View Full Version : white privilege card??

7th trump
5th October 2016, 06:26 PM


6th October 2016, 09:11 AM
Funny, here's an avatar picture to match your sig


7th trump
6th October 2016, 11:28 AM
Funny, here's an avatar picture to match your sig


Thats nice of you.

I'll be sure and place the same rubber nose on you when you find out you've been dupped by Lucifer.....Mr. rapture!

Are you black, hispanic or something to cause you to reply as you did unprovoked?
Are you white and hate your own race?
Or believe the stupidity of whats going on in the black community?

6th October 2016, 11:55 AM
Funny, here's an avatar picture to match your sig


That really was funny...


6th October 2016, 12:10 PM
BTW 7th trump, have you been traveling around the country?

Reports of clowns haunting more than ten states have people on edge. And, the reports keep coming.

Recently, a Philadelphia school district reported that police were investigating threats made by creepy clowns on social media. Likewise, the Spring Independent School District in Texas issued a security statement overnight due to new clown threat hoaxes made online.
Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio, closed on Friday because a woman reported being attacked by a male dressed as a clown (http://cin.ci/2cY5eaP). Another woman, who reported being attacked by a clown early Saturday, was later arrested after police confirmed that she lied about being attacked by a knife-wielding person dressed as a (http://cin.ci/2dmfwor)clown.
The phenomenon has even managed to get the attention of the White House, where Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about the recent rash of creepy clown arrests on Tuesday.



6th October 2016, 12:13 PM
BTW 7th trump, have you been traveling around the country?



Why are there no reports of people blowing these clowns away?

6th October 2016, 02:59 PM
My privilege is a certainty. I don't need a card.

6th October 2016, 03:43 PM
My White Privilege is displayed in IQ and human appearance.