a minor shake and bake earthquake, which also was the drop and cover times of the cold war.

Waking up screaming that we have been nuked.

Yes the timer is counting down for they that live near that dam fault, and when it rips fully , seeing all the locked sections it will not be a good day for anyone living there..

That also goes for they that live in Washington state when that fault does its thing.

Not a matter of if, more a matter of when...

Bad Juju..

Despite what some think, somethings are bigger than anything that man can control..

Or image the damage caused, mother nature is a total bitch when she goes on the rag...

We are less than piss ants in comparison when it comes to controlling our enviroment.

3rd October 2016, 06:54 PM
Nothing will happen.