View Full Version : Never Before Seen Video: Obama Whines About White Privilege

4th October 2016, 08:08 AM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fItxli7-uU0

Published on Oct 4, 2016

Never before seen video provided exclusively to Infowars shows President Barack Obama complaining about white privilege during a 1990 trip to Kenya. (go to 14:40 for comments on race).

The footage, filmed and narrated by Obama’s sister Auma, shows the president on his first trip to Kenya as a young man in his 20s. Michelle Obama also accompanied her husband on the trip.

Crowdfunding platform WeSearchr (https://www.wesearchr.com/) provided the video exclusively to Infowars.

Obama says in the film: "I’m deeply saddened by a sense that whites are still superior in this country, in some sense, that if you sit at a restaurant, they’re served before a Kenyan is served. If you go through customs, a white person is going to have an easier time going through customs."

Obama also warns that “things could explode at any point” as a result of the resentment black Kenyans have towards white people.

At one point in the movie Obama says he has "a lot at stake" in building "a strong black country in Kenya."

Elsewhere, the footage shows white and Asian tourists visiting poor Kenyan villagers, a sight that offends Obama, who refused to join them on the tour according to his sister.

"These strangers move about our country as a matter of course, with disturbing confidence," she states in the video, complaining that her people "are being exhibited" for the entertainment of the tourists.

Obama's 1990 comments are fascinating given the fact that his presidency has been tainted by some of the worst race relations in America for decades, fueled by police shootings and riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and Charlotte.

"The film is full of insights into Barack Obama’s psychology and worldview, especially with regards to the way he sees his family in Kenya and black-white race relations," said WeSearchr's Chuck Johnson, adding, "How much of a black nationalist do you think Obama is? What do you think he thinks of white people?"

Obama's remarks in the video will provide further ammunition for his critics, who claim that the president has used the office to stoke racial division, especially given his sympathies towards ‘Black Lives Matter’, a group whose ideological inspiration is a convicted cop killer on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ list.

midnight rambler
4th October 2016, 10:41 AM
At least he's been consistent, huh?

What I find fascinating is that his 'fiance' Mooshelle accompanied Barry to his ancestral lands. The video stated Barry was 27 at the time, which would date that trip from August 4, '88 to August 4, '89. Reportedly Mooshell and Barry didn't meet until Barry was a summer intern at the law firm in '89. This would mean that Mooshell and Barry had only known each other for about two months or less before traveling to Kenya together. Mooshell shows the very same angry demeanor in the video (12:04) that he/she's always shown.

4th October 2016, 12:51 PM
A total nobody who did not overcome any major life challenges, dodge bullets in a war, or commit any act of heroism. His entire life was bought and paid for by whites. He was raised by whites as his drunk father was too busy inseminating white women and his mother was too liberated to bother with him. His education was provided and paid for by whites. His ascension as a politician is built entirely on white guilt and the magic negro phenomenon. So this guy is a noboby who has accomplished nothing substantial on his own and been carried his entire life by whites. Is he humble and grateful to those [whites] that selflessly helped him? No. He is angry and resents them. Why? Because at its core he is angry that he is black and hates his own identity. Because he is deeply racist and hates whites for their civilization and their progress which has proceeded far beyond anything out of black Africa. Obama, the chosen one, who would balance the force and end racial strife, not! He is a petty selfish entitled small minded man whose only accomplishment is learning how to speak as an educated white man. But he hates that he will always be black because he knows that in the circles of power whites rule. As Bill Clinton said when Obama was running for the democrat nomination in 2012: "A few years ago he'd be serving us our coffee." He's a post turtle.

An old rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a "post turtle". The young man doesn't understand and asks him what a post turtle is.

The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; You wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."

4th October 2016, 02:10 PM

Dumb nigger "Volkswagen Mechanics" fiddling on a dirt lot with a White Man's wrench is not a repair garage.

Obama's family literally living in a mud hut.

:rolleyes: Kenya = still stupid lazy niggers in 2016

midnight rambler
4th October 2016, 02:21 PM
Wondering exactly who financed the 'summer intern's' trip to Kenya with fiance Mooshell...Thomas and Mary Ayers?? ???

4th October 2016, 05:49 PM

If you want to know why Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama Soetoro is the "President of the United States," and not some other Nigger, research the fact his family (mother, and maternal grandfather) were CIA operatives.

Obama was literally groomed for his position. His is a mediocre mind; he is not special in intellect or skill. He was put where he is. And he, personally, was selected, because he was engineered for the job.

He fulfills many of the aims of "The Protocols," especially as pertains to placing the Nigger in a superior position over the White Goyim.

The very concept of a "White power structure privilege" is an absurdity after Obama...Holder/Lynch, and Johnson.

4th October 2016, 08:48 PM

If you want to know why Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama Soetoro is the "President of the United States," and not some other Nigger, research the fact his family (mother, and maternal grandfather) were CIA operatives.

Obama was literally groomed for his position. His is a mediocre mind; he is not special in intellectual or skill. He was put where he is. And he, personally, was selected, because he was engineered for the job.

He fulfills many of the aims of "The Protocols," especially as pertains to placing the Nigger in a superior position over the White Goyim.

The very concept of a "White power structure privilege" is an absurdity after Obama...Holder/Lynch, and Johnson.

alleged father was spook too, no?

i remember reading complimentary nyc media control room spew about him years before anybody knew who/what it was. the first jewish president was years in the making

4th October 2016, 10:28 PM
alleged father was spook too, no?

Yes, but I haven't looked into the "rumors."

5th October 2016, 08:00 AM
I fart in your general direction Barry!
