View Full Version : greek cops gas elderly protesting pension cuts

4th October 2016, 04:45 AM

Greek police have fired teargas and pepper spray at protesting pensioners after a group of them attempted to push over a police van near the office of the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, whose leftwing government faces mounting pressure over planned austerity measures.

More than a thousand people, some of them with canes, took part in the rally in Athens on Monday. Protesters chanted: “Shame on you, shame on you!” with one group of elderly demonstrators trying to tip over the van, triggering the police response.

Protesters ran, with one grey-haired man falling to his knees and coughing and several others appearing to be in distress.

No arrests or injuries were reported. In response to opposition party criticism, police said they were suspending indefinitely the use of teargas at “rallies of workers and pensioners”.

Greece’s leftwing government has imposed cuts on pensions this year as part of its bailout commitments to international lenders, with the International Monetary Fund pressing for tougher measures.

The latest round of cuts follows six years of bailout-related austerity measures, while nearly a quarter of Greeks remain unemployed and no longer eligible for state benefits.

4th October 2016, 04:52 AM
Only the best wear the badge.

On a side note, greece should of just bitten the bullet and filed for bankruptcy. This slow death only hurts everyone. While the quick fuck you to the banks will be temporary and fucks the banks more.

4th October 2016, 04:55 AM
Only the best wear the badge.

On a side note, greece should of just bitten the bullet and filed for bankruptcy. This slow death only hurts everyone. While the quick fuck you to the banks will be temporary and fucks the banks more.

and that little beanie hat

4th October 2016, 06:53 AM
Greek police have fired teargas and pepper spray at protesting pensioners after a group of them attempted to push over a police van near the office of the prime minister,

What do they expect? It would be nice if the cops did more of this when the niggers chimp out in the US cesspool cities.

midnight rambler
4th October 2016, 07:01 AM
Greek police have fired teargas and pepper spray at protesting pensioners after a group of them attempted to push over a police van near the office of the prime minister,

What do they expect? It would be nice if the cops did more of this when the niggers chimp out in the US cesspool cities.

Are you kidding? What's an old man going to do, whack you with a cane?? Those googles will shoot at you if not simply throw rocks at you.

4th October 2016, 07:17 AM
Are you kidding? What's an old man going to do, whack you with a cane?? Those googles will shoot at you if not simply throw rocks at you.

I can't remember the last time I tried to roll over a police van. I suppose I don't get it

4th October 2016, 12:37 PM



4th October 2016, 02:16 PM
Greece’s leftwing government has imposed cuts on pensions this year as part of its bailout commitments to (((international lenders))), with the International Monetary Fund pressing for tougher measures. The latest round of cuts follows six years of bailout-related austerity measures, while nearly a quarter of Greeks remain unemployed and no longer eligible for state benefits.

Granny's pension goyim Ha Ha

4th October 2016, 02:55 PM

4th October 2016, 05:03 PM
Granny's pension goyim Ha Ha

"Debt repudiation."

The brave move no Greek "leader" has the balls to do.

4th October 2016, 08:34 PM
anyone remember grexit? another hyped up line of bullsh-t from the skype